Gun Laws Essays (Examples)

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Gun Laws to Begin Gun
Pages: 4 Words: 1288

The stick was federal prosecution carrying long sentences with no parole in faraway prisons; the carrot was meetings where offenders were offered help getting shelter, job training and education. In many instances, individuals revert to gun violence when they believe themselves to be at a point of no hope (Chapman, 2006). The action plan therefore, will focus on providing job training, and education to allow individuals to become better members of society. This ultimately will reduce their reliance on weaponry as they now have "something to lose." Another incentive would be to heavily reward those who tip on illegal firearms or the belief an individual will use a firearm in an inappropriate manner. This approach would not only produce more arrests of felons and teens but also strongly discourage them from carrying weapons (Baker, 2004). The incentive in this instance is twofold. One, those who are aware of illegal…...



1. Ozanne-Smith, J;, K Ashby, S Newstead, VZ Stathakis and a Clapperton. "Firearm related deaths: the impact of regulatory reform." Prevention 2004;10:190-286.

2. Chapman, S;, Alpers, P., Agho, K. And Jones, M. "Australia's 1996 gun law reforms: faster falls in firearm deaths, firearm suicides, and a decade without mass shootings." Injury Prevention 2006; 12:365-372.

3. Mouzos, Jenny; & Reuter, P (2002). Ludwig J & Cook PJ, ed. Australia: a massive buyback of low-risk guns. Evaluating Gun Policy: Effects on Crime and Violence. The Brookings Institution, Washington.

4. Baker, Jeanine; & McPhedran, Samara (2006-10-18). "Gun Laws and Sudden Death: Did the Australian Firearms Legislation of 1996 Make a Difference?." British Journal of Criminology (3): 455

Gun Laws Cost-Benefit Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 1921

Gun Laws
Cost-benefit Analysis:

Cost enefit Analysis (CA) is the method with the help of which the answer to the question of "did the spending serve its purpose?" is obtained. It is an analytical process of measuring the utility of an interventional process or ways and methods of reaching and objective. In the domain of crime prevention, the programs carried out are subjected to this analysis among others by the Australian government and others to look at the efficacy of the designed and implemented policies. Amongst the first in the world to put the policies through this rigor are the governments of American and United Kingdom. In Australia, the method has been seen to make inroads in recent times and is not as prevalent as in the aforementioned countries (Dossetor, 2011).

To cite an example, Gun control in the United States has been an issue of debate for quite some time now. Gun…...



Beder, S. (2002).Costing the Earth: Equity, Sustainable Development and Environmental Economics. New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law, 4, 227-243. Retrieved from 

Cohen, M.A., & Miller, T.R. (1998).The cost of mental health care for victims of crime. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 13, 93-100.

Cohen, M.A. (2000). Measuring the costs and benefits of crime and justice, in LaFree G, Measurement and analysis of crime and justice. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice

Cohen, M.A., Rust, R.T., Steen, S., & Tidd, S.T. (2004).Willingness to- pay for crime control programs. Criminology, 42(1), 89-109

Gun Laws Public Administration
Pages: 5 Words: 1785

Public Administration: Gun Laws
The disturbing images of distraught children and staff members at the Sandy Hook Elementary School scampering for safety as a gunman who had calmly made his way into the school compound shot indiscriminately, killing 26 innocent persons, among them 20 children are still vivid, almost three years after the incident. This was not even the first incident of mass gun violence in the country -- approximately 36 similar mass shooting incidences were reported nation-wide between 1997 and 2000. According to a 2014 report on the state of gun policy by the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, approximately 70% of homicides committed in 2011, the latest year for which statistics are available, involved a firearm; and more than 100,000 persons fall victim to gunshot wounds every year. In the past, numerous policies directed at regulating gun use, possession, and commerce, have been enacted at the federal and…...



GAO. (2012). Gun Control: Sharing Promising Practices and Assessing Incentives could Better Position Justice to Assist States in Providing Records for Background Checks. United States Government Accountability Office (GAO). Retrieved 12 November 2014 from 

Goss, K.A. (2006). Disarmed: The Missing Movement for Gun Control in America. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Kates, D.B. & Mauser, G. (2007). Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 30(2), 649-694.

