Foreign Direct Investment Essays (Examples)

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Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign Direct Investment
Discuss the impact of corporate taxation on corporate decision-making, particularly investment and transfer pricing decisions

Taxation has a direct correlation to corporate profits and subsequent earnings per share. Taxes are a necessary aspect of the capital markets. In many instances, taxes are needed to maintain the overall economic system in which corporations operate in. Aspects such as national security, infrastructure, social safety nets, and other firms of government initiatives, are financed through taxes. Corporations benefit as they can now operate in a more efficient, credible, and transparent business environment. Taxes however, when excessive can discourage foreign direct investment within particular countries.

Taxes particularly for equity investors, have a profound impact on the overall attractiveness of securities. For one, investors are often taxed twice due to capital gains and dividend income. For instance, investors in equities often receive dividend payments throughout the duration of the year. These payments are often taxed….

Foreign Direct Investment and the Impact of Terrorism
Foreign Direct Investment provides many opportunities for both the expanding company and the host country. The host country receives an influx of business into their economy and the expanding company receives the ability to expand into new and emerging markets. There are many factors that weigh into a decision to expand and invest in another country. Of course, one of the key factors is a stable economy. The travel and tourism industry is one of the key industries that engages in foreign direct investment. This is especially true among the big chains. The following research will explore the factors that weigh into a decision to invest in a country, and will then focus on the impact that terrorism, has on this decision.

Patterns of FDI Growth Over the Past 20 Years

As the world moves toward a more global economy, there is a greater trend….

Foreign Direct Investments in ussia
The evolution of FDIs in ussia can be divided into three distinct time periods: 1996-1999, 1999-2002 and 2002-2006. Throughout the first period, foreign direct investments registered a steady growth from 0.65% of the GDP to 1.68%. Throughout the following period, they significantly decreased to 1.00%. Finally, in the third period, direct investments registered increases and by 2006, they would represent nearly 3% in the country's gross domestic product. For the overall period, the trend was an ascendant one.

FDIs and the Indicators of Institutions

VOICE -- with a value of -0.5687, the freedom of the ussian population to choose their own leaders and speak their minds remains limited; nevertheless, it has not managed to discourage foreign investments

POLSTAB -- of a -0.8474, the political stability remains a delicate issue within the ussian Federation, but neither this has discouraged investments

GOVEFF -- the quality of the public services remains low….

However, the development and implementation of the new fiscal regulations could expand throughout numerous years.
Lack of incentives and transparency in the privatization process - the current administration is basically blamed for its refusal to privatize large state owned companies and numerous banks. In addition, the government is also accused that when they do indeed agree to the privatization of a bank or company, their procedures and reasons are not made public. (Wold ank, 2001)

These issues, alongside with other significant matters have been raised by international organizations and their quick resolve is vital for a balanced economy. While the North Atlantic Treaty Organization places increased emphasis on military strategies and alliances, the European Union places increased interest on all aspects of life. In this order of ideas, the European organization imposed numerous conditions including, amongst others, the reduction of taxation, the implementation of transparency policies and the reduction of political….

Ongoing research is inclusive of."..mechanical and instrumentations laboratories and test centers." (Ibid)
Electronics and Infocomm Technology - founded the Centre for Mechanics of Micro-Systems in 1999 which works in collaboration with the Data Storage Institute as well as other partners in production of sensors, actuators, and miniature micro-systems.

Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology - established the Centre for Intelligent Products and Manufacturing Systems which has as its focus research and development of: (1) intelligent manufacturing; (2) automation technology, (3) robotics; (4) mechatronics; and (5) control engineering and computational intelligence. (Ibid)

These are only a few of the initiatives by Singapore in responding to the needs identified if the country is to keep pace with the demands in the manufacturing industry market and the products that are technologically in line with today's applications. Internal factors that positively affect the manufacturing industry in Singapore include the high level of openness in international trade which in….

