Gold Rush Essays (Examples)

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Gold Rush the History of

Ah Toy is representative for the way in which immigrants and in her own case the Chinese were treated by the state authorities and the judicial system in particular. It was common practice the discriminatory attitude of the judicial system towards the Chinese immigrants given the fact that, on the one hand the legislature considered the immigrant population to be a threat to the well being of the Americans, and on the other hand, the Chinese' apparent lack of interest for the American judicial system would make them irrelevant in the face of the law. This is why the 19th century saw a number of legislative initiatives which legalized a discriminatory treatment of the Chinese immigrants and of miners in particular. Therefore, "in 1852, scarcely three years after the first Chinese arrived in California, the state legislature passed a discriminatory tax measure, aimed primarily at Chinese gold miners (an 1854….

Chinese Gold Rush the 1848

S. State Department that a new Sino-American treaty be drafted. In January 1887, negotiations began as American politicians were readying for the 1888 presidential election campaign. The U.S. originally wanted Chinese immigration suspended for 30 years, as well as a prohibition of all certified Chinese residents returning to America after visiting China. The Chinese agreed to suspend new emigration for 20 years and to forbid the return of Chinese-American laborers who visited China, unless they held property or financial claims or had family in the U.S. The Chinese government asked the U.S. government to provide better protection of resident Chinese and indemnities in cases of future outbreaks of anti-Chinese violence. Although negotiations were difficult, they finally had an agreement in March of 1888. The Bayard-Zhang Treaty prohibited Chinese immigration or the return of Chinese laborers to the U.S. For 20 years, unless the laborers had assets worth at least $1,000….

orks Cited

California." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed. 2004.

Color in the River. orld and I; 3/1/1999

Edwards, Bob. MORNING EDITION from NPR News Host. 09-08-2000.

Gold Rush." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed. 2004..


Kyle, Douglas E. "Rush for Riches: Gold Fever and the Making of California." California History Spring 2004: 72+.


Landazuri, Roberto. "Days of Gold! Songs of the California Gold Rush." California History inter 2000: 228..


Lavender, David. California: Land of New Beginnings. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1987.


Roberts, Brian. American Alchemy: The California Gold Rush and Middle-Class Culture. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2000. Questia. 12 Dec. 2006, K. America's Golden Dream - Historian H.. Brands' vigorous narrative history of the gold rush as a defining American event is an interpretive tour de force. and I.;20030104%5dJanuary 1, 2003.

Natalie Merchant’s song “Gold Rush Brides” offers an impression of history, and also reflects on the one-sided nature of historiography. The song simultaneously evokes the myth and mystique of the wild west, of the days of frontier settlement when men and women ventured west seeking their fortunes and in the process encountered the native people who they would kill. Merchant draws interesting parallels between the frontier mentality and patriarchy, too, showing that the stories of women have vanished (“who were the homestead wives? Who were the gold rush brides?”) just as Native American stories and whole cultures were being obliterated, driven by nothing but a “lust for gold.” In fact, Merchant makes the connection between women and Native Americans even more direct in the line, “Dakota on the wall is a white-robed woman.” As Foner discusses the start of the gold rush in the Dakotas, Merchant mentions this lesser-known start….

Part of the impact of this book is the lush illustrations, maps, and photos that illustrate the text. They make it more interesting, help set the different periods in time in the reader's mind, and they help make the entire book more entertaining and relevant to the reader. The rush comes alive because of all the illustrations, documents, and other elements of the book's design, and it makes the book more complete and fulfilling, somehow. The author often quotes from primary documents like letters, journals, newspapers, and diaries, and that helps make the book more real to the reader, too. It is possible to actually feel what the pioneers were feeling as they crossed the desert on the last leg of their journey to California, and it helps make the hardships and their determination more real, as well.

The book also ties in other areas where California influenced history and development,….

HW Brands the Age of Gold

Brands, H.W. The Age of Gold. New York: Doubleday, 2002.
Get rich quick. This philosophy or fantasy can be seen everywhere today. It is seen in the eyes of the person who turns the slot machine in Atlantic City. It is seen in the sight of people lining up in front of a 7-11 several states away because the 'Power ball' jackpot has hit record highs. It can even be seen in the example of those ordinary investors who lost their shirts in the 1990's heady stock boom and bust. And it was seen, and originates in the Gold Rush of the 19th century, says author and historian H.W. Brands in his book The Age of Gold.

America has always been a place of freedom, a lack of pretension, and thus of easier enrichment, in the eyes of many. But the traditional American dream and Puritanical work ethic held that America was….

