Food Safety Essays (Examples)

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Food Safety
Pages: 6 Words: 2234

Food Safety Manual
Food Safety

Purpose and Scope of Manual

Foundations for Use

Safe Food Handling

The Flow of Food

Purchasing and eceiving




Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

Employee Food Safety Training

Food Safety Manual

Nearly 1 in 6 Americans will become sick due to foodborne illness each year and of these, 3,000 will die (CDC, 2011). Since 1997 the number of Escherichia coli has been cut in half, but the prevalence of Salmonella infections has remained stable. Salmonella infections are estimated to be responsible for $365 million in direct medical care costs each year, thus foodborne illness continues to represent a significant medical and economic burden in the U.S. Government agencies therefore continue to investigate and promote greater compliance with food safety practices.

Purpose and Scope of Manual

The apparent success in reducing E. coli infections due to food contamination is proof that foodborne illness is a preventable condition (CDC, 2011). Towards the goal of further reducing food contamination and…...



CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). (2000). Appendix B: Guidelines for confirmation of foodborne-disease outbreaks. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 49(SS01), 54-62. Retrieved 1 Mar. 2013 from   / mmwrhtml/ss4901a3.htm. 

CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). (2011, June). Making food safer to eat: Reducing contamination from the farm to the table. CDC Vital Signs, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved 1 Mar. 2013 from .

CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). (2012). CDC estimates of foodborne illness in the United States. CDC 2011 estimates: Findings. Retrieved 1 Mar. 2013 from .

CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). (2013). Incidence and trends of foodborne illness, 2011. Retrieved 1 Mar. 2013 from .

Food Safety
Pages: 2 Words: 602

Food Safety
hen shopping for food, one should always follow a few simple rules to ensure health and safety. The first basic rule is to always add refrigerated foods, such as meats and dairy products into the cart last, after canned and packaged goods, such as chips and sugar (Food pp). Make certain to check expiration dates, generally found on front, side or bottom, on all products, especially dairy and meats, and decide whether it will be used before the stamped date (Food pp). hen buying fresh beef, pork, poultry or fish, smell the package and if it has a strong odor, do not buy it, regardless of expiration date, and always place meats in plastic bags so they do not leak on other foods and separate them from vegetables and fruit and other foods that may be eaten raw (Food pp). Moreover, do not buy beef that is any shade…...


Work Cited

Food Safety 

Willett, Walter C.; Skerrett, P.J. Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical

Food Safety for America
Pages: 4 Words: 1429

Food Safety for America
ecent food recalls: New safeguards for consumers

"According to a recent report by the Institute of Medicine and the National esearch Council, food-borne illnesses in the U.S. cause more than 5,000 deaths each year." (Suddah 2010). Food and product recalls have become increasingly commonplace: "there were 214 food recalls in 2006, 247 in 2007 and 310 in 2008 according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)" (Jana 2009). From spinach to peanut butter to Spaghetti-Os to pet food, it is hard to think of a sphere of the consumer market that remains untouched by the taint of food recalls. There has been growing demand for greater stringency and oversight over the safety of the food system. Few ordinary Americans know, however, exactly how, why, and when recalls take place. It may surprise people to know that the FDA did not have the ability to issue mandatory recalls of…...



Food safety. (2011). USDA. Retrieved November 29, 2011 at 

Goodman, Amy. (2011). 36 million pounds of Cargill turkey recalled as budget cuts weaken oversight of food safety. Alternet. Retrieved November 29, 2011 at 

Jana. (2010). Why so many food recalls? NC Healthcare Coverage.

Retrieved November 29, 2011 at

Food Safety Critical Analysis
Pages: 4 Words: 1443

The case of Stephanie Smith is certainly alarming, and having familiarized myself with both the ammonia in hamburger issue and the pink slime issue, I will argue that my faith in the USDA and FDA to provide protection to American consumers in terms of the food they eat is sorely lacking. I understand the reality that I have personally not become sick from eating food in America, but that does not mean that the system is working well. By looking at the history of the system, I feel that many of the issues we have today represent a shift away from the foundations of the system.

equired reading on this issue is Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, which detailed the practices of the Chicago meatpacking industry. This book was the first to bring many of these issues to light. In those days, it was not uncommon for people to become sick from…...



