Gender Role Essays (Examples)

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Gender Roles

Gender Roles
In the world today, the most common way in which human beings probably distinguish themselves is by their gender. All human beings, or at least the vast majority, are born as clearly male or female. Perhaps this is also why this distinction has, since ancient times, served as a factor in human relationships and indeed vast-scale human oppression and even slavery. Indeed, to this day many women suffer indignities at the hands of patriarchal societies with a sense of entitlement over the fates of half or more of their populations. Whatever one's personal views on this state of affairs might be, it is interesting indeed to consider ancient literature to determine the various cultural roots of many patriarchal societies and viewpoints that remain existing to this day. Often grounded in religious values, the male-female relationship is complicated not only by the "men are from Mars" ideal, but also by….

Gender Roles

Gender Roles
Sex is a biological given. Some animal species have one sex, some have two, and some have more than two. This is interesting to scientists perhaps, in terms of its physical construction. However, gender is what culture 'does' with these distinctions of physiology. Gender is how culture interprets the apparent biological differences between particular human bodies of different sexual anatomy. hat does it mean, for instance, that a certain body may be capable of giving birth later in life, and another body may not? It is here, in the distinctions between bodies observed and imposed by our culture, where sociologists and theorists of gender identity find their theoretical interests aroused, poised for deconstructive action.

One of the most important theories posed by gender identity scholars is that the distinction of two sexes, male and female as well as the distinction of two genders, man and woman, is questionable. The existence….

Gender ole Analysis
How Gender is Shaped by Education

How Gender is Shaped by Public Policy

How Gender is Shaped in the Workplace

This report discusses the role played by social institutions such as schools, workplaces and policy making institutions in the shaping of gender roles and norms in society. These institutions hold control over desired resources such as information, wealth and social progress. They control the distribution of these resources by making it contingent on the performance of certain behaviours. It is found that these behaviours vary according to gender with boys expected to excel at certain subjects at school and girls at other regardless of differences in intelligence and cognition. Similarly, women in the workplace are expected to show a preference and aptitude for certain jobs whereas men are encouraged to aim for top management positions because they are perceived to be more intelligent, aggressive and rational. Similarly, in the public sphere,….

Gender Roles in Everybody Loves Raymond
Even with the fact that society as a whole has experienced significant progress during recent years, it seems difficult for the media to stop using stereotypes when relating to particular groups. Philip Rosenthal's television sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond is a perfect example concerning gender roles and how the media tends to use them with the purpose of shaping particular characters. In spite of its humor, the show reinforces a series of gender roles and appears to send the message that it is only natural for men to take on particular attitudes and for women to behave in a certain way.

From the very first scenes of the Pilot episode one is likely to observe that the show presents a typical family. Ray, the main character, arrives home after seeing a sports event while his wife is staying at home with the couple's children. The show immediately….

Gender Messages
Gender roles are the behaviors and traits and expectations that are linked to women and men through socialization, according to Janice Lee and Amie Ashcraft (2005). In fact gender roles define what it means to be a feminine or masculine person. During one's lifetime there is an enormous amount of social pressure to "conform to these gender roles" (Lee, 2005). This paper examines the gender roles learned from family, school, and from the media. People who fail to behave "…according to gender stereotypes are judged less likable, competent, and attractive" than those who do show appropriate traits and behaviors that match their gender (Lee, 7).

Gender role association learned from family

The individual begins to learn his or her gender role not long after birth, associating the values and beliefs that are associated with "masculinity and femininity" from the family. The mother in a family fills the role of care-giving for….

Gender Role Theory & Male


Anderson, I. (2007). What is a typical rape? Effects of victim and participant gender in female and male rape perception. The British Psychological Society, 46, 3225-245.

Anderson, I. & Lyons, a. (2005). The Effect of Victims Social Support on Attribution of Blame in Female and Male ape. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35(7), 1400-1417.

Davies, M. & McCartney S. (2003). Effects of Gender and Sexuality on Judgments of Victim Blame and ape Myth Acceptance in a Depicted Male ape. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 13, 391-398.