Poe Gold Bug Edgar Allen

Inductive reasoning leads Legrand to discover an encrypted message that he sets out to painstakingly decipher. Poe's detailed analysis of the cryptogram is quintessentially romantic, encouraging rational inquiry into seemingly supernatural phenomenon. A respect for both the natural and supernatural worlds is implied by the story. Interestingly, nothing supernatural does take place in "The Gold-ug." Legrand admits to the striking coincidences that led him to the treasure, but coincidences themselves are not supernatural events. Legrand states, "it was not done by human agency. And nevertheless it was done."
The titular bug is a scarabaeus, which is a direct allusion to ancient Egypt. Like pirates, the imagery and lore of ancient Egypt has romantic, compelling connotations for readers. The reference to the scarab is coupled with the eerie image of the skull. When Jupiter finally climbs out on the "dead" limb the situation takes on an ominous tone before resolving itself….

Empire of the South Atlantic
"Slave owners in Brazil were not unanimous about whether Sudanese slaves from Guinea or the Bantu from Angola were the best; and fashions in slaves, as in other commodities, were not always the same. Broadly speaking, the slaves of Sudanese origin tended to be more intelligent, more robust, and more hard working (when they did work), but they were more rebellious and less disposed to become reconciled to their menial lot. The Bantu on the other hand, were more cheerful, adaptable, and loquacious, but were not so strong or so resilient to disease" (Charles B., 4).

The excerpt above gives central aspects that informed the choice of slaves and hence the geographical areas of concertation by the slave traders. Basically the slaves were seen as commodities whose value was based on the needs of the slave owner, the physical capabilities and the inner or innate gifts or….

With all the resources of normal use for Indians in missionary control, Indians began to attack the missions and military forces to steal animal and take revenge of sexual assaults on Indian women. Continuous demand of laborers for the missions impacted the Indian tribes greatly and finally in 1836, the Mexican Republic who officially took over from Spain in 1823, took away the missions powers of obtaining forced labor from Indian and the missions collapsed.
One third of the California Indian population, over 100,000 Indians perished to deaths attributable to missions of California. The 1824 constitution of Mexican Republic promised Indians voting rights as citizens but they continued to be treated as slaves.

The discovery of Gold in California in 1848 subjected the Indians to the most horrible period of their history. California was seized by U.S. military from Mexico in 1846 and sufferings of the Indians multiplied by the rush….

Brigham Young
At first, Young was ambivalent towards the Methodist -- or any other -- Church. He "held back from joining the Methodists" like his brothers had because of an "independent, deliberate personality" that rejected belief under pressure (8). Methodist revival meetings also turned Young off because of their "loud, crowded, and hyperactive" qualities," (8). Yet while living in the Auburn-Port Byron area, during an economic depression, he was "swept up by religious enthusiasm" and joined the Methodist Church in 1824 (13). The conversion turned out to be integral to Young's "program of self-improvement," (14). The Church prompted Young to give up swearing, one of his self-admitted habits. He experimented with vegetarianism, too, in an attempt to live an overall cleaner and healthier lifestyle. The religion also helped him to overcome his shyness and fear of public speaking (14). In addition to helping him on his personal path, the Methodist Church….

In addition, she discusses some of the positive, socially constructive things that prostitutes brought to their locales, particularly in the developing West. In much of Colorado, the atmosphere was absolutely dominated by males, so that prostitutes might be the only female companionship a man could find.
MacKell ends her official coverage of prostitutes in 1930, although, throughout the book one finds references to brothels that continued to exist into the 1930s and 1940s. However, as prostitution became illegal throughout much of the state, the nature of prostitution changed. Women could no longer openly ply their trade in brothels. In 1909, oulder's red-light district closed down for good, and after 1910, one saw the same thing occur in a number of Colorado towns (MacKell, 2004, p.233). In 1930, a prostitute named Anna Ryan killed a former police officer Maurice Lyons, which was another death knell for the trade. Therefore, while brothels….

Ghost Towns

colorful period in America's remarkable early history is the gold rush era. In the late 1800's the discovery of gold triggered a flood of immigrants into the country, all intent on making their fortune. These miners shaped the early history of America, and created a great deal of the legend that surrounds the era of the "ild est." hile some of the legends of lawlessness and debauchery are clearly exaggerated, life in the mining towns of the gold rush era was clearly rough and ready.
This paper will examine life in the mining camps of the gold rush era. This will include a look at the people who made up the camps, the general atmosphere, as well as prostitution, gambling, general lawlessness, and the role of religion within the mining camps. The demise of the mining camps will be examined in the context of the development of the railroad and….

Compromise of 1820 There Are

The main causes of the war relied in the issue of slavery as well as the right of the states to be part of a federal entity with equal rights and voices. The implications for this war were enormous as it provided a different future for the colonies and for the U.S. As a whole.
The main cause of the war was, as stated, the issue of slavery. In this sense, the Mexican war played an important role. It pointed out the importance of the slavery issue even in an apparently international situation. The Wilmot Proviso is essential in this way. Thus, it represented an additional act to a bill that enabled the U.S. To satisfy the financial needs of Mexico. The act in itself however was not passed because it pointed out the fact that none of the territories acquired during the Mexican war should be opened to slavery;….