Karnowski, S. (2010). Stephanie Smith, Cargill settle on E. Coli case after NYT story about tainted meat. Huffington Post. Retrieved April 28, 2014 

Sinclair, U. (1906). The Jungle

Food Safety Human Nutrition Food Security Human
Pages: 2 Words: 659

Food Safety
Human Nutrition

Food Security

Human Nutrition

Food is contaminated naturally because of how it is grown or from inherent hazards from transportation, harvest, storage, or sometimes processing. Food needs to be prepared and stored in a clean and safe environment. Food hygiene is very important and should be prioritized in every stage food is passed. Food products can be a source of bacteria and if not hygienically prepared, they become contaminated with a bacterium, which multiply rapidly producing toxins, which causes food poisoning.

Causes of food poisoning

aw food materials can be a source of bacteria, parasites or even viruses, which are harmful to humans. Putting food at suitable temperatures to make bacteria thrive well, moisture, presence of oxygen and suitable pH determine how bacteria will multiply. Improper hot storage, inadequate reheating, improper cooling of food, cross-contamination, contaminated raw food and infected people touching the food are also causes of disease outbreaks (Adruser 2005).




Adruser, L.B. (2005). HACCP and Sanitation. Atlanta: Atlantic Publishing Company.

BANHASSI, M.D. (2011). Global Food: Rethinking Agricultural and Rural. United Kingdom: Springer Publishers.

Kass, S. (2004). Biotechnology and Food security. New YORK: Gyan Publishers.

Marshal, J. s. (2001). Child Development. New York: Heinemam.

Food Safety According to the Centers for
Pages: 2 Words: 606

Food Safety
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, n.d.), "food-related diseases affect tens of millions of people and kill thousands." Many of these incidents can be prevented with proper food safety awareness. The most common food safety issues are related to consumer awareness at the point of purchase (such as knowing what to look for in terms of food freshness); food storage; and food preparation. The following recommendations will help prevent food-borne illnesses: which affect 1 in every 6 Americans and cause about 3000 deaths per year in the United States alone (CDC, n.d.).

Wash hands, utensils, and surfaces often (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.).

Be extra careful when handling poultry, which is the number one cause of food-borne illnesses in the United States.

Pay attention to the Safe Minimum Cooking Temperatures, such as those outlined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (n.d.:




Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.). Food safety at CDC. Retrieved online: 

United States Department of Agriculture (n..d). Retrieved online:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (n.d.). Food Retrieved online: 

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (n.d.). Food safety. Retrieved online:  

Food Safety for Children and Elderly Children
Pages: 2 Words: 725

Food Safety for Children and Elderly
Children and elderly are the two groups that are extremely vulnerable in terms of their immune system. They are prone to infections that may be caused by the food that they eat or even water if the proper sanitation factors are not taken care of.

In an early childhood center, there is need for observing the various food safety and sanitation guidelines that are commonly known but are largely ignored. The first stage in ensuring that the children in such a center are kept safe from infection must begin with the storage facility. The danger with careless storage is that we can never realize the effects of improper storage until it is eaten and the children are all sick. According to Safe Kids (2012), it is recommended that is food is cooked and remains, it is stored in the fridge. However even the storage should not…...



Colorado State University, (2011). Serving Children Safe Foods. Retrieved March 4, 2012 from 

Department of Health, (2012). Hygienic Food Preparation and Handling in Food Businesses.

Retrieved March 4, 2012 from 

Safe Kids, (2012). Food Safety: Heating, Cooling and Storage. Retrieved March 4, 2012 from

Food Safety Urban Sprawl & Land Use
Pages: 4 Words: 1198

Food afety, Urban prawl, & Land Use Issues
(01)In the United tates, we are fortunate to have an abundant supply of food, and much of this is due to our agricultural technology. However, there are many concerns about our food source, including genetically modified crops, the use of more chemicals, and climate change just name a few. Give examples of how humans have increased their food supply and what effects these methods have on the environment overall. Discuss concerns you have about the overall safety of the food you eat? (01,-page).

Clearly the discussion of the abundance of food supplies must occur nation-by-nation as the disparity is very broad and deep depending on the region under consideration. Regardless of where they are located, farmers must be concerned about their ability to sustain food production over time and still be profitable. Consumers desire foods and plant fiber products that are safe, inexpensive, and…...



