Financial Market Essays (Examples)

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While this strategy is effective in some situations, the use of bond markets by an investor requires the development of an effective strategy that will help him/her to achieve a specific financial objective. For an investor seeking to maximize the profit-generating aspects of bonds, the most effective strategy is a passive buy-and-hold bond strategy. As the name suggests, it involves buying individual bonds and holding them until maturity. The effectiveness of this strategy in achieving the stated financial objective is that it lessens or eliminates transaction costs and lessens risks linked to income changes from embedded options.

Financial markets and institutions play a crucial role in the growth and stability of America's economy as well as global economies. These markets and institutions are characterized with various financial transactions and different types of markets. However, the ability of economic growth and stability is dependent on the effectiveness of the regulatory body.



Financial Market Watch

stock markets struggled towards the end of the month in April. Yousuf (2012) reports that the Dow Jones Industrial Average was flat for the month, the S&P 500 posted a minor loss and the NASDAQ dropped 1.5%. All three indices were down for the final week of the month. One of the reasons why the markets struggled during the week was that a report revealed that the GDP grew at 2.2%, a slower rate than was expected by some observers (Censky, 2012). The report also noted that the GDP was being dragged down by government spending cuts. There was a report on Thursday from the Boston Consulting Group that investment banks would need to cut employees in order to achieve profitability targets, in part because the market for deals is generally down, and expected to stay that way (Reuters, 2012).

Despite the economic weakness, there were some deals that helped to….

Financial markets and securities are very important to business and to society in general. It is therefore worthwhile to examine the relationships that these terms have with each other. The purpose of this essay is to highlight and explain some of the important factors of financial markets and their relationship to the business sector and the economy in general. I will first define the key terms involved before demonstrating the inter-connectablity of these important and relevant ideas.
Investopedia defines financial markets the following way: "Broad term describing any marketplace where buyers and sellers participate in the trade of assets such as equities, bonds, currencies and derivatives. Financial markets are typically defined by having transparent pricing, basic regulations on trading, costs and fees and market forces determining the prices of securities that trade." Using this understanding of the term, many different types of institutions can fall under this umbrella of meaning.

Large and….

Financial System
financial markets are the places where capital exchanges hands. Those with capital to invest are able to invest in businesses that are seeking capital. The same occurs with financial institutions as intermediaries. The result is that the economy benefits significantly from this arrangement. People with good ideas are able to raise capital in order to bring those ideas to market. For businesses, the U.S. financial markets are a source of investment capital that helps them to grow. ith a wealth of financial options at their disposal, businesses are able to thrive. U.S. financial markets also benefit individuals. As consumers, they benefit from having the choice that results from a strong business community. As investors, the U.S. financial markets give them places to earn a return.

The U.S. Federal Reserve plays the role of the central bank of the country, the regulator of the financial system and seeks to manage economic….

Financial Markets
In their seminal 1989 work, Kopcke and Rosengren posed the question "are the distinctions between debt and equity disappearing?" They noted several challenges to the historical distinction between the two, including new instruments that combined elements of each (e.g. preferred shares, warrants, mezzanine financing) and an increased use in derivative securities. They noted that debt instruments were beginning to incorporate equity-like features, in response to market demand for such innovative forms of financing. The authors also note that in the U.S. At least the tax code and regulatory environment was not keeping up with the changes, contributing to the proliferation of hybrid securities. On closer examination, however, none of these changes indicates a fundamental change in the nature of debt or the nature of equity, simply a change in market preferences. Hybrids have not eliminated or even materially altered debt or equity, they have simply offered the market alternatives.


Interest rates are very low in the U.S. right now, and this should mean economic expansion. The U.S. is the largest single national economy is the world, so how the U.S. performs in terms of its economics is an important thing for the world. Growth in the U.S., spurred by low interest rates, should mean growth elsewhere as well, since the U.S. can buy more products from those countries and sell more products to them, too. If the economy begins to grow too quickly, the Fed will have to lower interest rates in order to slow down the pace of growth.

