Forest Ecosystem Essays (Examples)

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Forest Ecosystems Are Functioning Units
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Some plants have vey specific equiements fo light; too much o too little sunshine will kill them.

5. Low Fecundity: Species poduces few offsping. Note: species which cae fo thei young eithe befoe bith (long pegnancy) and/o aftewads have fewe offsping than those who do not.

6. High Human Value: Species has chaacteistics that make it valuable to humans. Many animals have been hunted to endangement, o even extinction, fo thei beautiful plumage o fu. Wild plants and fungi may also be ove-havested if they ae paticulaly tasty o contain useful medicine.


I ) Reseach and familiaize youself with the following concepts at and/o o any othe eputable, educational website.

food chain food web pimay poduce pimay, seconday and tetiay consume decompose pyamids of enegy, mass and numbe community population niche theatened species endangeed species extinction.

II) Design a unique foest ecosystem with seveal esident species and ecod the following about you species…...



1) Forest Type and Location (may be located anywhere in the world)

Temperate Rainforest; Northwestern United States (Washington State)

2) Biological community (list ONE species of each of the following):

i. Producers

Forest Fires and Suppression Fire and Smoke Control
Pages: 8 Words: 2754

Forest Fires and Suppression
Fires are a powerful, natural phenomenon that can have a huge impact on the ecosystem and the people living in the area. A forest fire (more commonly referred to as wildfire) is any fire that may occur in a combustible vegetative environment or wilderness area. Forest fires can be ignited by either natural forces or by man's negligence. Other causes are all man-made. Fires are instigated by fuel and sustained by oxygen and heat. In forests, the trees and bushes serve as fuel. Although in a very small percentage, some forest fires are caused by spontaneous combustion. Every object has a temperature at which it ignites. This temperature is known as Flashpoint. [1: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Third Edition. (2008). Cambridge University Press.]

The Flashpoint for wood is 572 degree Fahrenheit. hen wood heats up to a temperature 572 degree Fahrenheit, it produces a gas that reacts with…...


Work Cited (Australia), V.P. Press conference: Bushfires death toll revised to 173. Media Release. 2009.Ambrosia, V.G. Disaster Management Applications -- Fire. NASA-Ames Research Center . 2003.Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Third Edition. Cambridge University Press. 2008.China Makes Snow to Extinguish Forest Fire. 2006.Chronological List of U.S. Billion Dollar Events. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Satellite and Information Service.Fok, C.-L., Roman, G.-C., & and Lu, C.W Mobile Agent Middleware for Sensor Networks: An Application Case Study . 2004.Group, N.W. (March 2003). The New Generation Fire Shelter .Laboratory, M.F. Fire Behavior and Danger Software. 2008. Retrieved 2012, from   S.J. (n.d.). How Plants Use Fire (And Are Used By It). Retrieved from Nova Online: Schroeder, D. Evaluation of Three Wildfire Smoke Detection Systems. Advantage (Forest Enginerring Research Institute of Canada) . 2004.Specification 5100-304c Long-Term Retardant, Wildland Firefighting. U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service . 2007.Townsend, H. City swelters, records tumble in heat. Melbourne: The Age. 2009.] ,

As the old saying goes, "prevention is better than cure." It is imperative that there is effective wildfire prevention methods employed in order to minimize the risk of eventual suppression. Prevention has its benefits as it reduces the threat of fire to the lives, environment and nearby land and buildings. It also aids in the reduction of the fire damage that is caused and reduces the costs of suppression. Smokey, the Bear was created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, in 1944. He was created as a fire preventive messenger to warn unaware novice campers of the dangers of their careless actions. Other prevention techniques involve the supervising authorities in the area to manage the air quality and maintain the ecological balance of their region in order to prevent conditions that lead to the ignition of forests.

