Grief Counseling Essays (Examples)

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Grief Counseling
Pages: 10 Words: 3600

Grief Counseling
Experiencing loss can have a long-term effect on a person, especially if that loss is deeply personal, such as the loss of a loved one. Grief counseling thus exists to ease a person through the grief process, which is never the same for anyone. According to Jane V. Bissler, the stages of grief have been "borrowed" from the five stages of dying, yet these are not the same at all and thinking so is incorrect. Whereas with dying, a person goes through denial, anger, compromise, depression and acceptance, the stages of grief are not an exact number, or in a specific order, and will depend on what the loss consisted of. For example, some people go through anger and others through depression and some go through both. hus, the grief process cannot be generalized. his paper will develop on the topic of grief counseling to better explain how to…...


The last instrument, the BRI undertook testing the validity and feasibility of utilizing bereavement support in home care settings. In this case, family members were classified in three groups and received support based on in which group they were included. It was then found that the BRI "demonstrated acceptable reliability and validity and was brief and simple to use." The study also mentions the simple use of the instrument as an added bonus, since it required minimal training. [21: Unknown. (2006). "A Systematic Review of the Literature on Complicated Grief." Australian Government: Department of Health and Aging. Retrieved April 14, 2011, from <   ] >.

The instruments above prove that there have been a number of measurements taken to address serious grief, especially related to the loss of a loved one throughout the world. These developments were tested to measure grief responses and demonstrated good reliability and validity. The TRIG and ICGR in particular were found to be "theoretically grounded and empirically sound instruments that have potential for assessment of complicated grief in both research and clinical practice." [22: Unknown. (2006). "A Systematic Review of the Literature on Complicated Grief." Australian Government: Department of Health and Aging. Retrieved April 14, 2011, from <

Grief Counseling
Pages: 6 Words: 1900

Grief Counseling
Counseling For Loss & Life provides individual and family counseling services for people suffering from grief. For many years now, counseling for loss of loved ones has been using compiled information to help people who are grieving from the loss of loved ones, to give them the lost security, hope and peace. The information is gathered from many sources such as websites, letters that welcome people's input. The best source of information is from the compiled letters from children, adolescents and adults that serve to be useful in the months and years that are yet to come and deal with people who have lost themselves in the grieving of their loved ones. These letters are quite purposeful because they contain matter that share experiences of how others dealt with the loss of your loved one into one's life.

Grief counselors are highly trained mental health professionals who bring a family-oriented…...



Nicholls State University - Unversity Counceling Center, available at   accessed on: November 6, 2003 ,

Suffering - Ira Byock, available at accessed on: November 6, 2003,

Grief Counseling Human Beings Need One Another
Pages: 4 Words: 1162

Grief Counseling
Human beings need one another in order to make things seem right and sane. Helping others in their time of need not only can help alleviate the stress from the person needing help, but also the person giving the help can also benefit greatly from this exercise. It seems that the human condition is designed to help each other.

The purpose of this paper is to describe the group counseling leader behaviors relating to a specific specialty group. For this essay, grief and loss counseling leadership traits will be examined to help explore some useful techniques and methods for approaching this type of problem and how to best solve it.

Specialty Group

I have chosen to examine grief therapy as a subject to evaluate. Grief is a reaction to loss that can encompass a range of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, and is experienced differently by each person according to his or her…...



NSPC (2008). What is the existential approach. New School of Psychotherapy and Counseling. Existential Therapy' (chapter 8) by Emmy van Deurzen, in Dryden, W. ed. The Dryden Handbook of Individual Therapy, London, Sage Publications, 2008.

Rogers, C. (1979) The Foundations of the Person-Centered Approach. Centre for Studies of the Person, La Jolla, California. Retrieved from 

Shallcross, L. (2012). A Loss Like No Other. Counseling Today, 1 June 2012. Retrieved from

Grief Without Consent Grief Counseling
Pages: 3 Words: 1132

Had they been informed of the real subject of the experiment, the seminary students may have behaved differently. Ethical misinformation was part of the construct -- their moral reactions, just as in the grief study, were being observed.
However, the relationship between doctor and patient is a particularly sacred one, given that patients must feel free to confide in their doctors. The emotionally vulnerable state of the subjects calls for special care on the part of researchers. hile one could argue that the greatest good for the greatest number was being conducted by doing the study, the harm this could do to the patient-doctor relationship would be so detrimental to society no possible information revealed by the study could defend the deception that was practiced. For example, after the study is revealed it is possible a patient might read the research and feel shocked by the researcher's lack of ethics.…...


