Gender Inequality Essays (Examples)

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Gender Inequality in Hong Kong
age discrimination is the discrepancy of wages between two groups due to a bias towards or against a specific trait with all other characteristics of both groups being equivalent. In the case of gender inequality, wage discrimination exists between the male and female gender. Historically, gender inequality has favored men over similarly qualified women (Kwong, 1999). In Hong Kong, Article 19 of the Bill of Rights promises rights to women in regards of d family and marriage (Merry, Stern, Deveaux, & Inoue, 2006). The Article give the provision that the family is supposed to be a unit that is a natural and important group unit of society and is permitted to defense by culture and the State; the right of women and men that come from eligible age to marry and to find a family will be acknowledged; no marriage is allowed to be entered into….


One important aspect that has to be handled while studying gender inequalities is the intermingling of the words sex and gender. The two words, sex and gender are usually intermingled in numerous formats of studies especially in many health studies. The main distinction between the realities of the two words within the social concept of gender is that sex mainly revolves around the physical and biological aspects of the individual while gender deals with the intangible concepts of mental toughness and character traits. Hence the intermingling of these words in studies of gender inequalities can give inconsistent results. Hence it is important to study the gender inequalities and differences by treating sex and gender as two separate and different entities so that their overall impact and influence on the instigation of inequalities can be measured more accurately (Broom 2001).

Another important aspect that needs to be tackled when studying gender inequalities….

Gender Inequality in Education
Every human being, in an ideal society, is born with certain rights that are considered to be the birth right and obligatory for the state and society to deliver. These rights include the right to Healthcare, Clean Water, Food, Justice, Nationality, etc. ut again this is something that can only be talked about in the most ideal of worlds. The reality of the world is that not all human beings are born equal and preference of one kind over the other due to the color of their skin or their gender or ethnicity continues to prevail in the world.

There is no denying that efforts are being made to eliminate these differences, but the task is not as easy as may seem. Already there are too many problems and hassles that are in the way that continue to keep these differences alive. One of the most fundamental rights….

Gender Inequality in the Workplace
Families, societies, workplaces, moreover the whole world at large is bubbling with inequality. Color, religion, ethnicity, age, financial status and mostly gender are the basis of this biasness. Families do not mingle with people outside their own community, they do not consider cross marriages. Societies look down upon lower statuses and the elite have their noses held high in the air where no conscience can reach. Workplaces are also affected by the same factors. The entire concept of workforce diversity is base on minimizing the differences between castes, religions, age, color and gender.

However, the struggle to lessen this inequality shows only gradual enhancements (Cotter, Joan, eese, 2000). Throwing light upon the most persistent factor of inequality we find that discrimination is done on the basis of gender everywhere. It is needless to say which gender has the upper hand. A very common and widely used phrase….

Gender Inequity in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia
Gender Inequality in sports has led to Obesity among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia

Obesity is one of the most rapidly escalating phenomena in the entire world. It is influencing the lifestyle and lifestyle choices of both adults and teenagers specifically young females across all ethnicities and races as well as social statures (World Health Organization [WHO], 2006). Obese individuals are mostly the ones who are anticipated to have shorter life spans than usual primarily because of the offset health and dietary structure that they sustain (American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP], 2003). Even though, a large extent of research has focused on and been devoted to obesity as it relates to young females, there have nevertheless been limited efforts made from the domain of teenage girls in Saudi Arabia and in helping them overcome their obesity problems as….

gender inequality greater at lower or higher educational levels? The authors of this paper are Evertsson, England, Mooi-Reci, Hermsen, de Bruijn, and Cotter. The paper was published by the Oxford University Press. It was found on Google Scholar.
My motivation for selecting this paper was that the subject matter is of personal interest to me. I feel that pay inequality between the genders is not only an issue that should not persist in the 21st century, but makes for a fascinating component of gender studies in general, because it transcends all cultures and times. In fact, the paper I am studying covers multiple countries, including two known for their relative degrees of gender neutrality. It is important to understand as much as we can about this issue if we are to eliminate it. This paper helps with just that -- it adds to the rich body of research on the….