It also sought to stop the Atlantic slave trade between those three continents. It has also been referred to as the anti-slavery movement. As a result of the abolitionist movement, slavery was abolished in Europe and America by the last half of the 19th century. Africa finally stopped the practice of slavery by the first quarter of the 20th century.
Women's Contribution

Women, both white and black, made enormous contributions to the abolitionist movement.

Ann Yearsley, Hannah More, Susan . Anthony, Julia Ward Howe, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Frances Ellen Watkins, and many others worked against the enslavement of other human beings. While the white women used their status, money and freedom to work against slavery and help the black women to "find their voices," the black women could tell eye-opening stories of their own experiences to elicit sympathy and support.

In the early years of the movement, women were….

Study Abroad
Sometimes in our internet age it seems that we don't ever need to leave our own homes to experience the world. Google can let us drive in a virtual way down nearly any street in the world. We can chat at any hour of the day with residents from any continent about any subject. We can even craft online selves that allow us to become more interesting, more educated, and more urbane than are our actual personas.

So why -- given the complexities, unavoidable drudgeries and occasional miseries and sometimes even outright dangers of travel -- should we ever venture any significant distance from our homes? Because there is still -- and surely there will never be -- anything comparable to travel to teach us about the varieties of the world. Without meaning to disparage the wonders of either online information acquisition or reading about other places and other peoples,….

7 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Gold Rush the History of

Words: 2844
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ah Toy is representative for the way in which immigrants and in her own case the Chinese were treated by the state authorities and the judicial system in particular.…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Chinese Gold Rush the 1848

Words: 1856
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S. State Department that a new Sino-American treaty be drafted. In January 1887, negotiations began as American politicians were readying for the 1888 presidential election campaign. The U.S. originally…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

American History

California Gold Rush the Californian

Words: 1717
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

orks Cited California." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed. 2004. Color in the River. orld and I; 3/1/1999 Edwards, Bob. MORNING EDITION from NPR News Host. 09-08-2000. Gold Rush." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed.…

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1 Pages


natalie merchant gold rush brides history

Words: 348
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Natalie Merchant’s song “Gold Rush Brides” offers an impression of history, and also reflects on the one-sided nature of historiography. The song simultaneously evokes the myth and mystique of…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Rush for Riches Gold Fever

Words: 686
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Part of the impact of this book is the lush illustrations, maps, and photos that illustrate the text. They make it more interesting, help set the different periods in…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


HW Brands the Age of Gold

Words: 657
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Brands, H.W. The Age of Gold. New York: Doubleday, 2002. Get rich quick. This philosophy or fantasy can be seen everywhere today. It is seen in the eyes of the…

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7 Pages
Book Report


Poe Gold Bug Edgar Allen

Words: 2160
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Book Report

Inductive reasoning leads Legrand to discover an encrypted message that he sets out to painstakingly decipher. Poe's detailed analysis of the cryptogram is quintessentially romantic, encouraging rational inquiry…

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2 Pages

American History

Analysis of Slavery and Gold Mining in Brazil

Words: 754
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Empire of the South Atlantic "Slave owners in Brazil were not unanimous about whether Sudanese slaves from Guinea or the Bantu from Angola were the best; and fashions in slaves,…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

California History- Indians the History

Words: 2417
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

With all the resources of normal use for Indians in missionary control, Indians began to attack the missions and military forces to steal animal and take revenge of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Brigham Young and the Expanding American Frontier

Words: 1113
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Brigham Young At first, Young was ambivalent towards the Methodist -- or any other -- Church. He "held back from joining the Methodists" like his brothers had because of an…

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4 Pages
Book Review

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Brothels Bordellos & Bad Girls

Words: 1343
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Book Review

In addition, she discusses some of the positive, socially constructive things that prostitutes brought to their locales, particularly in the developing West. In much of Colorado, the atmosphere…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Ghost Towns

Words: 3226
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

colorful period in America's remarkable early history is the gold rush era. In the late 1800's the discovery of gold triggered a flood of immigrants into the country,…

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10 Pages

American History

Compromise of 1820 There Are

Words: 3304
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

The main causes of the war relied in the issue of slavery as well as the right of the states to be part of a federal entity with…

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2 Pages

Sports - Women

Women in American History Women

Words: 634
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

It also sought to stop the Atlantic slave trade between those three continents. It has also been referred to as the anti-slavery movement. As a result of the…

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4 Pages

History - Asian

Study Abroad Sometimes in Our Internet Age

Words: 1035
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Study Abroad Sometimes in our internet age it seems that we don't ever need to leave our own homes to experience the world. Google can let us drive in a…

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