Facebook Essays (Examples)

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While Facebook attempted to address some of these issues by ensuring that the user was able to adjust his privacy settings in order to restrict third party access if that was necessary, the company continues to have privacy issues even nowadays. With the continuous development of Facebook applications, these have become increasingly vulnerable and more difficult to control when it comes to the information that third parties are able to obtain about a certain user ID and individual (Steel, 2010).
It remains clear that privacy continues to remain an issue with the business model at Facebook, most importantly because sharing information on the users and allowing companies to use these in their marketing and advertising campaigns is such an intrinsic element in the business model that Facebook is working on. With that in mind, the challenge for Facebook is to address the privacy issues that potentially arise while remaining both….

Facebook In Mass Communication
Mass communication can be described as a process a message is created and transmitted by an individual, group of persons, or an organization. This usually involves the use of some medium and the message is spread to a large, anonymous, heterogeneous audience (Pearce, 2009). Mass communication has undergone a lot of evolution from the prehistoric forms of art and writing to the current methods of communication such as the internet. The term mass communication became relevant when messages could be transmitted from a single source to multiple receivers. The study of mass communication is therefore viewed as an application of diverse media options such as television, radio, advertising, and social media among others.

The growth of social network sites has been very significant for the last two decades and over thirty major sites being launched since 1997. In the midst of all these developments came the now popular….

Facebook is an advertising company built on a social media platform. How Facebook works is that it attracts a large audience (over 1 billion) of users, and the users are entering personal information about themselves and their friends into the site. The site collects all of this data, and the data is then used to target advertisers. So Facebook knows a lot about a person -- where they are, what things they like, and what demographic they are. The company sells advertisements based on this information. The key resource for Facebook is the data, which allows for such refined targeting of the ads, but of course the data is only acquired by the fact that Facebook has a platform that proved attractive to users in the first place. At this point, the company's size and installed user base is a key manifestation of that asset -- people are on Facebook….

It has more than 3,200 new applications on its site. The strategy is to organize literally everything on the Internet. Applications enhance Facebook as a social hub, but also as professional hub serving recruiters, manager and colleagues seeking to hire and promote job candidates. It also tracks consumer tastes to help vendors better target their products and services.
A c-have these campaigns been successful or unsuccessful?

Facebook's campaigns are very successful. Total registrations in 2007 quadrupled over those in 2006 (Vogelstein, 2007). In June 2007, 11.5 million of Facebook visitors were 35 or older, more than double the number a year before (Ricadela, 2007). Also, according to Ricadela, this age group now accounts for more than 41% of all Facebook visitors.

A d-advertising of the competition

On the social network front, MySpace is Facebook's main competitor while LinkedIn is Facebook's major professional network competitor (Ricadela, 2007). Like Facebook, these sites have relied mostly….

Facebook Going Public

Facebook's IPO

Facebook, the world's leading social networking site, has recently filed to raise capital by launching an initial public offering (IPO). During this process the company will sell equity shares in the form of stocks to interested investors. There has been much hype about Facebook's IPO and it has been a long awaited event. Facebook has had an interesting history and the company's CEO has publicly stated his intentions "not to hurry" the IPO on many occasions. One reason that Facebook has not been in a hurry to find additional capital is because the company has been rather well capitalized throughout most of its existence. However, the circumstances have change and Facebook has finally decided to utilize the IPO to raise additional capital and make the company a public traded corporation.

In the world of finance, capital structure is used to describe the manner in which a corporation finances its….

Facebook IPO Growth

collegiate social network that provided friends the opportunity to stay in touch with each other as they moved on with their academic careers to a social network-based business model generating billions of dollars in revenue, Facebook has gone through many transformations as a business. The intent of this analysis is to evaluate the progression of Facebook on the most critical key dimensions of its performance as measured by financial metrics. Facebook's innate design structure enables it to be personalized for specific user's tastes, as the ergonomics and user experience enable this design objective (Kane, et.al.). Predicated on the ability to create highly personalized user experiences and align many of the world's most powerful brands with potential customers via their platform, Facebook is today a formidable force in online advertising (Smith, 357). The IPO provided the necessary funds to allow for Facebook to grow these core aspects of their infrastructure,….

