Family Assessment Essays (Examples)

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Family Assessment
Pages: 1 Words: 351

Family Assessment and Nursing
Professional nursing practice supports the need to conduct family assessment endeavors for pediatrics to geriatrics. Family assessments, regardless of the specificity of an individual's development, is a viable clinical tool to guide the nurse in the process of identifying the strengths and needs of the individual to whom care is extended. The remainder of this written assignment will focus on two separate situations wherein family assessment is invaluable. The first article (Bower, et al., 2002) speaks of Alzheimer's disease and the second article (Cuenco, et al. 2004) relates to the importance of cultural diversity and family assessment

ith Alzheimer's disease the family is an extremely pivotal link to all levels of diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis as well as in determining a care approach. The authors clearly point out the necessity interviewing family members with respect to the patient's past and current personality. The importance to this writer is…...


Works Cited

Bower, Fay L. et al. "Synthesis of research findings regarding Alzheimer's disease: Part I, assessment and diagnosis. The Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis for Nursing, Vol. 9, 2002.

Cuenco, Karen T. et al. "Assessment of families for excess risk of lymph edema of the leg in a lymphatic filariasis-endemic area." The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 70(2), 2004.

Family Assessment for Nursing
Pages: 20 Words: 5904

Family Assessment
Description of Family / Genogram

Profile of Family

The 'T' family has been chosen for the completion of this assignment. Mr. T is the 95-year-old patriarch. His wife and mother of their two children is Mrs. T, 92 years of age. Their children are Wilma and Leon; ages 60 and 62 respectively. Theirs is a nuclear family. Both husband and wife are quick to affirm their lives are full of joy and fulfillment at having a family and raising two healthy kids.

Diagnosis of the Family

Developmental Stages and Tasks

I made the acquaintance of Mrs. T approximately four years ago when we worked side-by-side as customer service representatives; and remained work colleagues for the ensuing three years. Today we are fast friends although I have returned to school to pursue a degree in nursing. I enlisted her aid in a nursing theory project recently; her response was enthusiastic. The assignment was to be…...

Family Assessment Interviewing the Selected Family Was
Pages: 4 Words: 1410

Family Assessment
Interviewing the selected family was able to illuminate their specific views on health in general along with their particular views on all the specific factors and tenets of health. Just as every family is different, this certain level of differentness can manifest through distinct perspectives on health and various manifestation of health behavior. I interviewed the Gomez family; the parents of the family both came to America when they were under the age of ten. Their three children were born here. Thus, there is a certain amount of push and pull in the family with traditional Mexican values and more modern and Western American values, when it comes to health (Peterson, 2013).

When it comes to their values and their perception of health these aspects tend to be more over-simplified. The entire family just views health as the absence of disease: this is problematic because the entire family appears to…...



Cox, A. (2013). The Healing Heart for Families: Storytelling to Encourage Caring and Healthy. New York: New Society Publishers.

Hendel, A. (2013). The 4 Habits of Healthy Families: Everything Your Family Needs. Cologne: BenBella Books.

Peterson, G. (2000). Making Healthy Families. New York: Shadow and Light Publications. (2013). Nursing Diagnoses. Retrieved from

Family Assessment
Pages: 3 Words: 1039

Family Assessment
Oral Case Presentation/Family Assessment

Identifying Information and Presenting Issues

The family presents as a mother, her 4-year-old daughter and the mother's partner. The mother is Liz ochaleau who was recently divorced and moved into a new situation with her daughter Jackie. Liz's partners name is Katie. The couple has only been living together for a short period of time, and during that interval Katie has been having issues at daycare. She seems tired, withdrawn and sometimes he clothing is unkempt.

Pre-engagement Process

ead the entire case file, look into research on similar cases, find out all of the people who could possibly shed some light on the case, and make sure and understand all of the regulations and ethical entanglements that could be involved.


The family needs to be approached carefully for two reasons. First Liz is a recently divorced mother who may not react well to having her parenting skills questioned. She…...