Doherty, K. & Anderson, I. (2004). Making sense of male rape: constructions of gender

Sexuality, and experience of male rape victims. Journal of Community & Applied

Social Psychology, 14(2), 85-103.

Kassing, L.. & Prieto, L.. (2003). The ape Myth and Blame-Based Beliefs of Counselors-in-Training Toward Male Victims of ape. Journal of Counseling & Development, 81(4), 455-461.

Groth, a.N. & Burgess, a.W. (1980). Male ape: offenders and victims. etrieved from:….

Gender Identities and Gender oles
One has very little choice as to what sex one is born with, but identifying with a certain gender is a different story. Although an individual can be born with a given sex, that does not guarantee the development of a specific type of gender (Lahey, 2005). Gender identity can have both biological and social influential factors, and it is this that in the end, define these concepts.

By the time a child is 30 months old, they have learned what the concept of gender identity is (Coon & Mitterer, 2008). Children learn that they are part of a certain category, whether it is boy or girl, and they know how to differentiate between a boy and a girl. Although at the beginning stages of gender identity development children still believe that gender could be changed, they are aware of its existence (Lahey, 2005). In a sense….

Gender roles are influenced by family, peers, culture and the media. Even fifty years ago, gender roles were much more rigidly defined and people were strongly influenced by their families and the communities in which they lived. The women's movement of the 1960s and 1970s eroded many long-held stereotypical views of what was once known as "the fairer sex." An important piece of legislation that resulted from the women's movement was Title IX, which created sports programs for girls that enabled them to have facilities, equipment and opportunities more comparable to those that had long been enjoyed only by boys. The gay pride movement, a more mobile society, and the proliferation of various media outlets also contributed greatly to the changing nature of gender roles. For the individual, gender identity is shaped from birth to adulthood by a combination of forces. The strength of various influences depends on a person's….

The industry experts believe that there is vague idea about the responsibilities which can be assigned to women. Because of their physical structure, they should not be given physical tasks and because of perceived inabilities at mental part, they are not given decision making jobs.

There are arguments in favor of giving the female workers the same tasks which are given to male workers. The concept is rooted from the slogan of equity which is displayed for the same remuneration. Coming back to the previously discussed argument, when females ask for the same level of remuneration to be given to them for the jobs which are done by both females and males, people consider the vice versa demand in place. It means they start assuming that females should be given the same responsibilities as given to males. As females ask for equality in pay package, organizations and decision makers plan for….

Gender oles in Much Ado About Nothing and Trifles
Today, gender roles have become far more flexible than as recently as 50 years ago. Women today can enter management positions, have focused careers, and expect salaries on the same level as those of men. Indeed, some women have proved themselves to be as competent, or more so, in leadership positions as men. At the same time, however, women are free to choose for themselves the lives they want, and some prefer lives as home makers and mothers. Society today is far more tolerant of women who choose either a career, homemaking, or a balance of both to live their lives. This is why it is so interesting to examine plays from earlier times, when assigned gender roles were far more rigid. Authors such as Shakespeare in "Much Ado About Nothing" and Susan Glaspell in "Trifles" offer significant comment on the social….

Gender Roles in Contemporary Culture.
Fight Club: Gender roles in contemporary culture

Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk was a rare cultural phenomenon when it was first released. It was a literary work of trade fiction that became a best-seller because of its ability to tap into a cultural obsession of its time, namely the idea that masculinity is a threatened commodity. In the novel, a group of men create a secret club where they attempt to demonstrate their primal masculinity by engaging in bare-fisted brawling. This is portrayed as a way for men to find their identity in a faceless, placeless world where the traditional methods for men to prove themselves have been stripped away. Fight Club exemplifies a recent trend in contemporary attempts to construct a form of primitive masculinity that idealize a primordial past, absent of women and embodying an essentialized views of manhood.

The narrator of Fight Club has no….

.. she would disclose nothing about the one unto the other, save what might avail to their reconcilement." (onfessions, Book IX, 21)
It is certainly true that Monica was patient and long-suffering with her arbitrary son. The pitiful story depicted in onfessions describes how she pursued her rebellious son to Rome, to find he had already left for Milan. She continued to follow him (a model of bravery in itself) and found St. Ambrose, who helped her with the conversion of her son, Augustine, to hristianity.