Kwon, I.G., Scott, B., Safranski, S.R. & Bae, M. (2010). The Effectiveness of Gun-Control Laws: Multivariate Statistical Analysis. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 56(1), 41-50.

Gun Laws Won't Solve the Gun Violence Problem
Pages: 6 Words: 1659

Gun Control LawIn 2021, a staggering 48,830 people lost their lives due to gun-related incidents in the United States (CDC All Injuries). This alarming statistic shows why it is important for the country to come to grips with the ongoing debate surrounding gun control. What is gun control? Gun control is a term that focuses on the regulations and laws determining the sale, possession, and use of firearms. As mass shootings and gun-related crimes have become more prevalent in recent years, many have called for stricter gun control, asserting that it would curtail gun violence, avert mass shootings, and foster safer communities. However, there is a counterargument to this perspective. The thesis for this paper is that stricter gun control legislation would only impact law-abiding persons; those who break the law will face harsher penalties.First and foremost, stricter gun control legislation predominantly impacts those who are law-abiding citizens (Jacobs). These…...

Gun Laws Should Guns be Allowed
Pages: 4 Words: 1317

In the U.S., people have a Constitutional right to bear arms. This right is protected by the Second Amendment, which states that “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” While the justification for the Second Amendment may seem outdated to some, it is honored and celebrated by others who believe that part of what makes America unique among other countries in the world is that its citizens have never been denied the right to bear arms. Indeed, among all modern nations, the U.S. stands out for its gun laws for a number of reasons. Compared to England, where guns are banned, the U.S. is practically the Wild West, where virtually anyone can get a gun it seems. While that is not exactly true, as there are a number of checks that are in…...


References from

NRA. (2014). Gun laws. Retrieved from

U.S. Constitution Amend. II.

The No Mercy Bill Gun Law Proposal
Pages: 9 Words: 2557

GUN LAW POPOSAL 2Gun Law Proposal: The No Mercy BillIntroductionGun control and various efforts to rein in gun-related violence deaths continue to be rather emotional and contentious issues. For this reason, no meaningful progress has been made to comprehensively address the problem of gun violence in most of the countrys states. This text focuses on a bold attempt to rein in gun-related violence involving minors in a local community following the gunning down of 35 people by a 16-yearold minor. In essence, the community through a representative group referred to as Fed Up proposes that going forward, parents of minors who engage in or commit gun violence be held strictly liable for such crimes. As a legislator in this particular community, I DO NOT support the proposed strict liability crime bill.DiscussionBackgroundFrom the onset, it would be prudent to note that there is no doubt whatsoever that gun violence…...


ReferencesAmnesty International (2022). Gun Violence.   S. (2021). After a School Shooting, Should Parents Be Prosecuted? New York Times. Das, J.K., Salam, R.A., Lassi, Z.S., Khan, M.N., Mahmood, W., Patel, V. & Bhutta, Z.A. (2016). Interventions for Adolescent Mental Health: An Overview of Systematic Reviews. The Journal of Adolescence Health, 59(4), 49-60. Duggan, M. (2001). More Guns, More Crime. Journal of Political Economy, 109(5), 197-204. Gramlich, J. (2023). What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. Pew Research Center. Reimer, N.L. (2014). Whether Fish or Fowl — Prosecutorial Overreach Is a Poisonous Aspect of Overcriminalization. NACDL. Siegel, M., Ross, C.S. & King, C. (2013). The Relationship between Gun Ownership and Firearm Homicide Rates in the United States, 1981–2010. American Journal of Public Health, 103(11), 98-105. Yuill, K. & Street, J. (2017). The Second Amendment and Gun Control: Freedom, Fear, and the American Constitution. Taylor & Francis. Bokat-Lindell,

Gun Control Changing the Gun
Pages: 4 Words: 1123

hile sweeping gun laws are required to improve America's issue of gun violence, evidence from Obama's attempts suggest that only gradual and small degrees of regulatory change will be capable of passing through a divided legislative branch.
This literature demonstrates that even a public administrative force such as the executive branch must face power limitations. The very premise of the United States government is that the three branches work in coordination with one another to ensure to no singular ideological vision comes to dominate a nation founded on plurality. Accordingly, the text by Denhardt & Grubbs indicates that public administration must demonstrate the capacity for compromise, for accommodation and for recognition of a wide cross-section of interests (Denhardt & Grubbs, 422)

Moreover, this cross-section is always shifting, changing and demanding engagement by its leadership. Accordingly, in many locales, rising populations in immigrant communities, various shifts in settling patterns related to socio-economic…...


