History Essays (Examples)

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When you hear word “history,” you probably think of the last history class you took. If it was a high school history survey class, then you may thi...

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History In the Making: Fight for ights
There are numerous definition of history that are adapted by different groups. Of interest though is the fact that they share a period that is in the past. Among the many definitions fronted by Word Net (2011) is "the continuum of events occurring in succession leading from the past to the present and even into the future." This definition arouses interest in our case study as it spans from the past into the present happenings in the world.

It is apparent that history can be made and it is never static but is continually being made by people and events that surround us. Among the most recent noticeable events of our time in the history making are the events in Asia and China. In these two political demography there have been numerous fight for rights that have taken place in the past decade to the….

It was an important event in the nation's history because it was the first time that America was dominated by internal conflicts that challenged its democracy (Fortuna, n.d.). However, once the fighting came to an end, its significance became clear because of its effects on the American society.
Despite of taking more than 60,000 lives, the American Civil War contributed to the establishment of the Democratic South and Republican North. Secondly, the war enabled a reassurance of power in the national government through overturning concepts of secession and nullification. Third, the American Civil War brought the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution through its legislation. It also cemented Abraham Lincoln and other leaders into the historical glossary of the people of the United States. The Civil War is considered as a major factor that led to the increase in America's economic power to an extent that it….

History of Free Blacks as

Therefore, the triple threats of physical violence, sexual violence, and disruption of the family were probably the most serious daily complaint of 19th century slaves.
Many of the complaints that slaves had were based on the limitations that they faced in their daily lives. In the early days of slavery, slaves had much more practical freedom than they had after the growth of plantations and the related dependence on slave labor. Although there were exceptions, almost all slave owning territories became more limited during the 19th century. As a result, slaves were forbidden from doing many of the things that seemingly separate man from lower animals, in an attempt to justify treating them like chattel. For example, slaves were prohibited from pursuing their own religious ideology or practicing traditional religions, and the religion taught to slaves preached that it was God's plan that they be enslaved. Slaves were prohibited from….

History of John Adams and

As many historians admit, his skills in argument and rhetoric were instrumental in getting the Declaration accepted by the American people. As mentioned, this was not an easy task, as there were many who were opposed and some leaders even threatened that "...their states would secede from the fragile union if independence were declared. Leaders of the Congress, such as Adams, risked being executed as traitors to the Crown" (Leopold).

It is possibly more correct when evaluating Adams as an individual to say that he was "... respected but not popular..." (John Adams: biography) However he is regarded as one of the founding fathers of the United States, whose contribution to the reception and drafting of the Declaration of Independence was extremely significant, as would be his contribution as the second president of the country. (the Religious Affiliation of Second U.S. President John Adams) as David McCullough states; "He was….

History Of Native Americans
How did Native responses to European activities affect the direction that colonies took?

In 1585, ichard Hakluyt guaranteed that the economic potential of the North America is strong enough to provide the basis for the creation of a grand English commercial empire. He assured that the colonization by Englishmen would open profitable and productive new American markets. The next 178 years proved really beneficial for the Native Americans and settlers who transformed North America into a central part of the British North Atlantic commercial system. The businesses flourished and made an intense impact on the fiscal life of the Native Americans who started to import European goods that displaced "traditional tools, weapons, utensils, apparel, and ornamentation" (Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History 2000). Everything related to the Native American life altered when they started trading with Europeans. It not only disordered and transformed the patterns of traditional trading….

This is not always the case. Some may be educated and economically well off, within particular fundamentalist sects, but use an idealistic vision of the past to provide a solution to what they see is lacking in the contemporary world. This was true of the Muslim Brotherhood of 1929, which used religion as part of its ideology of colonial resistance -- and is also true of many of the terrorist leaders of the modern groups threatening America today. (Gelvin, 2004, p.295) An advocacy of a return to origins has provided a powerful way for Muslims to advocate regional solidarity, national resistance to a hated leader or colonial power, or simply for a cause that is supposed to remedy the present.
The difficulty of articulating a liberating ideology within a fundamentalist mindset, however, should not be dismissed. Even the contemporary Egyptian author of The Committee, which portrays an Middle Eastern government….

History of Building Construction and Changes Related to Fire Safety & Prevention
History of Building Construction and Changes Related to Fire Safety and Prevention

Major Cases in the United States That Have Led to Changes in Fire Safety and Prevention in Building Construction

Though numerous tragic fires have contributed to our current Fire Safety and Prevention measures, a few cases dominate our country's collective memory in the establishment and refinement of the "Life Safety Code."

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

One hundred years ago, government did not exert much safety control over business, so the types and extent of fire safety were freely controlled by employers (Pinkerson, 2011). For example, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, employing hundreds of immigrants and was insured for fire damage to benefit the owners but had little concern for its workers (Pinkerson, 2011): Triangle arbitrarily provided 27 buckets of water to extinguish fires, doors that were either locked to prevent employee theft….

