Female Prisons Essays (Examples)

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Moreover, more than half of the geriatric women in California prisons reported falling within the past year; 40% of imprisoned women with a PADL impairment reported suffering from depression; 53% of the women with an ADL impairment reported having depression (illiams, 704). A total of 23% of the geriatric women that were part of this survey reported "feeling unsafe in their cells" and 34% reported "physical abuse by other prisoners" (illiams, 705). One geriatric female inmate reported:

"There are some older women who can't take care of themselves, so to be in a room with eight women and to be in a room with aggressive women is not a very safe place for them to be [living]… what happens is you see a lot of older women with black eyes" (illiams, 705). Interestingly, 68% of women with PADL impairment were made to work full time, and 50% of women with ADL….

Prison Culture

Corcoran State Prison: Prison Culture and Effect on Inmates
The prisons in the U.S. have a long history of offering correction services and rehabilitation for the people convicted of various crimes within the society. There have been increased incarceration of inmates over the last few decades with prisons getting more populated than before hence the introduction of the privately run correction facilities to help handle the large number of people within the prison walls at any given time. However, the inclusion of the private prisons have not helped matters much neither have they improved the rehabilitation process or the living standards of the inmates in comparison to the state owned correction facilities. There have continued to thrive the prison cultures and in effect influenced the way the prisoners relate to each other and even relate to the correctional officers. This prison culture will be the focus of this paper and the….

Prison Life for Inmates
Sending offenders to prison has been used as a way of dealing with prisoners for a long time. It was not always seen as a way of punishment; rather, it was used as detention pending the actual punishment of these offenders. The application of imprisonment has been around, perhaps, for as long as humanity has existed. In Old Testament times, prisons were used in Jerusalem. Some prominent personalities have been reported to have been born in prison environments. Others have been imprisoned. It is reported that Lord Krishna was born in prison at a place called Mathura. Shahjahan was imprisoned by his son at Agra. The ritish constructed the historic cell at Port lair for detaining for life those who revolted against their rule. Prisons have not always been viewed as a way of punishing offenders; rather they have been used to detain offenders before the actual….

Women in Prison
Major Legal Issues Concerning Female Inmates

Problems in corrections:

Dealing with the unique needs of women in the prison system

The number of female prison inmates in America and internationally is growing. Although men still outnumber women in the prison population, the rates of female incarceration, once considered relatively nominal, have skyrocketed. "In the U.S., where the prison and jail population reached two million in the year 2000, women's incarceration is also spiralling upwards at a greater pace than that of men. While the number of men in U.S. prisons and jails doubled between 1985 and 1995, women's imprisonment during the same period tripled" (Sudbury 2002). These escalating rates are surprising, given that women are far more likely to be the victims rather than the perpetrators of violent crimes. "While their relative proportions are small, the growing numbers of women being sent to prison is disproportionate to their involvement in serious….

The Home Office website was also a good source of informstion in this regard. A very good article that shed light on the more negative view of Holloway prison as well as units in other prisons was Getting it right? Services for pregnant women, new mothers, and babies in prison. An extremely useful report that deals specifically with Holloway prison was REPORT ON AN UNANNOUNCED FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION OF HM PRISON HOLLOWAY 11 -- 15 December 2000
Y HM INSPECTORATE OF PRISONS. This report provide some telling and insightful data that invaluable in terms of assessing the value and function of the mother and baby units in this prison.

4. Theoretical aspects

There are many theoretical aspects that pertain to the issue of mother and child units at a prison such as Holloway. In general terms, and from a criminological perspective, there is the view that units of this kind are important in….

ole and Evolution of the American Prison System
Explain the Primary ole and Evolution of the American Prison System and Determine if Incarceration educes Crime

The United States constitution is the fundamental foundation of the American criminal justice system. Given that the document is now over two hundred years old, it constantly experiences numerous amendments and interpretations. As a result, the criminal justice system over the years experienced alterations in order to reflect the needs and beliefs of each subsequent generation. The configuration of the modern prison system has its basis in the late 1700's and early 1800s. The development of the modern prison system aims at protecting innocent members of the society from criminals. The prison systems also deter criminals from committing more crimes through detaining and rehabilitating them. However, more and more deluge of white-collar crimes and other crimes, burdens the American criminal justice system and the prison system.….