For companies that are looking to overseas markets, it is important to remember that there are foreign exchange issues. Foreign exchange rates are volatile, and this means that companies need to pay attention to how those rates move. A rate change could mean that something is either more profitable or….

The cost of these funds and funds availability continue to go down due to the competition taking place between these savings and earnings channels. The joining of two distinct parties in investing and growth through financial intermediaries is mostly completed via a financial institution supported by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
In the financial intermediation process, financial institutions play a key role by channeling monies from loans and savings to needs of individuals, businesses and governments. As individual persons and businesses save their monies at financial institutions, their accounts normally collect transaction or account maintenance fees. The transaction or account maintenance fees are in turn given to another investment opportunity. A clear example of this is that the money collected from a bank's patrons is used as the bank's money for loans or mortgages.

As mentioned earlier, banks are not the only types of financial intermediaries as other organizations can as….

He said that the application for Hong Kong Airlines was to list as a so-called "red chip" (overseas registered Chinese company) that had been approved by the State Council. They way, Grand China, which just two years ago called off a share sale plan due to the global economic crisis, is also the parent company of China Xinhua Airlines, Changan Airlines, and Shanxi Airlines ("Two airlines target," 2010)..
Hong Kong Airlines currently operates 18 aircraft and runs more than 30 routes which include routes to Beijing, Denpasar, Shanghai, Tokyo and Moscow. It also planned to use its IPO finances to fund its aircraft acquisitions. The company had ordered some 33 wide body Airbus aircraft for over a sum of $6 billion, according to Yang (ibid).

The Cathay Pacific Airways Slowdown.

Already, we noted above about the planned delivery of two additional 747-8F freighters from Boeing to Cathay Pacific Airways has been pushed….

The PowerPoint on inflation states that inflation takes place when prices rise across the board in the economy; oil prices going up can influence many other consumer items. And in the Financial Markets PowerPoint, it points out that depository institutions (banks) need capital so they can make loans. But in the Times' article, writers explain that in recent weeks there have been "...a string of unpleasant reckonings for major all Street banks." Several big all Street banks have had to "...slash billions of dollars from balance sheets to account for losses in the mortgage market."
hat that means is that many people are not able to make their mortgage payments, so the money banks have loaned those people cannot be repaid to the banks, and hence, the banks write off lots of money. This is a sad state of affairs, and one wonders what the Bush Administration is going to….

Role of Financial Markets

Financial Markets and Institutions
ole of Financial Markets

Financial markets play a significant role in creating wealth in the United States. At the heart of this role is that financial markets facilitate the economically efficient allocation of capital. The holders of capital need places to invest that capital in a way that earns them a return, but they do not always have the best ideas with respect to how to use that capital, nor the skills to do so. There are others who have ideas and skills, but lack the capital to maximize those. Financial markets allow for those with capital to allocate their money to those who need it, and those who need it to acquire it. With opportunities to invest, and opportunities for ideas to come to life, the economy benefits significant. The more efficiently the financial markets can allocate capital, the more they will help the economy to grow.….

The decision of investing or not here then depends on the personal adversity to risk of each individual investor. The general theory states that each investor should construct a diversified portfolio, which adequately balances high risk-high gain shares with medium or even low rates of risk and gains (Hagin, 2004). New Zealand could then be assimilated with a medium risk-medium gain share, and as such would be perceived as a valuable addition to one's portfolio. In this order of ideas then, the recommendation would be that of investing in the country.

Amadeo, K., 2009, An Introduction to the Financial Markets, About, last accessed on December 17, 2009

Hagin, ., 2004, Investment Management: Portfolio Diversification, isk and Timing -- Fact and Fiction, John Wiley and Sons

Healy, J., 2001, New Zealand Capital Markets, Ministry of Economic Development, last accessed on December 17, 2009

Malkin, B., 2009, Financial Crisis: Australia and New Zealand….

