Family Issues Essays (Examples)

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ather than further punishment, Cody needs to learn to trust people again. Cody need positive encouragement with consequences only reserved for the worst offenses. Programs that focus on punishment will further add to the pattern of distrust that has already developed.
Cody could benefit from family counseling with his mother. Individual counseling should focus on building self-esteem and learning to control impulsive behavior. His mother could benefit from parenting classes, where she could learn to provide effective reward and punishment. She needs to become aware of how past her past selection of partners and the instability that exists in her home has created the behaviors being displayed by Cody. She needs to understand the underlying cause for Cody's behavior and needs assistance developing a method for managing it more effectively.

Cody's father encourages behaviors that provide Cody the means to commit more violent crimes in the future. Cody's father often teaches….

Although the advances in law have progressed greatly over the past two hundred years that is still progression that can and needs to be implemented to first establish and then maintain equality within the legal system that deals with domestic disputes in the form of divorce and child custody issues.

MAN and WIFE in AMERICA: A HISTORY. y Hendrik Hartog.([dagger]) Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2000. 408 pp.

Norma asch, Framing American Divorce: From the Revolutionary Generation to the Victorians, erkeley: University of California Press, 1999. Pp. xii + 237. (ISN 0-520-21490-0) [Online] at

The Divorce Law (nd) an Entertaining Chapter of North Dakota History. [Online] at

The Divorce Reform Page (nd) located [Online] at

Allen M. Parkman, "Reforming Divorce Reform," 41 Santa Clara Law Review 379 (2001)

Man and Wife in America: A History Review) Stanford Law Review; 7/1/2001; Grossman, Joanna L.

Grossman (2001)

Siegel (1994)

Grossman (2001)

The Readers Companion to American History: Divorce [Online]….

Specifically, even as adults, we tend to maintain more formal communications with my father and to disclose personal issues and concerns primarily with my mother, and not uncommonly, in confidence with respect to my father. In the long run, it seems that the natural evolution of communication patterns during our childhood have resulted in much closer relationships with our mother than with our father.


My family illustrates the manner in which individuals with groups fulfill fundamental roles in the realm of ensuring the cohesiveness of the group and long-term maintenance of established group goals. My father has always been the group's primary leader and determinant of essential group values and goals. My mother has always functioned in a dual role of co-leader and mediator of conflict resolution, especially between other group members and my father. In the long-term, those dynamics and the communication patterns that evolved to facilitate them persist to….

UAW and Ford in Work and Family Issues
History of the UAW

How Collective argaining Has Improved Employee Conditions

Efforts to Improve Work and Family Issues at Ford

Efforts of the UAW and Ford in Work and Family Issues

This paper discusses the history of the UAW, the involvement of Ford in the UAW, and how the collective bargaining process and unions benefits workers from all industries. More specifically, this paper will describe what the UAW team at Ford has done to approach work and family issues in the past two decades and what these family issues are.

The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) is one of the largest and most diverse unions in North America, with members in a variety of workplaces, including multinational corporations, small manufacturers and state and local governments to colleges and universities, hospitals and private non-profit organizations (UAW, 2003). The UAW has approximately….

Success and Family Issues

The Hays family appears to be successful and normal on the surface. However, underneath it all are considerable issues which impact the quality of life of the individuals and their ability to cope with critical issues. The mother and father are Jack and Pam. They have been married for 50 years and started out with nothing by building a successful electronics business. They have three children Suzanne, Debbie and Cindy. Suzanne has a PHD in economics. Yet, she is very anti-social and judgmental of others. This has hurt the quality of her life and ability to receive promotions at work. Debbie has a law degree and used to practice as an attorney. However, in the last 10 years she has not worked and sits at home all day. Cindy is unable to walk and suffers from depression. She has issues related to her weight and works inside the family's store.….

d., pg. 67). Thus, the definition of the British family is almost wholly contained within a woman's decision. Women who have children and enter the workforce create new trends in British family life, such as the fact that children are cared for primarily by professionals working in the home, at nursery schools, or grandparents (Kathleen, n.d., "Family Life," 2009). The redefining of family relationships to give equality to both the husband and wife and the problem of finding childcare while both parents work is a result of women's entry into the workforce and modern conceptions of family life.
While these characteristics apply to the primary types of families in the United Kingdom, it is important to recognize that this state is diverse in terms of ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, religion, etc. Cloud (2008) discusses the difficulties in conducting research for one often not-discussed portion of society -- homosexuals. Cloud (2008) writes….