Corrections officers serve a distinct role in the criminal justice system. They are involved in the day-to-day lives of inmates, and are responsible for maintaining prison safety, security, and integrity. In some ways, corrections officers may fulfill a role similar to that of a guard, whereby they enforce the rules and regulations of the institution, prevent problems such as inmate fighting or rioting, monitor inmate behavior, prevent escapes, and may administer punishments to inmates. Occasionally, correctional officers may need to use force when mitigating behavioral problems among inmates. Essentially, corrections officers represent the authority of the criminal justice system within the prison framework. Correctional officers may sometimes be involved in rehabilitation efforts, too, helping steer inmates toward specific self-improvement methods such as educational programs or job training programs. Likewise, correctional officers might be involved in parole hearings to offer testimony based on the behavior and status of an inmate. The….

Female Violent OffendersWomen are more apt to be the victims than the perpetrators of crimes. The purpose of a recent quantitative, descriptive study by Coleman, Almond, and McManus (2018) was to determine some of the essential characteristics of female, violent juvenile offenders versus a control sample of nonviolent offenders. Using UK police data of offences committed between April 2001 and April 2011, the researchers determined that 72.3% of the female violent offenders had committed a previous violent offense and had a previous conviction, a significantly higher percentage than the control group (Coleman, Almond, and McManus, 2018). Female offenders were also more likely to have committed a theft previous to their incarceration for a violent offense.According to the British publication The Independent, rates of violent crime by women in general have increased in the United Kingdom. The number of girls and women arrested for violence has more than doubled between 1999/2000….

Female Freedom in the 19th Century: Two Short Stories The short story entitled the “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman both approach the subject of female sanity and wellness from different angles. Both stories suggest that society and those closest to the woman have really no idea about the inner life of the female, nor what is best for her mental health and overall well being. The incorrect assumptions of those around them are precisely what contribute to the ultimate tragedies and unraveling of mental states present within each story.
Chopin’s famous “Story of an Hour” demonstrates the ill-conceived presumption that so many of the era project on to the heart and mind of a woman. We are told of Mrs. Mallard’s fragility in the opening of the story. As a result of this fragility, “Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble,….

Questionnaires and certain biometric tests (for blood pressure) were used to asses prisoners and their attitudes and perceptions in two assessments spread out by four months. The results of this data collection were then analyzed using standard statistical software and techniques to determine if there were any correlations between the measured variables, which were established using scales specifically developed for the study.
Limitations: The authors do not actually explicitly list any limitations in this study. They do note that an initial cohort comprising twenty-six individuals in addition to the eighty who yielded data for final analysis were initially included in the study, however these individuals failed to participate in the second assessment. There were some notable differences between the groups that finished the second assessment and those that did not, especially the length of prison sentences (those only completing the first assessment had shorter sentences; their release might have been….


The religion of Islam is very misunderstood and pervasively skewed within its true meaning and original intent by extremists in the Islamic society. Never did the prophet intend that the abuses and oppression which today's Muslim women suffer should occur. It is the conclusion of this writer that extremists exist in all religions and these are those who garner the most attention and receive the most press however, those who are moderate and who adhere to the true beliefs and meaning of the Islamic religions receive little attention and little press and even littler in the way of chances to convey the truth of this religion to the world. The abuses and oppression will continue however, it is hopeful that the ignorance surrounding the Muslim religion will eventually lose out to better dissemination of information and to more intelligent reporting backed by diligent investigation of the facts.


Soares, Claire….

In the American Disease: Origins of Narcotic Control, David Musto notes that throughout the twentieth century, America's drug wars have regularly scape-goated minority groups, like the Chinese with opium, marijuana among the Mexicans, and cocaine among the African-Americans (McCormick 2000).
The National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals reported in 1973 that "the prison, the reformatory and the jail have achieved only a shocking record a failure. There is overwhelming evidence that these institutions create crime rather than prevent it," yet during the next two decades both state and federal legislatures implemented increasingly stiffer penalties and mandatory minimums claiming that prisons were an effective tool for crime control, and longer prison terms would reduce crime by deterring or incapacitating criminals (McCormick 2000). However, at the end of this period, after the average prison sentence had tripled and the prison population at more than quadrupled, a National Academy of….

Domestic Prison
Gender oles and Marriage

The Domestic Prison: James Thurber's "Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour"

James Thurber's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" (1939) and "The Story of an Hour" (1894) by Kate Chopin depict marriage as a prison for both men and women from which the main characters fantasize about escaping. Louise Mallard is similar to the unnamed narrator in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" is that they are literally imprisoned in a domestic world from which there is no escape but death or insanity. As in all of this early feminist fiction, the women characters are defined as 'sick', either physically or mentally, for even imaging a situation on which they might be free, for they are allowed no lives of their own. Louise Mallard was overjoyed when she heard that her husband was killed in an accident, and began to….