For example, some women in the contemporary society question the natural order of things such as the man being the head of a family unit. I strongly feel that a world without family unit would be full of chaos. This is because even the simplest definition of the human society and civilization can be traced back from the existence of the basic building block of the society-family. An interruption of this natural order of things would probably send the human race in a tail spin of lack of civilization and a complete redone of the whole process of civilization and human character development.
The actual process of rebuilding the structure of the human society would take so long and in the process would lead to a disruption of the tedious and meticulous process of the whole match of the humankind towards a better society. What can be done in order….

Gender Inequality and Internet
Gender Inequality concerns are also plaguing the world of new technologies the same way they have been haunting us in other areas. It is widely believed that women are less frequent users of the Internet and new related technologies as compared to men, which is creating a widening gender gap. The research in this area proves that this concern is not exactly baseless but a change has been noticed in this trend from mind 1990s to 2003.

During the time when Internet was still in its infancy, men were not only more frequent users, they would actually dominate the field with women still lurking in the dark since they knew little about the technology and even less about its potential impact. Women as active users of the Internet and email as found by Nielsen/Netatings Study of 2001 but the frequency and intensity of their usage remains low compared….

Gender Issues in Education Today
The objective of this study is to examine gender issues in education today and to discuss its impacts or potential impacts on individuals and society. This study will examine how this issue has been addressed by philanthropy, charitable organizations, and governments.

Initial examination of the gender gap in education appears to show that women are on the receiving end of less education to prepare them for life however; there are new reports stating that male students are falling behind their female counterparts in school and that females are outperforming males in the educational setting. For example, the work of Whitmire (2010) states that the debate surrounding "gender and schooling have taken a surprising turn in the past decade. After years of concern that girls were being shortchanged in male-dominated schools, especially in math and science, there has grown a rising chorus of voices worrying about whether boys….

Kimmel, it is gender inequality, rather than gender differences that is the cause of gender differences in men and women. And gender inequality is caused from the earliest age on depending on the specific country and age that we live in. Kimmel is not even sure whether gender inequality, does not exist today. It is thought that it has vanished, yet in many areas, it still seems to be flourishing.
Each of the stories presented illustrate Kimmel's theme and indicate how gender inequality is a substance that has been socially created during a specific epoch and in a special place.

In the "Yellow Wallpaper" (tetson), you have the horrific story of a woman who became senile due to the way her husband and caretakers treated her. he hated the room, hated the bondage, and hated her 'liberty'. he wanted to write; wanted different furnishings; wanted to get out; wanted to be….

Ethics of Good Business vs. Gender Inequality in Health Care
In excess of any other organization, concerns that deal with patients and their well-being are of utmost significance in the healthcare industry. This is since; individuals in this business are dealing with such circumstances and environments, every day, which have a direct manner on another person's way of life. That is why, it is compulsory for all healthcare organizations to have an ethics committee, a written code of ethics, rules or actions that are governing right conduct, in order for the interests of all the parties, whether the patient, his family members, the organization itself, caregivers and the community itself, are correctly taken care of. This essay is bit about ethical issues in the health sector that are pertaining to gender inequalities in healthcare.

The Ethics of Good Business vs. Gender Inequality in Health Care


This lack of competency or lack of good….

China has held within its territorial lines three ways of thinking that aided the Chinese in creating a way of life and culture. The three ways of thinking include: Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. These three philosophies and/or religion promoted peace, balance, hard work, and most importantly, how to lead a good life. Although they promoted positive aspects of society, Confucianism was a way of thinking that held women at a much lower status than men.
Women were at the base of the Confucian pyramid. Honorable behavior consisted of uncomplaining obedience. Men were allowed multiple wives and concubines, while women could only be around close relatives, husbands, masters, or palace eunuchs. A quote from Confucianism demonstrates how women were expected to be: "To do wrong is unbecoming to a wife, and to do good is also unbecoming to a wife. A woman is only to be obedient to what is proper."

Leaders like….

