Gerontology Essays (Examples)

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One of the observable trends that emerges from a review of literature and research on gerontology nursing is the increasing development of specific frameworks and perspectives for use in the learning and practice of gerontology nursing (Deschodt et al. 2010; Toslon et al. 2011; Foreman et al. 2010). By developing specific educational programs for gerontology nursing and establishing learning environments that are dedicated to the specialization, the practice of gerontology nursing can be greatly improved and made more efficacious (Deschodt et al. 2010). Such educational programs also help to codify and concretize specific values that are important in gerontology nursing, ensuring that patient needs are met not only at medical but also at social and emotional levels (Tolson et al. 2011). These values can be translated into specific care practices and standards, which have also been developed through extensive research and evidence regarding the varying efficacies, efficiencies, and necessities of….

The Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) is another tool frequently used with older adults (Charlson, Pompei, Ales & Mackenzie, 1987). It is comprised of 19 comorbid conditions that give a complete indication of the patient's state of health.
The basic activities of daily living (ADLs) include bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, continence, feeding, communication, visual capability and walking. These functions are assessed through direct examination of the specific activity. Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) are those needed to live an independent life. They include the functional ability to shop, prepare food, clean house, do laundry drive or use public transportation and administer medications. These functions are assessed through house visits and as a cumulative evaluation of general geriatric assessment and psychiatric assessment tools.

Physicians commonly use the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) to perform a cognitive and mood assessment respectively (De Vriendt, Gorus, Bautmans & Mets, 2011).….

Martorello loves deep sea fishing, while I cultivated an interest in farm animals. I spent time as the Treasurer of the Campbell Chapter of the Future Farmers of merican (FF). My sheep won the Grand Champion award in the 1985 Santa Clara County Fair, a significant accomplishment. I also developed interest in the martial arts and I earned my black belt in Tai Kwon Do. Thus, Martorello and I share a passion for life that includes a wide variety of outdoor and sports activities.
Both Martorello and I were strongly influenced by his mother, who we called Nana. Nana worked as a contractor for the United States Government and her job allowed her to travel around the world. Martorello remembers the recipes she would bring back from overseas, whereas I remembered the tangible souvenirs. I was also influenced strongly by my maternal grandmother, who was a nurse. It was Big….

Gerontology Nursing

The interview subject is from Germantown, Pennsylvania, the third of seven children. For the purposes of this report and to preserve her anonymity, we will call her Ms. S. Ms. S's mother did everything she could to keep her family together through difficult financial times. They had to squeeze the entire household into their grandmother's house, and even had to go "junking," sifting through trash to find valuable things people had tossed out. As she reflects, Ms. S bears a lot of joy and pride in her face. She remembers learning how to sew her own prom dress and other worthwhile tools of survival many people neglect to learn now. Although it was a struggle, her family stayed together and because of their love and support for one another, they retained something money cannot buy.

As a black woman, Ms. S was never told that she should prepare herself for college….

The research study framework explains the theory or a part of the theory that is to be tested in the research study. The framework shows the relationship between the different variables and helps to create the hypothesis which is to be tested in the research.

The important concepts of quantitative study design are introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion and recommendation.

List the type of quantitative research design and briefly describe how each would be used in a research study.

There are four types of quantitative research design (Gay, L.. 1996):

Descriptive: This type of research is used to test hypothesis or answer a question regarding the current status of subject.

Correlational: This type is used to find out the relationship between two or more quantifiable variables.

Cause Comparative: This quantitative research creates the cause-effect relationship and also compares the relationship without manipulating the cause.

Experimental: This research is similar to Cause Comparative but it also manipulates the….

(McCormack, 2003, p.1)
V. Seven Concepts that are 'Key' to Client Centered Practice

The work of Law et al. (1995) relates seven concepts that are stated to be 'key to client centered practice' as follows:

(1) Autonomy and Choice

(2) Partnership & Responsibility

(3) Enablement

(4) Contextual Congruence

(5) Accessibility

(6) Flexibility

(7) Respect for diversity. (McCormack, 2003, p.1)

VI. Patient and Informal Expertise and Knowledge

The work of Loeb, et al. (2003) entitled: "Supporting Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions" states that nurses "have studied the experience of chronic illness within relational and social contexts, depicting persons who live with chronic illnesses as active agents of their own health." (p.3) This view involves the individual as "active agents of their own health…" who "develop expertise both in awareness of their bodily responses and in managing the self-care required by their unique types of chronicity." (Loeb, et al., 2003, p.4) It is stated that the patient's expertise "often reaches a….