End Notes

Forests and Fens
Pages: 4 Words: 1363


Forests have long been exploited. They are harvested for their timber, or cleared for agricultural land, both activities being entirely destructive to the ecosystem. The fen exists typically within the forest, and is not usually subject to exploitation until the forest itself is, because the forest acts as a natural barrier for the fen. The destruction of forests for timber is arguably the lesser of the two forms of exploitation, at least in countries with active silviculture programs, as the forests will have the potential to regenerate. However the destruction of forest ecosystems is associated with several negative outcomes. The biodiversity of the forest system is reduced, and this effect is stronger the more forest is cleared. Destruction for agriculture is permanent, which means that the loss of biodiversity is permanent. Endemic and endangered species are rendered extinct, or their numbers reduced (Chediack, 2008).

Fenland is often exploited via draining. Sometimes,…...



Breward, N. (2003). Heavy-metal contaminated soils associated with drained fenland in Lancashire, England, UK, revealed by BGS Soil Geochemical Survey. Applied Geochemistry. Vol. 18 (11) 1663-1670.

Chediack, S. (2008). The effect of forest exploitation on structure, diversity, and floristic composition of palmito-dominated Atlantic forests at Misiones, Argentina. Rev. Bio. Trop. Vol 56 (2) 721-738.

Fredeen, A. (2007) . Climate change and the mountain pine beetle. University of Northern British Columbia. Retrieved April 27, 2015 from 

Sasaki, N. & Putz, F. (2009). Critical need for new definitions of forest and forest degradation in global climate change agreements. Conservation Letters. Vol. 2009, 1-7.

Forest Fire Management Systems and
Pages: 63 Words: 17324

It was then important to see the degree at which technology and training played a role in combating each fire.
1.2.4.ationale of the Study

What is that can be gained from this study? The reasoning behind such a study is born out of a need to provide better training for fire fighters so that fire management systems will improve and reduce the amount of loss due to the fire. By studying such a topic, one can gain the knowledge of how to better train fire fighters and how to make his or her job safer in the process. This in turn, results in reduced losses due to the fire. This also results in higher service ratings for the fire department and an increase in morale for the community.

1.3.Definition of Terms


The Underlying Causes of Fire.

It has already become a general knowledge that the majority of forest and land fire incidents in the…...



Allan, C. (2003). A Ponderosa Natural Area Reveals its Secrets. USGS. Retrieved July 11, 2005 from the World Web Wide: .

Anderson, H.E. (1983). Predicting Wind-Driven Wild Land Fire Size and Shape. Research Paper INT-305. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, pp. 1-26.

Beer, T. (1990). The Australian National Bushfire Model Project. Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 13, 12, 49-56.

Calabri, G. (1982). Recent evolution and prospects for the Mediterranean region, Forest Fire prevention and control. Proceedings of an International seminar.

Forest Inventory
Pages: 8 Words: 2153

Essay Topic Examples
1. Advances in Forest Inventory Methods:
    Exploration of the cutting-edge technologies and methodologies that have revolutionized forest inventory processes. This includes LiDAR, remote sensing, and the use of UAVs, and how they have improved the accuracy and efficiency of forest resource assessments.

2. Historical Changes in Forest Inventory ractices:
    An analysis of how forest inventory practices have evolved over time from manual, labor-intensive methods to the adoption of automated and digital techniques. This topic would also delve into the implications of these changes for forest management and conservation.

3. Forest Inventory and Biodiversity Conservation:
    Investigation into how comprehensive forest inventories can inform biodiversity conservation strategies. It would discuss the relationship between accurate data on forest composition, structure, and the viability of preserving different species within forest ecosystems.

4. Socio-economic Implications of Forest Inventories:
    A discussion on how data derived from forest inventories can impact socio-economic outcomes, including land use planning, sustainable forest management, and the…...


Primary Sources

FAO. \"Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020: Main report.\" Rome, 2020. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Köhl, Michael, Peter L. Laky, and Sumalika Biswas. \"Tropical Forest Assessment: Embracing the New Paradigm.\" Environmental Management, vol. 67, no. 2, 2021, pp. 235-247.