Works Cited

Garret, Don. Buddy, Can You Spare the Time?" Quimper Unitarian Universalist

Fellowship. 2006. Retrieved June 2, 2009 at

McEntarffer, Robert & Allyson Weseley. Barron's AP Psychology. New York:

Barron's Educational Series, 2007

Group Grief Counseling Sessions
Pages: 3 Words: 640

Counseling Group
The author of this report has been asked to create a support group. As part of that group creation, the author of this report will define the type of group, why the author chose this type of group, the population that will be served, the number of sessions that will be held, the number of participants that will be involved and the overall goals of the counseling group. While there is always more than one to do something, there are some methods that work better than others and this is certainly true when it comes to a counseling session of any sort and this would also be very true whether one is speaking of a group or just the duo of a provider and a patient.

The type of group that the author of this report has chosen is a grief recovery group. The author has chosen this type of…...

Counseling Model a Practical Pastoral Counseling Model
Pages: 12 Words: 3760

Counseling Model
A Practical Pastoral Counseling Model

Counseling Setting

Where Will Counseling Take Place?

oundaries for Safety and Security

Relational Style

Relational/Communication Style




Supportive Feedback

God's Riches at Christ's Expense

Annotated ibliography

A Practical Pastoral Counseling Model

This is an overview of the counseling position that I will take when working with clients/parishioners. I realize that this cannot encompass every eventuality that may occur during a counseling session, but it should be comprehensive enough to account for most of the possibilities that present themselves. I acknowledge that this is also the treatise of someone who is going to be practicing as a pastor first and a counselor second, therefore the relationship of a shepherd to his assigned sheep is the most important consideration in all of this. Also, the counseling relationship that a pastor enjoys with a parishioner is not as extensive as that between a patient and a professional counselor/psychologist/psychiatrist/social worker, so this plan will take into account that clinical…...




Carlson, Dwight L. 2000. Overcoming hurts and anger. Eugene: Harvest House. ISBN: 0736901965

This book is a real help when dealing with anger. The author gives you steps on how to prevent your anger and deal with past anger in a Christian manner. He gives examples of mishandled anger, biblical principles about anger, and how to handle anger in a Christ-like way.

LaHaye, Tim and Bob Phillips. 2002. Anger is a choice. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. ISBN: 0310242835

Counseling Is Described by Kobeisy as the
Pages: 17 Words: 5150

Counseling is described by Kobeisy as the professional form of guidance that is aimed at addressing concerns as well as aid individuals in improving their attitude, coping skills as well as behavior (Kobeisy 1).Counseling can help people, families as well as groups in achieving optimal growth and development for the stages of life in which they go through. Counseling as a profession has many specialties like marriage, grief, and pastoral as well as career. It is worth noting that apart from pastoral counseling, the field of counseling is meant to be a free.This is to imply that the counselor should be open minded while approaching their clients with an attitude that is non-judgmental. They are also not allowed to impose or even direct their clients. The counseling process should therefore help the clients to clearly see their choices, appropriately set their objectives while making the necessary changes in order to…...


Works Cited

Caldwell, Benjamin E, Woolley, Scott R, Caldwell, Casey J. Preliminary estimates of costeffectiveness for marital therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 33:392 -- 405, 2007

Carr, Alan. Family Therapy: Concepts Process and Practice (2nd edn). Chichester:


Cohl, D'Vera "At Long Last, Divorce." Pew Research Center <

Counseling the Broken Hearted -
Pages: 10 Words: 3946

" In the process, one learns to see oneself as strong and resilient, courageous, and empowered. Whether the individual can get up and go on and have a happy life after the loss depends on how the person views self
Is he or she a victim or a survivor? A strong person making spiritual progress or weak and debilitated? Whiting & Bradley (2007) argue that there must be an outcome for every loss. Whether the outcome is "reconciliation" or "vulnerability" or "victimization" depends on successful and positive identity reconstruction.

It used to be believed that the grieving individual had to achieve detachment from the person who had died. This was Freud's theory, that "grieving people need to break free from the deceased, let go of the past and reassert their individualism by charting a new course for life.

A healthy grief experience, according to Freud [was] one in which the deaths of loved…...



Anderson, R.A. (2006). Immunity and grief. Townsend Letter: The Examiner of Alternative Medicine, 276, 128.

Briggs, C.A. And Pehrsson, D. (2008). Use of bibliotherapy in the treatment of grief and loss: A guide to current counseling practices. Adultspan Journal, 7 (1), 32-43.

Bush, H.K. (2007). Grief work: After a child dies. The Christian Century, 124 (25), 36-40.

Care of the elderly - bereavement: An essential guide (2006). The Practitioner (June 29), 22-29.