After six months in assiacum,

Augustine was baptized in the church of St. John the Baptist at Milan. Then he and his mother started out on a trip to Africa, stopping at ivita Vecchia and at Ostia, where death claimed Monica. Mourning for his mother, Augustine penned the finest pages of his onfessions. Monica was a good mother, but Augustine regretted that, as a young man, he….

Gender Roles and Women

Gender Role Expectations
Gender roles have shaped society for centuries and continue to do so now. Various cultures attribute certain attitudes, behaviors and values to particular genders and deviation from the roles for any of the genders may be viewed as inappropriate. Gender roles are a construct of the society and are what cultures view as fit for both women and men as they interact with one another on a daily basis. Given these societal standards, women and men meeting for the first time expect certain actions and attitudes from the other party especially when they are choosing a long-term mate. Previous research points to men and women responding positively to the traditional sex stereotypes of the other. This paper examines what preferences men and women have when choosing a life or romantic partner.

A look at the Personals on Craigslist in New York City reveals that there is certain common attributes….

" In response to this change in Luann's career plans, her Aunt Peggy suggests that she is "no playing with the big boys" and encourages her to continue to studies at the local community college.
Luann also makes it clear that she will brook no male chauvinism from the likes of Cotton Hill in spite of everyone else's accepting his behaviors. For instance, when Cotton slaps Luann on the bottom and tells her that only a man can tell her when she looks good, Luanna grabs his hand and advises Cotton that if he ever does that again, he will "draw back a nub instead of a hand." Indeed, according to Dalton and Linder (2009), "Casual viewers (and some critics) underestimate creators Greg Daniels and Mike Judge," but long-time viewers will readily recognize the gender roles being portrayed in "King of the Hill" (p. 4). In fact, Dalton and Linder suggest….

Gender Roles and Marriage

Gender Roles
Austen in her book Sense and Sensibility aggressively and successfully attempts to reconstruct fiction in patriarchal gender conceptions. The dissonance of a masculinized Dashwood and feminized Edward Ferrars amounts to a high degree of reconstruction of gender stereotypes. Traditional writers have urged women to come out strongly and condemn their discrimination by any means be it at family or community level. Moreover, Austen's female gender plays a subordinate role in the family.

Jane Austen is neither completely conservative in her fiction's themes, nor is she promoting a radical form of feminism she insists that something must usually hold a woman back, it may be economics, family background, or her own individuality and in any circumstances a compromise must be made between the individual and society.

At some point Austen seems to support the conventional values of a woman for example finding pleasure in their marriages although at some points she identifies….

Title: Should Schools Have a Gender-Neutral Dress Code?

A school's dress code plays a significant role in maintaining a conducive learning environment and instilling discipline among students. However, the need to address gender disparities and promote inclusivity has sparked a discourse around the idea of implementing a gender-neutral dress code. In this essay, we will explore the benefits and potential challenges of adopting such a dress code policy.


I. Promoting Equality and Inclusivity
A. A gender-neutral dress code eliminates gender-based dress expectations.
1. Students can freely express their individuality without conforming to traditional gender norms.
2. It reduces the stigma faced by....

1. The symbolism of the caged bird in Maya Angelou's autobiographical work, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings."
2. The theme of captivity and freedom in Harper Lee's novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird."
3. Analyzing the oppression and confinement of women in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short story, "The Yellow Wallpaper."
4. The symbolism of the birdcage in Henrik Ibsen's play, "A Doll's House," in relation to gender roles and societal expectations.
5. Comparing the experiences of the caged birds in Richard Wright's novel, "Native Son," and Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel, "The Handmaid's Tale."
6. Exploring the theme of captivity and liberation in Jean Rhys's....

Certainly! Here are some essay topic ideas for the movie "A Beautiful Mind":

1. Analyzing John Nash's character development throughout the film.
2. Exploring the theme of mental illness and its portrayal in "A Beautiful Mind."
3. Examining the impact of supporting characters on Nash's journey.
4. Discussing the representation of academia and intellectual pursuits in the movie.
5. Critically analyzing the use of visual effects and cinematic techniques to depict Nash's hallucinations.
6. Investigating the social and psychological implications of Nash's decision to conceal his mental illness.
7. Addressing the portrayal of love and relationships in the film, particularly focusing on Nash's marriage with Alicia.
8. Evaluating....