Class is not simply about dollars and cents, says Langston, it is also about race and gender: "The experience of Black, Latino, American Indian or Asian-American working classes will differ significantly from the white working classes, which have traditionally been able to rely on white privilege to provide a more elite position within the working class." White workers received better, unionized jobs, for example, and even white working class children can more easily blend in with the elites than their African-American counterparts. This is one reason, perhaps, that the working class has struggled to find unity in America -- the racial divides within the nation have often pitted members of the so-called lower classes against one another in a non-productive fashion, and women or men within specific ethnic groups may be the target of particular forms of social injustice that limit their advancement.

Non-middle class people must speak two languages --….

Philanthropy in Gender Equality Efforts
The Approaches to Gender Equality

The Welfare Approach

The Equity approach

Anti-poverty Approach

The Efficiency Approach

The Empowerment Approach


Philanthropic budget of $500,000


Philanthropic budget of $10,000,000


Philanthropic budget of $100,000,000

The protection, survival and development of girls and boys on an equal basis and the eradication of discrimination on the basis of sex in all walks of life especially in education, work and society is the basic meaning of gender equality. It also refers to the equal rights of girls and boys and women and men (, 2015).

It is well established that in the modern society, discrimination in any form and at any place is unacceptable. Acts of discrimination on the basis of sex in education and in social life, is further more damaging to a human beings as individuals. This is so because such discriminations denies or robs from the person being discriminated against, the opportunity of career advancement, financial gains and equal….

This view is often drowned out in the far more vociferous voices of fundamentalism, however. A stricter interpretation of Muslim tradition and law might actually, as many scholars have asserted, support much greater rights for women and even drastically different methods for determining the extent of those rights than those that are practiced by fundamentalists. But regardless of what the texts, prophets, and traditions of Islam truly say about the rights of women, the fact remains that they are completely subjugated by fundamentalist interpretations of the Muslim religion, and isolated from society because of it.

The isolation that women, and especially young women, experience in this situation is exemplified in contemporary fiction (or semi-fiction) as well; aiza Guene's novel Kiffe Tomorrow centers around a teenage girl, Doria, who struggles to understand what life is like for other Parisians as she and her mother live at the bottom of the Muslim community,….

Yes, there are several news topics related to adversity that would make for a compelling essay subject. Here are a few examples:

1. The COVID-19 pandemic: You can explore how people worldwide faced numerous adversities due to the pandemic, such as health challenges, economic struggles, mental health issues, and social isolation. You can discuss stories of resilience, innovative solutions, community support, and lessons learned.

2. Climate change and natural disasters: Write about the adversity faced by communities affected by natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, wildfires, or droughts. Discuss the challenges of rebuilding lives, adapting to new circumstances, and finding sustainable solutions to....

I. Introduction
A. Background information on gender inequality in education
B. Thesis statement: Gender inequities in education persist, leading to disparities in opportunities and outcomes for individuals of different genders.

II. Gender Disparities in Access to Education
A. Differences in enrollment rates between boys and girls
B. Barriers to education faced by girls, such as cultural norms and economic constraints
C. Impact of gender disparities on educational attainment and future opportunities

III. Gender Stereotypes in Education
A. Stereotypical beliefs about gender roles and abilities in academics
B. Influence of gender stereotypes on teacher expectations and classroom dynamics
C. Consequences of stereotyping on students' self-esteem and academic performance

IV. Gender Inequities in....

Essay Topic 1: The Evolution of Feminist Thought: From Suffrage to Intersectionality

Trace the historical trajectory of feminist thought, from the early suffrage movement to contemporary intersectional feminism.
Analyze the shifting definitions and goals of feminism over time.
Examine the impact of social, political, and economic factors on feminist ideologies.

Essay Topic 2: The Intersectionality of Feminism: Identity, Power, and Oppression

Explore the concept of intersectionality and its significance within feminist theory.
Discuss how race, gender, class, sexuality, and other identities intersect to create unique experiences of oppression and empowerment.
Analyze the ways in which intersectionality challenges dominant feminist narratives and....