Ranneby, Bo, Knut Ringvall, Göran Ståhl, Mats Allard, and Anders G. Gertsson. \"Adaptive cluster sampling for forest inventories.\" Forest Science, vol. 44, no. 4, 1998, pp. 543-550.

Wulder, Michael A., and Steven E. Franklin. \"Remote Sensing of Forest Environments: Concepts and Case Studies.\" Springer Science & Business Media, 2003.

McRoberts, Ronald E., and Erkki O. Tomppo. \"Remote sensing support for national forest inventories.\" Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 110, no. 4, 2007, pp. 412-419.

Ecosystems Are Changed by Both Biotic and
Pages: 2 Words: 724

Ecosystems are changed by both biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic factors are all living things or their materials that directly or indirectly affect an organism in its environment. Biotic factors include organisms, their presence or parts, their interaction with the ecosystem, or their wastes. Additionally, parasitism, disease, and predation are considered biotic factors. Abiotic factors are factors of a non-living physical and chemical nature that affect the ability of organisms to survive and reproduce. These factors include light intensity, temperature, soil or rock type, pH levels, available water supplies, gasses, and pollutant levels (Bush, 2002).
Both types of factors change the equilibrium, but in different ways. For example, any change in temperature, an abiotic factor, may not only affect the ecosystem in general, but also affect the biotic factors in the ecosystem, such as aiding in the production of a given species. This species may then become overabundant, which can then…...

Forest Cutting Ethical and Practical
Pages: 3 Words: 871

The United States was also very much economically dependent on the old-growth conifer forests of the Pacific Northwest during the period of heavy deforestation that occurred there. This dependence was not as total as Brazil's is, due to the sheer size of the country and abundance of other resources in the nation, but during the development of the nineteenth century especially the lumber that the old -- growth forests provided -- as well as the land that was used for farming once the trees had been cleared -- were vital elements of the continuing expansion of the nation (Foster 1991). Brazil is experiencing its own era of rapid economic expansion in the current era, and limiting its deforestation would limit this growth potential.

In this light, it becomes difficult to see how the United States or anyone living there can simply ask Brazil to stop the massive deforestation of its rainforests…...



Butler, R. (2008). "Deforestation in the Amazon." WSPA. Accessed 21 July 2010. 

Foster, J. (1991). "Capitalism and the ancient forest - battle over old growth forest in the Pacific Northwest." CBS MoneyWatch. Accessed 21 July 2010.

Coastal Forests and Woodlands
Pages: 14 Words: 4073

Trees cover nothing less than one-third of the earth's surface, and it is estimated that around 3 trillion trees exist worldwide. Forests are found in different climates and locations, they exist in wet, dry, sweltering and bitterly climates. Each of these forests types have the natural peculiarities that allow them to develop in their respective climate (Motivans). Unfortunately, in the past few decades, there has been an enormous level of commercial activities that have subjected forests all over the world to a dire consequential threat with adverse felt by most of the woodlands around the world. Deforestation, road and building constructions form a major part of human threats on the woodlands. Adding to the human activities is the climate change, which has been very devastating on many of the species that inhabit these forests. The threats on their inhabitants are a direct danger of extinction to these woodlands, as what…...

Shortleaf Pine Forest Fires Have
Pages: 10 Words: 2898

Small fires, on the other hand, are less intense, and therefore cause less damage to the pine. The low air temperature in many areas of shortleaf pine growth help the heat of the fire dissipate, and therefore, more fire is required to raise the temperature of the plant cambium to the point of killing the tree. Also, if debris on the ground is only dry on top, but has moisture underneath, the fire is unable to spread to the base cambium, saving the pine (Little, 1978).
On the other hand, the frequency of fires in shortleaf pine areas also has an effect.

Young shortleaf pines sprout at the root if the crown of the tree is badly damaged, as mentioned. This ability, however, is confined to trees up to 8 inches in diameter, or the trees most likely damaged in a fire. Many of the sprouts on even these trees die,…...