Cherry, K. (2008). Erikson's psychosocial stages summary chart. Retrieved from 

Good Therapy. (2011). Blended family issues. Retrieved from 

Morgaine, C. (2001). Family systems theory. Retrieved from

Family Assessment on the Calhoun
Pages: 4 Words: 1079

They provide the funds to pay for the extras Noah and Allie enjoy while at the home and they write them letters and send them cards weekly. Noah reports that his adult children do an "excellent" job of watching out for "old mom and dad" and he jokes that he did it right by raising them to know it would be their job to do so.
The nursing home director also reported that Noah's adult children regularly come and get him to take a day out of the home. Sometimes they go to a park, often they go out to eat and sometimes he stays overnight with his adult children and is returned in the morning. At one point they report, Allie was also accompanying them on the day outings but in the past few months as her disease progressed it became unsafe for her to go out without professional…...

Family Assessment and Intervention CFAM and CFIM
Pages: 10 Words: 3853

Patient's Diagnosis & Interventions Using CFAM / CFIM Approach
Patient's Diagnosis & Interventions USING CFAM/CFIM Approach

Patient's Diagnosis & Interventions

CFAM / CFIM Approach

The Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM)

Family Structure

Family's Development

Functional Dimensions

Strengths of the Family

Weaknesses of the Family

Calgary Family Interventions Model (CFIM)

Diagnosis, Goals & Interventions

a) Diagnosis

b) Goals

c) Interventions


ECO-MAP Diagram

With the advent of new research in nursing, nursing practices are becoming more sophisticated and extensive. From mere patient care, nursing practice has moved onto complete patient care which involves eliminating elements other than illness, causing distress to the patient. Where prior nursing practices emphasized on treating the medical reasons causing the illness, the new model focuses on providing a living environment to the patient who is conducive for him / her. The given research paper is based on the evaluation of a patient by using CFAM / CFIM model presented by Lorraine M. Wright and Maureen Leahey. The given model allows nurses to analyze…...



About Ecomaps. Retrieved from

Bomar, P.J. (2004), Promoting health in families: applying family research and theory to nursing practice, Elsevier Health Sciences.

Weber, J.R. & Kelly, J. (2009), Health assessment in nursing, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Wright, L.M., & Leahey, M. (2005). Nurses and families: A guide to family assessment and intervention (4th ed.). Philadelphia F.A. Davis.

Family Assessment Based on CA Gary Assessment Model
Pages: 4 Words: 1468

Family chosen for this particular assessment was a large family that seemed likely to provide plenty of interesting anomalies and peculiarities. The structural assessment of the family includes three aspects; 1) internal, 2) external, and 3) context. The internal aspect is composed of who is in the family and how they are connected. This family has two parents; a man and a woman (although the father recently passed away). The family is composed of 12 children, eight boys and four girls. The mother is 70 years of age, and the children range in age from 30 -- 54 years old. The children are all married (or have been) and all have produced offspring as well. Additionally, a number of the offspring have attained an age(s) that allows them the capability of reproducing, subsequently there are a number great-grandchildren as well (with additional buns in the oven as the term so…...



Erickson, S.A.; (2010) The wrong of rights: The moral authority of the family, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol. 35, Issue 5, pp. 600 -- 616

Wade, T.J.; Veldhuizen, S.; Cairney, J.; (2011) Prevalence of psychiatric disorder in lone fathers and mothers: Examining the intersection of gender and family structure on mental health, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 56, Issue 9, pp. 567-573

es. Nursing Research, 57(4), 283 -- 292.

Family Assessment
Pages: 8 Words: 2530

American Family
In today's high tech digital virtual world understanding the family matrix has never been more difficult. On a daily basis family units are continually bombarded by stimuli that can and do affect their educational, moral, and cultural development goals. Gone are the days when children simply learned the three "s," did chores at home, obeyed their parents unquestioningly, and did a few minutes of homework. Gone are the days when only the father worked and the mother stayed home to look after the children. Gone are the days when drug usage was not rampant, divorce prevalent, and saving for a rainy day a myth.

Individuality is today's mark of the family unit. Diversity within the family is expressed by those traits that cannot be changed (original gender, race, age) as well as those traits that are acquired and learned through an environmental setting (Tatum, 1997). Although powerful, the secondary…...



