George Bush Essays (Examples)

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George Bush

George Bush has left what some consider the biggest mark on American economic history. Although presidents like Abraham Lincoln will forever be remembered for his ability to unite a nation and end slavery, former President George W. Bush will forever be remembered for his gross incompetence, the war on terror, disastrous acts like the Patriot Act and No Child Left behind, and the growing national debt that spiraled out of control once he took office. Although not everything can be blamed on one person, Bush's cabinet and his actions throughout his two terms have left the country with bad memories and smaller pockets.
The Patriot Act, put into effect six weeks after the 9/11 attacks, enabled the government to perform roving wiretaps as well as searches of business and library records to help protect the United States from suspected acts of terrorism. "…the Patriot Act, which was proposed by the Bush….

Using the same theme he moved from issue to issue. For example using the phrase "human dignity," he introduced the issue of Aids, human trafficking, human cloning, poverty, corruption, debt burden of the developing economies, ethnic and religious violence and democracy. This attachment of important values to various serious issues gave his speech a flow and a dramatic effect. Organization of his speech around these values helped him in putting forward complex issues. However, the world was waiting for his reaction to violence in Iraq and cases of abuses in Iraqi prisons. These issues were conspicuously absent and were not even a minor part of overall organization of the speech.
On a number of occasions President used language to draw the attention of audience to issues at hand. For instance, President asked international community and nations to help in rebuilding of Iraq. He substantiated his point of success in Iraq….

1990 Gulf War, but, given the subsequent perspective of the U.S. external policy during the following years, the actions that followed, the current war in Iraq, with its own justifications, bring a new light into the Middle East problem and the U.S. involvement in the entire region.
In 1990, George Bush had an excellent justification for an intervention in a region that had been, until then, an area of Soviet influence during the Cold War. Indeed, the Soviet support for Arab actions against Israel, the only American ally in the region, was notorious. With the Iraqi invasion in Kuwait in 1990, consequent with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States could finally be involved in a region that determines the trend of the global economy, given the largest oil reserves present here. In the beginning, as we can see from George Bush's speech, the involvement reduced….

presidential administration continues to falter and fail, with a blatant disregard for common sense, logic, and human decency. Among the recent debacles that have haunted America include the botched response to hurricane Katrina and the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice who has no judiciary experience. Coupled with the lies and mishandling of the war in Iraq, the recent actions of the Bush administration have been socially, politically, and economically disastrous. George Bush and his presidential administration have undermined the American economy: the dollar has fallen in relation to other world currencies, and the deficit has skyrocketed. Hurricane Katrina drew attention to the continued problems of racial injustice and economic disparity in the United States, as well as to the inefficiency of governmental bureaucracy. Moreover, the lack of adequate response for Katrina victims can be linked to the overextension of America's National Guard troops in Iraq.
To top it all….

foreign policy positions President George Bush Jr. President Obama terms realism idealism
President George Bush and president Obama have all executed cases of similarities and differences when it comes to management of realism and idealism in the governance. The finest policies touching on foreign management and exemplification of people are determined by the magnitude at which these two leaders managed to ensure economic growth, diplomacy, preservation of the national interests, and other connotations that make up these nations. As a form of managing the rudimentary origins and displacements of the nations, President George Bush and President, Obama involved idealism and realism in their management of the country towards foreign matters.

On the recent terms, Obama has displayed an orientation of realism by asserting that the goal of transforming Afghanistan and Iraq into pro-west democracies should not be taken anymore as the goal of the United States of America. This is against….

So there is coordination between the agent (radio announcer) and the purpose, which is to turn voters against John Kerry by reporting his alleged plans to raise taxes for the average person like the woman we see driving the car.
The coordination of the ad tells us that the motivations of the group presenting it is to reach the typical American parent/spouse who is spending their time and gas money picking up groceries and doing other things to take care of their family, but instead of being rewarded for their hard work and dedication, if they vote for Kerry, they will instead be severely penalized through higher taxes. Ultimately, the motivation is to win the election. However, the more indirect motivation is to discredit John Kerry and the "liberals" (a term that is spoken as if it were the most reprehensible term on earth) by making it seem as if….

Death of George HW Bush

Death of G. H. Bush When George H. Bush he was hailed by many for leaving behind a legacy of kindness: it was a quality not often associated with the president during his lifetime but in Trump Presidency it seemed to stand out to many by way of contrast with the bombast and bullying tactics of the current president. Even Al Gore, who lost the 2000 election to Bush’s son W., had a touching anecdote to tell about George H. Bush. Gore said, “I remember when I gave my second and final concession speech in 2000, I was in the Secret Service car going back to the vice president's residence, and it was President George H.W. Bush calling me on the telephone and he was overcome with emotion and he said the kindest things. It was really a touching call” (Tatum, 2018). Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama all….