Works Cited:

Barrett, T. & Cohen, T. (2013). Senate Rejects Expanded Gun Background Checks.

Denhardt, R.B. & Grubbs, J.W. (2002). Public Administration: An Action Orientation. Wadsworth Publishing.

Rainey, H.G. (2009). Understanding and Managing Public Organizations (4rd ED). Wiley Publishing.

Gun Control as a Social
Pages: 5 Words: 1735

Furthermore, it is suggested that the roots of the problem lie deeper than the superficial debate about gun control. In sociological terms, this problem is to do with the lack of meaning and the breakdown of inherent normative structures. In this sense the debate about gun control should be seen against the underlying background of these sociological issues. Even if a compromise was be reached about whether or not to have gun control, there would still be underlying structural causative features that would need to be addressed and which are the source of this problem in the first place.


Cukier, V. And Sidel W. 2005.The Global Gun Epidemic: From Saturday Night Specials.

New York: Praeger Publishers.

Deviance and Social Control. etrieved November 21, 2004

( .

Egger, Steven A., et al. 1990.Serial Murder: An Elusive Phenomenon. New York:

Praeger Publishers, 1990.

Lintelman, D. Gun Control. etrieved November 21, 2009


Matt Q. Gun Control, Gun Crime etrieved November 21,




Cukier, V. And Sidel W. 2005.The Global Gun Epidemic: From Saturday Night Specials.

New York: Praeger Publishers.

Deviance and Social Control. Retrieved November 21, 2004

( .

Gun Ownership Discuss the Results
Pages: 3 Words: 805

A poignant question was devised by the William J. Krouse. This was pertaining to: whether gun owners were contributing to increased levels in violent crime. According to Krouse, 44 million people owned guns in 1995 which represented: 35% of households and it amounted to 192 million firearms. In 2007, the total number of firearms increased to 294 million (Krouse). Where, the availability of guns increased by: almost 100 million. However, the amount of households owning guns is not indicated in Krouse's information. This has led to a number of questions that are brought up from this data. The most notable include:

Were the guns being purchased by: households that already owned them?

Was the proliferation of guns occurring with: those who could not legitimately own them? (Krouse).

Clearly, the issues surrounding those who can legitimately own guns is continually evolving. As those who are law abiding citizens have been declining from doing so.…...



Feigelman, William and Yih-Jin Young. Hands-On Sociology. Nassau Community College, 2008. Web. 9 May 2011

Hahn, Robert A. First Reports Evaluating the Effectiveness of Strategies for Preventing Violence: Firearm Laws. Centers for Disease Control. CDC, 2003. 9 May 2011

Krouse, William. Gun Control Legislation. Congressional Research Service, 2011. Web. 9 May 2011

Gun Control Changed by Customer
Pages: 3 Words: 1082

Congress can pass specific legislation to control what types of guns are sold, to whom, and how. The U.S. Supreme Court rules on whether congressional laws are in keeping with the letter and/or the spirit of the Second Amendment.
edefinitions of the problem

The current debate over gun control is so volatile because even supporters of gun control acknowledge that it cannot be 100% effective. The school shooter in Sandy Hook, for example, was able to obtain guns legally given that his mother was an avid gun collector. However, there are also examples of persons with questionable mental health histories, such as the Virginia Tech killer, who likely would have been prohibited from owning a weapon had he been forced to submit to a background check. "Seung-Hui Cho, who killed 32 people in 2007 on the picturesque Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, had been deemed mentally ill by a judge, which…...