Mergers and Acquisition
Mergers And Acquistion

Mergers and acquisition are aspects that managers of various companies use in order to grow rapidly or increase their market share in a given industry. It is often characterized by dividing, buying, selling, and combining similar entities and different companies that can exist as joint enterprises. The main aim of mergers and acquisitions is to restructure organizations with the purpose of providing positive value and growth (DePamphilis, 2012). This study endeavors to examine the circumstances that resulted in the acquisition of WhatsApp by Facebook. Facebook is a publicly traded company whose shares began trading in the NYSE since last year. Various advantages and disadvantages often accompany the process of merging and acquisition as seen from this example. This report will also identify the organizational structure that has resulted from the acquisition and the possible changes in the companies' human resource practices.

Mergers are differentiated from acquisition partly….

Facebook Engagement Plan

This 30% should be the focus of NTN to build engagement and loyal following. The social media team focus should be on attracting this specific niche group and growing them into loyal followers through increased engagement. NTN's plan is to increase engagement by two percent each week. This proposal aims to double that plan.
The existing social media team can implement the proposal. The idea is easily tested. Most social media initiatives are easy to undo, so the basic is working with trial and error. Changes would need to be made live and strategies that fail could be undone. A free premium model, where a few videos would be available as a teaser, before registration, is forced. The key is using a technology partner for signups. Quartz is a promising candidate with a great system and low cost, but openness is important for backtracking should the policy change.

The number of….

Facebook Data Breach

The Facebook data scandal of 2018 was less a traditional “breach” than the harvesting of data by third parties looking to monetize and use Big Data by collecting information on Facebook users.  The true “breach” that did occur however was a breach of trust among Facebook users, who believed their personal information was safer and more private than it actually was.  At the center of the scandal was a company called Cambridge Analytica, which was accused of inappropriately harvesting the data of Facebook users through an app which supplied them with users’ profile information (Vengattil, 2018).  But in reality data leaks had occurred routinely with Facebook going back years (Rash, 2018).  This paper will discuss the current and past situations regarding Facebook’s user data issues and show what steps the company is currently taking to resolve these issues.

The Issue

The 2016 presidential race in the U.S. was one fraught with tension….

Facebook and Whatsapp

Internet research a publicly traded company United States undergone a merger acquisition (3) years. Take note circumstances surrounding merger acquisition. Write a (4-6) page paper: 1. Examine circumstances resulted merger acquisition selected company.
In February 2014, Facebook announced the conclusion of a deal to purchase leading messaging service WhatsApp, in a deal worth $19 billion, with $4 billion in cash (CNC, 2014). The deal is considered one of the biggest in the IT industry, rivaling the acquisition of Compaq by HP, for example. It is also Facebook's biggest acquisition to date. Given the price of the acquisition and the fact that the acquired company is relatively new (it has been operational for about 5 years) and employs only around 50 people (Panzarino, 2013), questions about the motivation behind the deal are obvious.

There are several reasons that motivated the acquisition. First, as Hartung (2014) pointed out, success on the market is….

Stock Underpricing and Market Efficiency Underpricing can and does occur for numerous reasons. It can act as a type of insurance on the part of the underwriter, as when a stock is overpriced at its IPO, legal suits may follow: investors who end up holding heavily overpriced issues may well have an incentive to sue the underwriter and/or the company directors for publishing misleading or incomplete information in the prospectus (Saudners, 1990, p. 7). There is also the theory that underpricing is a way to compete in the IPO market, where “some investors are viewed as informed while a larger group is viewed as uninformed” (Saunders, 1990, p. 7). Other explanations include uncertainty about liquidity and/or demand: underpricing is a way to hedge against this uncertainty—i.e., better to be safe (and leave a little money on the table) than sorry (and overprice). This paper will examine the uses of underpicing, its….