History Of Understanding the Science of Meteors
hen did scientists first begin to understand what "falling stars" really were? hat did humans originally believe about those flashing lights that darted across the night sky -- and who were the scientific individuals who made and recorded the first accurate observations of meteors? These issues and others related to meteors will be presented in this paper.

Brief Review of Ancient Beliefs about Meteors

Author Tamra Andrews explains in her book Dictionary of Nature Myths: Legends of the Earth, Sea, and Sky, that ancient people apparently associated meteors with evil. In particular, Tamara writes, "people believed these flaming rock fragments were demons" that were flying down to earth for "some malevolent reason" (Andrews, 2000, p. 123). Some ancient civilizations had a fear of fire and as Andrews mentions, seeing a "strange occurrence in the sky" seemed to be upsetting the universe in some way so it….

History As Art
The past is not real, nor tangible. We cannot revisit the past as we are forever placed here, in the eternal now to navigate our existence. History provides our imaginations with concepts and ideas that allow us to seemingly describe the past. It must be remembered and heavily emphasized that history is in fact an art. It is not a science and it has no capability of being inductively reasoned and scientifically applied.

Although these limitations are often ignored by many historians and scholars, who feel that history is a guiding force, ignores the pulling forces of the needs of the future for mankind. The purpose of this essay is to explain the various considerations of diverse groups and how these themes impact the way we see the past. This essay will attempt to explain the thinking of other groups as it relates to history by giving several examples.….

Although the consumers of Europe may have profited from cheaper goods in the short-term, the film shows that the oppression of the proletariat at home and the exploitation of natives abroad was in fact part of the same system that enriched the bourgeois and aristocracy, and kept others in their service either by fear or through the dispensing of small economic rewards.
Trade is thus viewed with a very cautious eye by this film, as the development of foreign trade is tied to colonialism and to the creation of exploitative forms of capitalism. In most conventional history books, European exploration and trade is viewed as a positive development. The creation of mercantilism during Medieval times, which spawned the first middle class, is usually seen as a democratic development, as it turned Europe away from the highly stratified feudal system. In the feudal system, serfs labored upon the land for their….

History Book

History Book video presents a historical analysis of American and world history, where chronological timeline are based on significant and crucial events that have affected and influenced the historiography not only of human society in general, but American society as well. The documentary is divided into six major divisions, which illustrates the major developments of human history, and are abstractly, but aptly titled according to its relevance to human society.
An analysis of the documentary shows that there are two prevailing themes in which history was depicted, which are all thematic or theme-based in categorization. The first prevailing theme is that world history is connected largely with American society, interspersing significant events in America along with the discussion of significant events around the world. The second theme, which is the main focus of the documentary, is the discussion of history into three main components: social, political, and economic developments in human….

Yet, it was nearly one hundred years later before a seconds hand was finally developed for the swinging pendulum clocks of illiam Clement.
However, as timekeeping was important to astronomers, having an apparatus that could tell time consistently was of some importance. Therefore, Taqi-al-Din, like Burgi, also sought to provide a more consistent and minute reading of time. Taqi-al-Din designed three dials, which showed the hours, degrees and minutes. In his clock, he incorporated the use of several escapements, an alarm, the striking trains that sounded at every hour, the visual relationship between the sun and the moon, the different phases of the moon, the devices that indicated the time for prayers and the dials that showed the first day of the Gregorian months. (Al-Hassani)

Al-Hassani goes on to describe the escapement as "the heart and soul of a clock…governing its regularity [and] enabling it to move in an incremental manner."


History of Muslims in Europe

The French in particular, as they are to this day considered to be one of the greatest losers of the war (and the most important battle field of the war)
were in desperate need of men to reconstruct the country. Therefore, the immigration policies changed and allowed for an increase in the labor force flow. More precisely, "due to a perceived demographic insufficiency and labor market needs, the French government had long authorized or allowed extensive recruitment of foreign workers and colonial workers. In 1945, there was a broad consensus in governmental circles that large-scale immigration should resume. To this end, a National Immigration Office was created and given a legal monopoly over recruitment of foreign workers. (...). It welcomed the immigration and settlement of Italians and Spaniards, judged to be assimilable, while pursuing temporary foreign worker policy when North African Muslims were recruited for employment."

Similar policies were adopted not….

History Of General Motors:
General Motors is one of the major companies that have played an integral role in the international auto industry for over 100 years. The company has been able to establish itself in the global auto industry because of its rich history and innovative business strategies. An analysis of General Motors' history reveals that there was point it was the largest corporation in the United States. In addition to this, there was a point in the company's history that it was the single largest employer across the globe. The history of the company can be divided into various phases including creation, acceleration, emotion, revolution, globalization, innovation and challenges, and the modern GM.

Important Periods in General Motors History:

There are various important periods in the history of General Motors that can be classified into several major categories i.e. pre-era-2007 and before as well as during and after 2007 as explained….

