Law Essays (Examples)

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Law and Society

Law and Society
The Nature of Law and Justice - Sadomasochism

Sadomasochism presents the complexities and nuances involved in the nature of law and justice. In its purest definition, socially and legally, sadomasochism is a consensual act. There may even be actual contracts involved. However, this presentation shows that just because there is consent to the act, doesn't mean that the dominant can get away with anything. In cases in which the submissive party does claim harm, and can substantiate those claims with evidence, the case may be relatively cut and dry. However, the submissive party may be getting harmed due to the presence of a mental illness that creates inhibition. Other intervening variables could impact the outcome of the case. Yet because of their consent it may be difficult to take legal action in some cases. Therefore, the sadomasochism presentation does a good job with revealing the complex nature of law….

I just like accumulating knowledge and my professional career has shown that you never can really know where you will be needing parts of that knowledge: I worked as a machinist for some time, but then I was able to promote because of the additional knowledge I had gained in the meantime. I hope that the education I will receive in law school would help improve my knowledge portfolio to the degree it could offer me more opportunities in the future.

Another reason why I would like to go to law school and pursue a law degree is that I have a fundamental belief in the legal system and its ability to produce justice within our society. In my life, I have had the unfortunate privilege of verifying this statement first hand. Despite this, I believe that every time I was put in such a situation, the legal system functioned irreproachably….

Law vs Justice Is Defined

Oliver Wendell Holmes states that justice is subjective and changes according to the viewer's prejudice, viewpoint or social affiliation. ut a set of rules is needed to make society function and these rules must be carried out. This philosophy of law applies to Ann Hopkins' case. The senior partner and admissions committee had the prerogative of setting out the rules with which partners should be selected. Their sense of justice was personal and subjective. A charge of sex discrimination could not be entered against them. They comprised the selection board, which could decide on the rules or laws of selection of partners. And when a consensus was reached among them, a law was also formed, according to St. Thomas Aquinas' philosophy about the law necessarily being the product of consensus.

Case # 3 Ashland Oil, Inc.: Trouble at Floreffe

Ashland Oil, Inc. was the 60th largest company in the U.S. And the….

Law and Philosophy

Law and Philosophy
Holmes' "bad man" theory offers insight into the difference between the law and morality. The bad man is not concerned with morality but he is as concerned about the law as any "good" man because in knowing the law, he can avoid getting into trouble. The bad man would lie, cheat, and/or steal if it weren't against the law because he cares not for the morals that underlie laws. In fact, lawmakers, policy makers, and other legal professionals can apply the bad man theory to their work: understanding the mentality of the bad man can help distinguish between legalism and morality. The government cannot enforce morality but it can enforce the rule of law and thus protect the rights of all citizens.

For Corwin, the higher law is the rule of law itself. In the United States, the rule of law has replaced divine mandate. Its citizens "worship" the….

However, Erin Brockovich the movie has a very different ending than the actual civil action under tort law brought against California's Pacific Gas and Electric Co. The Hollywood ending would have been preferable, however life is just not that simple and a tort law case against such a company is really a long, tiring legal battle. The 1993 legal dispute from Hinkley was resolved by arbitrage and at first the damages amounted to $400 million. However, after a few of the victims got compensated the company reconsidered and the case was settled in 1996 for $333 million. Although, there are now many other environmental problems with the company it continues to exist and flourish proving that money always wins.

Los Alamos National Library, the Karen Silkwood Story, Nuclear eaction, Frontline, 23 November 1995,

Chase, Anthony, the Cinema of Tort Liability, Movies on Trial, the New York Press, New York, 2002


Law of Purchasing Supply
What constitutes a contractual 'offer' according to English law? Your report should include references to common law, statute law, and European Union Law where appropriate.

A contractual offer is when two parties display a willingness to enter into a contract. They understand that it will be binding once the offeree accepts the agreement. When a party is requested to offer a contract, this invitation to treat can be rejected or accepted.

An arrangement becomes accepted when the offeree communicates their willingness to comply with the provisions of the proposal. This can occur through: the offeree or an agent authorized by them conveying these intentions. As a result, the contract becomes binding when terms are accepted by all parties.

However, there are various distinctions among: common, statutory and European Union regulations that have shaped the current form of a contractual offer. Under English common law, a contractual offer can be either….

Law Enforcement esponses on Terrorism
Law Enforcement on Terrorism

The paper covers the topic, Law Enforcement esponses on Terrorism. It creates the understanding of Terrorism and the impact on the society, as well as the threats it poses to law enforcement agents. The paper identifies various tactics that law enforcement officials employ in order to deal with terrorist activities, for example, the use of technology such as GIS (Geographical information systems). The paper explains the importance of community engagement and training in preventing terrorism.

Law Enforcement esponses on Terrorism

In the current literature, especially literature on criminal justice there lacks a global consensus concerning the definition of "terrorism." Nevertheless, the United Nations has been incapable of providing a solution concerning its definition. This has made people come up with their own definitions, which vary according to the person's perception of the terror activities. For instance, some suggest that terrorism is what bad people do,….