Family Wellness Diagnosis, Nursing
I opted to interview a family of two parents (married heterosexuals) who have two children. Both children are in their late teens. Both parents work. She is a freelance writer and he is a sales clerk at a retail home goods store. Both are in their late forties. He is about 5'11; she is 5'6." Their heights and weights appear appropriate though he claims that at 180 he feels a little overweight. She is about 140. She is originally from Guatemala and he is from the mid-west of the U.S. The children are both boys. Bruce, age 19, is away at college. The other, Erick, graduated from high school last year and has been working at a local golf course while waiting to decide what he wants to study at a community college. I spoke with Bruce over the telephone for about 15 minutes. He confirmed that….

Family Discrimination Laws
States like Connecticut, New Jersey, and Alaska are taking the lead when it comes to passing laws protecting employees from discrimination based on family responsibility. These anti-family responsibilities discrimination (FD) laws are designed to protect workers, but whether they are a good idea is a matter of opinion. There are concerns that these laws may be abused, and that employers may end up bearing the brunt of missed days and dissatisfied customers because employees are missing too much work time to be with their families (Pynes, 2013). Personally, I do support the idea of anti-family responsibilities discrimination laws. I think that work is very important, but there should be a good work-life balance. Most people do not have that anymore, because they know they will likely risk being fired if they want or need to miss any work time to spend with their family. People should not have….

Family Relation Dynamics

Family elations esearch
The Sociology of Families and Households is a film that will be examined in this paper. The film is full of controversial topics as well as complex socioeconomic issues that will be discussed in detail. A textbook, Public and Private Families, written by Andrew Cherlina share a lot of concepts of the film will be brought in to the discussion as well.

The various relationships that exist between Marxist theory, sociological perspectives, structural functionalism, as well as the family and early feminist theory are examined throughout the program. It examines the rapid decline in marriage over the last few decades as well as the great increase in couples choosing cohabitation. Divorce is increasing and the fertility rate is on the decline in the U.K. All of these factors have combined to affect the traditional family in Britain and has created new challenges for them in how everyday relationships are….

A study in this regard by Ainslie Nibert, entitled, Teaching clinical ethics using a case study family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, states that Critical care nurses often find themselves in the midst of challenging ethical situations that involve conflict between the needs of critically ill patients and the patients' family members and the preferences of physicians and other healthcare providers who initiate and manage resuscitation measures. Yet, many critical care nurses have reported that they received little preparation in their basic education programs to deal with these sensitive issues. (Nibert, Ainslie T. 2005)
This may constitute a moral dilemma as the study points out. "A moral conflict exists because two opposing obligations collide: an obligation to the family members who desire to be present with their loved one during CPR and an obligation to the healthcare providers who do not want patients' family members to witness resuscitation efforts." (ibid)

The study….

Family CounselingFamily therapy systems adopt systems thinking approach in which the family is viewed as an emotional unit. Through this approach, family therapy systems conceptualize psychosocial symptoms of individuals within families. There are various family therapy theories that can be applied to different situations as part of family therapy systems to address individuals psychosocial symptoms. One theory that can be used to conceptualize the psychosocial symptoms of individuals within families based on the Wilsons case is Bowens family system theory. This theory suggests that people are attached to their network of relationships within the family (Brown, 2014). By portraying how people are inseparable from their network of relationships, this theory suggests that changes in the behaviors of one family member could affect family functioning over time. In relation to Wilsons case, this theory can be used in the conceptualization of family issues through examining the network of relationships between them.….