Bio-psychological Assessment

Personal data: fill as you see fit

Referral: depressed, poor sleep,

Family Background: raised by parents and older siblings

Family medical/psychiatric history: brother had heart attack; mother had issues with drugs and alcohol

Marital/family relationships: widow with four children and eight grandchildren

Social development: maintains friendships, supportive friends, attends social functions

Strengths: kind, nurturing, empathetic, understanding, calm

Weaknesses: can be impatient, overbearing with family members

Educational history: middle school

Employment history: retired; worked as live-in housekeeper for over twenty years

Military history: none

Spiritual assessment: attends Catholic Church regularly

Financial history: dependent on others

Patient health and psychiatric history: hypertension

Alcohol and drug abuse: none

Sexual identity and history: heterosexual

Physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect history: none

Current living support system: lives with family

Identity: has insight

Ethnicity, culture, and values: Hispanic

Legal status and history: none; person entered U.S. As illegal immigrant but later acquired green card

High risk: Decreased intellectual functioning

Mental status exam: fill out as you see fit

Summary: Mirta lives with her family, who assist….

Black women enjoy most of these same relationships, which the study creators did not anticipate. The studies also discovered that even those aging blacks with few family members are good at establishing a network of close friends and distant relatives for support and kinship. For example, the study found if a man has no children, he might become increasingly close to his nieces, nephews, and cousins in an attempt to create a network of support and family ties. To the people in the study, kinship and family seems to become more important as they age, and without a network of friends, the aging person can become lonely, depressed, and disassociated from the outside world. One of their important results notes that more studies about black family relationships should be conducted over a larger demographic area.

Johnson, C.L. (Summer 1999). Family life of older black men. In Journal of Aging Studies,….

The DPAHC permits a person to name a successor to their proxy in the event that the proxy dies or otherwise not capable to assist in making choices at the time of need. It also permits a person to ascertain other constraint for boundaries of power. In most states it would also be legal to unite the two documents if a person wanted to (Cranston, n.d.).
Discussions with relatives, legal personnel, healthcare and other appropriate experts should take place before anyone signs an Advance Health Care Directive. It is mainly important to talk with everyone who might be concerned about a persons wish because in times of strain, others may confuse their own wishes with the persons in question. People responsible for overseeing directives often come up against opposition from care providers, friends and other relatives. In order to stay away from possible conflict, and even court action, people must….

One can effectively build a senior market campaign around newspaper, radio and direct mail. One thing to take into consideration is that seniors like to learn. This means that one can draw in seniors via educational opportunities. ecently the financial services industry capitalized on this attribute by attracting seniors through seminars. The medical industry also uses seminars in order to gain new clients. Seniors go because they want to learn about issues that they feel are important in their lives. Seminar offerings can be expanded into a lot of fields as a way to take advantage of senior's desires to learn (Marketing to Seniors, 2006).
Along these same lines, seniors like to read. They have the time to do so and recent research has shown that the senior audience is the main reader group of daily newspapers. It appears to be clear that if one wants to market to seniors,….

This does not mean that culture excuses a student from learning -- far from it -- only that teachers need be mindful of the specific values of different student's culture when imparting specific batteries of knowledge.
It is also important to remember that because culture does attach meaningful significance to identity issues such as race and gender, and what is remembered generates meaning, that our culture remains lopsided in its inequitiable treatment of women in prominent fields is. A 1996 survey of major American newspapers revealed that 85% of front page stories were about men. (Cited by Moyer, 1997, 1) hen participants in a study were asked to 'remember' on the spot ten prominent people, the figures were mostly Caucasion and male. However, with appropriate cuing, a 1995 study found that instructions intended to activate either a category of famous men or a category of famous women succeeded in altering….

Gerontology called Psychological Aspects Aging
Retirement can have a strong effect on a person's life and on how he or she comes to perceive society in general. The fact that people end a long chapter in their lives when they retire means that they are likely to be somewhat confused and unsure regarding their future. One of the most intriguing aspects of this process involves the person's identity and the way that it is transformed. Many are inclined to believe that their jobs kept them active and gave them a sense of purpose. These respective individuals can thus feel that they abandoned an important part of their lives when they retired and that even though they have more time at leisure they are unable to actually appreciate it to the fullest.

The fact that people currently have access to substances that make it more likely for them to live longer means….

For example, one-75-year-old may be running a corporation, whereas another may need nursing home care" (Morgan, 2003, p. 1592).
Additionally, the long duration of psychoanalytic therapy may demand that even for very vibrant older individuals, a more directive approach is necessary for the therapist to speed things up and meet therapeutic goals within a realistic time frame. This can be challenging to the analyst, as the patient's unconscious beliefs and associations, given the person's age may be more complex, personal, deeply-rooted and therefore harder to eradicate. Additionally, "unfocused reminiscing may not be suitable for persons who have trauma histories, such as Holocaust survivors, or for persons who have early dementia" (Morgan, 2003, p. 1592). However, it was the psychoanalytic theorist Erik Erikson who first developed a stage-based theory about the needs of the aged and Erikson's theory can inform the process of psychoanalysis in an effective manner and provide a….

It is therefore also my duty to provide families and older people with counseling and educational services that take all these factors into account. With an increasing number of people aging in society today, it is vital for professionals in the field to help family make decisions at crucial points in their lives. This would provide both families and older people with the power of decision-making that would ultimately result in the best quality of care that older persons may expect when entered into institutions.

Specifically, my educational role could take several forms, but would also mean focusing on the greatest benefit to all parties involved. This would mean providing information to the public regarding the decision to make use of caregiving services, either at home or in an institution. This can be done by means of seminars, office or home visits, or by means of simply making pamphlets available at….