Law Case Study
In this case, study there is a legal tussle between a power utility company and a complainant. While trying to remove a kite from power line, the complainant climbed a power pole without the consent of the utility. Unfortunately, he came too close to live power conductors that caused him to sustain severe injuries. The injured party decided to take some legal action against the power company (Knight & Knight, 2001). In this study, I seek to explore some of the good defenses from the standpoint of the power company. Furthermore, I briefly discuss the requirements for a plaintiff to prove negligence against defendant (Bermingham & Brennan, 2012).

The question arising from this circumstance is whether the power utility company acted negligently when the complainant suffered serious injuries while retrieving his kite from their property.

In tackling the legal question, the following legal concepts are crucial to prove negligence. First,….

etter still, don't let it happen. (para. 61)
In the United States, citizens take a dim view of unbridled police powers. They were condemnatory of Samuel a. Alito, a young U.S. President Ronald Reagan administration lawyer, and Supreme Court nominee, who took an expansive view of government law-enforcement powers in manycases where he was called upon to balance the prerogatives of police and prosecutors with the rights of individuals, according to 400 pages of documents released in November of 2005 by the U.S. Justice Department.

For instance, while working in the Office of Legal Counsel from 1985 to 1987, Alito wrote an opinion allowing the Internal Revenue Service to secretly record conversations with taxpayers who were under investigation.

In the United States, the term "police power" refers to the right of a government to exercise "reasonable control over persons and property" to protect the public's health and safety. Police powers are rooted….

Law and Ethics in the usiness Environment

usiness Ethics and the Law

usiness law fixes the minimum standards of behavior for businesses (ramble, 2013). Enforcing these laws generally consists of fines involved in the exercise of trade and commerce. Criminal accountabilities must be proven in the appropriate court of law through evidence. Even when found culpable, a business can only be fined as a penalty. ut business ethics exceeds simple legality as it sets the way a business should conduct what it is legally obliged to. It consists of values upheld and practiced by the majority. It is the spirit of the letter of the law. It is intended to establish an environment of personal accountability in a business environment when the law does not explicitly establish it. At the same time, it shapes the reputation of the business for the public to see and accept. The reputation is founded….

Law of Sales
The Uniform Commercial Code is one of the most important uniform acts that were promulgated in order to unify the sales laws and other commercial transactions within all the states of the U.S. The importance of this code relies on the fact that commercial transactions have an increased prevalence beyond one state. In other words, certain products can be manufactured in a certain state, assembled in another state, warehouse in another state, processed in another state, and sold in another state. Therefore, this has determined the necessity of using a uniform code.

In addition to this, the uniform code provides the benefit of allowing these states the flexibility they require in order to respect their local regulations. This objective can be reached by modifying the text of the uniform commercial code in accordance with the requirements of each state. The uniform commercial code was developed in order to focus….

Law and Healhcare Administration
Law and Health Care System Administration.

Law and healthcare system administration

From its earliest conception as a highly paternalistic relationship, "the physician-patient relationship has evolved towards shared decision making. This model respects the patient as an autonomous agent with a right to hold views, to make choices, and to take actions based on personal values and beliefs. Patients have been increasingly entitled to weigh the benefits and risks of alternative treatments, including the alternative of no treatment, and to select the alternative that best promotes their own values" (Physician-patient relationship, 2012, University of Washington School of Medicine). However, in the modern healthcare environment, the dominance of insurance companies has in many ways shifted decision-making to bureaucrats from both patients and physicians. Hospitals often also feel that they must make decisions based more in cost-benefit analysis than compassion they would otherwise like, in terms of allocating scarce resources. Despite these….

Law Enforcement Function
• Analyze the influence of the criminal justice model on the structure and mission of a local police department. In other words, how would a police department exhibit different structure and procedures under the crime control model than it would under the due process model?

The influence of the criminal justice model on the structure and mission of a particular police department is indeed significant. The criminal justice model is one which would focus on elements such as the crime control model, as opposed to the due process model, which focuses more on the right of the accused and the right of all individuals to have his or her day in court. A range of strategies are typically used to engage in the crime control model with any level of effectiveness. There's a strong level of reasoning to support this mentality as well, and they all generally revolve around….

Law of Return in Israel

Consequent to the Holocaust, Israel developed a tradition in treating non-Jews differently from how it behaved toward Jewish people. It appears that Jews were influenced by the nationalist waves that dominated the European landscape during the second half of the twentieth century (Levy and Weiss 7).
The Law of Return did not succeed in doing one of the main things it was expected to-that of increasing the Jewish population in Israel. Instead, it can be said that it is actually responsible for damaging nationalism in Israel through the fact that it influenced numerous non-Jewish individuals in wanting to gain Israelite citizenship. A great deal of immigrants who chose to reside in Israel "were not Jews, but had Jewish relatives that enabled them to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return" (Levy and Weiss 43). The Law of Return makes it obvious that discrimination based on racial differences is still….