Bush Administration

Bush Case Study
Case Study in Decision Making

Onlookers often assume that a man who has a firm mindset, and a strong will does not go through what onlookers would consider a "traditional decision making process" Men with strong minds, and a sense of moral right and wrong often take much more time considering a course of action than other who make decisions based on personal agendas. Men with moral mindsets are simply not easily persuaded once a new decision is firmly made on the basis of what the decision make considers moral grounds. For the moral decision maker, the moral right and wrong of a situation dictate the course of action once the somewhat rigid boundaries are crossed. It is the moral absolutism which the on looking world does not understand.

When George W. Bush decided that the country would go to war against those responsible for the 9-11 attacks on our….

The administration's disregard for international norms led to the excesses at Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq, and attempts to circumvent congressional oversight over the activities of the Administration backfired. Faced with increasing criticism at home and the inability to stabilize Iraq, the Bush Administration began to temper its approach with realism. The Administration agreed to a bipartisan Iraq Study Group, led by former Secretary of State James Baker and Democratic Congressman Lee Hamilton (Baker & Hamilton, 2006). The report prepared by the group was quite critical of the Bush Administration's policies in Iraq, and though many of those criticisms were rejected, the Administrated still took the criticism seriously, and a year later began to pursue a new approach, which eventually helped to decrease the level of violence in Iraq.
The Obama Administration's approach to Iraq War reflects the liberal views of Obama who warned in 2002 that "a U.S. occupation….

Bush vs Bush Iraq Redux

Primarily, both Bushes wanted to show the world that America is a powerful force with which to be reckoned -- even if not a single or sole superpower, a force that can at least militarily have its way in the world, especially with regard to rogue, weaker states.
Also, both Bushes believed in cut-and-dried reactions. Communism and Saddam Hussein are simply "bad" without complicating factors such as reasons or motivations for their actions. Going hand in hand with that assessment, communism and Saddam Hussein must be defeated thoroughly, recognizing that even small victories on the part of Iraq, for instance, could draw support to Hussein's ranks and erode America foreign policy world opinion.

However, that is where the similarities ended. For George Bush, the homeland in the United States was never under a serious threat. The most perilous years of the Cold War were behind America when Bush took the helm,….

George Tenet and the Last Great Days of the CIA, in Stillman
The cross-coded ethical dilemmas facing former CIA Director George Tenet and its impact

The operations of an intelligence agency and its governance are different from the everyday administration of public services and bureaucracies. The fact that the agency -- C.I.A was dealing with espionage and intelligence gathering in states that are hostile to the U.S. And the way the offices of the President and the general U.S. administrators considered it just another branch of the U.S. Government led to its downfall. The loss of credibility is more because of creating an ethic and work protocol that could not be sustained. Although the death of the CIA has been attributed to George Tenet, in reality it was a system that was bound to collapse and tenet was just the last scapegoat. Analysis will reveal that the bureaucratic system and the….

Bush and Social Security

President George Bush has recently won reelection as the President of the United States. While he has remained clear and concise on many of his political stances, his position on Social Security has been one of at least marginal variation. His overall belief that the Social Security system should be reworked has not altered, but his position on the best way to do that seems to have changed from month to month. This paper will follow statements from President Bush since November of last year through the election, and will show that while his overall ideas have remained stable, the details of those ideas have changed.
It is important to note that the issue of Social Security reform is not new to President Bush. As early as July of 2000, President Bush was redesigning the Social Security system, beginning to introduce ideas of how to revamp the system to provide more….

hen Cheney is seen, it is because he is usually attending a Republican fundraiser and attacking Democrats who criticize Bush's war in Iraq. Gore was seen as a very open vice president whose work achieved very high visibility; Cheney works behind the scenes, and is believed to be very influential in the Bush administration in matters of fighting terrorism and war strategy in Iraq.
Bush is very much aware of one of his main political constituencies, the conservative Christian movement; this movement is anti-abortion and very negative about gay people. In fact, Bush has supported a constitutional amendment (which makes his conservative Christian supporters happy) that would ban gay marriage. Clinton, meanwhile, reached out to the gay community and initiated the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy toward gays in the military. Many gays were being pushed out of the military based on old suspicions and values.

