Flooding Essays (Examples)

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There are many natural hazards in the environment, but some of them are not as "natural" as they would appear. In other words, some of the environmental hazards in the environment have been created or enhanced by what human beings have done. Flooding is one of those issues, as humans have dammed up streams, moved rivers, and created their own lakes. They have also removed trees and graded land to reduce slopes and provide places on which to build. Then, those areas flood because the natural barriers that kept them from flooding have been removed. This is becoming a serious problem as the population of the world increases. Addressed here will be how this problem came about and the roles that humans have played in the flooding of areas of the U.S. And the world. Then, a stand will be taken as to the researcher's stance on the topic. The….

Flooding Mold
Extreme eather Mitigation

Formulate a plan on how you would use clinical epidemiology to guide your options and actions on dealing with this issue.

Scientists define flooding events by their probability of occurring in a given time period. For example, a hundred-year flood is a flood that would theoretically probable to occur only once every century. However, climate change and the changing atmospheric condition are predicted to increase the frequency of natural disasters as well as their intensity (Kelly, 2012). The science behind climate change is becoming increasingly clear and many of the changes are already occurring. Just in 2011 alone, a dozen natural disasters occurred in the U.S. that were estimated to cause over a billion dollars in damages per each event. (National Climatic Data Center, 2012).

The flood that occurred in ilkes-Barre in September 2011 made the Susquehanna River crest at an unprecedented level of over forty feet. Because of….

Benefits -- Social media is a cost-effective and very powerful tool that will allow an easy two way exchange between public health professionals and the public in the event of a disaster. Since people often use their mobile device to hook up to social media, they would have access to information almost immediately, be up-to-date about the disaster or disease and even sent pictures and help governmental officials assess the situation in a more reasonable manner.

Barrier to Effectiveness -- While 40 million is an impressive number, the population of the United States is currently about 313 million, meaning only 13% actively use social media for communication. This figure may be higher or lower depending on the area of the country (rural, urban, and regional demographic differences). Social Media would be an effective tool, but should not be considered the primary or only tool for communication. Use is also dependent upon….

Flooding Natural Hazard

Natural Hazard, FEMA -- "Floods"
Natural Hazard: Flooding

Flooding, according to the Natural Disasters Association (2014), "is the most common environmental hazard worldwide." This according to the organization is more so the case given the vast distribution (geographical) of both low-lying coastal areas and river flood plains. Essentially, flooding occurs once an area that was not formerly underwater is submerged as a result of water overflow. According to eady, a campaign that seeks to empower members of the public on how best to respond to various emergencies, there are various categories of floods (eady, 2014). While some floods as eady points out develop slowly, others tend to develop within a relatively short period of time (eady, 2014). The latter category is referred to as flash floods. Further, while some floods according to eady could impact a large area, the effect of others could be limited to a neighborhood. Floods have also been….

Flooding to Put in Simple

However, the most horrible cases of flooding are a combination of storms, 'spring tides' and low atmospheric pressure (Think Quest).
Effects of flooding:

Flooding is very dangerous as floodwater severely disrupt both public and personal transport by cutting off roads and railway lines. It suspends all communication links by damaging the telephone lines and disrupts normal drainage systems in cities, while sewage spills are common, representing a serious health risk, along with standing water and wet materials in the home (Lenntech). Additionally, bacteria mould and viruses, cause disease, causing allergic reactions that continue to harm materials long after a flood.

Floods distribute large amounts of water and suspended deposit over vast areas, refilling valuable soil nutrients to agricultural lands. On the contrary, soil is battered by huge amounts of fast flowing water, damaging crops, wiping out agricultural land / buildings and drowning farm animals (Lenntech). Thus, unfortunately, flooding not only causes many….

Yellow River's Flooding History
Flooding is the most common hydrological hazard occurring in various regions of the world. For instance, statistics have recorded 3000 such disasters since the beginning of the 20th century. This is attributed to the widespread distribution of rivers, floodplains, and low-lying coastal plains that are extremely attractive for human settlement. Occurrence of this hazard claims approximately twenty thousand lives each year: at least twenty million are displaced across the globe from their homes at the same time. In addition to devastating impacts on humanity, floods are also known to impact negatively on the economy especially for those countries that have invested heavily on disaster management technology (Keith 232). This study focuses on the flooding history of the lower Yellow River, which is a key water body that has served Chinese civilization for ages. The main factors considered are the driving forces of flood frequency, the implication of….