For instance, Kirkpatrick, Parker and Zhang (2006) emphasize that, "FDI in infrastructure responds positively to an effective domestic regulatory framework. By implication, where regulatory institutions are weak and vulnerable to 'capture' by the government (or the private sector), foreign investors may be more reluctant to make a major commitment to large scale infrastructure projects in developing countries" (para. 1). A pattern of governmental involvement is apparent in varying degrees among the developing nations that have experienced the most significant economic growth as a result of foreign direct investment.
In an increasingly integrated global marketplace, it is apparent that increased trade will equate to increased economic growth but the level of growth will be directly related to how well developing nations are able to attract the finite amount of FDI that available.

Advantages of Foreign Direct Investment and International Trade

A distinct advantage of foreign direct investment is that it provides an investment….

Mexico's largest cement manufacturer, Cemex, has transformed itself from a primarily Mexican operation into the third-largest cement company in the world largely because of its obsession with efficient manufacturing and with providing top customer service. Cemex also provides attention to its distributors as well as to its marketing, but most of all Cemex is reputed for its global expansion. Cemex has its cement offices in Venezuela, Colombia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Egypt, and several other countries that include the U.S.A., Britain, Spain, India, and most recently China. CEMEX's career has been one of constant expansion and it has promised to continue this global expansion of its company in the future.
Which theoretical explanation, or explanations, of FDI best explains CEMEX's FDI?"

Foreign Direct investment (FDI) refers to a company making a direct investment in another country, either by buying a company in that other country or by expanding operations of an existing….

This investment would become the most prevalent in the period after orld ar 2 British economic power declined and the U.S. became predominant ("Our History").
hile in the paper industry U.S. FDI was not as prevalent till the 20th century after the Second orld ar, in the recovery and processing of minerals this occurred in the late 19th and early 20th century as gold, nickel, zinc and other nonferrous metals. This created a mining industry in which U.S. And a lesser amount of British capital soon played roles. Goldwas extracted first by individuals then by large-scale, capital-intensive methods. Established American mining companies set up Canadian branches to carry on this type of prospecting activity such as furnishing skills and capital as well as experience.

From the first, base-metal deposits were exploited in the main by companies that were established and controlled by U.S. mining firms. In the 1920s, U.S. companies in….

Foreign Direct Investment Project in South Africa
South Africa is a largely free-market economy that encourages foreign investment in private and public sectors. The country is an attractive option for foreign direct investment since it has a transparent regulatory framework, political stability, easy access to raw materials, and a large population. Foreign direct investment (FDI) can be defined as investment made by a business organization or company based in one country into another company or business organization that is based in another country. As a result, the company making direct investments usually has significant control and influence over the one into which the investment is made. An example of a foreign direct investment project is Wal-Mart's merger with Massmart, which enabled Wal-Mart to establish a foothold in a huge consumer market in Africa.

Wal-Mart's Merger with Massmart

As previously mentioned, a good case of a foreign direct investment project is Wal-Mart's merger with….

Qatar's Foreign Direct Investment Law
Qatar's Foreign Investment Law

Why is Qatar Attracting Foreign Investors?

Qatar's Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign Investor

How to Apply

Investment Laws

Investment Sectors

Qatar's Investment Environment

Qatar's Foreign Investment Law

With a population of approximately 1.7 million people, Qatar happens to be one of the tiniest states in the Arab Gulf. Although Arabic is the official state language, English remains one of the country's most widely spoken languages (CIA). The country's capital is Doha. Being a constitutional monarchy, it is also important to note that since the 19th century, this Gulf Arab State has been under the leadership of the Al-Thani family.

According to the state's Ministry of Economy and Commerce -- MEC, the country has in the recent past been striving to make economic diversification a reality. In the words of MEC, "although oil is the main contributor and component of the gross domestic product (GDP), Qatar encourages making use of investment opportunities in different….

Executive Summary This paper provides a proposal for the company on the most suitable country or emerging market for the company to expand its production of ready meals. Ready meals markets have been steadily growing in recent years across all geographical regions of the world. The proposal is based on the increased growth of ready meals markets and institutional analysis of India and China, which are two emerging markets that continue to experience high levels of growth. While India and China are some of the leading emerging markets worldwide, its important for the company to determine the most suitable market to enter. Therefore, this paper seeks to answer the question, “Which emerging market is suitable for expansion of ready meals production between India and China?” To answer this question, the researcher conducts an institutional analysis of each country and identifies opportunities and threats in the market. The analysis is based….

