Kelly a. Wagner of Connecticut Law Tribune has written in an article entitled Good Samaritan Statute Under Scrutiny that a patient dies because of the Turkey sandwich given to her while she was on board with the paramedics while going to the hospital. It was found out that the patient has no teeth or salivary glands, which led to the choking of the patient. It was argued that the paramedics should have known the medical condition of the patient. The situation then could have been avoided. The suspect's attorney argued that the employees do not have any civil liability because the Good Samaritan Law covered what happened. The law, which was passed in 1963, offers immunity from liability for dentists, school personnel, police, firemen, EMTs and others who provide emergency medical assistance or first aid during a crisis. (Wagner, 2002, Good Samaritan Statute Under Scrutiny, par. 14). The final…...
Medi-Smart University of Cincinnati. Emergency Care: Responsibilities and Alternatives at
Barton, L. Good Samaritan Laws and AEDs.n Published March 4, 2004, at
Legislative Assembly of Manitoba. Retrieved December 5, 2006, at
Wagner, K. Good Samaritan Stature Under Scrutiny. Retrieved October 23, 2002 at
Business Plan: Good Samaritan Hospital, Suffern
The Good Samaritan Hospital, located at 255 Lafayette Avenue - Suffern, NY, offers a wide range of care services to inhabitants of Orange and ockland Counties in New York and Northern Berger County, NJ (Bon Secours Charity Health System, 2014). However, the facility lacks special language services, which has been a major problem, given the changing demographics of Suffern area, particularly the increasing population of LEP (limited English-proficient) individuals. This has proven to be a substantial barrier to care, and the facility now seeks funding for the construction of a language access services call center to complement the cultural and language competency training program currently underway.
Company Background
The Good Samaritan Hospital was founded in 1902, after Ida Bay yan, a Good Samaritan, donated a building at the East Park Place to the St. Elizabeth Sisters of Charity to enable them build a health facility. It started…...
Bon Secours Charity Health System. (2014). Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center. Bon Secours Charity Health System. Retrieved 18 October 2014 from
Youdelman, M. & Perkins, J. (2005). Providing Language Services in Small Healthcare Provider Settings: Examples from the Field. Commonwealth Fund (Pub. No. 810). Retrieved 18 October 2014 from
Go and study'" (2000, 733). These observations suggest that while it may be possible to interpret the Parable of the Good Samaritan in different ways, there can be no misunderstanding the basic message that is being communicated.
Like the Lukan and Markan versions, Leviticus 19:18 also requires everyone to not only refrain from acts that would harm others, but to come to their assistance when they are in need, but this is not the only other biblical reference that contains this important guidance. According to Anderson, "Mark's version of this same pericope leaves out the parable of the Good Samaritan but makes the same point, in even more emphatic terms, as here it is Jesus himself who gives the proper answer. 'There is no other commandment greater than these,' to love God and neighbor, Jesus says (Mark 12:31)" (2004, 170).
Although different interpretations of the Parable of the Good Samaritan are…...
Anderson, Chris. Teaching as Believing: Faith in the University. Waco, TX: Baylor University
Press, 2004.
Davis, Ellen F. (2000). "Critical Traditioning: Seeking an Inner Biblical Hermeneutic." Anglican
Theological Review 82(4): 733-735.
Another important characteristic of the passersby is that the first two include high ranking members of the Jewish community. If the person lying by the side of the road were beaten and were truly dead, the Pharisee and the Levite would have been forbidden to touch the body (Gourges, 883). This allowed Jesus to make the point that the upper class would not break tradition, even if it meant a man's life. The commandment given by Jesus in the end was a double commandment, typical of Rabbinical teachings of the time (Fitsmeyer, p. 879). Jesus commands that the audience be good their neighbor and to love their enemy. This further helps to further the argument that the parable was a cry out against the established norms of the time. By using these references, Jesus extends the use of the word "neighbor" beyond the context found in other places in the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bock, D. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Luke Volume II. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1996.