Kaplan and Norton (1993) introduced the balanced scorecard as an implement for management that enables the effective execution of strategies prompted by an organization. The Balanced Scorecard supports the employment and management of all company activities in harmony with their strategic inference. This is done by connecting organizational activities that are non-financial and functioning with fundamental chains to the organization's long-term strategy. The balanced scorecard's four perspectives include: the financial perspective, customer perspective, internal process perspective and learning and growth perspective. The foundation of the different perspectives of the balance scorecard is with regard to the vision, mission and strategic objectives of an organization. In the case of Facebook, the strategic objectives include: brand management, consumer satisfaction, financial prosperity, growth, and innovation.

Facebook, whose main business operation is social media marketing, has to consider the different aspects between financial outcomes and social media growths. By making use of a social media….

Facebook Marketing Plan for a eal Estate Firm in Atlanta
The online marketing or digital marketing strategy is a front that can no longer be ignored for any business to effectively growing the contemporary global environment. More and more people have less time to receive calls or walk to the areas where the physical property is located, hence can only be accessed or reached through their social media. This inaccessibility is compounded further by the fact that there are literally millions of websites hence competition for attention is at an all time high.

Facebook is the best avenue to use in accessing and directing potential clients to the firm's website where they will get the detailed content of what the firm deals in and the possibility of buying some of the many properties across Atlanta.

The facebook page will be set up as an avenue to enable the firm in Building relationships with….

Facebook Case
In this case, Shaw is torn between two candidates for a leadership position in her firm. One is Parsons, an outgoing male who is active in his community with non-profits and who has strong leadership skills. The other is Jones, who is a female and equally qualified for the job. Shaw is leaning towards Parsons because of his leadership qualities, but she searches the two candidates on Google, she discovers some unsettling photos of Parsons on Facebook -- photos of him with his Fraternity friends, drinking and smoking "blunts." Jones has no Facebook presence -- and Google searches reveal only work-related information. In other words, Jones has a clean "Internet" presence, whereas Parsons' social media activity has "sullied" his reputation to some extent by revealing him to be a "partier." Now Shaw must decide whether Parsons' "extracurricular" activities are enough to change her opinion of him and compel her….

The web camera interactions also reflect a minimal degree of actuality. The individuals meetings after virtual interactions are highly likely to experience a difference in the personal and communicative nature. The habits, preferences, and human likings are also absent in case of virtual interactions. It is also noted that after interacting with each other in virtual environment human beings are also likely to be exposed to a low level of self-expression. The human beings also have a tendency to exaggerate or underestimate certain emotional and nonverbal elements of communications. These elements are regarded as high value components of any human interactions.

Backlash within the household:

According to osin, Hanna the dominate nature of men in human relationships and marriages is replaced by women in coming years. The research also observes that the mature relationships including marriage will no more be dominated by men and the role of social media is significant in….

Harvard Business Review has some of the best in-depth reviews of individual companies and may offer you some of the information that you seek about an individual Fortune 500 company’s culture.  You could start by looking at individual aspects of what is considered part of successful corporate culture and then look for articles or essays about those different facets of corporate culture, which could be a spring-board for an in-depth analysis.

If we were looking at a Fortune 500 company and wanted to find a source of an in-depth look at its corporate culture, we would search for....

1. The Evolution of Traditional and New Media: A Comparative Analysis

2. The Impact of Digital Technology on Traditional Media

3. The Role of Social Media in Modern Journalism

4. Traditional Media vs. New Media: Bridging the Generation Gap

5. The Changing Landscape of Mass Communication: From Newspapers to Facebook

6. Adapting to the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for Traditional Media

7. The Influence of New Media on Political Discourse and Public Opinion

8. Exploring the Power of Visual Storytelling in Traditional and New Media

9. The Convergence of Traditional and New Media: Prospects and Challenges

10. The Future of Media Consumption: Trends in Traditional and New Media....

1. The impact of COVID-19 on mental health: exploring the rise in anxiety and depression during the pandemic
2. The role of technology in managing the spread of the coronavirus: analyzing contact tracing apps and virtual healthcare
3. The social and economic disparities exposed by the pandemic: how COVID-19 disproportionately affects marginalized communities
4. The future of work post-COVID: examining the shift to remote work and its long-term implications on the economy
5. The ethical dilemmas of vaccine distribution: discussing the global challenge of equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines
6. The psychological effects of isolation and loneliness during lockdown: understanding the mental health toll of....

The Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behavior:

This topic explores the transformative effect of social media on consumer decision-making. Analyze how platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok shape consumer preferences, influence brand loyalty, and drive purchasing patterns. Examine the role of influencers, algorithms, and target marketing in shaping consumer behavior and discuss the implications for businesses and marketers.

Behavioral Economics in Healthcare:

Behavioral economics integrates psychological principles into economic analysis. In healthcare, this approach can provide valuable insights into patient decision-making, adherence to treatment, and demand for healthcare services. Discuss how behavioral economics can be applied to improve healthcare outcomes, design effective....

7 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Facebook vs Competitors Arguably Facebook

Words: 1954
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

While Facebook attempted to address some of these issues by ensuring that the user was able to adjust his privacy settings in order to restrict third party access…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Facebook in Mass Communication Mass Communication Can

Words: 1189
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Facebook In Mass Communication Mass communication can be described as a process a message is created and transmitted by an individual, group of persons, or an organization. This usually involves…

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8 Pages


Facebook Is an Advertising Company Built on

Words: 2716
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Facebook is an advertising company built on a social media platform. How Facebook works is that it attracts a large audience (over 1 billion) of users, and the users…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Facebook Brand Advertisement from College to Professional Networking

Words: 582
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It has more than 3,200 new applications on its site. The strategy is to organize literally everything on the Internet. Applications enhance Facebook as a social hub, but…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Facebook Going Public

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

IPO Facebook's IPO Facebook, the world's leading social networking site, has recently filed to raise capital by launching an initial public offering (IPO). During this process the company will sell…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Facebook IPO Growth

Words: 601
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

collegiate social network that provided friends the opportunity to stay in touch with each other as they moved on with their academic careers to a social network-based business…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Facebook's Acquisition of Whatsapp

Words: 1358
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mergers and Acquisition Mergers And Acquistion Mergers and acquisition are aspects that managers of various companies use in order to grow rapidly or increase their market share in a given industry.…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Education - Computers

Facebook Engagement Plan

Words: 885
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This 30% should be the focus of NTN to build engagement and loyal following. The social media team focus should be on attracting this specific niche group and…

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8 Pages

Facebook Data Breach

Words: 2197
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Introduction The Facebook data scandal of 2018 was less a traditional “breach” than the harvesting of data by third parties looking to monetize and use Big Data by collecting information…

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4 Pages

Education - Computers

Facebook and Whatsapp

Words: 1248
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Internet research a publicly traded company United States undergone a merger acquisition (3) years. Take note circumstances surrounding merger acquisition. Write a (4-6) page paper: 1. Examine circumstances…

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3 Pages


Facebooks IPO and Underpricing

Words: 983
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Stock Underpricing and Market Efficiency Underpricing can and does occur for numerous reasons. It can act as a type of insurance on the part of the underwriter, as when a…

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14 Pages

Urban Studies

Analyzing Social Media and Facebook

Words: 4182
Length: 14 Pages

Facebook Kaplan and Norton (1993) introduced the balanced scorecard as an implement for management that enables the effective execution of strategies prompted by an organization. The Balanced Scorecard supports the…

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2 Pages
Marketing Plan

Urban Studies

Using Facebook for Marketing Real Estate

Words: 667
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Marketing Plan

Facebook Marketing Plan for a eal Estate Firm in Atlanta The online marketing or digital marketing strategy is a front that can no longer be ignored for any business to…

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6 Pages
Case Study

Human Resources

To Facebook or Not to Facebook Lessons From Applying for a Job

Words: 1927
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

Facebook Case In this case, Shaw is torn between two candidates for a leadership position in her firm. One is Parsons, an outgoing male who is active in his community…

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15 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Divorce Facebook and Divorce Issue

Words: 4765
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The web camera interactions also reflect a minimal degree of actuality. The individuals meetings after virtual interactions are highly likely to experience a difference in the personal and communicative…

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