1. The impact of child labor on education and opportunities for children in developing countries.
2. The ethical implications of companies using child labor in their supply chains.
3. The role of government regulations in combating child labor.
4. The psychological and emotional effects of child labor on children.
5. The connection between poverty and child labor.
6. The historical roots of child labor and its prevalence throughout different time periods and regions.
7. The relationship between globalization and child labor.
8. The effectiveness of international organizations and initiatives in addressing child labor.
9. The intersectionality of child labor with other social issues, such as gender inequality and....

7 Pages

Sports - Women

Gender Inequality in Hong Kong Wage Discrimination

Words: 2242
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender Inequality in Hong Kong age discrimination is the discrepancy of wages between two groups due to a bias towards or against a specific trait with all other characteristics of…

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8 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender Inequality One of the

Words: 2806
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

Body One important aspect that has to be handled while studying gender inequalities is the intermingling of the words sex and gender. The two words, sex and gender are usually…

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6 Pages


Gender Inequality in Education Every Human Being

Words: 1782
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

Gender Inequality in Education Every human being, in an ideal society, is born with certain rights that are considered to be the birth right and obligatory for the state and…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Women

Gender Inequality in the Workplace

Words: 2531
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Gender Inequality in the Workplace Families, societies, workplaces, moreover the whole world at large is bubbling with inequality. Color, religion, ethnicity, age, financial status and mostly gender are the basis…

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8 Pages
Research Proposal


Gender Inequality in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia

Words: 3829
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Gender Inequity in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia Gender Inequality in sports has led to Obesity among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia Obesity is one…

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3 Pages

Sports - Women

Gender Inequality Greater at Lower or Higher

Words: 978
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

gender inequality greater at lower or higher educational levels? The authors of this paper are Evertsson, England, Mooi-Reci, Hermsen, de Bruijn, and Cotter. The paper was published by…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Gender Inequality Is One That

Words: 2234
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For example, some women in the contemporary society question the natural order of things such as the man being the head of a family unit. I strongly feel…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Internet and Gender Inequality

Words: 1772
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Gender Inequality and Internet Gender Inequality concerns are also plaguing the world of new technologies the same way they have been haunting us in other areas. It is widely believed…

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10 Pages

Sports - Women

Education and Gender Inequality

Words: 3250
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender Issues in Education Today The objective of this study is to examine gender issues in education today and to discuss its impacts or potential impacts on individuals and society.…

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4 Pages

Sports - Women

Kimmel it Is Gender Inequality Rather Than

Words: 1481
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Kimmel, it is gender inequality, rather than gender differences that is the cause of gender differences in men and women. And gender inequality is caused from the earliest…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Ethics of Good Business vs Gender Inequality in Health Care

Words: 2711
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ethics of Good Business vs. Gender Inequality in Health Care In excess of any other organization, concerns that deal with patients and their well-being are of utmost significance in the…

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5 Pages

Family and Marriage

Mao Zedong's View on Gender Inequality

Words: 1715
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

China has held within its territorial lines three ways of thinking that aided the Chinese in creating a way of life and culture. The three ways of thinking include:…

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2 Pages


Classless Society Gender Inequality Is

Words: 865
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Class is not simply about dollars and cents, says Langston, it is also about race and gender: "The experience of Black, Latino, American Indian or Asian-American working classes will…

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20 Pages


Philanthropy and Gender Inequality

Words: 6636
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Essay

Philanthropy in Gender Equality Efforts The Approaches to Gender Equality The Welfare Approach The Equity approach Anti-poverty Approach The Efficiency Approach The Empowerment Approach Scenario Philanthropic budget of $500,000 Scenario Philanthropic budget of $10,000,000 Scenario Philanthropic budget of $100,000,000 The protection, survival…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Mythology - Religion

Hidden Problems Involving Gender Inequality

Words: 819
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This view is often drowned out in the far more vociferous voices of fundamentalism, however. A stricter interpretation of Muslim tradition and law might actually, as many scholars have…

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