Five Pillars Of Islam Essays (Examples)

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Islam Teaches That Faith Must
Pages: 3 Words: 985

There are many examples of God's love, but much violence as well. The Bible is full of stories of warring peoples, fighting to the death for their beliefs. Persecution of the Jews, seen on a massive scale as late as the 20th century's Holocaust, was fueled by the New Testament, as Jews were blamed for the crucifixion death of Jesus Christ. Even after World War II, Jews in the U.S. faced persecution through restricted access to certain colleges, clubs and organizations. The Ku Klux Klan, known for targeting African-Americans, has also targeted Jews.
The 20th century saw considerable violence in Northern Ireland, as Protestants and Catholics murdered each other in the name of their respective branches of Christianity. Like radical Muslims, a relatively small number of people believed that violence was the answer, and the only way to demonstrate their commitment to their God.

The Westboro Baptist Church has garnered considerable…...



Jonsson, P. (2010). Why is the Westboro Baptist Church picketing Elizabeth Edwards' funeral?

Christian Science Monitor 12/11/10.

Khan, D. (2008). The five pillars of Islam. Faces 24(6), pp. 12-13.

Rid, T. (2010). Cracks in the Jihad. Wilson Quarterly 34(1).

Islam in the Age of Globalization the
Pages: 6 Words: 2322

Islam in the Age of Globalization
The three major religions in the 21st century are all Abrahamic in historical basis. These religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity remain at the edge of political, social, and cultural issues, particularly now in that globalism has become so predominant. These religions are noted as Abrahamic because each uses the basic teachings of the Prophet Abraham in their general world view. All three faiths are monotheistic and together account for over half the world's population, or combined in excess of 4 billion people. Within these three religions, despite much public disagreement, there are many areas of commonality (The Top 10 Organized eligions in the World, 1998). From a non-religious perspective, however, globalism has brought about some change in the perception of these religions based not necessarily on religion, but on marketing and consumerism.

One of the consequences of globalism in the world is the availability of a…...



The Top 10 Organized Religions in the World. (1998, August 4). The Christian Science Monitor, p. B2.

Islamic Consumer Protest Hits West Where it Hurts. (2002, November 7). Retrieved from The Guardian UK: 

Food, Fashion and Faith. (2007, August 2). Retrieved from The Economist: 

How to Live According to the 5 Pillars of Islam: The Foundation of Islam Cannot be Laid in a Day. (2008). New York: Quick and Easy Guides.

Islam Author David Shasha Writes
Pages: 4 Words: 1120

Initially, there was no separation between religious and civil law within Islamic countries, however Turkey became a secular state during the twentieth century (Introduction).
Both Christians and Muslims believe that Jesus' birth was miraculous, that he was the Messiah, that he performed miraculous healings, and resurrected the dead (Introduction). However Muslims do not believe in original sin, that Jesus was killed during a crucifixion (but rather escaped and reappeared to his disciples without having first died), that Jesus was resurrected; or that salvation is dependent upon belief in the resurrection of Jesus (Introduction). The majority of Christians believe in the Trinity (three persons in one Godhead), the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, however Muslims believe that God (Allah) is one and indivisible (Comparing). Christians believe in the identity of a comforter in the Holy Spirit, while Muslims believe in Muhammad as the comforter (Comparing).

Christians believe that Adam disobeyed God in…...


Works Cited

Comparing Christianity and Islam." Religious Tolerance. Retrieved November 30, 2006 at 

Gartenstein-Ross, Daveed. "No other Gods before me: spheres of influence in the relationship between Christianity and Islam." Denver Journal of International Law and Policy. March 22, 2005. Retrieved November 30, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Grillo, Ralph. "Islam and transnationalism." Journal of Ethnic and Migration

Studies. September 1, 2004. Retrieved November 30, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Islam Almsgiving Zakat Islamic Religion
Pages: 7 Words: 2227

The Masaakeen:

This category is made up of people who have nothing and are in need of support from other in order to meet their basic needs. Given that they are the poor people who beg, they have the rights of asking for and receiving zakat even though some people believe that they have some of their basic needs.