History of Photography

History Of Photography: From Ancient Times Into the Present Day
Photography can be traced back to ancient times. Camera obscuras were "used to form images on walls in darkened rooms...via a pinhole" and the use of shadows (Greenspun 1999). This primitive technology remained unchanged until the 18th century. Then, one day, Professor J. Schulze mixed "chalk, nitric acid, and silver in a flask," which caused him to notice the "darkening on [the] side of [a] flask exposed to sunlight," leading to the "accidental creation of the first photo-sensitive compound" (Greenspun 1999). Nicephore Niepce followed by combining the camera obscura with photosensitive paper, creating the first permanent reproduction on paper and the first 'photographic' image in history (Greenspun 1999).

Technology advanced rapidly afterward, particularly after the innovations of Louis Daguerre who created images "on silver-plated copper, coated with silver iodide and 'developed' with warmed mercury (Greenspun 1999). Less involved methods of reproducing images….

There are a lot of places to find information on the Boston Tea Party. History.com has pictures, videos, and articles. The link to that is http://www.history.com/topics/boston-tea-party. You can also get info on Wikipedia. You may not be able to cite information from there, but you can still learn about the event. At the end of the article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party), there are listed sources that can help you get more information. Also try EyewitnesstoHistory.com (http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/teaparty.htm) and the Boston Tea Party Historical Society (http://www.boston-tea-party.org/) to find out a lot about what happened during that period in history.....

Zoning change

Leasing to someone can be risky. Make sure you charge enough rent, and that you get a good security deposit. Check local laws in your area to find out how much of a deposit you can collect. In some places it's no more than 1.5 times the rent. Other places allow for a larger amount. Check the person's credit, background, and references. Look for problems paying bills, broken lease agreements, and any past criminal history. Also talk to your insurance company. If you're renting/leasing your home, you can't just keep your standard homeowner's policy. You won't be covered if you have....

2 Pages

History - Asian

History in the Making Fight for Rights

Words: 898
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

History In the Making: Fight for ights There are numerous definition of history that are adapted by different groups. Of interest though is the fact that they share a period…

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3 Pages

American History

History in the 19th Century

Words: 997
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

It was an important event in the nation's history because it was the first time that America was dominated by internal conflicts that challenged its democracy (Fortuna, n.d.).…

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6 Pages

American History

History of Free Blacks as

Words: 1740
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Therefore, the triple threats of physical violence, sexual violence, and disruption of the family were probably the most serious daily complaint of 19th century slaves. Many of the complaints…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

American History

History of John Adams and

Words: 1686
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As many historians admit, his skills in argument and rhetoric were instrumental in getting the Declaration accepted by the American people. As mentioned, this was not an easy…

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5 Pages

Native Americans

History of Native Americans How Did Native

Words: 1489
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

History Of Native Americans How did Native responses to European activities affect the direction that colonies took? In 1585, ichard Hakluyt guaranteed that the economic potential of the North America is…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

History of the Modern Middle

Words: 2401
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is not always the case. Some may be educated and economically well off, within particular fundamentalist sects, but use an idealistic vision of the past to provide…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


History of Building Construction and Changes Related to Fire Safety and Prevention

Words: 1533
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

History of Building Construction and Changes Related to Fire Safety & Prevention History of Building Construction and Changes Related to Fire Safety and Prevention Major Cases in the United States That…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


History of Realizing That Meteors Are Real

Words: 1123
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

History Of Understanding the Science of Meteors hen did scientists first begin to understand what "falling stars" really were? hat did humans originally believe about those flashing lights that darted…

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4 Pages

Art  (general)

History as Art the Past Is Not

Words: 1098
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

History As Art The past is not real, nor tangible. We cannot revisit the past as we are forever placed here, in the eternal now to navigate our existence. History…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

History Book Video the History

Words: 1488
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although the consumers of Europe may have profited from cheaper goods in the short-term, the film shows that the oppression of the proletariat at home and the exploitation…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

History Book

Words: 831
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

History Book video presents a historical analysis of American and world history, where chronological timeline are based on significant and crucial events that have affected and influenced the historiography…

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5 Pages

Drama - World

History of Timepieces a Survey

Words: 1438
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Yet, it was nearly one hundred years later before a seconds hand was finally developed for the swinging pendulum clocks of illiam Clement. However, as timekeeping was important to…

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21 Pages
Research Paper

Drama - World

History of Muslims in Europe

Words: 6849
Length: 21 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The French in particular, as they are to this day considered to be one of the greatest losers of the war (and the most important battle field of…

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3 Pages


History of General Motors General Motors Is

Words: 930
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

History Of General Motors: General Motors is one of the major companies that have played an integral role in the international auto industry for over 100 years. The company has…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


History of Photography

Words: 1116
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

History Of Photography: From Ancient Times Into the Present Day Photography can be traced back to ancient times. Camera obscuras were "used to form images on walls in darkened rooms...via…

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