Global Expansion of Jollibee
Jollibee was founded in 1975 in Cubao, Philippines and the company was incorporated in 1978 (Layug, 2009). Jollibee grew rapidly, offering a menu consisting of mainly Western foods and following a business model that was inspired by McDonald's. One of the main reasons that Jollibee has become such a success both in the Philippines and abroad is that the company has been able to execute this foreign business model to a high degree of excellence. This essay will analyze the success of Jollibee and make direct comparisons to the business models of Jollibee and McDonald's to show that much of the success Jollibee has enjoyed relates to following this foreign business model. The essay will break down Jollibee's strategy into a number of key components to better understand how it has earned its international and domestic success.
History and Mission
Jollibee began expanding shortly after becoming incorporated under that…...
Erdralin, D. & Castillo, P. (2001). An in-depth study of the hotel and restaurant industry in the Philippines. Philippine Institute for Development Studies. Retrieved from
Flores, K. (2009). Slowing remittances is Jollibee's biggest challenge. ABS/CBN News. Retrieved from
GMA. (2010). Jollibee: Foreign operations to grow by 25%. GMA News. Retrieved from
Goldberg, E. (2011). The benefits of the franchise model. Retrieved from
Global Expansion
Developing countries, particularly those in Africa, are increasingly presenting significant opportunities for global expansion in the wake of increased maturation and saturation of developed markets. Ghana is one of the countries in Africa that offer an ideal environment for the establishment of a ball-bearing manufacturing factor. The rapidly growing country provides attractive cultural, economic, and political environments.
Ghana is one of the booming economies in Africa. With a gross domestic product (GDP) of approximately $114 billion (in terms of purchasing power parity) as of 2015, the country has recorded impressive economic growth in the last five years, with growth averaging 8% (Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], 2016). This is one of the highest GDP growth rates in the region and Africa at large, an indication of a robust business environment. The attractiveness of the Ghanaian economy further stems from fair trade and investment policies as well as a relatively stable macroeconomic…...
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). (2016). The world factbook. Retrieved from:
Commisceo Global (n.d.). Ghana guide: Ghanaian language, culture, customs, and etiquette. Retrieved from:
Institute for Economics and Peace (2015). Global Peace Index 2015. Retrieved from: Report-2015_0.pdf -
Transparency International (2015). Corruption by country/territory. Retrieved from:
Lastly, market studies must be conducted to decide what product mis will sell the best in these new locations, focusing on products that are already strong sellers in the area.
After a year of operation, Wal-Mart should evaluate the success of their entry into the new market. Sales, profits and market share will tell the organization if they're on the expected track. If not, the degree of difference must be evaluated. In some instances, there may be a geographic region in which Wal-Mart's model simply doesn't fit well with the culture. In those instances, they will have to re-evaluate their strategies.
How does expanding internationally benefit Wal-Mart?
Expanding internationally benefits Wal-Mart in a variety of ways. First, they are able to continue organizational growth, despite market saturation in the United States. The company can enhance their economies of scale, with global buying power. There are many of Wal-Mart's key suppliers who already…...
Hill, C.W. (2007). Global Business Today. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Balance of Payment Transaction and Challenges of Global Expansion
The BoP (Balance of Payments) refers to all transactions across a country border. Under the balance of payments transactions, all the payments coming into the country is denoted as a plus sign while the transactions going out of the country is a denoted as a minus sign. When an Australian consumer imports American goods, the transaction enters the American balance of payments as credit or positive sign into the U.S. current account. On the other hand, when Americans import goods and services from another country, the transactions enter the U.S. BoP as a debit or negative sign. (Chan, 2012).
Objective of this paper is explore the concept of the U.S. balance of payments.
U.S. resident purchases a German Mercedes Benz
When an American resident purchases a German Mercedes Benz C230, the transaction is a debit under the CA (Current Account). The current account tracks the…...
Chan, A. (2012). The U.S. -- China Balance of Payments Relationship. Moody's Analytics.