Benson, Peter. (1996). 40 Developmental Assets. Search Institute.

Cooley, Charles Horton (1902). Human Nature and the Social

Order. New York: Scribner's, pp. 179-185.

Moen, Phyllis and Yan Yu (2000). "Effective work/life strategies: working couples, work conditions, gender and life quality." Social Problems. 47(3): 291-326.

Clinical Family Assessment the Family at Focus
Pages: 4 Words: 1319

Clinical Family Assessment
The family at focus in this clinical family assessment is known as T..H. who is the center of assessment. T..H. has been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Both T..H. And her family are worried about the situation. The mother is undergoing chemotherapy and the teenaged children are fearful and in need of educational information about the situation. The husband is supportive of his wife and family and is holding everything together well. The family addressed in this study is comprised of a mother, father and two children. The Healthy People 2020 has four primary goals including the attainment of lives that are of high-quality and characterized by being free of disease, disability, injury and premature death that is preventable; achievement of health equity, elimination of disparities and improvement of the health of all groups; creation of social and physical environments that promote good health for everyone; and promotion…...



Cara, C. (nd) A Pragmatic View of Jean Watson's Caring Theory. Retrieved from: 

Duquette, A., & Cara, C. (2000). Le caring et la sante de l'infirmiere. L'infirmiere Canadienne, 1(2), 10-11 in: Cara, C. (nd) A Pragmatic View of Jean Watson's Caring Theory. Retrieved from:

Family Assessment
Pages: 2 Words: 831

Barnett family, being assessed, consists of three members who are currently living at 272 Cloverbotton Drive, a three-bedroom house, located in a rural upper middle class neighborhood in Kingsport Tennessee. Faye Barnett is a 66-year-old Caucasian female who has retired from her work as a secretary for Sprint. Bud Barnett is a 70-year-old Caucasian male retired from Tennessee Eastmen where he worked as a machine operator. Mark Cody is the 19-year-old Grandson who is hydrocephalic. Mentally, physically, and visually handicapped he is the mental age of approximately 18 months and requires constant care.
Bud and Faye follow an 1800-calorie diabetic diet, as Bud is a Type II diabetic while Faye suffers from hypoglycemia. They both follow a strict diet although Bud does occasionally treat himself to some sweets. The fats and simple carbohydrates in their diets are restricted and they enjoy fresh vegetables in season and preserve them for winter…...

Family Assessment the Assessment of My Family
Pages: 4 Words: 1290

Family Assessment
The assessment of my family is presented here for the academic purposes. The family comprises of six members that are working at different positions and live in personal home. Each member of family is educated. Based on questionnaire filled by all the family members, the summary is composed that will give an insight about the health of family.

Summary of each functional health pattern for family

The health perception-health function of the family suggests that it has an average health status. The health is not poor and the members are less vulnerable to severe health issues like diabetes and allergies yet there is a mild risk of getting cold and fever since there is low temperature at night and cool breezes during the morning. The family is suggested to have regular checkups and to take vitamins. Nutritional Metabolic Pattern of family shows that it has a healthy diet plan that is…...



Doyer, B.M. And Radovich, N.H., (1990), "Functional health patterns: the postanesthesia care

Unit's approach to identification," Journal of Post Anesthesia Nursing, 5(3):157-62.

Vincenz, M.C., and Siskind, M.M., (1994), "Functional health patterns: a curricular course

Model for adult acute care," Nursing Diagnosis, 5(2):82-7

Family Assessment and Family
Pages: 7 Words: 1589

Genogram Project
The author of this report has been charged with doing a family assessment project. The largest part of this report shall be the genogram and ecogram. The personal version of these two diagrams as authored and put together by the author of this report are shown in the appendix. There will be some additional supporting and complementary information as well. This will include the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) and the Calgary Family Intervention Model. Both of those models will be discussed and reviewed in this report. Also worthy of mention will be the stages of the family life cycle. The rest of the report will be important information about the family members identified in the genogram. This information will include three generations of information, each family member being identified, the family relationship involved, the current age of the person (or age at death), the martial/relationship status of the…...