Bibliography of Conifers. 2nd edition. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Gilmore, G. Prescribed Fire for Forest Regeneration [Internet]. 2007 [cited Nov. 18, 2007]. Available at .

Halls, L.K. 1977. Pines Pinus. in: Lowell K. Halls, editor. Southern Fruit-Producing Woody Plants Used by Wildlife. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report SO-16. Southern Forest Experiment Station, New Orleans, LA.

Higgins, Kenneth F., Arnold D. Kruse, and James L. Piehl. 1989. Effects of fire in the Northern Great Plains. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. Extension Circular 761. 47 pp.

Huggett, J. 2004. Fundamentals of Biogeography. New York: Routledge Sparks, J.C, Masters, R.E., and Engle, D.M. 2002. Season of burn influences: Fire behavior and fuel consumption in restored shortleaf pine grassland communities. Restoration Ecology 10(4): 714-722.

Destroying Forests and Cutting Trees
Pages: 2 Words: 761

Environmental Problems and Deforestation
One of the most serious environmental problems facing society today is global warming. This problem has been related to the important issue of the depletion of trees and natural forests throughout the world. Scientists and medical experts are becoming increasingly concerned at the affect that global warming is having on human health and the environment. This sense of alarm is being increased by the fact that predictions about extreme weather and climatic changes that were previously seen to be an indication of the effects of global warming, are now taking place. This has also caused scientists to predict more dire effects of global warming for the future. Global warming has been linked to shortages of food supplies and the increase in infectious diseases as well as changes in the various biological ecosystems of the world, which are already having profound effects on human life and health.

The most…...



D'EMILIO, FRANCES ( 2003) "WHO Links Global Warming to More Deaths," AP Online, December 11.

Rainforests and Global Warming. Rainforest Action Network. Retrieved May 22, 2005. 

Revington J. The Causes of Tropical Deforestation. May 21, 2005. 

Revington J. Stopping Tropical Deforestation May 21, 2005.

Logging and Slash and Burn
Pages: 2 Words: 512

I would also like to know the suggested length of the canopy trees and the measurements of this 'partial shade'. (a third variable that I would like to know is what type of cacao they experimented with since there are different kinds).
These three aspects are important for the following reasons:

. The researchers may have studied only 2 rainforests in which case their research is insignificant. The rainforests may have had conditions that may have supported the researcher's conclusions -- we need a diversity of rainforests that contain different conditions in order to more reliably test hypothesis. The researchers may have conducted their research in an ad hoc manner or with certain shortfalls that would invalidate their conclusions. A scientific study needs to be both reliable and valid (in both external and internal way) to be accepted. Certain conditions for both elements need to be addressed. I would like to…...


1. The researchers may have studied only 2 rainforests in which case their research is insignificant. The rainforests may have had conditions that may have supported the researcher's conclusions -- we need a diversity of rainforests that contain different conditions in order to more reliably test hypothesis. The researchers may have conducted their research in an ad hoc manner or with certain shortfalls that would invalidate their conclusions. A scientific study needs to be both reliable and valid (in both external and internal way) to be accepted. Certain conditions for both elements need to be addressed. I would like to know whether researchers met these in order to know whether to accept study 

2. The height of the trees as well as diameter of shade is important in order to recreate study

3. Cacao comes in various types. I would like to know whether researchers experimented with just one kind or several in order to know whether to generalize to cacao as a whole.

Wildland Recreation There Is an
Pages: 3 Words: 1075

He also mentions how the lack of fire has affected whitebark pine, a species that supports a variety of high mountain flora and fauna, and attributes this to the fact that there is not sufficient fire to eradicate competing species.
H.E. cLean, writing in 1995 in American Forests, covers a handful of relevant topics. These include stating that there is an inherent risk in using prescribed fires because they are subject to the unpredictable forces of nature, but that this risk is acceptable. He discusses the need for prescribed burns in Alaska, due to the state's climate and corresponding slow decomposition rate. In addition, he outlines briefly the role of prescribed burns in Sequoia NP, Yosemite NP, and Stanislaus NF.