Johns, Joe. (2013). Would background checks have stopped recent mass shootings? Probably not. CNN. Retrieved: 

Pickler, Needra. (2013). Obama taking action on gun background check system

Yahoo. Retrieved:   -- politics.html 

U.S. Supreme Court in D.C. v. Heller. (2004). Cornell University Law School. Retrieved:

Gun Control Legislation Gun Control Is Not
Pages: 2 Words: 874

Gun Control Legislation
Gun control is not one concern, but several. To some people gun control is a crime issue; to others it is a rights issue. Gun control is a safety issue, an education issue, a racial issue, and a political issue. Within each of these issues, there are those who want more gun control legislation and those who want less. Guns are not for everyone. Certain individuals cannot handle a firearm safely, and some individuals choose to use firearms inappropriately. Our society has passed laws regulating the ownership and use of firearms, and additional legislation is being considered. Most of this legislation restricts, to some degree, the rights of individuals to possess or use firearms. Some restrictions may be necessary, but some recent legislation has gone too far. Society benefits from firearms in the hands of responsible citizens, and taking firearms away from such citizens will do more harm…...

Gun Control and First Amendment
Pages: 2 Words: 856

It would also be highly recommended that there are designated buffer zones between the convention and any designated First Amendment Zones. Additionally, these zones must be away from any other public areas. If they are too close to public areas, like malls, they may inadvertently disrupt the flow of the public and endanger passersby.
There are also recommendations for general policy of the possible disruption of protest groups at the DNC event. If officers were to commence in disrupting the protest groups, it would be absolutely necessary to show they were acting in accordance with the misdemeanor violation of Section 870.02 in the 2002 Florida Statutes. Essentially, this would mean that officers would have to prove more than three individuals were acting in a way to disturb the peace, rather than to peacefully assemble. It is true, "no actual breach of peace needs to take place" (Unlawful Assembly Dispersal Order).…...



Independent Review Panel. (2004). The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Inquiry Report.

M6. (2013). "First Amendment Zones."

M6. (2013). "Unlawful assembly to commit a breach of the peace."

Gun Control Advocates Argue That
Pages: 16 Words: 4264

Opponents of gun control became more proactive and in 1977 after the capture of NA leader, they began to harm the reputation of the GCA officers and executives. They aimed to scare the gun owners into thinking that they will be harassed and prosecuted for possessing guns.
Opponents of gun control pushed the Carter administration to remove the proposals which aimed at changing the execution of the laws. After this was done they became even more proactive in their campaign (Vizzard, 1993; 228-235). In 1979 and 1980, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms was called in for Hearings in the Senate after they sidestepped Congress to trigger a change in policy utilizing executive power. While the federal administration had influenced this strategy on not only the treasury but also the ATF, they rapidly backed out from the ATF and dumped the strategy as they saw strong resistance (Vizzard, 1993;…...



Barber, Benjamin R. (1984). Strong Democracy: Participatory Politics for a New Age. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Bruce-Biggs, B. (1976). The Great American Gun War. The Public Interest. 45, 37-62.

Cobb, Roger W. And Charles D. Elder, (1972). Participation in American Politics: The Dynamics of Agenda-Building. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Davidson, Osha Gray, (1993). Under Fire: The NRA and the Battle for Gun Control. New York: Henry Holt.

Gun Control in New York
Pages: 10 Words: 3571

S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reaffirm restrictive gun laws since the Second Amendment was not infringed by a law that requires firearm owners to demonstrate proper cause (Nimmo par, 2).
The unanimous decision by the three-judge panel was regarded as a victory for the New York State law, the American constitution, and families throughout New York who are appropriately concerned regarding the plight of gun violence that is a major problem to all communities. There are various groups in the gun industry such as the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association have been filing cases against cities and states throughout the country on the basis of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The ruling re-affirming restrictive gun control laws has followed the significant increase in the number of the sale of guns.

Gun Control Laws in Other States:

Generally, crime rates associated with gun violence have increased unusually in…...


Works Cited:

"Banning Assault Weapons - a Legal Primer for State and Local Action." Legal Community Against Violence. Legal Community Against Violence, Aug. 2005. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. .