Muslim Converts:

Zakat is paid to draw the hearts of those people who have been inclined towards the Islamic faith. The amount is also paid to prevent or protect non-Muslims living in Muslim states from any harm. According to the opinion of many scholars, this amount should always be considered in cases where there is a need for it. Muslim converts sometimes become disconnected from their families and are deprived of any source of income ("Zakat or Charity" par, 26). Consequently, these people have the right of receiving the zakat tax to guard them…...


Works Cited:

Abdullah, Abdul a. "Treatises: Zakat and Fasting." Islam Future ? The Future for Islam. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. .

Al-Bukhari, Sahih. "Five Pillars of Islam.", 9 June 2010. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. .

"RECIPIENTS of ZAKAAT." Bihar Anjuman: Nuturing a Culture of Mutual Respect. Bihar Anjuman. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. .

"Zakat (Alms)." Mission Islam. Mission Islam. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. .

Islam Worksheet Rel 134 Version When Studying Islam
Pages: 3 Words: 894

Islam Worksheet
REL/134 Version

When studying Islam, it is important to understand the essential elements of the faith, how they are practiced, and the distinctions among the three branches: Shiite Islam, Sunni Islam, and Sufism.

Tawhid -- strict monotheism of God. There is only one, unsurpassable, omniscient God that cannot be visualized or reified in any which manner (although Sunnis do believe that God has some form of body). There are no intermediaries between God and creations. Mohamed might have come the closest to that. Mohammed, God's Prophet, is the closest to perfection that any human can be. Angels are a central part to Islam thought to intercede in all matters of a human's existence. The Quran was divinely revealed to Mohammed, via the archangel Gabriel, and is God's final revelation. Mohammed as one (presumably the most perfect) of God's messengers, all of whom -- human (Shiites believe they are sinless), were chosen…...

Islam Attempting to Summarize the
Pages: 4 Words: 1174

The groom is required to pay a dowry to the bride, as a form of consideration, and the amount is stipulated to within the marital contract.
Interestingly, a man may marry up to four women so long as he can treat them all equally. However, a woman may only marry one man. Divorces are allowed, but are easier for a man to initiate than the female. Popular media portrays Islam as a sexist culture that requires women to such practices as veiling and seclusion. However, there is great debate within the Islamic community on whether the holy texts actually justify these practices. In the twentieth century, social reformers argues against these and other sexist traditions, including polygamy. On the other hand, many individual women are striking a balance between tradition and living an active life within traditional modesty.

Clearly, Islamic traditions play an important part in society, especially when Muslims live…...



Turner, Colin. (2006): Islam: The Basics. London: Routledge.

Waines, David. (2003): An Introduction to Islam. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Weiss, Bernard G. (2002): Studies in Islamic Legal Theory. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers.

Islamic Faith Islam Was Founded
Pages: 5 Words: 1607

The Sawm is the Fourth Pillar of Islam and it teaches Muslims in regard to fasting (refraining from eating or drinking). The Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic lunar year and is believed to be the most important period of the year in Muslim tradition. Muslims are not allowed to eat, drink, or engage in sexual intercourse throughout daylight hours every day during the Ramadan. The person who abstains from eating, drinking, and sex during daylight hours at Ramadan also has to be moral, as any sort of immorality makes the fasting pointless.

The Fifth Pillar is the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. People understand this pilgrimage as a physical and spiritual journey to the holiest place in Islam. The Islamic world promotes the belief that any person who is a Muslim and who is physically able to travel to Mecca should do so at least once in their…...


Works cited:

Boyd Jenkins, Orville, "MAJOR TYPES OF ISLAM," Retrieved September 10, 2011, from the Orville Jenkins website: 

Mason, Bethany, "Following the Prophet: A Comparison of Sunni and Shiite Muslims," Retrieved September 10, 2011, from the East Tennessee State University website: 

Penney, Sue, "Islam," Heinemann, 1999.

Ridenour, Fritz, "So What's the Difference?," Gospel Light, 2001.

Islam and Christianity Muslims Practice
Pages: 4 Words: 1352

Holy books contain the prophets' teachings" (Douglass). Islam has the Qur'an and Christians have the Bible. Douglass points out that both texts teach about "Adam, and that Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and others" (Douglass). Christians also believe in prayer, fasting, and alms - just not in the same way that Muslims do. Christians pray whenever they like and while the Bible teaches that believers should tithe 10% of their earnings, it is not a strict recommendation. Christians can also fast but it not required of them to do so at any particular time of year. Both religions warn against false prophets and worshipping the creation as opposed to the creator. Both religions believe in angelic beings and both religions believe in some type of day of judgment. Furthermore, both religions adopt a version of hell and heaven in the afterlife.
Christianity and Islam share many difference as well. hile Muslims…...