Further examples of controlled burning programs and a recap of the issues discussed above are found in other sources. The article "Wildland Fire in Yellowstone" discusses issues pertaining to that park;…...


McLean, H.E. (1995) Fighting fire with fire. American Forests. Retrieved on June 15, 2008 at 

No author. (2007) Wildland Fire in Yellowstone. National Park Service Retrieved June 11, 2008 at 

Havnes, M.T. (2004) Officials set Largest-Ever Planned Burn in Zion National Park in Utah. The Salt Lake Tribune. Retrieved on June 14, 2008 at

Economics of Forestry in an Evolving Society
Pages: 10 Words: 2871

Economics of Forestry
Timber is the major product currently harvested from forests. Timber is used in a variety of products ranging from houses to paper and paperboard products. Long ago it seemed as if the supply of wood from forests was abundant and as if there would always be enough to provide everything that we could possibly need. However, recently we have realized that this is not the case. Timber is a major source of income and has become necessary to sustain out life-style as we know it. There has been a clash of ideology between ecologists and economists. Ecologists point out that forests have many other benefits besides just providing timber and are quick to point out that we need them to reduce the level of green house gases and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Economists are equally as quick to point out that we need timber to sustain…...


Works Cited

Bradley, Dennis. "One of two parts of a chapter on EE for the Ecosystem Stewardship."

Workshop held in Tucson Arizona, December 4-14, 1995.

Bradley, D.P. Xu, Zhi, and Lewis, B.J. "Forests as Natural Capital: Parallels, Problems, and Implications." Unpublished paper: NCFES, Forest Service, USDA, St. Paul, Minn. 43

Bradley, D. And D. Lothner (ed.). "Achieving wood energy potentials: evidence in northeastern

Forestry-Sudden Oak Death Analysis and
Pages: 10 Words: 2903

Climate was also found to be a significant variable and it was hypothesized that landscape patterns may influence important microclimate conditions that have an affect on the reproduction and survival of pathogens. For example, temperature has been found be related to structural aspects of the landscape such as overstorey canopy,

The central hypothesis that was tested was that, "...small isolated forest fragments have lower levels of P. ramorum infection, owing to an associated larger grassland dispersal barrier and less suitable microclimate conditions." 7

3. Findings

In general it as found that landscape-scale configuration as well as local composition of host habitats are both linked to the degree of destructiveness of the disease. The result showed that the structure and composition of the forest or woodland was severely affected by the disease, which in turn had a serious effect on both host and pathogen. 5 More specifically it was found that; "P. ramorum…...


Reference List

Rizzo D., Garbelotto M. Sudden oak death: endangering California and Oregon forest ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2003. 1 (4): 198.

Rizzo D., Garbelotto M. Sudden oak death: endangering California and Oregon forest ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2003. 1 (4): 199.

Rizzo D., Garbelotto M. Sudden oak death: endangering California and Oregon forest ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2003. 1 (4): 200.

Rizzo D., Garbelotto M. Sudden oak death: endangering California and Oregon forest ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2003. 1 (4): 203.

How to Stop Deforestation in the Amazon
Pages: 7 Words: 1968

Deforestation in the AmazonOutlineI. The problema. Amazon is one of the world\\\'s most important ecosystems, home to an estimated 10% of the world\\\'s biodiversity. However, the Amazon is under threat from deforestationb. This problem impacts the Amazon indigenous people but also all people.c. The loss of trees has a number of impacts on the Amazon ecosystem. It increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, contributing to climate change, which impacts everyone.d. The root causes of deforestation are agriculture, ranching, urbanization, and logging.e. Secondary and tertiary problems are flooding and wildfires.II. Themes in Geography, Climate, Etc.a. Deforestation affects earths climate regulation.b. Trees absorb carbon dioxidebut cant if cut down.c. Trees also play an important role in the heat flow process, as well as the daily and annual cycles of air temperature.III. Organizational Assessmenta. Two organizations working to mitigate this issue are the ainforest Alliance and the World Wildlife Fund.b.…...