Konradsdottir, E. & Svavarsdottir, E. (2011). How effective is a short-term educational and support intervention for families of an adolescent with type 1 diabetes?. Journal For Specialists In Pediatric Nursing, 16(4), 295-304. 

Sveinbjarnardottir, E., Svavarsdottir, E., & Wright, L. (2013). What are the benefits of a short therapeutic conversation intervention with acute psychiatric patients and their families? A controlled before and after study. International Journal Of Nursing Studies, 50(5), 593-602. 

West, C., Bell, J., Woodgate, R., & Moules, N. (2015). Waiting to Return to Normal: An Exploration of Family Systems Intervention in Childhood Cancer. Journal Of Family Nursing, 21(2), 261-294. 

Wright, L. & Leahey, M. (2012). Nurses and families.

Family Case Study Presenting Problem
Pages: 14 Words: 4052

Expressive functioning is related to communication such as emotional, verbal, and nonverbal communication, problem solving and roles within the family. Beliefs within the family are also a part of expressive functioning.
For the purpose of the Calgary Family Assessment Model, a family is defined as who they say they are. It is very important that the clinician performing the assessment not assign their own beliefs upon what he or she believes a family is, and take into account what the patient feels about family as to the patient is may mean not only the people who actually live within the household but can also address past, present and future emotional attachments.

Calgary Family Intervention Model:

The immediate family is composed of Mr. Herbert Schelley (the patient), Mrs. Annette Schelley (his wife), and their son Thomas Schelley. The extended family consists of the Schelley's two married daughters, their husbands and their children (the…...



Brownwald H. ed. (2003) Harrison's Textbook of Internal Medicine, 15th edition,

McGraw-Hill, New York

Clement S. (2004) Guidelines for glycemic control. Clin Cornerstone. 6(2):31-9

Echeverry D.M., Dike M.R., Washington C., Davidson M.B.. (1995). The impact of using a low-literacy patient education tool on process measures of diabetes care in a minority population J. Natl Med Assoc. (11):1074-81

Family by Applying Theories Concepts and Knowledge
Pages: 7 Words: 2233

family by applying theories, concepts and knowledge. Through the study of the theories and concepts, the study will look at how families communicate, behave, operate and will also highlight common problems facing the family and especially tackling the health issue and how social systems affect provision of health care, and will illuminate this through an in-depth study of how it applies or affect the family unit. The study will discuss diversity issues in relation to the social system.
Family life is being scrutinized, and a new definition of a family is emerging every day, but in simple terms a family is a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household, caring and supporting each other. According to Merriam-ebster Dictionary; a family is a fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children.

The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of…...


Works Cited

Boss P. Doherty W. LaRossa R. (2008). Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methods: A contextual Approach, New York: Springer

Crawford, (1999), Bilingual Education: History Politics, Theory and Practice, 23 July 2011,

LaRossa & Reitzes. (1993). Family Theory, Washington D.C: Chapman Publishers

McGoldrick M, Gerson R. & Shellenberger S. (1985). Genograms in Family Assessment. W.W. Norton: North America

Family Wellness Diagnosis Nursing I Opted to
Pages: 5 Words: 2163

Family Wellness Diagnosis, Nursing
I opted to interview a family of two parents (married heterosexuals) who have two children. Both children are in their late teens. Both parents work. She is a freelance writer and he is a sales clerk at a retail home goods store. Both are in their late forties. He is about 5'11; she is 5'6." Their heights and weights appear appropriate though he claims that at 180 he feels a little overweight. She is about 140. She is originally from Guatemala and he is from the mid-west of the U.S. The children are both boys. Bruce, age 19, is away at college. The other, Erick, graduated from high school last year and has been working at a local golf course while waiting to decide what he wants to study at a community college. I spoke with Bruce over the telephone for about 15 minutes. He confirmed that…...



Care Plan (no date). Assessment Using Functional Health Patterns. Downloadable from .

Doenges, M. And Moorhouse, M.F. (2003). Application of Nursing Process and Nursing Diagnosis: An Interactive Text for Diagnostic Reasoning. F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, PA.

Life Nurses (2009). Nursing Assessment. Viewable at

Family-focused Functional Health Pattern Questions:

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