Law to Change
Laws to change

In the United States, laws that criminalize homosexual behaviors are known as sodomy laws. Before 2003, it was illegal to engage in homosexual behaviors. However, in Lawrence v. Texas case, the Supreme Court on June 26, 2003 ruled that adults were free to engage in consensual sex without any form of interference from the government. The Supreme Court put some caveats on state governments' sexual morality legislations. Sodomy laws in states like Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas were subsequently declared unconstitutional. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy of the Supreme Court categorically stated that the gays' entitlement to respect for private life should never be denied and the state should never demean their existence or appear to control their destiny by criminalizing their private sexual conduct (Greenhouse, 2003). The Supreme Court's 5 to 4 decision overturned the 1986 Bowers v. Hardwick ruling that upheld that sodomy law was….

According to the University of Washington School of Medicine, the obligation for confidentiality is not an absolute one. There are legal regulations that limit a patient's right to privacy, as well as regulations that protect that right. The two main exceptions where you could break confidentiality are: (1) Concern for a specific, identified person other than the patient (this could be a spouse or child, or it could be a person unrelated to the patient in any way). (2) Concern for the welfare of the general public (this is usually seen if the patient is found to have a highly infectious or....

Zoning change

Leasing to someone can be risky. Make sure you charge enough rent, and that you get a good security deposit. Check local laws in your area to find out how much of a deposit you can collect. In some places it's no more than 1.5 times the rent. Other places allow for a larger amount. Check the person's credit, background, and references. Look for problems paying bills, broken lease agreements, and any past criminal history. Also talk to your insurance company. If you're renting/leasing your home, you can't just keep your standard homeowner's policy. You won't be covered if you have....

For a research paper on the significance of the pharmaceutical industry and the business aspects of that, you could consider: * Strategic management of the pharmaceutical companies. * The overall business model for pharmaceutical companies. * Problems that are facing the business aspect of the industry. * How changing laws are affecting the pharmaceutical business. There are others, of course, and you can also narrow down one of the options here to provide something more specific. Maybe pick a particular pharmaceutical company and do an analysis on how the health care law may affect it? Finding a topic that's narrow enough is key, so....

3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Law and Society

Words: 909
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Law and Society The Nature of Law and Justice - Sadomasochism Sadomasochism presents the complexities and nuances involved in the nature of law and justice. In its purest definition, socially and…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Law

Law School Personal Statement I

Words: 835
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

I just like accumulating knowledge and my professional career has shown that you never can really know where you will be needing parts of that knowledge: I worked as…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Law vs Justice Is Defined

Words: 2191
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Oliver Wendell Holmes states that justice is subjective and changes according to the viewer's prejudice, viewpoint or social affiliation. ut a set of rules is needed to make society…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Law and Philosophy

Words: 322
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Law and Philosophy Holmes' "bad man" theory offers insight into the difference between the law and morality. The bad man is not concerned with morality but he is as concerned…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Law Movie Analysis and Research

Words: 1566
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, Erin Brockovich the movie has a very different ending than the actual civil action under tort law brought against California's Pacific Gas and Electric Co. The Hollywood…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Business - Law

Law of Purchasing and Supply

Words: 758
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Law of Purchasing Supply What constitutes a contractual 'offer' according to English law? Your report should include references to common law, statute law, and European Union Law where appropriate. A contractual…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Law Enforcement Responses to Terrorism

Words: 1696
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Law Enforcement esponses on Terrorism Law Enforcement on Terrorism The paper covers the topic, Law Enforcement esponses on Terrorism. It creates the understanding of Terrorism and the impact on the society,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Law Case Study in This Case Study

Words: 670
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Law Case Study In this case, study there is a legal tussle between a power utility company and a complainant. While trying to remove a kite from power line, the…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Law and Police Powers Recent

Words: 3246
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

etter still, don't let it happen. (para. 61) In the United States, citizens take a dim view of unbridled police powers. They were condemnatory of Samuel a. Alito, a…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Law and Ethics in the Business Environment

Words: 1681
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Law and Ethics in the usiness Environment RIGHT FROM WRONG usiness Ethics and the Law usiness law fixes the minimum standards of behavior for businesses (ramble, 2013). Enforcing these laws generally consists…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Law of Sales and the Uniform Commercial Code

Words: 1250
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Law of Sales The Uniform Commercial Code is one of the most important uniform acts that were promulgated in order to unify the sales laws and other commercial transactions within…

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2 Pages


Law and Healhcare Administration Law and Health

Words: 808
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Law and Healhcare Administration Law and Health Care System Administration. Law and healthcare system administration From its earliest conception as a highly paternalistic relationship, "the physician-patient relationship has evolved towards shared decision…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Law Enforcement Responsibilities and Details

Words: 1612
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Law Enforcement Function • Analyze the influence of the criminal justice model on the structure and mission of a local police department. In other words, how would a police department…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Law of Return in Israel

Words: 1787
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Consequent to the Holocaust, Israel developed a tradition in treating non-Jews differently from how it behaved toward Jewish people. It appears that Jews were influenced by the nationalist…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Law to Change Laws to Change in

Words: 623
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Law to Change Laws to change In the United States, laws that criminalize homosexual behaviors are known as sodomy laws. Before 2003, it was illegal to engage in homosexual behaviors. However,…

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