S. billion in 1998. eported as the dominant source of inward FDI in China is that of Hong Kong, followed by Japan, the U.S. And Taiwan.
Summary and Conclusion

This study set out to examine Foreign Direct Investment in China by the multinational enterprise. At present China is a primary source for foreign direct investment due to the favorable laws and regulations governing Foreign Direct Investment in China and the attempt to make location siting of the organization equitable and fair. China has been attempting to pull the company in line with their own expectations as have the multinational enterprises who desire to directly invest foreign funds into China.


Investment (2008) Multinational Corporations. Cush & Wakefield. etrieved from:

Kroll, CA and Bardhan, a. (2007) Globalization and the eal Estate Industry: Issues, Implications, Opportunities Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, Paper Prepared for the Sloan Industry Studies Annual Conference. Cambridge, April 2007. etrieved from:….

Yet, what is important to accomplish at this stage is the presentation of the direct effects of the foreign direct investments. If these impacts materialize in growths of the Panamanian economy, it will be safe to conclude that the country reveals an efficient bi-direction foreign direct investment system. In this order of ideas, the following lines reveal some of the most notable impacts of FDIs onto Panama's socio-economic status (they are written in bulleted form to increase readability and clarity):
The first and foremost important impact was given by the massive investments made in the enlargement of the Panama Canal; the effects of such an endeavor were tremendous. On the one hand, the enlarged canal offered greater opportunities for traffic, which in turn materialized in greater revenues from offering services in the canal. Then, this enlargement translated into an increased demand for workforce, which in turn created new jobs, reduced….

For instance, McDonald's has a solid partnership with Starbucks that came as a natural solution to the increased consumption of coffee in its restaurants. Starbucks happens to be the world's leading specialty coffee retailer with a worldwide presence that matches that of the fast food producer.

Other factors affecting decision

Vietnam is an Asian country with strong oriental cooking habits, which might not be very compatible with McDonald's typical menu of cheeseburgers and fries with a Coke on the side. Furthermore, the local food seems to be relatively healthy, which again is not something that cam be said by McDonald's food.

In 1990s, the company tried to enter this market, but didn't due to the lack of suitable business partners. A few years later, KFC and Lotteria entered the market and consolidated their position. Therefore, at this point the restaurant chain would need a couple of strong breakthrough strategies to be able….

Successful FDI
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the net inflows of investment to acquire management interest in an enterprise functioning in an economy other than that of the investor. Besides providing inflow of foreign capital and funds, foreign direct investment also enhance in the transfer of skills, technological innovations and job opportunities in an economy. Statistical data have suggested that foreign direct investment in the developing countries have also boost the local productivity growth.

A foreign direct investment can take-up the form of investment by an individual, a group of related individuals, public or private limited company, group of companies, trust, social institutions, government body or any combination of these. Foreign direct investment can be made in an economy through the method of completely owned subsidiary or company; acquisition of the listed company; merger of the related or unrelated enterprises and equity joint venture with another enterprise or business entity.

MNE or Multinational….

Ireland was poor for a long period of time due to a number of historical, political, and economic factors.

1. English colonization: Ireland experienced centuries of English colonization and control, resulting in land confiscation, forced tithes, and economic exploitation. The English prioritized their own interests, which hindered Ireland's economic development.

2. Penal Laws: The Penal Laws, enacted in the 17th and 18th centuries, restricted the rights of Irish Catholics, preventing them from owning land, holding public office, or practicing their religion freely. This discrimination limited upward socioeconomic mobility for the majority of the Irish population.

3. Agricultural practices: Ireland's reliance on subsistence agriculture....

Globalization and Economic Interconnectedness

Globalization, the interconnectedness of nations and peoples through trade, finance, and communication, has profoundly influenced the economies of the world. It has fostered a complex web of interdependencies, leading to a more interconnected and interdependent global economy.