Valdivia-Velarde, E. & Razin, T. (2014). Balance of Payments Manual (Sixth Edition). Compilation Guide. IMF.
Wolf, M. (2009). Fixing Global Finance. Yale University Press: 31-39.
The consultancy then must seek out a high level of congruence specifically on the IDV dimension if it is to be successful over time.
Using the Five Dimensions Model to plot the values of Singapore, Hong Kong, The U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom and France, the six graphics shown in Appendix A: Comparing Cultural Dimensions by Nation is created.
Comparing each nation specifically shows that of the potential candidates for expansion, Singapore, Hong Kong and France are the least favorable when analyzed purely on the IDV dimension of the model. Ironically, the team had seen Singapore and Hong Kong has having the greatest potential is actually the worst in terms of its attractiveness on the IDV dimension relative to Australia. Conversely, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom all are more comparable to Australia on the IDV dimension of the Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Model. Next, the Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) dimension…...
Jeffrey G. Blodgett, Aysen Bakir, Gregory M. Rose. (2008). A test of the validity of Hofstede's cultural framework. The Journal of Consumer Marketing,
25(6), 339-349.
Aileen Cater-Steel, Mark Toleman. (2008). The impact of national culture on software engineering practices. International Journal of Technology Policy and Management, 8(1), 76.
James H. Davis, Monle Lee, Jack Ruhe. (2008). Trust: an intercultural comparison of consumer perceptions. International Journal of Commerce & Management, 18(2), 150-165.
strength of the draft is the overall segmentation of the material. Each segment is distinct and the information contained in it is pertinent. The draft has great detail in regards to certain elements of the competition. The explanation of Telenor in particular is great. The organization of the draft is logical and follows a predictable pattern, building on the previous section. I enjoyed how you addressed the risks and benefits of the option you selected.
The description of the situation and introduction is very clear and straightforward. It is very easy to grasp the problem and the challenges that are faced by Telenor. The overall landscape of Myanmar was presented very well. The group did a great job of articulating a top-level view of the situation and the country for those who did not know. It was also great to read about the specific sectors that were employing citizens and…...
mlaA more detailed financial analysis would be needed to better determine if option 1 or option 2 is better. A recommendation that can be easily implemented is a simple Net Present Value calculation. The NPV calculation can assess if a project should be accepted or not. However, without the proper financial analysis backing up your claims, your suggestion does not have merit. In this case the NPV calculation can provide the proof needed to help determine if a strategic partner is indeed needed (Grubbstrom, 1967). Currently, the draft is completely based on assumption that may or may not have any merit. By backing these assumptions up with fact, statistics and figures, your argument has more credibility. In addition, those who do not believe in your solution have a way to verify your logic and your thinking, further increasing credibility.
1) Grubbstrom, Robert W. (1967). "On the Application of the Laplace Transform to Certain Economic Problems." Management Science 13: 558 -- 567
The company has decided that in order to expand globally, it will need to send two expatriates to two different countries. We will need one person in Dubai in order to run our EMEA business, and one person in Hong Kong in order to run our APAC business. This report will present a significant amount of discussion with respect to the business cultures in those cities, in the regions as a whole, and what the company needs to do to ensure a successful expatriate deployment.
The first thing that the company must know is that we cannot send people who have no international experience on this type of assignment. The initial expansion requires people on the ground who understand what they are getting into – they have travelled extensively and done business in the regions in question. The reason for this is that so much rides on these individuals that there…...
Global Human Resources Management
The objective of this work is to describe International Human Resources Management and concerns about effective human resources management in the global environment. The factors that most strongly influence HRM in international markets will be discussed as well as will differences among countries that affect HR planning at organizations with international operations. As well, this work will describe how differences among countries affect HR planning at organizations with international operations. This work will further describe how companies select and train human resources in a global labor market. Discuss challenges related to compensating employees from other countries. Explain how employers prepare managers for international assignments and for their return home.