Galindo, M.P.G., and Rodriguez, J.A.C. (2000). Environmental aesthetics and psychological well-being: Relationships between preference judgments for urban landscapes and other relevant affective respsonses. Psychology in Spain, 4 (1), 13-22.

Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution Study on Urban Environments, Well-being and Health, Desk Study: Urban nature. Retrieved 

(03)Environmental Footprint

Complete the first part of this lab at Footprint Calculator (accessible through the Labs section of Contemporary Environmental Issues). You will use the ecological footprint calculator to evaluate your environmental footprint. Then, complete the second part at Household Emissions Calculator (accessible through the Labs section of Contemporary Environmental Issues). You will use the EPA's household emissions calculator to quantitatively identify three to five everyday products or practices that contribute most to your footprint and identify measurable solutions to each. That is, you will estimate savings of both carbon emissions and money that can be achieved via the solutions. In the study questions, reflect upon your results and relate them to themes covered in Contemporary Environmental Issues. (01-page)

Food Safety and Food
Pages: 2 Words: 665

Food safety is of major concern and one of the ten most prevalent public health issues discussed in the United States. One the federal level actions have been made to address the issue of food safety. As years, have passed the quality of food in the country has (in the opinions of some), diminished. There are more fast food restaurants, processed food sold in supermarkets than ever before. People in the U.S. have also experienced obesity earlier in life and at a higher degree. Food safety must be addressed not just for adverse health reasons, but to help tackle the obesity epidemic in this country.
The United States federal government has taken steps towards improving the food safety system. The most recent step was the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). Signed into law on January 4 rth, 2015 by President Obama, the act grants the FDA the ability to strengthen…...



City Harvest. (2016). City Harvest - Rescuing Food for New York's Hungry. Retrieved from 

FDA. (2015). Federal/State Integration. Retrieved from  

Canadian Food Safety A Wider
Pages: 10 Words: 3763

Holley's (Chase, 2010) on grounds of dereliction of duty. If the State 'got paid' the same regardless of how many violations it prosecuted, that second dimension of moral hazard would overlap the primary incentive for producers to cheat.
Adverse selection is often considered a result, rather than a cause of moral hazard, where offering a risk-bearing product creates incentive for demand by the riskiest consumers. Obvious modern examples include offering expensive mortgages to high-risk home buyers, or selling life or health insurance at the same price regardless of consumer demographics. Not charging potentially sick or aged consumers more for health or life insurance sets up a stronger incentive for those customers to purchase than for the young and healthy, and therefore higher risk than the overall average. The resulting higher risk proportion is called 'adverse selection.' If credit costs extra for high-risk borrowers, low-risk borrowers will choose less-expensive product or…...



Ausubel, L.M. (1999). Adverse selection in the credit card market. University of Maryland, 17

June 1999. Retrieved from

Chase, S. (2010). Part 1: The quest to put some bite into foreign food inspections. Globe and Mail, 19 Nov. 2010. Retrieved from 

Dowd, K. (2009). Moral hazard and the financial crisis. Cato Journal 29(1), Cato Institute.

The Final Research Paper for Food Safety
Pages: 8 Words: 2624

causes of foodborne illnesses include inadequate hand washing at any stage including the consumer, cross-contamination such as using the same cutting board for meat as cheese, improper storage temperatures such as a refrigerator that is not set cold enough, improper cooking temperatures, particularly regarding meat, the contamination of food by animal waste, which generally occurs in factory food production, and the contamination of soil or water supplies from natural sources or industrial pollution. Tracing the source of a food contamination problem requires an investigation of all the stages of food production from farm to table. Contamination can occur at any of these stages, but the type and severity of the contamination varies depending on when it occurs, and how. Optimal food safety involves safe practices at each and every one of the following levels: food sourcing, food production, food handling, and the end-user consumption of food.
Food Sourcing

Perhaps the least…...