Geriatric patients between the ages of 70 and 95 have very different needs from those of their younger counterparts. In part, these are due to differences that have clear physiological bases. These structural and physiological differences necessitate different assessment and interview techniques. It is necessary to ensure that one gets all the correct and up-to-date information about any patient, and in the cases of both children and geriatric adults, this can become problematic.
Cognitive deficits that may be related to dementia are one possible hurdle that must be overcome in the case of interviewing older patients. It is important to recall that not all dementia is Alzheimer's-related, and many cases are a natural result of the aging brain. (It is useful for the health care professional to recall that the original disease diagnosed by Dr. Alzheimer related to pre-senile dementia: in other words, a dementia occurring physiologically much earlier than….

Example Bibliography for an essay on assisted living.

Writing about assisted living facilities can be challenging, because many of the sources that you will find online will be advertising for assisted living, rather than factual and informative pieces.  An assisted living facility is a housing facility for people who cannot or choose not to live independently.  They can range from facilities where there is a minimum amount of help to full-care nursing facilities.  In fact, many facilities offer a range of housing options, which are adaptable as a person’s ability to live independently....

The Profound Benefits of Embracing Early Rising: A Comprehensive Guide
In the tapestry of life, the choice of when to awaken carries far-reaching implications. Embracing the benefits of waking up early in the morning unveils a wealth of advantages that can profoundly enhance our well-being, productivity, and overall happiness.
1. Enhanced Cognitive Performance:
Studies have consistently shown that waking up early can boost cognitive function. As the brain gradually awakens during the morning hours, it is at its peak for concentration, memory, and problem-solving. By starting the day with this cognitive edge, individuals can tackle their tasks with greater efficiency and clarity.
- Van....

8 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Gerontology Nursing the Relevance and

Words: 2088
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

One of the observable trends that emerges from a review of literature and research on gerontology nursing is the increasing development of specific frameworks and perspectives for use in…

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2 Pages

Death and Dying  (general)

Gerontology Assessment and Ethical Concerns

Words: 788
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) is another tool frequently used with older adults (Charlson, Pompei, Ales & Mackenzie, 1987). It is comprised of 19 comorbid conditions that give…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Gerontology Robert Martorello Is 65

Words: 609
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Martorello loves deep sea fishing, while I cultivated an interest in farm animals. I spent time as the Treasurer of the Campbell Chapter of the Future Farmers of…

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6 Pages

Family and Marriage

Gerontology Nursing

Words: 1875
Length: 6 Pages

Gerontology The interview subject is from Germantown, Pennsylvania, the third of seven children. For the purposes of this report and to preserve her anonymity, we will call her Ms. S.…

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3 Pages


Gerontology the Research Study Framework Explains the

Words: 972
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Gerontology The research study framework explains the theory or a part of the theory that is to be tested in the research study. The framework shows the relationship between the…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Gerontology Nursing A Personal Gerontological

Words: 1460
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

(McCormack, 2003, p.1) V. Seven Concepts that are 'Key' to Client Centered Practice The work of Law et al. (1995) relates seven concepts that are stated to be 'key to…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Gerontology Mirta Immigrated to the

Words: 1848
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Bio-psychological Assessment Personal data: fill as you see fit Referral: depressed, poor sleep, Family Background: raised by parents and older siblings Family medical/psychiatric history: brother had heart attack; mother had issues with drugs…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Gerontology Aging and Social Isolation

Words: 388
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Black women enjoy most of these same relationships, which the study creators did not anticipate. The studies also discovered that even those aging blacks with few family members…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Gerontology Advance Directives When a

Words: 687
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The DPAHC permits a person to name a successor to their proxy in the event that the proxy dies or otherwise not capable to assist in making choices…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Gerontology Golden Years the Older

Words: 3221
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

One can effectively build a senior market campaign around newspaper, radio and direct mail. One thing to take into consideration is that seniors like to learn. This means…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Gerontology Researcher Graham J Mcdougall

Words: 1070
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This does not mean that culture excuses a student from learning -- far from it -- only that teachers need be mindful of the specific values of different…

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3 Pages


Gerontology Called Psychological Aspects Aging Retirement Can

Words: 884
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Gerontology called Psychological Aspects Aging Retirement can have a strong effect on a person's life and on how he or she comes to perceive society in general. The fact…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Marketing Mix Gerontology and Psychology

Words: 3341
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

For example, one-75-year-old may be running a corporation, whereas another may need nursing home care" (Morgan, 2003, p. 1592). Additionally, the long duration of psychoanalytic therapy may demand that…

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3 Pages

Family and Marriage

Ethics in Gerontology When Choosing

Words: 1052
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

It is therefore also my duty to provide families and older people with counseling and educational services that take all these factors into account. With an increasing number of…

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3 Pages

Death and Dying - Elderly

Gerontology and Geriatrics in Nursing

Words: 1012
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Journal

Geriatric patients between the ages of 70 and 95 have very different needs from those of their younger counterparts. In part, these are due to differences that have…

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