Effective HR Management in the Global Environment
Development of the global workforce is critically important and it is necessary to acknowledge that these employees work in an environment that is multi-cultural or global and general awareness programs are reported to…...
Global Human Resources Management and Organizational Development (nd) ITAP International. Retrieved from:
Haile, Semere (2002) Challenges in International Benefits and Compensation Systems of Multinational Corporation. The African Economic and Business Review. Vol. 3 No. 1 Spring 2002. Retrieved from
Palthe, Jennifer (2008) Managing Human Rights and Human Resources: The Dual Responsibility of Global Corporations. Forum on Public Policy. Retrieved from:
Plessis, AJ and Beaver, B. (2008) The Changing Role of Human Resource Managers for International Assignments. International Review of Business Research Papers. Vol. 4 No. 5 Oct-Nov 2008. Retrieved from: http://www.*****/17[1].Plessis.pdf
Global Mindsets
Importance of the Global Mindset
I agree with the assertion made by Cohen that possessing a global mindset is a key and integral part to being successful in business, particularly if global expansion is an organizational goal or aspiration. To be successful in today's marketplace, leaders must understand that the world is no longer made up of only local/regional/national customers and competitors. It has been shaped by the digitized age we live in. Customers come from everywhere, for just about everything. Similarly, competition does too. This means to be truly successful, business leaders must know how to integrate a number of geographies, cultures, demographics, tastes, preferences, and business strategies from across the globe (Gumbel 2008). Leaders need an appreciation for diverse business relationships and more specialized skills to achieve their goals.
Universal cooperation is a daily business reality. The vast majority of this is due to technological advancement and the new…...
Beechler, S, & Baltzley, D 2008, 'Creating a Global mindset', Chief Learning Officer, 7, 6, pp. 40-45, Business Source Elite, EBSCOhost, viewed 17 May 2013.
Cohen, SL 2010, 'Effective global leadership requires a global mindset', Industrial & Commercial Training, 42, 1, pp. 3-10, Business Source Elite, EBSCOhost, viewed 17 May 2013.
Gumbel, P 2008, 'Big Mac's Local Flavor', Fortune, 157, 9, pp. 114-121, Business Source Elite, EBSCOhost, viewed 17 May 2013.
Massingham, P 2013, 'Cognitive Complexity in Global Mindsets', International Journal Of Management, 30, 2, pp. 232-248, Business Source Elite, EBSCOhost, viewed 17 May 2013.
The company offers training sessions for their staff members and presents them with several incentives, such as discounts on the organization's services or employee empowerment. This virtually means that the individual staff members are valued as vital organizational assets, and their input is considered throughout the decision making process.
The second component of the transportation and logistics infrastructure is given by the fleet. This is composed from the following:
654 aircraft fleet, out of which 71 are Airbus A300; 56 are Airbus A310; 13 are AT 72s; 26 are ATT 42s; 79 are Boeing 727; 1 is Boeing DC10 (10s); 6 are Boeing DC10 (30s); 57 are Boeing MD 10 (10s); 12 are Boeing MD 10 (30s); 57 are Boeing MD (11s); 10 are Cessna 208As; 242 are Cessna 208Bs and finally, 24 are Boeing 757-200s
43,000 vehicle fleet over 100,000 power ships over 2 million ships and ship managers for the…...
Marc h 16, 1995, FedEx Extends Tracking and Information Capabilities to America Online Users; Federal Express Customers already Using Services on FedEx Internet Worldwide Web Home Page, Business Wire
2000, FedEx Corporation SEC Filling, last accessed on January 18, 2010
2010, FedEx Corporation, Hoovers, last accessed on January 18, 2010
2010, The 9 Faces of Leadership, Fast Company, last accessed on January 18, 2010
Global Strategic Planning Process Eestjohn
Following are detailed steps for the global strategic planning process:
Analyze the company's external environments: Examine the political, economic and cultural environments of the proposed country for strategic investment. Ensure these are compatible with the company's proposed international direction (portability and conversion of earnings, conducive to foreign investment).