Clinton was involved in an….

George W Bush

George W. Bush
George Walker Bush is the second man in the history of the United States to have followed in his father footsteps and become the President. Bush served two consecutive terms as President, starting with January 2001. He was born in 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut, but most of his childhood, he spent in Midland, and then his teenage years in Huston, Texas. George W. Bush was the first child born in George and Barbara Bush's family. At the time of his birth, his father was an undergraduate at Yale (Bush, A Charge to Keep, 15). George W. Bush enrolled at the same university where his father studied and received a BA in history there. ater, he graduated from Harvard, receiving a MBA at Harvard Business School, in 1975. Between his studies at Yale and Harvard, Bush activated as a pilot in the Texas Air National Guard (The White….

Proponents of stem-cell research believe that it may be the secret to curing infertility, genetic imperfection and neurological degeneration, and on the premise of this supposition, have lobbied vigorously to prevent legislation that would protect embryos from harvest and use in research, espousing the idea that:
"Criminalizing human reproductive cloning in the United States will only make it less safe and more costly for these infertile couples. They will be forced to travel outside the United States to pursue their dream of creating a family. After all, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), infertility is a disability and reproduction is a major life activity for the purposes of the ADA (Bragdon v. Abbott, 118 S.Ct 2196; 1998). In light of this, it is the right of each and every American citizen to bear a child." (Speeches, 21)

In spite of this, there were very few legislative efforts which successfully….

2 Pages

American History

George Bush

Words: 683
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

George Bush has left what some consider the biggest mark on American economic history. Although presidents like Abraham Lincoln will forever be remembered for his ability to unite a…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

George Bush's Speech to UN

Words: 930
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Using the same theme he moved from issue to issue. For example using the phrase "human dignity," he introduced the issue of Aids, human trafficking, human cloning, poverty,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

George Bush and the Gulf War

Words: 617
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

1990 Gulf War, but, given the subsequent perspective of the U.S. external policy during the following years, the actions that followed, the current war in Iraq, with its…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

American History

George Bush Terrorism Natural Disasters Occurring

Words: 355
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

presidential administration continues to falter and fail, with a blatant disregard for common sense, logic, and human decency. Among the recent debacles that have haunted America include the…

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7 Pages

American History

Comparing and Contrasting Approaches to Foreign Policy of George Bush and Barack Obama

Words: 2231
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

foreign policy positions President George Bush Jr. President Obama terms realism idealism President George Bush and president Obama have all executed cases of similarities and differences when it comes…

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3 Pages


Analysis of Thinking Mom the 2004 George Bush Television Advertisement

Words: 1005
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

So there is coordination between the agent (radio announcer) and the purpose, which is to turn voters against John Kerry by reporting his alleged plans to raise taxes…

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5 Pages


Death of George HW Bush

Words: 1631
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Death of G. H. Bush When George H. Bush he was hailed by many for leaving behind a legacy of kindness: it was a quality not often associated with the…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Bush Administration

Words: 2805
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Bush Case Study Case Study in Decision Making Onlookers often assume that a man who has a firm mindset, and a strong will does not go through what onlookers would consider…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

American History

Bush v Obama Foreign Policies

Words: 3671
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The administration's disregard for international norms led to the excesses at Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq, and attempts to circumvent congressional oversight over the activities of the Administration…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Bush vs Bush Iraq Redux

Words: 2512
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Primarily, both Bushes wanted to show the world that America is a powerful force with which to be reckoned -- even if not a single or sole superpower,…

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4 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

George Tenet and the Last Great Days

Words: 1659
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

George Tenet and the Last Great Days of the CIA, in Stillman The cross-coded ethical dilemmas facing former CIA Director George Tenet and its impact The operations of an intelligence…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Bush and Social Security

Words: 2343
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

President George Bush has recently won reelection as the President of the United States. While he has remained clear and concise on many of his political stances, his position…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Bush & Clinton Leadership Styles

Words: 757
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

hen Cheney is seen, it is because he is usually attending a Republican fundraiser and attacking Democrats who criticize Bush's war in Iraq. Gore was seen as a…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


George W Bush

Words: 2486
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

George W. Bush George Walker Bush is the second man in the history of the United States to have followed in his father footsteps and become the President. Bush served…

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8 Pages
Research Proposal

American History

Bush Religion the Religious Policies

Words: 2536
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Proponents of stem-cell research believe that it may be the secret to curing infertility, genetic imperfection and neurological degeneration, and on the premise of this supposition, have lobbied…

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