Loss and Grief the Loss
Pages: 11 Words: 3131

Art therapy is particularly useful with younger children. With children under the age of eight it can be difficult for them to grasp the concept of death, it can be equally as difficult for them to express the things they are feeling about the loss of a loved one (Shaw, 2000). Through the medium of drawing or painting a counselor may gain a better understanding of their patient's subjective experience of the loss as well as any unresolved emotions or unanswered questions remaining after the fact. Art therapy is also an effective means of determining the relative normality of a child's cognitive function following a traumatic event (Shaw, 2000).

Older children respond more effectively to client centered interviews (Shaw, 2000). A client centered interview is a psychoanalytic approach which encourages the patient to talk extensively guided minimally by questions or suggestions from the therapist. This approach might allow through the extensive…...



1. Tomita, T., & Kitamura, T. (2002). Clinical and research measures of grief: A reconstruction. Comprehensive psychiatry, 43, 95- 102.

2. Larson, D., & Hoyt, W. (2007). What has become of grief counseling? An evaluation of the empirical foundations of the new pessimism. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38, 347- 355.

3. Currier, J., Holland, J., & Neimeyer, R. (2007). The effectiveness of bereavement interventions with children: A meta- analytic review of controlled outcome research. Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology, 36, 253- 259.

4. Forte, a., Hill, M., Pazder, R., & Feudtner, C. (2004). Bereavement care interventions: A systematic review. BMC Palliative Care, 1-14.

Counsultation in the Field of Counseling Is
Pages: 11 Words: 3937

Counsultation in the field of counseling is a concept by which a person is able to consult with a counselor in order to develop a better sense of self. There is often a biblical aspect to this type of counseling, but that is not a requirement. People can also be counseled by those who address financial concerns, tax implications, or other types of personal and professional issues. Anytime someone sees a counselor for a counsultation on his or her status in some aspect of life, this type of activity takes place. Often, a counsultation takes place as the first line of defense in treating a mental health issue. A counselor can look over information provided by the patient as well as any past medical history in order to make some determinations about patient care and potential problems. At that time, there can be a counsultation appointment scheduled that will allow…...



Belkin, L. (1999, October 31). Parents blaming parents. New York Times Sunday Magazine, p. F61.

Benner, D.G., & Hill, P. C (1999). Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology & Counseling. Grand Rapids.

Boss, P. (1999). Ambiguous Loss: Learning to Live with Unresolved Grief. Harvard University Press, MA.

Bowlby, J. (1977). The making and breaking of affectional bonds, I and II. British Journal of Psychiatry, (130), 201-210, 421-431.

Caregiver Grief and Loss Introduction-
Pages: 6 Words: 2321

There are certainly different approaches to the theory of anticipatory mourning. Clearly, one of the major issues within the literature surrounds the communication between the dying person and the caregiver, and both caregiver and patient and those who will be most affected or will mourn their loss. Conventional theory finds that preparing for loss involves experiencing most of the features of grief prior to the demise of the patient; numbness, anger or blame, fear, desperation, and even despair. However, an important difference is that the period of mourning begins before death occurs, and while contact and communication with the dying person is still a viable option. Because of this, there are additional emotions involved; hope, nostalgia, kindness, tenderness, and opportunity for closure (Fulton, 2003). It is this sense of hope, this feeling that there may still be something that can be done for the patient that is the focus of…...



Caregiving Statistics. (2010, February). Retrieved from National Family Caregivers Association: 

Aliiance, F.C. (2010, September). Selected Caregiver Statistics. Retrieved

Boerner, Schulz and Horowitz. (2004). Positive Aspects of Caregiving and Adaptation to Bereavement. Psychology and Aging, 19(4), 668-75.

Davidson, F. (2002). The Caregiver's Sourcebook. New York: McGraw Hill.

Stages Grief Losing a Son or Daughter
Pages: 2 Words: 699

Stages Grief
Losing a son or daughter challenges personal faith in God and can bring a person to the brink of despair. In Lament for a Son, Nicholas Wolterstorff accomplishes the difficult goal of communicating his grief over the loss of his son. The author achieves his goal by grounding his sorrow in Biblical truth and also by allowing himself to proceed between the various stages of death within the Kubler-oss model. The stages of grief include the initial phase of denial and self-isolation, even shame. Anger is a pervasive problem in the face of grief, and Wolterstorff admits his confrontation with anger at God and the seeming unfairness over the death of his son. Accompanying anger is often the stage of bargaining, in which the individual speaks to God without a full acceptance or understanding of His ways. Wolterstorff's challenge, which he seeks to communicate with his readers, is to…...