Analyze the company's internal environment: Make sure that the internal environment supports global expansion through applicable human resources policies (selection, training, relocation and repatriation of expatriates), appropriate legal and financial support and a corporate culture that functions within foreign cultures.
Define the company's business and mission: Company direction must be clearly articulated, to ensure that the desired results for globalization are understood by shareholders, management, employees and relevant host country parties.
Set corporate objectives: Financial performance and strategic performance objectives must be established within the global context in which the company will…...
Exporting apparel to France would reveal a slightly similar difference. As integrant part of the European Union, France has removed numerous financial barriers in relationship to other EU member states. It has however intensified its barriers relative to product quality and sanitary standards. In terms of the direct relationship between France and the United States, this is generally a positive one, revealing mutual gains and lack of controversy. Efforts are currently being made to reduce the trade barriers between the United States and the EU as a whole (Buy USA, 2009).
4.2. Franchising
A franchising entry strategy would reveal numerous benefits for Miana Fashion, such as reduced risks and shared responsibilities, but would also imply shared financial results. In France nevertheless, such a strategy would stand increased chances of success, supported by all political, economic, cultural and legal backgrounds. France is the leading franchising country of the European Union, with no less…...
Dickson, D.M., August 13, 2009, Trade Panel Hits China's Import Barriers, Washington Times
Hugh, E., 2009, Global Manufacturing: France Outperforms while Spain Continues to Flounder, Seeking Alpha, last accessed on December 7, 2009
Pinto, J., 2009, Global Manufacturing -- The China Challenge, Automation, last accessed on December 7, 2009
2008, China Real Estate Market Faces Slump, NuWire Investor, last accessed on November 26, 2009
global branding of Stella Artois
Porter's 5-forces analysis of the beer industry
Bargaining power of buyers
The bargaining power of buyers is very high in the beer industry. Consumers have many choices, spanning from other alcoholic beverages to other brands of beer, including smaller labels as well as the major brands. Also, beer is not strictly a necessity. Consumers can conceivably 'do without' if the price is too high.
Bargaining power of suppliers
The bargaining power of suppliers is also very high in the beer industry. Beer companies are critically dependent upon obtaining specific input goods to create their brews. They need a high volume of input goods to produce their product, and they need a timely and steady supply. Good relationships with bottlers and distributors are also required to take the product to market.
Competitive rivalry
Competitive rivalry is extremely high. All of the major beer brands are fighting to brand themselves as unique because…...
Caves, R.E. & M.E. Porter. (1977). From entry barriers to mobility barriers: Conjectural decisions and contrived deterrence to new competition. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 91 (2): 241-262. Retrieved:
Sinha, S.K. & Zaid Ahmad. (2009). Global financial crisis - with special reference to insurance industry. African Journal of Marketing Management, 1(8): 184-189,
Retrieved at:
Particularly, they share risks and they also capitalize on the market and industry expertise of local economic agents. egarding the specifics of these strategic alliances, the organizational structure would be established by the local partners, whereas the control would be joint.
Finally, a last element which needs to be addressed is constituted by the influence of individualism and collectivism on workers' behavior in the two countries. From this standpoint, it has to be argued that the issues do not raise problems as both the Chinese as well as the Mexican employees are highly disciplined. Additionally, their rights -- compared to the rights of the American worker -- are limited. The importance of individuality in the workplace is barely existent and the unions -- when they are formed -- have limited powers. Additionally, the power of minorities to make a difference or pose a threat is also virtually inexistent. The concepts…...
2010, North American Free Trade Agreement, United States Department of Agriculture, last accessed on October 25, 2010
2010, The world factbook -- China, Central Intelligence Agency, last accessed on October 25, 2010
2010, The world factbook -- Mexico, Central Intelligence Agency, last accessed on October 25, 2010
Essay Topic Examples
1. Cultural Adaptation in Disney arks:
Explore how Disney World adapts its theme parks to different cultures around the world, focusing on the balance between maintaining brand identity and localizing content.