Esler, P. Conflict: The Parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus and the Reduction of Intergroup in the Light of Social Identity Theory. Biblical Interpretation. October, 2000. Vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 325-357.
Fitzmeyer, J. The Anchor Bible: The Gospel According to Luke (X-XXIV). Garden City, NY: Doubleday. 1985.
Gourges, M. The Priest, the Levite, and the Samaritan Revisited: A Critical Note on Luke 10:31-35. Journal of Biblical Literature. Vol. 117. no. 4. pp. 709-713.
This means that rescue personnel such as police, fire fighters or emergency medical technicians can ask someone else to help extricate someone from a hole, and the person helping will not be liable. It does not mean that a mining company is automatically exempt from liability if they have a mining accident, but when assisting others, gross negligence or willful misconduct must be present for them to be sued.
inally, in Section D, the law specifically states that protection from this law does not include any liability from the operation of a motor vehicle. It also defines very clearly what the law means by "compensation." Since police and firefighters are salaried, they are "compensated" for their work, including for work they perform during an emergency. In this law, it also does not mean gifts of services. Examples given are ski lift tickets, training (for example to learn CPR or how…...
mlaFinally, in Section D, the law specifically states that protection from this law does not include any liability from the operation of a motor vehicle. It also defines very clearly what the law means by "compensation." Since police and firefighters are salaried, they are "compensated" for their work, including for work they perform during an emergency. In this law, it also does not mean gifts of services. Examples given are ski lift tickets, training (for example to learn CPR or how to operate a defibrillator), or lodging. It also exempts those who train people to render emergency aid, such as CPR or the use of a defibrillator. Finally, it protects people who hold medical licenses in other states if they render aid to someone in Virginia.
In summary, the law protects anyone renders emergency medical or other life-saving or life-extending aid if they had reason to believe they were competent to do so, including people such as bystanders who have CPR training as well as those who hold some kind medical license. Such a person has to act in a grossly negligent or willfully incompetent way in order to be sued for their efforts to help.
Source: search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22Good+Samaritan+law%22+Virginia
Acting Out of a Sense of One’s Duty Can Be Wrong
An example to illustrate how one can be acting out of duty and they end up causing more harm than if they had not done anything is in assisting accident victims. When an accident occurs, people will rush and they will attempt to assist the injured persons, however, there are situations where the good samaritan assisting the injured could cause more harm than if they had left the victims and waited for paramedics or firefighters. If an accident victim is pulled or moved from the car without proper care being taken, it could result in the victim suffering more and increasing their injuries. Although the act of kindness being shown by assisting the victim is out of duty the victim could become paralyzed, suffer severe bleeding, or aggravate spinal…...
Grave Goods of the Avars in Medieval Carpathian asin
The objective of this study is to examine the burial styles and grave goods of the Avars. This includes such as buried livestock and artifacts. As well the variability in the relationship between different several sites from this similar time period, and some specific burial sites of interest will be examined as well as the various traditions relating to positioning of bodies and preparation of the dead along with any possible meanings. Examined as well will be construction of the tombs and any other grave goods of interest. From this data this study will attempt to determine the traditions, individual wealth and the position of that culture and to determine what the traditions were of this culture as well as how they developed and changed over time. The difference in tribes or clans and other influences from that time period will also…...