Gays Mills was submerged five feet deep in water, buildings floated away at Boaz, and all six members of a family near Viroqua drowned when their farmhouse was swept downstream" ("Floods in isconsin," the isconsin Historical Society, 2009). As is illustrated by this anecdote, flooding is almost always devastating to the residents of an area -- many isconsin residents lost everything from the flooding that occurred. Ecologically, from a holistic perspective, flooding can have some benefits, by returning nutrients to the soil, opening up the land to new habitation by a variety of species and replenishing wetlands. Also from a long-term perspective, wetlands can receive runoff from higher areas affected by heavy rains.
Flooding also has historically worked to counteract the severity of droughts. However, one interesting component of isconsin's struggles is that while some areas of the state have suffered terrible floods, others have been afflicted by a lack….

The Mississippi Flood of 2011 was one of many floods endured by the Mississippi River area and surrounding areas. Past flooding taught lessons that were largely unheeded, as "experts" adhered to antiquated systems that repeatedly fail. The many vital competing interests in that geographic area are in dire need of solutions addressing and protecting all interests rather than sacrificing some for the safety of others.

Historical Background Of Similar Disasters Surrounding The Mississippi River

Legend has it that the Mississippi River floods the surrounding area every 100 years; however that is clearly untrue, as several notable floods have occurred within that timeframe. In April and May of 1927, 27,000 square miles in several states were flooded, causing 246 deaths, leaving more than 700,000 homeless and causing $400 million in damage (in 1927 dollars). In August and September of 2005, several states were flooded, causing 238….

Risk of on Floodplains
Flooding is a natural phenomenon, occurring when the build-up in a body of water leads to a discharge which is greater than containment capacity (Paul and Rashid 13). A floodplain is an area located next to the body of water which is usually dry but prone to flooding when the water levels rise beyond the capacity of the river, stream, or other body of water (OAS 1; National Geographic 1). hile it is a natural phenomenon, governments and insurance companies view flooding and a risk, with the potential for communities to suffer when flooding occurs, with short-term impacts resulting in damage to property and forcing people out of affected homes, in the longer term there are the potential health impacts with flood water limiting access to essential resources and frequently holding contaminants (Burby 111).

The issue of flooding has become more pertinent with two main factors impacting….

City of Miami Gardens is vulnerable to natural hazards, particularly flooding because of the location of the area and extreme weather events like heavy rain. One of the major reasons for these extreme weather events that increase the likelihood of heavy rain and subsequent flooding is global climate change. Global climate change contributes to unprecedented weather incidents through which the earth cools and warms over geologic time. While the city has created canal systems and neighborhood drainage system to help in drainage of water during periods of heavy rainfall, the problem of flooding continues to persist. When flooding occurs, it leads to considerable business disruptions, power outages, and other negative impacts on the community.
A hazard scenario in this area would involve a series of storms that are characterized with heavy rains for several weeks. The city's weather department has issued warnings that the heavy rains will continue for several….

The Gold Coast area has a reputation as a flood prone area, even without considering the effects of global climate change.
The Gold Coast area comprises seven major catchment areas including the Tallebudgera, Currumbin, Nerang iver, Coomera iver, Pimpama iver, South Moreton Bay, Sandy Creek and Broadwater area (Mirfenderesk, 2009). The Nerang iver catchment is adjacent to the Tallebudgers catchment to the South. It is bordered by the Broadwater and Coomera iver area to the North. The Nerang iver catchment is adjacent to the Pacific beach area as well (Mirfenderesk, 2009).

Catchment areas have different levels of tolerance before the concentration of water to sediment reaches saturation levels, creating the likelihood of flooding in the area. The Tallbudgers, Currubin, and Broadwater area have time concentrations of approximately 3 hours, creating conditions favorable to short duration local flooding (Mirfenderesk, 2009). The Nerang iver and Coomera catchments have time of concentrations from 3….