Bartholomew, G.W. (2015). Hazard analysis of incidental condensation contamination in food manufacturing facilities. Food Safety. August/September 2015. Retrieved online: 

Caswell, J.A. (1991). Economics of Food Safety. New York: Elsevier.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015). Food safety. Retrieved online: 

FDA (2015). Foodborne illness and contaminants. Retrieved online:  

Analyzing Food Safety and Labeling
Pages: 6 Words: 1963

imported food labeling and safety aspects in China.
Of late, China has become a key food import source in the U.S. Chinese food imports increased more than thrice in value from 2001 to 2008. A number of highly publicized food adulteration and contamination cases in China's local food supply as well as in its imported goods to America have led public concern to be directed towards safety of Chinese foods (Gale and Buzby, 2009). Partly inspired by the above concerns, an American Governmental Import Safety IWG (Interagency Working Group) published an import safety action plan, while the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) published its 2007 Food Protection Plan. In the year 2008, the FDA established its very first foreign office in Beijing, China.

The Agency's refusals of food shipments from China indicate the product mix imported: shellfish and fish, vegetable and fruit products constitute the majority of refusals. A majority of…...



Balzano, J. (2015). Forbes Welcome. Revised Food Safety Law in China Signals Many Changes and Some Surprises. Retrieved June 25, 2016, from 

Fu-Tomlinson, Y., & Wang, V. (2015). Home - Food Safety Magazine. Food Labeling for Companies Manufacturing or Distributing Food in China - Food Safety Magazine. Retrieved June 24, 2016, from 

Gale, & Buzby. (2009). USDA ERS - Home. Imports from China and Food Safety Issues. Retrieved June 24, 2016, from 

McKenna. (2011). WIRED. Food Safety in China, and the Risk to the U.S. -- WIRED. Retrieved June 24, 2016, from

Role of Science in Food Safety
Pages: 4 Words: 1267

Food Safety Hazards of Livestock
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks ongoing Eschericia coli outbreaks across the nation, including those arising from leafy green vegetables. For example, in 2012, 58 people were sickened by an E. coli O157:H7 outbreak in the Midwest that was eventually tracked to a Missouri farm producing romaine lettuce (CDC). In 2006, close to 200 people became ill when exposed to O157:H7-contaminated baby spinach harvested from the Central Valley of California (arnert). The 2006 outbreak resulted in the death of two elderly women and a 2-year-old boy. Making matters worse, nearly 80% of the nation's leafy greens are grown in the Central Valley. Needless to say, the impact on public trust concerning the safety of farm produce was considerable.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also tracked the behavior of consumers following the 2006 outbreak (Arnade, Calvin, and Kuchler 734). hat was unique about…...


Works Cited

Arnade, Carlos, Calvin, Linda, and Fred Kuchler. "Consumer Response to a Food Safety Shock: The 2006 Food-Borne Illness Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Linked to Spinach. Review of Agricultural Economics, 31.4 (2009), 734-50. Print.

Benjamin, Lisa A. et al. "Risk Factors for Escherichia coli O157 on Beef Cattle Ranches Located near a Major Produce Production Region. Epidemiology and Infection, 143.1 (2015), 81-93. Print.

Berry, Elaine D. et al. "Effect of Proximity to a Cattle Feedlot on Escherichia coli O157:H7 Contamination of Leafy Greens and Evaluation of the Potential for Airborne Transmission." Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81.3 (2015), 1101-10. Print.

CDC. Investigation Update: Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Infections Linked to Romaine Lettuce. March 23, 2012 (Final Update). U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mar. 2012. Web. 23 February 2015.

Revised Project Proposal for a Company
Pages: 7 Words: 1984

Revised Project ProposalWhen a company expands its operations to a new location, it requires the hiring of new employees who need to be trained according to the companys values and the industry standards along with best practices. Shippers Warehouse targets attaining the best engaged and high-performing employees at its 3PL warehouses so that the final consumer receives high-quality products. A committed workforce is known to produce positive outcomes for the firm and the same is the aim of the project that could be initiated by Shippers Warehouse for training its food-grade operations warehouses employees at its new locations. The project would include the deliverables, the stakeholders involved, timelines, tasks, and deadlines by highlighting the staffing and non-staffing needs, if any, together with the estimation of the overall project costs.Summary of the ProjectRecently, Shippers Warehouse has announced the expansion of its warehousing services to 16 nationwide locations (The Shippers Group, 2021).…...