Pocatello, Idaho New Women's Prisons

New Women's Prisons in Pocatello, Idaho

Approximately 8 years ago, former State Corrections Director Tom eauclair defended the need for three new prisons at the Pocatello Women's Correctional Center before the Joint-Finance Appropriations Committee (Russell, 2005). If lawmakers would approve the proposal, the additional 300 beds to the existing privately-run prison near oise, a new 400-bed prison for female inmates and a 1,500-bed new prison for male inmates. These additional structures would cost almost $160 million Director eauclair emphasized that these structures were needed in the five succeeding years in order to manage prisoners safely. He said that every State prison is overbooked, with the corrections department then having 360 more inmates than beds. At that time, the State had 6,502 inmates, which was an increase from 2,900 in 1994. Director eauclair said they expected the population to increase by 30 every month the following….

Thus, the television shows, or their producers would have us think, do not actually promote violence and sexual promiscuity, they simply depict it as part of the reality of the particular people they chose to show on their programs.

The problem, however, comes with what such depictions teach those people for whom identity is yet to be determined - our youngest boys and girls. Before MTV's the Real orld, popular culture's images of boys and girls was managed through a scripted experience - a lens that showed only what the writers, directors, producers, and television executives wanted you to see. Therefore, shows gave people what other people thought they should and would like, and nothing else. hat reality shows have capitalized on is a hunger for the non-scripted, for the spontaneous, for the unpredictable. and, as society is still managed by people who were brought up by people who generally believed….

6 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Female Prisons According to the

Words: 1921
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Moreover, more than half of the geriatric women in California prisons reported falling within the past year; 40% of imprisoned women with a PADL impairment reported suffering from depression;…

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6 Pages

Criminal Justice

Prison Culture

Words: 1950
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Corcoran State Prison: Prison Culture and Effect on Inmates The prisons in the U.S. have a long history of offering correction services and rehabilitation for the people convicted of various…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Analyzing Prison Life for Inmates

Words: 3314
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Prison Life for Inmates Sending offenders to prison has been used as a way of dealing with prisoners for a long time. It was not always seen as a way…

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23 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Major Legal Issues Concerning Female Inmates

Words: 7415
Length: 23 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Women in Prison Major Legal Issues Concerning Female Inmates Problems in corrections: Dealing with the unique needs of women in the prison system The number of female prison inmates in America and internationally…

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24 Pages
Term Paper


Holloway Hmp Holloway Road Prison

Words: 6856
Length: 24 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Home Office website was also a good source of informstion in this regard. A very good article that shed light on the more negative view of Holloway…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Role and Evolution of the American Prison

Words: 3536
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ole and Evolution of the American Prison System Explain the Primary ole and Evolution of the American Prison System and Determine if Incarceration educes Crime The United States constitution is…

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2 Pages


Criminal Justice Prisons and Corrections

Words: 621
Length: 2 Pages

Corrections officers serve a distinct role in the criminal justice system. They are involved in the day-to-day lives of inmates, and are responsible for maintaining prison safety, security, and…

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1 Pages


Female Violent Offenders Characteristics

Words: 386
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Female Violent OffendersWomen are more apt to be the victims than the perpetrators of crimes. The purpose of a recent quantitative, descriptive study by Coleman, Almond, and McManus (2018)…

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3 Pages


The Controlled Woman Comparing Female Freedom and Male Domination in Two Short Stories

Words: 1008
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Female Freedom in the 19th Century: Two Short Stories The short story entitled the “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman both approach the…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Male and Female Inmates to

Words: 758
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Journal

Questionnaires and certain biometric tests (for blood pressure) were used to asses prisoners and their attitudes and perceptions in two assessments spread out by four months. The results…

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6 Pages

Sports - Women

Islamic Female Oppression the Objective

Words: 1789
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The religion of Islam is very misunderstood and pervasively skewed within its true meaning and original intent by extremists in the Islamic society. Never did the prophet…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Overcrowded and Under-Funded Prisons According

Words: 3353
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In the American Disease: Origins of Narcotic Control, David Musto notes that throughout the twentieth century, America's drug wars have regularly scape-goated minority groups, like the Chinese with…

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10 Pages


Domestic Prison Gender Roles and Marriage the

Words: 3215
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

Domestic Prison Gender oles and Marriage The Domestic Prison: James Thurber's "Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour" James Thurber's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Criminal Justice

Pocatello Prison Case Study

Words: 657
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Pocatello, Idaho New Women's Prisons ISSUES, COST, ENEFITS New Women's Prisons in Pocatello, Idaho Approximately 8 years ago, former State Corrections Director Tom eauclair defended the need for three new prisons at…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Representations of Female Behavior in

Words: 2564
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Thus, the television shows, or their producers would have us think, do not actually promote violence and sexual promiscuity, they simply depict it as part of the reality of…

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