FEMA (2010) characterizes flash floods as a "dangerous wall of roaring water that carries rocks, sticks, mud and other debris and can sweep away most things in its path." That such floods can arise without warning, and even without rain in the area, makes them especially dangerous. As flash floods typically occur along rivers, streams or in low-lying areas, the presentation will outline some of the major flash flood threat areas in our region. Estimates of potential damage will be given, based on the density of buildings, property and people in the potentially affected areas. The patterns of flash floods are less predictable and there is little advanced warning, which means that most flash flood management strategies are preventative in nature (i.e. keeping houses out of the most threatened areas).
The resource requirements for managing these flood risks will also be outlined in the presentation. There is a considerable amount….

But after local wastewater plants were "...upgraded and farms' management practices were improved, the amount of phosphorus declined and the copper sulfate was no long considered necessary" (Royte, 2007). The Times' story reports that to prevent the dumping of partially treated sewage water into the waterways, septic tanks need to be upgraded and "cleaning the water in sewage treatments plants even more thoroughly before it is discharged into the watershed..." is necessary. That will be quite a job, because "more than two dozen of the roughly 100 wastewater treatment plants that discharge into the city's watershed use a suboptimal cleaning process."
TO: The flooding problem. hy has it become a more serious problem in recent years? Taking New York City as an example of the problem and its roots, the New York Times article alluded to in the previous section points out that recently, as developers began clearing more and….

4. I did not obtain my current mortgage under any materially false pretenses.

As part of the Hope for Homeowners program, I would be able to attain a new affordable mortgage based on a current appraisal value. I would retain 10% equity in the property, and would be sharing the equity and future appreciation with the Federal government, which would prohibit me from taking out any additional loans against the property except for direct repairs and/or maintenance. There are also up front insurance premiums for this type of loan, which I am aware of.

If you would please consider one of these two options, I believe we can come up with a mutually satisfying solution to help avoid foreclosure on my home. I am writing this hardship letter to plead with your company to review my loan information, take into account my current financial situation, my excellent payment history prior to the….

Iowa Aar

Iowa After-Action eport
A close examination of the 2008 Iowa After-Action eport reveals the importance of communications systems in such emergencies. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2012), it is recommended that the State and healthcare coalitions, in collaboration with healthcare organizations conduct a resource assessment in preparation for emergencies by identification of gaps for incident response including communication. As evident in the report, the response information and communication system proved less effective.

The lapses in the information communication system included the failure to properly execute the Outlook Web Access (OWA) online e-mail application due to the programs time limit for access. The Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) was a critical communication center that coordinated operations for the Department of Public Health as well as the State Emergency Operations Center. It is apparent that the staff in the center could not access the standard Microsoft Outlook desktop e-mail client….

Emergency management is the practice of handling disasters, whether manmade or natural disasters.  There are different levels of emergency management, because emergencies can be local, citywide, statewide, countrywide, or even global.  The current COVID-19 pandemic is a great example of a global emergency and how different regions have handled the pandemic highlight differences in emergency management.

There are a number of different topics to explore in terms of emergency management:

  1. The role of local emergency management facilities in helping stop local spread of COVID-19.
  2. Comparing and contrasting country policies in terms of travel restrictions after the COVID-19 environment.
  3. Local....

Title: The Impact of Heavy Rain: Examining the Environmental, Social, and Economic Consequences

I. Introduction
a. Definition of heavy rain and its increasing frequency
b. Thesis statement: Heavy rain has profound environmental, social, and economic consequences, demanding attention and action.

II. Environmental Consequences of Heavy Rain
a. Flooding:
- Causes and characteristics of flooding during heavy rain
- Environmental impacts, including habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity
- Socioeconomic effects, such as damage to infrastructure and displacement of communities
b. Soil Erosion:
- Causes and extent of soil erosion due to heavy rain
- Environmental impacts, including loss of fertile topsoil and....


The Little Albert Experiment, conducted by John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner in 1920, stands as a seminal study in the field of psychology. This experiment sought to investigate the principles of classical conditioning, focusing on the acquisition, generalization, and extinction of conditioned fear responses in a human infant. The Little Albert Experiment has had a profound impact on our understanding of behaviorism and remains a foundational study in the history of psychology.