Avar Rule Before 630 (nd) Retrieved from:
Avars (2014) Migration Period between Odra and Vistula. National Science Center. Retrieved from: -
Balint, C. (nd) Avar Goldsmiths' Work from the Perspective of Cultural History. British Museum. Retrieved from:
Bordas, E. (nd) The Largest Cemetery from the Avar Period in the Carpathian Basin. Retrieved from:
School Nurse Conflict Mission
Mary Jackson did exactly what a professional RN should do -- she tended to the injured children that were her responsibility. It happened that her efforts spilled over into a hospital emergency room, which technically she did not have the legal right to practice in. But still, she acted according to the values that she was trained in and moreover, as a professional healthcare employee of a school, she knew these children and her instincts were to boldly provide triage and other emergency procedures to help the children. In addition, Mary is not just an RN, she is a Nurse Practitioner specializing in pediatrics, and her skills and training are well beyond those of an RN. Hence, she deserves respect and she deserves the benefit of the doubt when she acts in behalf of the children she is contractually and morally obliged to protect and care for.
mlaWorks Cited
Klein, C.A. (2006). Nursing Responsibilities in a Disaster. The Nurse Practitioner, 31(11), 56.
Northrop, C.E. (1990). How Good Samaritan Laws Do Protect You. Nursing90, 20(2), 50-51.
Riverbend City: School Nurse Conflict Mission. Washington Allston Elementary School.
Clinic Analysis
Managing Complaints: Improving Service in a 15-Bed Emergency Room
As chief operating officer, you are responsible for a 15-bed Emergency Room (ER), which has received many complaints within the last year regarding inadequate patient care, poor ER management, long wait times, and patients being sent away due to lack of space, staff or physicians to provide appropriate care.
Diagnoses: Root Causes of Clinic Complaints
The complaints at hand in viewing the lack of success in the ER at hand can be largely traced back to poor internal management within the ER. Employees operating within the ER have long been confused about the standards and protocols that the hospital has implemented which poorly effects the running of the ER from the time a new patient enters the facility. Many of the complaints lodged toward the ER make mention of an incompetent and insensitive ER staff who have led patients to leave the ER…...
mlaWorks Cited
Carrus, B., Corbett, S., and Khandelwal, D. (2010). "A hospital-wide strategy for fixing emergency department overcrowding." McKinsey Quarterly. Web. Retrieved
from: [Accessed on 2 December
Louisiana State University. (2012). "Good Samaritan Laws." LSU. Web. Retrieved from:
Marketing in Health Care: The Good Samaritan Society
The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society is a non-profit health care organization with 238 nursing and healthcare facilities throughout the United States. They do not use a specific corporate pricing strategy. Instead, individual facilities across the United States set the prices for their service using a Cost-Plus Pricing strategy combined with a Price to Market approach.
The Cost-Plus strategy is "simply building price from the cost up, usually on a percentage basis" (AMA par 1). The Good Samaritan Society set budget goals for each facility considering local expense and revenue projections. The expense projections are based on market costs of items needed in the business. "The greatest expense in a health care facility is staffing." (Gebo). State and local governments require specific staffing levels for facility licensure. The Federal Government also sets staffing requirements if the facility receives Federal revenue from the Medicare Program.…...
American Management Association. A Baker's Dozen of Pricing Strategies. 1997-2003. Retrieved 9 Aug. 2003 .
The Evangelical Good Samaritan Society. 7 August. 2003 .
Gebo, Paula. E-mail to the Good Samaritan Society Business Office. 8 Aug. 2003.< >
Another reason for the seemingly self-centered behavior is fear of embarrassment: what if I rush to help a person in need but I am promptly made a fool of by the criminal? Furthermore, many people assume that someone else will do something; we basically don't feel responsible in situations like these, just as George, Jerry, Elaine, and Kramer felt not the slightest inkling of social responsibility.
In fact, the entire sitcom is based on the fact that many people feel a complete lack of social responsibility: we are selfish, self-centered individuals. If helping someone isn't in our best interest, or if we won't get anything out of it personally, chances are we will stand back and watch. We are voyeuristic, insular, and eerily similar to George, Jerry, Elaine, and Kramer. The characters' arrest under the "Good Samaritan" law leads to a trail in which their moral characters are scrutinized in…...
They are the people who are not media-savvy enough to have their name recognized but should still be considered good citizens. Many of the people who are in the public eye and recognized as good citizens deserve their accolades. However, a good citizen cannot be defined solely by a person's image or level of popularity.