QUESTION 1.Overconfidence (excessive optimism) is very commonly observed in human beings. Overconfidence leads to which types of irrational behavior in financial markets? Please list 3 and explain in detail.i. Over-precisionThe third form of irrational behavior is over-precision, being too confident you know the verity and truths. For instance, Trump shows over-precision when he claims surety concerning opinions not in line with reality. He claimed that Arab Americans in their thousands in New Jersey openly were happy with the bombing of the W.T.C. building on September 11th, 2001, with no validation claiming the surety of his accusation (Fox News, 2015).Over-precision is too much faith that you are knowledgeable with the truth. Most corporations suppose that they know all facts about the financial request situations. They would make an easy investment into the financial markets but only realize that they lack actual information if they succeed on the subject. Thus, it is….

functions of financial markets and discusses why a dollar tomorrow cannot be worth less than a dollar the day after tomorrow. Furthermore, the paper explains the cash flows associated with a bond to the investor. And discusses the term "price-earnings (P/E) ratio." In addition, the paper discusses the certainty equivalent approach to estimating the NPA of A project and discusses the problems associated with capital investment process. Lastly, the paper contrasts and compares capital budgeting and strategic planning assesses the agency problems associated with capital budgeting.
Explain the functions of financial markets

The existence of the financial market is just to help and maintain the relations between the users of the capital and the providers of the capital. They also provide an opportunity for both the parties to do transactions with mutual benefits. It is there so that the investor and the investment can do the business smoothly and at ease.….

International Financial Markets and Institutions:
Throughout the globe, today's landscape of international financial market and institutions has continued to experience several changes that require practitioners to examine new models. The need for practitioners to examine new models that are relevant to the state of these markets and institutions has also been necessitated by the recent events that contribute to financial crises, which have been very dramatic. Actually, the recent financial crisis has had significant impacts on the financial institutions and markets resulting in the need for changes. International financial markets and institutions have become an important aspect of economies because they affect daily life. This is primarily because they involve the huge flow of different types of funds in the entire economy that in turn impact the profits of businesses, production of goods and services, and economic well-being of countries. In some cases, the events in these institutions and markets become….

" The code also states when communicating investment information care must be taken to ensure that it is fair, accurate and complete as well as make full and fair disclosure of all matters that could reasonably be expected to impair their independence and objectivity or interfere with respective duties to their clients, prospective clients, and employer.
Evidence indicates Lehman's senior financial executives knew of the Repo 105 transactions and certified the accuracy of Lehman's financial statements and disclosures despite having full knowledge that the company had engaged in the use of these transactions to hide their toxic assets and make their financial statements appear to be in good health when, in reality, they were not. These executives were fully aware that the financial statements were misleading and did not fairly present the true position of the company.

Hiding toxic assets and releasing favorable financial statements to investors each quarter clearly was intended….

Right now, it is impossible to discuss the financial markets without looking at what happened with GameStop stock, so we are going to focus our example essay outline on this event.  To understand how a bunch of small investors organizing on social media were able to disrupt hedge fund managers and traditional ways that they profit off of failing companies, it is important to understand the concept of shorting stocks

I. Introduction

A. Stock shorting

B. Why businesses fail from stock shorting

C. Why GameStop was vulnerable

D. The impact of purchasing GameStop....

1. The potential impact of central bank digital currencies on the future of cryptocurrency
2. The role of blockchain technology in shaping the future of cryptocurrency
3. Regulatory challenges and opportunities in the development of cryptocurrency
4. The future of cryptocurrency adoption and integration into traditional financial systems
5. The evolving relationship between cryptocurrency and privacy concerns
6. The environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining and sustainable solutions for the future
7. The future of cryptocurrency in global financial markets and economic systems
8. The potential for cryptocurrency to disrupt traditional industries and create new economic opportunities
9. The role of decentralized finance (DeFi) in shaping the future of....