 The Experiment:

Watson and Rayner meticulously selected an 11-month-old infant, Albert B., for their experiment. They began by introducing Albert to a variety of stimuli, including a white rat,....

Deforestation in California: A Complex and Thought-Provoking Crisis


Deforestation, the removal of trees from forests, has emerged as a formidable environmental challenge in California. Driven by various factors, including urban expansion, agriculture, and wildfires, deforestation has significant ecological, social, and economic implications. This essay delves into the complexities of deforestation in California, exploring its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

Causes of Deforestation:

Urban Expansion: California's burgeoning population has led to increased urbanization, resulting in the conversion of forest land into residential and commercial developments.
Agriculture: Agriculture accounts for a substantial portion of deforestation in California, particularly for the cultivation of crops like....

4 Pages
Research Paper


Flooding There Are Many Natural Hazards in

Words: 1443
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Flooding There are many natural hazards in the environment, but some of them are not as "natural" as they would appear. In other words, some of the environmental hazards in…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Flooding Mold Extreme Weather Mitigation Formulate a

Words: 922
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Flooding Mold Extreme eather Mitigation Formulate a plan on how you would use clinical epidemiology to guide your options and actions on dealing with this issue. Scientists define flooding events by their…

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2 Pages


Flooding Lessons Learned One of

Words: 706
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Benefits -- Social media is a cost-effective and very powerful tool that will allow an easy two way exchange between public health professionals and the public in the event…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Flooding Natural Hazard

Words: 595
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Natural Hazard, FEMA -- "Floods" Natural Hazard: Flooding Flooding, according to the Natural Disasters Association (2014), "is the most common environmental hazard worldwide." This according to the organization is more so…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Flooding to Put in Simple

Words: 600
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, the most horrible cases of flooding are a combination of storms, 'spring tides' and low atmospheric pressure (Think Quest). Effects of flooding: Flooding is very dangerous as floodwater severely…

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3 Pages


Yellow Rivers Flooding History

Words: 938
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Yellow River's Flooding History Flooding is the most common hydrological hazard occurring in various regions of the world. For instance, statistics have recorded 3000 such disasters since the beginning of…

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4 Pages


Southwestern Wisconsin Flooding Due to

Words: 1407
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Gays Mills was submerged five feet deep in water, buildings floated away at Boaz, and all six members of a family near Viroqua drowned when their farmhouse was…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Causes and Remedies of Flooding Along the Mississippi River

Words: 2290
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION -- DISASTERS -- Mississippi FLOOD 2011 The Mississippi Flood of 2011 was one of many floods endured by the Mississippi River area and surrounding areas. Past flooding taught…

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2 Pages


Greenhouse Gases and Flooding

Words: 968
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Risk of on Floodplains Flooding is a natural phenomenon, occurring when the build-up in a body of water leads to a discharge which is greater than containment capacity (Paul…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Miami Gardens' Hazard Mitigation Plan

Words: 1906
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

City of Miami Gardens is vulnerable to natural hazards, particularly flooding because of the location of the area and extreme weather events like heavy rain. One of the…

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30 Pages


Flood Assessment in the Nerang

Words: 9418
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Thesis

The Gold Coast area has a reputation as a flood prone area, even without considering the effects of global climate change. The Gold Coast area comprises seven major catchment…

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2 Pages
Application Essay


Management in This Presentation I

Words: 643
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Application Essay

FEMA (2010) characterizes flash floods as a "dangerous wall of roaring water that carries rocks, sticks, mud and other debris and can sweep away most things in its…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Water Geography Part One Terms

Words: 2762
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

But after local wastewater plants were "...upgraded and farms' management practices were improved, the amount of phosphorus declined and the copper sulfate was no long considered necessary" (Royte,…

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6 Pages


Hardship Letter Any Business Relationship

Words: 1790
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

4. I did not obtain my current mortgage under any materially false pretenses. As part of the Hope for Homeowners program, I would be able to attain a new affordable…

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2 Pages


Iowa Aar

Words: 524
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Iowa After-Action eport A close examination of the 2008 Iowa After-Action eport reveals the importance of communications systems in such emergencies. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human…

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