Al-Sharafi, H., Mat, E. & Alam, S.S. (2018). The effect of training and career development on employees retention- A study on the telecommunication organizations in Yemen. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 2, 420-430. 

Bleich, C. (n.a.). Top 10 types of employee training methods. Edge Point Learning. 

Jacobs, R.L. & Washington, C. (2003). Employee development and organizational performance: A review of literature and directions for future research. Human Resource Development International, 6(3), 343-354. DOI: 10.1080/13678860110096211

State Food Safety Resources. (n.a.). Stand-up training: Why food handlers should wear gloves.

Food Safety and Food
Pages: 54 Words: 10186

Validation of Commercial Baking as an Effective Step to Control/Inactivate Salmonella in Baked Products
Major findings, analysis and conclusions

Description of the baking industry and baking emphasis in the United States.

Purpose and structure of importance

Description of the problem being addressed and its importance to the practice of applied food safety

Process of Consultation

Outline how the client (ABA) will be engaged and carefully define the problem

Identification of key stakeholders

Overview and feedback of findings and results

ecommended actions and dissemination of these recommendations

Plans for implementation and measurement

Major findings. The U.S. had approximately 167,600 baker positions available in 2012 and around 6% of these were self-employed (Bakery business, 2016). Although industry analysts project sustained growth in the U.S. baking industry, this growth will not be on par with other industries (Bakery business, 2016). Currently, the U.S. baking industry is a nearly $310 billion industry that has enjoyed a remarkably safe record for the production of shelf stable…...



About us. (2016). American Bakers Association. Retrieved from

Albion, R. G. & Williamson, H. F. (1944). The growth of the American economy: An introduction to the economic history of the United States. New York: Prentice-Hall.

Bakery business. (2016). SBDC Net. Retrieved from .

Baking industry economic impact study, 2016). American Bakers Association. Retrieved from

Can you help me with research on the 1993 Jack in the Box E. coli outbreak?
Words: 381

It can be a little difficult to find accurate research on a specific incident like the 1993 Jack In the Box E. coli outbreak.  Escherichia coli, commonly known as E. coli is a type of bacterium that is often located in the lower intestine of warm-blooded animals.  E. coli lives in healthy people and animals, but some strains of E. coli can be very dangerous, causing significant gastrointestinal symptoms in impacted people.  If you are infected with a dangerous strain, the symptoms can include severe cramping, bloody diarrhea, and even vomiting.  People....

What are the potential health risks associated with consuming genetically modified foods?
Words: 473

Potential Health Risks Associated with Consuming Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically modified foods (GMFs) are crops or animals whose DNA has been altered using recombinant DNA technology to introduce or modify specific traits. While GMFs have the potential to address global food security and nutrition, there are ongoing concerns about their potential health risks.
1. Allergenicity:
GMFs may introduce new or altered proteins that could trigger allergic reactions in individuals. For instance, the Brazil nut gene in genetically modified soybeans could pose a risk for individuals with Brazil nut allergies.
2. Toxicity:
Some GMFs may contain or produce toxins that could be harmful to human health.....

What are the key findings on rice value chain in recent literature reviews?
Words: 435

Key Findings on Rice Value Chain in Recent Literature Reviews
1. Market Segmentation and Specialization
Studies indicate a growing trend towards market segmentation, with different grades and qualities of rice targeting specific consumer segments.
Specialization among farmers and millers allows for greater efficiency and responsiveness to market demands.
2. Value Addition and Diversification
Rice value chain analysis highlights the potential for value addition through processing, packaging, and branding.
Diversification of rice production into niche markets, such as organic or aromatic varieties, can enhance profitability.
3. Food Safety and Quality Standards
Growing consumer awareness of food safety and quality has led to stricter regulations....

How do chemical reactions influence everyday life?
Words: 680

## Chemical Reactions: The Foundation of Everyday Life

Chemical reactions, the fundamental processes that alter the composition of matter, play a ubiquitous and profound role in shaping our everyday lives. From the air we breathe to the food we consume, from the clothes we wear to the medicines we take, chemical reactions are the driving force behind countless phenomena that permeate our existence.

### Food and Nutrition

Chemical reactions are essential for the digestion and metabolism of the food we eat. Enzymes, which are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions, break down complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars, fats into fatty acids and glycerol, and....

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