1. The ethical implications of artificial intelligence in society
2. The impact of artificial intelligence on job markets and employment
3. The potential benefits and risks of autonomous artificial intelligence
4. The role of artificial intelligence in healthcare and medicine
5. The use of artificial intelligence in law enforcement and surveillance
6. The development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) and its implications
7. The impact of artificial intelligence on privacy and data security
8. The potential for bias and discrimination in AI algorithms
9. The future of artificial intelligence in education and learning
10. The integration of artificial intelligence in social media and online platforms.
11. The role of artificial....

Original Thesis Statement:

Investing in diversified asset classes with a long-term horizon will provide superior returns while mitigating risk.

Revised Thesis Argument:


In today's increasingly complex and volatile financial markets, investors face a daunting task when it comes to making informed investment decisions. The traditional approach of investing solely in stocks and bonds has become less effective due to low interest rates and market fluctuations. This has led to the growing popularity of alternative asset classes, such as real estate, commodities, and private equity.


I argue that a diversified portfolio that includes both traditional and alternative asset classes, and is held over a long-term....

5 Pages
Term Paper


Financial Markets Institutions and Transactions

Words: 1581
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

While this strategy is effective in some situations, the use of bond markets by an investor requires the development of an effective strategy that will help him/her to…

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4 Pages


Financial Market Watch

Words: 1276
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Markets stock markets struggled towards the end of the month in April. Yousuf (2012) reports that the Dow Jones Industrial Average was flat for the month, the S&P 500 posted…

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2 Pages


Financial Markets and Securities Are Very Important

Words: 551
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Financial markets and securities are very important to business and to society in general. It is therefore worthwhile to examine the relationships that these terms have with each other.…

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2 Pages


Financial System Financial Markets Are the Places

Words: 622
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Financial System financial markets are the places where capital exchanges hands. Those with capital to invest are able to invest in businesses that are seeking capital. The same occurs with…

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5 Pages


Financial Markets in Their Seminal 1989 Work

Words: 1835
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Financial Markets In their seminal 1989 work, Kopcke and Rosengren posed the question "are the distinctions between debt and equity disappearing?" They noted several challenges to the historical distinction between…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Financial System US Financial Markets

Words: 696
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Interest rates are very low in the U.S. right now, and this should mean economic expansion. The U.S. is the largest single national economy is the world, so how…

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8 Pages


Financial Markets and Financial Intermediaries

Words: 2634
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

The cost of these funds and funds availability continue to go down due to the competition taking place between these savings and earnings channels. The joining of two…

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20 Pages
Research Proposal


Financial Market of Hong Kong

Words: 6345
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

He said that the application for Hong Kong Airlines was to list as a so-called "red chip" (overseas registered Chinese company) that had been approved by the State…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Financial Markets & the U S

Words: 701
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

The PowerPoint on inflation states that inflation takes place when prices rise across the board in the economy; oil prices going up can influence many other consumer items.…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Role of Financial Markets

Words: 1842
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Financial Markets and Institutions ole of Financial Markets Financial markets play a significant role in creating wealth in the United States. At the heart of this role is that financial markets…

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6 Pages


Financial Market in New Zealand

Words: 1808
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

The decision of investing or not here then depends on the personal adversity to risk of each individual investor. The general theory states that each investor should construct…

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13 Pages


Financial Markets and Human Overconfidence

Words: 4014
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

QUESTION 1.Overconfidence (excessive optimism) is very commonly observed in human beings. Overconfidence leads to which types of irrational behavior in financial markets? Please list 3 and explain in detail.i.…

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10 Pages


Functions of Financial Markets and Discusses Why

Words: 3238
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

functions of financial markets and discusses why a dollar tomorrow cannot be worth less than a dollar the day after tomorrow. Furthermore, the paper explains the cash flows…

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8 Pages


International Financial Markets and Institutions Throughout the

Words: 2559
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

International Financial Markets and Institutions: Throughout the globe, today's landscape of international financial market and institutions has continued to experience several changes that require practitioners to examine new models. The…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Ethical Issue in Financial Market

Words: 1173
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" The code also states when communicating investment information care must be taken to ensure that it is fair, accurate and complete as well as make full and fair…

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