Trade and Investment

Globalization has broken down trade barriers and reduced transportation costs, leading to a surge in global trade. Multinational corporations have established production facilities and supply chains in multiple countries, creating dense networks of trade flows. Countries have specialized in producing goods and services where they have a comparative advantage, leading to greater efficiency and lower consumer prices. Foreign direct....

4 Pages
Term Paper


Foreign Direct Investment

Words: 1405
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Foreign Direct Investment Discuss the impact of corporate taxation on corporate decision-making, particularly investment and transfer pricing decisions Taxation has a direct correlation to corporate profits and subsequent earnings per share.…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Foreign Direct Investment and the Impact of Terrorism

Words: 3956
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Foreign Direct Investment and the Impact of Terrorism Foreign Direct Investment provides many opportunities for both the expanding company and the host country. The host country receives an influx of…

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15 Pages


Foreign Direct Investment in Brics

Words: 4051
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Thesis

Foreign Direct Investments in ussia The evolution of FDIs in ussia can be divided into three distinct time periods: 1996-1999, 1999-2002 and 2002-2006. Throughout the first period, foreign direct…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Foreign Direct Investment Into Ukrainian

Words: 3105
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, the development and implementation of the new fiscal regulations could expand throughout numerous years. Lack of incentives and transparency in the privatization process - the current administration is…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


Foreign Direct Investment and the

Words: 2890
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ongoing research is inclusive of."..mechanical and instrumentations laboratories and test centers." (Ibid) Electronics and Infocomm Technology - founded the Centre for Mechanics of Micro-Systems in 1999 which works in…

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3 Pages


Foreign Direct Investment and Free

Words: 920
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

For instance, Kirkpatrick, Parker and Zhang (2006) emphasize that, "FDI in infrastructure responds positively to an effective domestic regulatory framework. By implication, where regulatory institutions are weak and…

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2 Pages


Foreign Direct Investment by Cemex

Words: 753
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Mexico's largest cement manufacturer, Cemex, has transformed itself from a primarily Mexican operation into the third-largest cement company in the world largely because of its obsession with efficient…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Foreign Direct Investment in Canada

Words: 3154
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This investment would become the most prevalent in the period after orld ar 2 British economic power declined and the U.S. became predominant ("Our History"). hile in the paper…

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6 Pages


Wal Mart S Foreign Direct Investment Into South Africa

Words: 1975
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Foreign Direct Investment Project in South Africa South Africa is a largely free-market economy that encourages foreign investment in private and public sectors. The country is an attractive option for…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Qatar's Foreign Direct Investment Law

Words: 2234
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Qatar's Foreign Direct Investment Law Qatar's Foreign Investment Law Why is Qatar Attracting Foreign Investors? Qatar's Foreign Direct Investment Foreign Investor How to Apply Investment Laws Investment Sectors Qatar's Investment Environment Qatar's Foreign Investment Law With a population of…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Industries

Ready Meals in India and China

Words: 1188
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Executive Summary This paper provides a proposal for the company on the most suitable country or emerging market for the company to expand its production of ready meals. Ready…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

Foreign Direct Investment Strategy the

Words: 1507
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S. billion in 1998. eported as the dominant source of inward FDI in China is that of Hong Kong, followed by Japan, the U.S. And Taiwan. Summary and Conclusion This study…

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4 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

Bi-Directional Foreign Direct Investment in

Words: 1161
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Yet, what is important to accomplish at this stage is the presentation of the direct effects of the foreign direct investments. If these impacts materialize in growths of…

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8 Pages


International Business Foreign Direct Investment

Words: 2198
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

For instance, McDonald's has a solid partnership with Starbucks that came as a natural solution to the increased consumption of coffee in its restaurants. Starbucks happens to be…

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4 Pages
Business Plan


Successful FDI Foreign Direct Investment FDI Is

Words: 1428
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Business Plan

Successful FDI Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the net inflows of investment to acquire management interest in an enterprise functioning in an economy other than that of the investor. Besides…

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