Harvard Business Essays (Examples)

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Harvard Business School Case Study: Parker's Biscuits
China is quickly becoming just as much of a consumer as it is a major international manufacturer. This has led many foreign companies to begin working in China, not just to manufacture and export goods, but to sell to Chinese consumers as well. The food industry had slowly begun bringing in foreign snacks and goods to serve this growing Chinese consumer base, showing that there was a great opportunity within China. Parker's Biscuits was looking to expand its empire by possibly entering into a joint venture with China to manufacture and produce their cookies and biscuits. Although the company does need to build some of its core competencies to succeed, it already has experience working with joint ventures in Asia and therefore has a competitive advantage over other foreign companies with less knowledge and resources in terms of working within the Asian nation.

There are….

By te same token, an American citizen, say of Iranian decent as very little coice in self-defining teir "etnicity" since tere is not a category for Arab-American -- instead, tey must be Wite/Caucasian, wic in some cases, is ow tey self-view, in oter cases, not at all accurate for a political "count." Te task ten, for political leaders, is to ensure tat numbers, used for judgment, dividing, and even balancing, do not become te ends to te means -- but more fundamentally utilitarian -- a way towards a goal (text; see also: Bell and Coen, eds. 2009).
#3. Give an example of te types of Casual Teories.

Causal decision teory olds tat te expected outcome of any action sould be evaluated based on te potential causes of tat action -- as opposed to te outcome of te action (evidential decision teory). Wen tinking about political teory, we tend to see causation….

There was no underlying structure for streamlining data transferrable and storage that helped keep control in a situation with little human involvement. The network that was created did not allow strong manipulation and control by the individuals in charge of it governance. Unable to make adjustments to the network configuration, the problem only continued to persist until it caused the ultimate collapse of the system.
John Halmaka learned a number of crucial lessons from the horrifying experience. First, I was crucial to keep experts involved in the maintenance of the network. Secondly, it was crucial for the organization to not allow a single piece of the it strategy be the "sole point of failure," (McFarlan & Austin 2005 p 10). Then, the it department had to learn to keep up-to-date with everything and to beware of potential internal threats in the form of users who know to much about the….

Harvard Business Case

Harvard Case
Shouldice Hospital: A Case Study in Expansion

The Shouldice Hospital, as it is described in the case analysis serving this discussion, is a highly progressive hernia treatment facility which not only specialized in this particular surgical procedure but which also provides a unique setting for convalescence. Through the promotion of ambulatory recovery and the creation of a context which is both clinically excellent and highly social, Shouldice offers a positive healing environment. The hospital experiences good results, positive patient feedback and a successful business model. Indeed, as confirmed by the Navjeevan Hospital (2011) sponsored Hernia Help Center, "Ambulatory Hernia surgery allows patients to walk as much as possible, which helps in faster recovery." (Navjeevan Hospital, p. 1) The positive outcomes and glowing reputation associated with the mode of surgery and the Shouldice Hospital respectively are central to this discussion. As the account hereafter will demonstrate, the greatest challenges before Shouldice….

Harvard Business eview
Assessment task: strategic planning

Over the past decades, the strategic plan has become an important human resource management tool. Several researchers have written and published a lot in this field of strategy, and subsequently, on the subject of strategic planning. In the year 1970-80, planning was the core activities of modern firms because the management believed it would enable them achieve a competitive merit. Many of the studies during this time reveal the thoughts of managers towards strategic plans. Into the bargain, research from the past two decades has managed to identify the "pitfalls" of strategic planning. For example, the link between strategic planning and organizational performance has not produced conclusive findings, which has further made a synthesized stream of research difficult to achieve (Grant 2003).

From a planning point-of-view, strategic planning primary objective should achieve long-term survival. In a company's endeavors to achieve a competitive advantage, challenges such….

Harvard Business School case - "Zara: Fast Fashion," due a hard copy submitted Oct. 7. In write-, address question: Q: Assess adding potential arbitrage Zara. Should Zara increase arbitrage considers expansion prospects U.S. I concise write- exceed single spaced pages.
Zara: 'Fast Fashion' case study

Zara: 'Fast Fashion' case study

Assess the value adding potential of arbitrage for Zara. Should Zara increase its use of arbitrage as it considers expansion prospects in the U.S.

Arbitrage is defined as the practice of capitalizing upon a price differential that exists within two markets (Arbitrage, 2010, Business Dictionary). The Spanish-based clothing store Zara has based its business model upon volume-based trade in inexpensive clothing. Zara only stocks a few in-demand items and its inventory levels thus exhibit a high rate of turnover. Zara uses couture designs made from inexpensive fabrics and produces the items as cheaply as possible, with young, largely unknown Spanish designers. It also….