2. Disney's Global Expansion Strategy:
Analyze Disney's approach to entering new markets, including market research, strategic partnerships, and the challenges faced in different regions.
3. Brand Consistency vs. Local Customization:
Discuss how Disney manages to keep its brand consistent globally while customizing experiences to meet local tastes and preferences.
4. Disney's Use of Technology in Global Management:
Examine the role of technology in Disney's global operations, from park management systems to enhancing guest experiences worldwide.
5. Environmental and Social Responsibility in Disney's Global Strategy:
Investigate how Disney incorporates sustainability and social responsibility into its global management practices, focusing on initiatives in different countries.
Essay Title Examples
1. "Magic Across Borders: Disney's Global Management Tactics"
2. "From Anaheim to Shanghai: Disney's Worldwide Expansion"
3. "Disney's Global Charm: Adapting the Magic for…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Primary SourcesDisney Annual ReportDisney InstituteDisneyland Paris Case StudyDisney\'s Corporate Social Responsibility ReportDisney\'s Global Expansion Strategy**MLA Citations:**
1. The Evolution of Adidas: A Look at the Brand's History, Successes, and Challenges
2. The Impact of Adidas on Sports and Fashion: How the Brand Has Influenced Trends and Culture
3. Adidas vs. Competitors: A Comparative Analysis of Marketing Strategies and Successes
4. Sustainable Practices in the Adidas Supply Chain: How the Brand is Leading the Way in Corporate Social Responsibility
5. The Future of Adidas: Predictions and Opportunities for Growth in the Global Market
6. Athlete Endorsements and Partnerships: How Adidas Collaborates with Sports Stars to Drive Sales and Brand Awareness
7. The Influence of Technology on Adidas Products: How Innovation is Driving the....
Essay Topics on Adidas: A Comprehensive Analysis
1. The Rise and Evolution of Adidas: A Study in Sports Marketing
Trace the origins and growth of Adidas, examining its key marketing strategies and product innovations.
Analyze the company's target audience, brand positioning, and communication channels.
Discuss the challenges and opportunities Adidas has faced in the competitive sportswear market.
2. Adidas's Social and Environmental Impact: A Critical Assessment
Evaluate Adidas's commitment to social responsibility and sustainability initiatives.
Examine the company's efforts to address issues such as labor rights, environmental protection, and diversity and inclusion.
Discuss the effectiveness of these initiatives and their impact on....
Principles of Business Essay Topics
Ethics and Social Responsibility
The Importance of Ethical Decision-Making in Business
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Profits and Planetary Health
The Role of Business in Addressing Social Issues
Whistleblower Protection and the Ethical Obligations of Employees
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Role of Innovation in Driving Business Growth
The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Characteristics and Erfolgsfaktoren
Creating an Innovative Work Environment
The Impact of Technology on Business Innovation
Leadership and Management
Effective Leadership Styles: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-faire
Motivating Employees: Theories and Best Practices
The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Management
Managing Organizational Change: Challenges and....
1. An In-depth Analysis of Apple Inc: A Leading Technology Company
2. Examining the Success Factors of Amazon: A Retail and Technology Giant
3. Company Analysis: The Business Strategy of Coca-Cola
4. A Comprehensive Review of Tesla Motors: Innovation in the Electric Vehicle Industry
5. Analyzing the Growth Strategies of Google: A Dominant Player in the Tech Industry
6. Uncovering the Success Story of Walmart: A Retail Giant's Business Model
7. Company Analysis: Understanding the Marketing Strategies of Nike
8. Exploring the Financial Performance of Microsoft Corporation
9. Case Study on Starbucks Corporation: A Coffee Company's Global Expansion
10. The Evolution of McDonald's Corporation: A Fast Food Empire's Business....
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