Family Systems Theory; Application of Family Therapy Theories
The concept of family therapy has over the years has been developed into different approaches that have definite characteristics. These theories have been used to bring forth solutions to different family issues that are experienced on regular basis. It is not easy to understand the structure of a family since there are no universal structures that the family problems or challenges take, this means that even in the application of the family systems theories in bringing solutions to families, the application purely depend on individual unique family challenges and not on a universal template. These unique characteristics that each family challenge takes makes it hard to apply one system theory and have full confidence that it will work, hence the frequent overlapping of the theories, and in this case the strategic family therapy and the structural family therapy will be applied to help….

Families, Delinquency & Crime
The fundamental changes occurring to families in the 2st century can be classified into two different categories, depending on the internal or the external perspective that is used in the analysis. The external perspective proposes an analysis of the sociodemographic changes that have occurred to families under the impact of the external factors of the 2st century. The sociodemographic changes are characterized both by the numbers, by a quantitative reflection of families, and by the relationships that are formed within each family.

From the first perspective, the 2st century has imposed both changes in the number of families (some cultures, notably the Western ones, have encountered decreases in size because of an increased reluctance of individuals to get married) and in the formation of these family groups. As such, in many of these family groups, the norm has translated from a man-woman marriage as the basis of family….

It is expected that an initial
investment of $400,000 will be needed in order to effectively establish the Center. In addition, the Center will require a maintenance cost of $50,000 per month.

5. Budget and Strategy

Strategy 1: Arranging meetings with community leaders

This strategy ensures that the community at large will accept FAC in its capacity as an establishment to provide help and counseling within the existing cultural, religious, and educational paradigms. Public trust is important for the success of the Center. Specifically, this strategy includes arranging meetings times, venues and refreshments. This is estimated at a budget for about $5,000 per meeting. This strategy will also include the possibility of securing the services of a cultural consultant; preferably also a person with some standing in the community. The budget for this is estimated at an initial fee of about $3,000, which will repeat monthly for as long as the consultant's services….

As one commentator notes; "What this adds up to is, in my view, a significant shift in the balance of work and family life. oles are changing, the nature of care is changing, and the stress related to juggling the balance is increasing (Edgar, 1997, p. 149)
A number of statistics also help to outline the nature of the family structure in a developed economy like Australia. In terms of workforce participation, the figures are as follows: "….86% for fathers and 56% for mothers in two-parent families, and 65% for male and 43% for female sole parents"(Edgar, 1997, p.151). This is also indicative of a shift in the role of the female as solely a homemaker. "In 1993, 53% of couples with dependent children were both employed & #8230;" (Edgar, 1997, p. 151). Therefore, there are still imbalances and disparities in terms of the family structure and this is a….

The Necessity of School Vacations for Students

The inclusion of vacations into the academic calendar has been a subject of ongoing debate, with proponents advocating for their necessity and opponents questioning their benefits. However, scientific research and empirical evidence overwhelmingly support the implementation of school vacations as an integral part of the educational system. This essay will expound on the multifaceted advantages of school vacations, demonstrating their indispensable role in promoting student well-being, academic performance, and overall educational outcomes.

1. Enhanced Mental and Physical Health

School vacations provide students with much-needed respite from the rigors of academic life, allowing them to recharge mentally....

Impact of Corporal Punishment Ban on Children's Behavior in the US
The United States remains one of the few developed countries that allows corporal punishment in some form. However, there is growing support for a ban on this practice, which involves the use of physical force to discipline children. Proponents of a ban argue that it would have a positive impact on children's behavior, while opponents contend that it would lead to increased misbehavior.
Research on the effects of corporal punishment on children's behavior has produced mixed results. Some studies have found that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and antisocial....

Mother-Daughter Conflict and the Coming of Age of Teenage Girls
The mother-daughter relationship is a complex and dynamic one, characterized by both love and conflict. During adolescence, this conflict can intensify as teenage girls seek independence and establish their own identities, often leading to challenges with their mothers. This essay will explore the impact of mother-daughter conflict on the coming of age of teenage girls, examining how it can shape their development, relationships, and self-esteem.
Cognitive and Emotional Development
Mother-daughter conflict can have a significant impact on girls' cognitive development. Studies have shown that girls who experience high levels of conflict with their....