Interestingly, one classmate said that good citizens feel a sense of personal gratification when they help someone. Deriving personal gratification from helping someone is admirable, but an impossible standard to measure. Plus, even the most stalwart good citizen grows frustrated with local bureaucracies and derives little personal gratification from some of their work. Deriving personal gratification from helping others does, however, suggest that the good citizen must act out of a sense of duty and not out of a desire for fame or fortune.
Classmates implied that being a good citizen is important for creating a…...
" few moments later, a social service volunteer hastened down the sidewalk. When he saw the young man, he paused for a moment and shook his head.
I'm really trying to rid this city of people like you," he said, shaking his head. "Sleeping in the streets shouldn't be an option. I wish there was something I could do, but I'm late to help society."
Finally, as a wealthy businessman driving down the road near the young man caught a glimpse of what he thought was a hand lying on the sidewalk. The businessman, a local Republican candidate and member of a fundamentalist Christian church, quickly pulled his large, Lexus SUV to the side of the road, and hopped out, kneeling on the ground next to the young man wearing his tailored Armani suit. He noticed the young man's bruises and tattered sign. Quickly, he took off his own jacket and placed…...
Moreover, Malachi Martin describes the theology as "a freeing from political oppression, economic want, and misery here on earth. More specifically still…a freeing from political domination by the capitalism of the United States."
Furthermore, though it grew out of the unrest in Latin America "with its political domination by strong-arm leaders and monopolistic oligarchies," viewed by members of the Church as a direct result of American capitalism, the events in Latin America were preceded by a much more basic historical development -- the "rights of man" extrapolated from the French Revolution and re-coined as the "rights of the working man."
The spread of Marxist doctrine in the early twentieth century saw its incorporation into Catholic theology by several prominent professors right up to the time of the Second Vatican Council, upon which Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz certainly based her theology, and pursued her concept of "evangelical poverty": union with the poor as a…...
Barla, J.B. Christian Theological Understanding of Other Religions. Rome: Universita
Gregoriana, 1999.
Fowler, M. Zen Buddhism: Beliefs and Practices. UK: Sussex Academic Press, 2005.
Isasi-Diaz, Ada Maria. La Lucha Continues: Mujerista Theology. NY: Orbis Books,
Bound by Harry Mazer
Snowbound is a book written by Harry Mazer. It was inscribed in the early 1970s, precisely around 1973. The book traces to the genre of fiction, but it also translates to adventure and means of survival. The book was written to address to young adults as its main audience.
The main characters that Mazer represented in the book were Tony and Cindy. Tony is a hardheaded teenager practicing uncouth behavior. He is emotionally disturbed throughput the course of the story due to the restrictions posed onto him by his parents. Cindy is also characterized by bad habitual traits. She is an easygoing reckless girl, easily swayed by the wind to fit into people with similar traits as hers. Other characters represented are Tony's parents, Tony's uncle and a lady who acts as a Good Samaritan at the scene of the accident.
The story is set from the author's…...
1. The biblical teaching that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus challenges traditional gender roles by promoting equality among all individuals, regardless of their gender (Galatians 328).
2. The story of Deborah in the book of Judges challenges traditional gender roles by showcasing a woman in a position of leadership, as she served as a prophetess and judge in ancient Israel, leading the people to victory against their enemies (Judges 4-5).
3. The teachings of Jesus in the New Testament emphasize the value of every individual,....
1. The biblical narrative of creation, which depicts God creating both men and women in his image, challenges traditional gender roles by emphasizing the inherent equality of the sexes.
2. The story of Deborah, a female judge and military leader in the Old Testament, provides a powerful example of a woman breaking out of traditional gender roles and exercising leadership and authority.
3. The teachings of Jesus Christ, which emphasize love, compassion, and service, challenge traditional gender roles by valuing qualities that are not typically associated with masculinity or femininity.
4. The role of women in the....
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