ReferencesAlves de Oliveira, B. F., Bottino, M. J., Nobre, P., & Nobre, C. A. (2021). Deforestation and climate change are projected to increase heat stress risk in the Brazilian Amazon. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), 1-8.Dos Reis, M., de Alencastro Graça, P. M. L., Yanai, A. M., Ramos, C. J. P., & Fearnside, P. M. (2021). Forest fires and deforestation in the central Amazon: Effects of landscape and climate on spatial and temporal dynamics. Journal of Environmental Management, 288, 112310.Gagliardi, J., Oliveira, T., Magalhães, S., & Falcão, H. (2021). 10 “The Amazon is ours”. Climate Change and Journalism: Negotiating Rifts of Time.Müller, C. (2020). Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest: Deforestation, biodiversity and cooperation with the EU and international forums.Ritchie, H. & Roser, M. (2022). Deforestation and forest loss. Retrieved from

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on deforestation california?
Words: 320

1. The impact of deforestation in California on indigenous communities and their cultural traditions
2. The role of corporate interests in driving deforestation in California
3. The connection between deforestation in California and climate change mitigation efforts
4. The ethical considerations of deforestation in California for economic development
5. The potential solutions to combat deforestation in California and restore forest ecosystems
6. The intersectionality of deforestation in California with social justice issues, such as environmental racism
7. The long-term consequences of deforestation in California on biodiversity and ecosystem services
8. The challenges of enforcing deforestation regulations and protecting California's forests
9. The role of urbanization and agriculture in....

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about The Amazon Rainforest Ecosystem and it\'s species?
Words: 247

1. "Exploring the Biodiversity of the Amazon Rainforest: A Look at its Rich Ecosystem"

2. "The Amazon Rainforest: A Treasure Trove of Species and Habitats"

3. "Protecting the Amazon Rainforest: Preserving a Global Biodiversity Hotspot"

4. "The Threats to the Amazon Rainforest Ecosystem and its Species"

5. "Adaptations of Amazon Rainforest Species to their Unique Environment"

6. "The Importance of the Amazon Rainforest in Maintaining Global Biodiversity"

7. "Exploring the Interconnectedness of Species in the Amazon Rainforest Ecosystem"

8. "Conservation Efforts in the Amazon Rainforest: Balancing Human Needs with Environmental Protection"

9. "The Role of Indigenous Peoples in Preserving the Amazon Rainforest's Species and Ecosystem"

10. "Future Challenges and....

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about The Amazon Rainforest Ecosystem and it\'s species?
Words: 385

Part 1: Captivating and Informative Titles

1. The Amazon: A Symphony of Life Amidst the Heartbeat of the Earth
This title evokes the vibrant biodiversity of the Amazon and its vital role in the global ecosystem.

2. Guardians of the Emerald Canopy: The Intricate Interplay of Species in the Amazon Rainforest
This title highlights the interconnectedness of species within the Amazon and their collective role as custodians of the rainforest.

3. The Amazon Labyrinth: Unraveling the Secrets of a Diverse and Thriving Ecosystem
This title piques curiosity by presenting the Amazon as a complex and enigmatic ecosystem full of hidden wonders.

Part 2: Titles Emphasizing Ecological Significance


Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on octomeles sumatrana?
Words: 405

Essay Topics on Octomeles sumatrana


Octomeles sumatrana, commonly known as the Terap tree or Elephant Ear Tree, is a remarkable species native to Southeast Asia. Its distinctive characteristics, traditional uses, and environmental significance make it a fascinating subject for academic exploration. Here is a comprehensive list of essay topics that highlight the various aspects of this versatile tree:

Botanical Characteristics

The morphological and anatomical features of Octomeles sumatrana: A detailed examination of its unique leaf shape, fruit structure, and wood anatomy.
Comparative analysis of Octomeles sumatrana with other species in the family Tetramelaceae: Exploring similarities and differences in terms of morphological traits,....

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