Works Cited

Philips, Abu Ameenah Bilal. "The True Religion." Site Accessed September 03, 2008.

Besancon, Alain. "What Kind of Religion Is Islam?" Commentary. May 2004. EBSCO Resource Database. Site Accessed September 03, 2008. 

Douglass, Susan. What is Islam? Faces. February 2008. EBSCO Resource Database. Site Accessed September 03, 2008.

Islam Prophet
Pages: 9 Words: 2512

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Humanity of rophet Muhammad: An Exemplar for the Ages:
    This essay would delve into the human aspects of the rophet Muhammad, exploring how his character traits, such as compassion, forgiveness, and humility, have inspired generations of Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It would draw from historical accounts and Hadith to analyze his conduct in various facets of life, from family relationships to leading an emerging community.

2. The Migration to Medina: Turning oint in Islamic History:
    Focusing on the significance of the Hijra, or migration, from Mecca to Medina, this essay would examine the event's pivotal role in the establishment of the first Muslim community, the challenges faced by the rophet and his followers, and the long-term implications for the spread of Islam.

3. The Role of rophets in Islam: rophethood of Muhammad Compared with Other rophets:
    This topic would provide a comparative study of the Islamic concept of…...


Primary Sources

The Qur\'an

\"Qur\'an.\" Translated by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem, Oxford UP, 2004.

Hadith collections of Sahih al-Bukhari

al-Bukhari, Muhammad ibn Ismail. \"Sahih al-Bukhari.\" Translated by Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Darussalam, 1997.

Hadith collections of Sahih Muslim

Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj. \"Sahih Muslim.\" Translated by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui, Kitab Bhavan, 2000.

Ibn Ishaq\'s Sirat Rasul Allah (The Biography of the Prophet)

Use of the Death Penalty in Islam
Pages: 5 Words: 1775

Islam Religion and Death Penalty:
Islam is a term that comes from an Arabic root word that means peace and submission that have always been used as the universal Muslim greeting. Based on the origin of this word, the Islamic religion teaches that peace can only be found through submission to Allah (Almighty God) in soul, heart, and deed. As a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion, Islam is articulated by the Qur'an, which is a book regarded as the precise word of God. The religion is also articulated by various teachings and example of Muhammad who is regarded as the last prophet of God. An individual who believes in and consciously adheres to the teachings of the Islamic faith is called a Muslim (Huda par, 2).

Muslims believe that Islam is the total and universal mode of prehistoric faith, which was revealed in the ancient days across the globe. In addition, these people…...


Works Cited:

Huda. "Introduction to Islam." - Islam., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. .

"Islam and Capital Punishment." BBC News - Religions. BBC, 16 Sept. 2009. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. .

"The Role of the Death Penalty in the Quran." Human Rights in General. OCADP, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. .

Schabas, William A. "Islam and the Death Penalty." William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 9.1 (2000): 223-36. 2000. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. .

Islam as Complex as Muslim
Pages: 2 Words: 680

The most egregious sins that can be committed by a Muslim include to deny the unity of God by ascribing divine status to any person or object. This sin is called shirk. Emphasizing the importance of shirk to Muslim morality, all iconography is strictly forbidden in Islam. Iconography in a mosque, the Muslim place of worship, would be akin to idol worship. The second major sin of Islam is kufr, or atheism.

The religious beliefs of Islam are based around a core set of tenets known as the Five Pillars. The first pillar is the Shahadah: there is only one God, and the prophet Mohammed is God's messenger. At the same time, Islam encourages respect of and unity with "all prophets" of God and "all revealed scriptures," (p. 381).

The Second Pillar is prayer, five times a day. Ritual washing is also integral to Muslim prayer. When praying, the worshipper faces…...