Parenting Skills and Family Disruptions: Impact on Middle Childhood and Adolescence Development
Parenting skills and family disruptions play a significant role in shaping the development of children and adolescents. These factors influence a child's emotional, social, cognitive, and academic functioning. Understanding the impact of parenting skills and family disruptions is crucial for supporting optimal child development.
Parenting Skills
Parenting skills refer to the behaviors, attitudes, and strategies that parents use to raise their children. Positive parenting skills include:
Warmth and responsiveness: Demonstrating love, affection, and attention towards children.
Consistency and structure: Establishing clear rules, expectations, and routines.
Nurturing and supportive: Encouraging children's growth,....

6 Pages
Term Paper


Family Intervention Family Issues -

Words: 1847
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ather than further punishment, Cody needs to learn to trust people again. Cody need positive encouragement with consequences only reserved for the worst offenses. Programs that focus on…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Sociology Family Issues Divorce Property

Words: 1725
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although the advances in law have progressed greatly over the past two hundred years that is still progression that can and needs to be implemented to first establish…

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5 Pages

Family and Marriage

Sociology -- Family Issues Group

Words: 1685
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Specifically, even as adults, we tend to maintain more formal communications with my father and to disclose personal issues and concerns primarily with my mother, and not uncommonly, in…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Efforts That the UAW and Ford Have Taken Towards Work and Family Issues

Words: 2312
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

UAW and Ford in Work and Family Issues History of the UAW How Collective argaining Has Improved Employee Conditions Efforts to Improve Work and Family Issues at Ford Efforts of the UAW…

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3 Pages


Success and Family Issues

Words: 958
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Family The Hays family appears to be successful and normal on the surface. However, underneath it all are considerable issues which impact the quality of life of the individuals and…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Families in a Global Context

Words: 2322
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

d., pg. 67). Thus, the definition of the British family is almost wholly contained within a woman's decision. Women who have children and enter the workforce create new trends…

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5 Pages

Family and Marriage

Family Wellness Diagnosis Nursing I Opted to

Words: 2163
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Family Wellness Diagnosis, Nursing I opted to interview a family of two parents (married heterosexuals) who have two children. Both children are in their late teens. Both parents work. She…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Family Discrimination Laws States Like Connecticut New

Words: 702
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Family Discrimination Laws States like Connecticut, New Jersey, and Alaska are taking the lead when it comes to passing laws protecting employees from discrimination based on family responsibility. These anti-family…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Family Relation Dynamics

Words: 1578
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Family elations esearch The Sociology of Families and Households is a film that will be examined in this paper. The film is full of controversial topics as well as complex…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Family Presence During Procedures One

Words: 2374
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A study in this regard by Ainslie Nibert, entitled, Teaching clinical ethics using a case study family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, states that Critical care nurses often find…

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1 Pages


Family Therapy and Counseling

Words: 322
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Family CounselingFamily therapy systems adopt systems thinking approach in which the family is viewed as an emotional unit. Through this approach, family therapy systems conceptualize psychosocial symptoms of individuals…

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8 Pages

Family and Marriage

How Chaotic Families Can Be Restructured

Words: 2510
Length: 8 Pages

Family Systems Theory; Application of Family Therapy Theories The concept of family therapy has over the years has been developed into different approaches that have definite characteristics. These theories have…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Families Delinquency and Crime

Words: 2311
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Families, Delinquency & Crime The fundamental changes occurring to families in the 2st century can be classified into two different categories, depending on the internal or the external perspective that…

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10 Pages
Research Proposal

Family and Marriage

Family Association Center FAC the

Words: 3012
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

It is expected that an initial investment of $400,000 will be needed in order to effectively establish the Center. In addition, the Center will require a maintenance cost of…

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7 Pages

Family and Marriage

Families in a Global Context

Words: 3276
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

As one commentator notes; "What this adds up to is, in my view, a significant shift in the balance of work and family life. oles are changing, the…

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