Baynes, Terry, Eddie Evans, and Todd Eastham. "Appeals Court Upholds New York Gun Licensing Law." Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 27 Nov. 2012. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. .

Garrett, Ben. "New York Gun Rights - an Overview of Gun Laws in New York." - Civil Liberties., n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. .

Gius, Mark. "The Effect of Gun Ownership Rates on Homicide Rates: A State-level Analysis." Applied Economics Letters 16 (2009): 1687-690. Print.

Gun Control Including Counter Arguments Owning a
Pages: 7 Words: 2316

gun control, including counter arguments. Owning a gun is much more than just a statement about this country's Constitution and Second Amendment rights. Owning a gun is a measure of protection and freedom that illustrates the principles this country's founders created, and it is a right that Americans should not take for granted. Gun control is not a suitable method for controlling crime, and it has not been proven to help control violent crime.
First, it is imperative to define what "gun control" means, because it can mean different things to different people. Two experts note, "Gun control is an umbrella term covering everything from laws prohibiting the ownership of defined classes of firearms to mandating the inclusion of gun locks with every firearm sold" (Moorhouse & Wanner, 2006). Clearly, with such a broad definition, and differing meanings, gun control cannot be easily measured or understood, which is one of…...



Beachler, D.W. (2003). Militias and segregationists: The politics of low turnout elections in the United States. Polity, 35(3), 441+.

Editors. (2003). Fact sheet: Stolen guns. Retrieved 6 July 2009 from the Johns Hopkins University Web site: .

Moorhouse, J.C., & Wanner, B. (2006). Does gun control reduce crime or does crime increase gun control? The Cato Journal, 26(1), 103+.

Payne, B.K., & Riedel, R. (2002). Gun control attitudes and the criminal justice student: Do differences exist? College Student Journal, 36(2), 314+.

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on Gun Control Laws?
Words: 467

Outline for an Essay on Gun Control Laws

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a startling statistic or a thought-provoking question to grab the reader's attention.
B. Background: Provide a brief overview of the gun control debate in the United States, including the history and evolution of gun laws.
C. Thesis statement: Clearly state the main argument that will be supported in the essay, taking a stance on whether gun control laws should be strengthened or weakened.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Arguments for Gun Control Laws
A. Topic sentence: Present the first reason why gun control laws should be strengthened.
B. Supporting....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to interventions to successfully deter adolescents in gun violence literature review?
Words: 573

Captivating Essay Topics Related to Interventions to Successfully Deter Adolescents in Gun Violence Literature Review


Gun violence among adolescents poses a grave threat to public health, demanding effective interventions. This essay will explore captivating topics related to interventions designed to deter adolescents from engaging in gun violence, drawing upon a detailed literature review.

1. The Role of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in Reducing Gun Aggression

How can CBT modify cognitive distortions and maladaptive behaviors known to contribute to gun violence among adolescents?
What are the most effective CBT techniques for reducing aggression and promoting positive coping mechanisms?
What are the long-term outcomes of....

What are the key components of a comprehensive gun control policy outline?
Words: 455

Key Components of a Comprehensive Gun Control Policy Outline

I. Universal Background Checks

Require background checks for all gun sales, including private sales and sales at gun shows.
Utilize the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) or an equivalent system to screen potential gun buyers for prohibited individuals.

II. Red Flag Laws

Allow law enforcement or family members to petition the courts to temporarily remove firearms from individuals who pose an imminent threat to themselves or others.
Establish a clear and fair process for due process protections.

III. Assault Weapon and High-Capacity Magazine Bans

Prohibit the sale, possession, and manufacture of assault....

What can be done to prevent further tragedies due to lack of gun restrictions?
Words: 397

In conclusion, the ongoing debate over gun regulation in the United States continues to be a highly contentious issue. The National Rifle Association (N.R.A) has played a significant role in lobbying for lenient gun laws and pushing blame away from guns in the aftermath of tragic events. Despite major school shootings like Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Uvalde, there has been a lack of strict gun laws to prevent such tragedies from occurring. The failure to implement laws that would restrict access to firearms for underage individuals and those with mental health issues highlights a lack of prioritization of public safety....

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