Islamic Faith Religion Is a
Pages: 5 Words: 1301

In the city of Medina, Muhammad united the warring tribes. Following eight years of fighting Mecca tribes the Muslims conquered Mecca. In the year 632, after returning to Medina from a farewell pilgrimage to Mecca, Muhammad became ill and died. At the time of his death, almost all of the Arabian Peninsula had converted to the Islamic faith. He had united the Arabian tribes into a single Muslim religious polity hegemon (ibid, 34-40).
The revelations Muhammad reported receiving until his death in 632 form the body of the Qur'an, regarded by Muslims as the "ord of God" and around which the Muslim religion is built upon. In addition to the Qur'an, Muhammad's life and traditions are observed by Muslims. These stories discuss Muhammad and the other prophets with reverence, adding the phrase peace be upon him whenever his name is mentioned. His life and deeds have been debated and criticized…...


Works Cited

Braswell, G. (2000). What you need to know about islam and muslims. New York, NY: B&H Book.

Goldschmidt, A., & Davidson, L. (2005). A concise history of the middle east. (9th

ed.). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Islam and Christianity Religion Serves
Pages: 13 Words: 3432

The first five books were separated from the whole about 400 B.C. As the Pentateuch. Jean Astruc in the eighteenth century noted that the Pentateuch is based on even earlier sources. The two chief sources have since been identified in Genesis on the basis of their respective uses of Yahweh or Elohim in referring to the deity. They are called J. For the Jehovistic or Yahwistic source and E. For the Elohistic source, and P. For the Priestly source was later separated from the E. source (Miller and Miller 698-699).
Consider just the complexities involved in the construction of the first book of the bible, Genesis, in its present form. It is believed that at an early time in human history, perhaps as early as the eleventh or tenth century B.C., someone put together the stories of God's dealing with the fathers from oral forms then in circulation. Such a…...


Works Cited

Blair, Edward P. Abingdon Bible Handbook. New York: Abingdon Press, 1975.

BrJhier, Louis. "Crusades." The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume IV. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1908.

Dimont, Max I. Jews, God and History. New York: Mentor, 1994.

Jomier, Jacques. How to Understand Islam. New York: Crossroad, 1991.

Philosophy the Sects of Islam
Pages: 5 Words: 1697

They study the book of Jafaar al-Saadaq. They also believe Ali is the purpose of life and the divine knowledge of the prophet Mohammed, which actually rises him above the Prophet in their eyes. The religion is also very secretive, and they do not publish their texts or share them with other sects.
The Alawites recognize the Five Pillars of Islam, but do not believe that anyone can practice them because no soul is pure enough to practice them. They also do not believe in a back door entrance to heaven.

The evolution of political Islam actually began during the age of Imperialism, when there was widespread corruption and oppression in the Muslim world. The politicization of Islam was a result of Muslim fundamentalists and Islamic revolutionary movements rising up in protest over this treatment, along with protests against corrupt Muslim regimes in the region. These revolutionaries hoped to create a…...

Leadership in Shia Islam Orthodox
Pages: 8 Words: 2642

In the lines of the Apostles, Bishops of particular Churches throughout the world in charge of particular diocese are part of the Church and form the College of Bishops when the College is united as a decision-making body under the leadership of the Pope. The College may exercise power over the Universal Church by coming together in an ecumenical council when the council is recognized by the Pope, the successor of St. Peter. Additionally, "certain bishops are granted special status and position within the Church by being elevated to the College of Cardinals. The primary role of the College of Cardinals is to act as special advisors to the Pope and to come together on the death of a Pope to vote for his successor" ("The Catholic Church Hierarchy," Catholic Pages, 2007). Finally, there is also a counsel, created after Vatican II known as the Synod of Bishops. This…...


Works Cited

The Catholic Church Hierarchy." Catholic Pages. 2007. December 7, 2008. 

History and Development of the Papacy." Religion Facts. 2008 

Murphy, Donald. "Islam's Sunni-Shiite Split." 2007. The Christian Science Monitor.

How does Islam promote equality among its followers?
Words: 399

Islam promotes equality among its followers in a number of ways, including:

1. All Muslims are considered equal in the eyes of Allah. Regardless of their wealth, social status, or ethnicity, all believers are equal in their worship and devotion to God.

2. Islam teaches that all human beings are created equal and are deserving of respect and dignity. This includes equal rights and opportunities for both men and women.

3. The concept of brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam emphasizes the importance of treating one another with kindness, compassion, and fairness, regardless of differences in background or social status.

4. Islam teaches the importance....

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