Sure! Here are a few essay topics on Chaucer and Boccaccio:

1. Compare and contrast the storytelling techniques of Chaucer and Boccaccio in "The Canterbury Tales" and "The Decameron."
2. Analyze the portrayal of women in the works of Chaucer and Boccaccio. How do they challenge or reinforce traditional gender roles of their time?
3. Discuss the theme of social satire in the writing of Chaucer and Boccaccio. How do they use humor to critique society?
4. Explore the role of religion in the works of Chaucer and Boccaccio. How do they approach themes of faith, sin, and redemption?
5. Examine the influence of classical....

6 Pages

Sports - Women

Gender Roles

Words: 2056
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender Roles In the world today, the most common way in which human beings probably distinguish themselves is by their gender. All human beings, or at least the vast majority,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender Roles

Words: 1079
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Gender Roles Sex is a biological given. Some animal species have one sex, some have two, and some have more than two. This is interesting to scientists perhaps, in terms…

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7 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender Role Analysis How Gender Is Shaped

Words: 2342
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender ole Analysis How Gender is Shaped by Education How Gender is Shaped by Public Policy How Gender is Shaped in the Workplace This report discusses the role played by social institutions such…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender Roles in Family TV Shows

Words: 780
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Gender Roles in Everybody Loves Raymond Even with the fact that society as a whole has experienced significant progress during recent years, it seems difficult for the media to stop…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender Messages Gender Roles Are the Behaviors

Words: 753
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender Messages Gender roles are the behaviors and traits and expectations that are linked to women and men through socialization, according to Janice Lee and Amie Ashcraft (2005). In fact…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender Role Theory & Male

Words: 1548
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

eferences Anderson, I. (2007). What is a typical rape? Effects of victim and participant gender in female and male rape perception. The British Psychological Society, 46, 3225-245. Anderson, I. & Lyons,…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender Identities and Gender Roles One Has

Words: 660
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender Identities and Gender oles One has very little choice as to what sex one is born with, but identifying with a certain gender is a different story. Although an…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender Roles Are Influenced by Family Peers

Words: 807
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender roles are influenced by family, peers, culture and the media. Even fifty years ago, gender roles were much more rigidly defined and people were strongly influenced by their…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Women

Gender Roles and Sexuality in

Words: 3151
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The industry experts believe that there is vague idea about the responsibilities which can be assigned to women. Because of their physical structure, they should not be given physical…

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4 Pages

Sports - Women

Gender Roles in Much Ado About Nothing

Words: 1445
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender oles in Much Ado About Nothing and Trifles Today, gender roles have become far more flexible than as recently as 50 years ago. Women today can enter management positions,…

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5 Pages

Sports - Women

Gender Roles in Contemporary Culture

Words: 1703
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender Roles in Contemporary Culture. Fight Club: Gender roles in contemporary culture Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk was a rare cultural phenomenon when it was first released. It was a literary…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Gender Roles Depicted in Beowulf

Words: 2160
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

.. she would disclose nothing about the one unto the other, save what might avail to their reconcilement." (onfessions, Book IX, 21) It is certainly true that Monica was patient…

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2 Pages

Gender / Sexuality

Gender Roles and Women

Words: 633
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender Role Expectations Gender roles have shaped society for centuries and continue to do so now. Various cultures attribute certain attitudes, behaviors and values to particular genders and deviation from…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender Roles Exemplified by Luann

Words: 703
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

" In response to this change in Luann's career plans, her Aunt Peggy suggests that she is "no playing with the big boys" and encourages her to continue to…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Gender Roles and Marriage

Words: 1057
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender Roles Austen in her book Sense and Sensibility aggressively and successfully attempts to reconstruct fiction in patriarchal gender conceptions. The dissonance of a masculinized Dashwood and feminized Edward Ferrars…

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