Axelrod, J. (2006). The 5 Stages of Loss and Grief. Psych Central. Retrieved on March 6, 2015, from 

Bible: NIV

Wolterstorff, N. (1987). Lament for a Son. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.

Worden, J.W. (2008). Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy. 4th edition. Springer.

Counseling and Therapy
Pages: 2 Words: 769

Person-Centered Therapy
I would imagine that being a co-therapist for W.M. using person-centered or ogerian technique would present some interesting difficulties. The first thought that occurs to me is instinctual: W.M. is a young man who has experienced some traumatic life events, but also uses (in Karen's words) "dark humor and attention-getting language" to express himself. My instinctive response is to wonder how to respond to W.M.'s humor within the context of ogers's famous "unconditional positive regard" shown by therapist to client (Corey 2013).

In some sense, W.M.'s dark humor is a bit of a trap for the ogerian therapist. Outside of a therapy session, humor is an important social mode for a 21-year-old male. Women his age will frequently say they are searching for a great sense of humor in selecting a boyfriend, and group dynamics among late adolescents frequently center around shared jokes. In some sense, not to laugh at…...



Corey, G. (2013). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. (Ninth Edition). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Discipleship Counseling This Discussion Provides an In-Depth
Pages: 5 Words: 1596

Discipleship Counseling
This discussion provides an in-depth analysis of the whole situation about Christian counseling. Through the book, Anderson has been able to come up with themes that could come in handy in counseling. Throughout the text, there is general agreement that Christianity is particularly noteworthy in seeking the way forward in the counseling of individuals. Spiritual warfare is one such theme that no single Christian counselor should ignore. An individual is disturbed spiritually, and this is the reason that prompts for prayers. In accordance to the scriptures, prayers are the role of an individual. The obligation of praying is left to the counselor and the individual. Anderson also argues of the seeking of a holistic approach in the treatment of a person. There are different reasons that lead an individual to the edge and force them to seek for counseling. Therefore, the counselor should try to use a method that…...



Anderson, N.T. (2003). Discipleship counseling. Ventura, Calif: Regal.

Bailey, P.T. (2008). Spiritual warfare: Defeating the forces of darkness. Longwood, Fla.: Xulon


Malony, H.N., & Augsburger, D.W. (2007). Christian counseling: An introduction. Nashville:

Genetic Counseling Dealing With Its
Pages: 8 Words: 2480

"Accurate descriptions of sex chromosome differences are critical, the decisions potentially regrettable, and the long-term outcomes devastating if a termination is based on the misinformation," that the patient later discovers to be misinformation for instance, "that any of these conditions is comparable to Down's Syndrome" (Biesecker r 2001:2) Conversely, it is also important not to minimize the odds of a potentially fatal genetic condition like Tay Sachs disease.
Providers are obliged to obtain useful up-to-date information and to ensure parents have adequate opportunity to consider their decision with the help of an experienced healthcare provider, preferably in medical genetics, and if necessary, a counselor who is attuned to the cultural assumptions and needs of the couple's population group, and religious beliefs. Certain populations might have a different view and understanding of the real difficulty of raising a child suffering from a heritable disorder, or even the concept of heritability of…...


Works Cited

Baker, Schuette & Uhlmann. (Eds.) (1998). A guide to genetic counseling.

Beery, Theresa a & Kerry a. Schooner. (Nov 2004). "Family History: The First Genetic

Screen." Nurse Practioner. Retrieved 23 Jun 2007 at 

Biesecker, Barbara. (24 Feb 2001). "Prenatal diagnoses of sex chromosome conditions:

How does loss reshape a family\'s dynamics and relationships?
Words: 507

How Loss Reshapes Family Dynamics and Relationships
The loss of a loved one is a profound event that can profoundly impact the dynamics and relationships within a family. It can cause a range of emotions, from grief and sadness to guilt and anger, and can disrupt the established equilibrium of family life.
1. Grief and Mourning:
Loss triggers intense grief, which can manifest in different ways for each family member. Some may experience overwhelming sadness, while others may feel numbness or detachment. The grieving process often involves stages such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. (Kubler-Ross, 1969)
2. Role Changes:
After a loss, family....

What strategies can help parents cope with the loss of a child?
Words: 510

Strategies for Parents Coping with the Loss of a Child
The loss of a child is an unimaginable tragedy that can shatter the lives of parents. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to coping, certain strategies can help parents navigate this devastating experience.
1. Acknowledge and Embrace Grief:
Allow yourself to fully experience the intense emotions that accompany grief. Cry, scream, or do whatever feels natural to express your pain.
Do not suppress or deny your feelings. Embrace the rollercoaster of emotions as they come and go.
Remember that grief is a unique and personal journey, and there is no right or....

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