Harvard Business School Case Study: "TW's Information Services Division: Strategic Human esource Management
The Strategic human resource management process initiated by Will Sproule was a very smart initiative for the purpose of increasing the organizational effectiveness of the company. However, there were some issues that need to be addressed. As discussed in the case, when this change process was initiated, it faced several hurdles which made the achievement of objectives more difficult. There were several reasons because of which Sproule found it difficult to initiate the change process. The primary reason that creates barriers to the effective execution of the change process is that those who are going to be affected by the change are usually unwilling to cooperate because they fear that any such change may decrease their importance in the organization or they will eventually loose their jobs. Some other causes may be that the management might not….

. Indian elevator market growth is very promising in the 1995 timeframe,
which is when this case study takes place. The low-end of the Indian
elevator market is experiencing 27% increases in unit shipments, and
17% unit increases overall.
. The market itself is highly fragmented for elevators in India. 70% of
the demand for elevators is at the low-end of the market; 20% at the
middle-end, and 10% at the top-end.
. High levels of recurring revenue are possible in the Indian elevator
market due to the large installed base of elevators and the high
maintenance fees Otis Elevator and other competitors have been able to
. As the Schindler Elevator learned in their strategies to enter the
Indian market with elevators (Columbus, 2005) the capricious and very
damaging effects of fluctuating tariffs can put a halt to any light
manufacturing or assembly in addition to the more intensive operations
of building subassemblies for consumption in other areas of the world.
. Otis elevator….

Living Company
De Geus, Arie. (2002). The Living Company. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.

Instead of being a typical management book on what should and should not be done to perpetuate the status quo, author Arie de Geus drew on his experiences within Royal Dutch/Shell, research from biologists and psychologists, and the study of multinational corporations or companies with a great deal of longevity. Instead, De Geus believes that companies that want to succeed commit to develop all their employees at all career stages to their maximum potential. The four major principles to this are:

Sensitivity to the corporate environment -- Long-lived companies pay attention, learn, adapt, and evolve as circumstances require.

Persona -- Successful organizations are cohesive and have a strong sense of identity that helps them build a shared community.

Tolerance -- These successes are patient, typically more decentralized, less hierarchical, and give a wider spread of decision making authority, but are tolerant….

John Hamm in the Harvard Business Review. This will be followed up by a two page analytical report comparing and contrasting the content of the Hamm article to selected principles, concepts or theories in chapters 10 through 13 in the our text book, Management of Organizational Behavior.
In "The Five Messages He holds that any leader has just one job. This is inspiring his followers to make a difference and a better future for the organization. Effective communication skills are a critical tool that is needed for the accomplishment of this task. In Hamm's summation, business need to employ leadership in the way a SAT team or an emergency staff organizes itself. Everyone knows what to do and time is analyzed efficiently to its fullest potential.

For a leader to inspire your their workforce followers, Hamm to greatness, suggests absolutely clear communication regarding the following five topics:

A. Organizational Hierarchy: hen an….

The company's objective is to develop capabilities in the Reseach and Development aeas as well as ensuing poducts that can be sold and distibuted in the Euopean and Ameican makets. It should be noted, howeve, that such a move must be taken with caution and cae; appoaching the Euopean business maketplace may not wok in the same manne as othe business envionments. As one expet ecently wote "appoaching the Euopean makets without ecognizing the impotance of national languages and cultues in daily life is a cucial mistake" (Robet, 2010, pg. 31). It would be wise fo the company to emembe Robet's wods due to the unique natue of the Euopean makets and Gemany in paticula; since that is the county this pape ecommends the company conducts its business.

It is impotant to note that choosing a county to base the company's opeations is a delicate and time-consuming matte that must be….

The existence and specialization of these three competitors materializes in the need for Creativity Sure to excel in the offering of the three types of products and services offered by challengers Karina Advertising, Falling Agency and Dorna PLC.
4.2 PEST Analysis

Political forces: The development of a full legislation within the advertising field has yet to become a complete process. ecent efforts have however limited the operations of advertising campaigns in the meaning of having eliminated all features that are not compatible with the product or which promise unrealistic outcomes, such as the tremendous loss of weight. Other issues regulated by the new laws refer to truth-in-advertising, product labeling requirements, online advertising and marketing, the advertising of specific products, telemarketing and direct marketing, and finally, regulations relative to environmental marketing (The Official Business Link to the U.S. Government, 2009). The new Obama administration has yet to take a new stand on….

For a product configuration system to be effective it must be able to submit orders directly into production while at the same time being able to determine what the Available-To-Promise (ATP) ship dates are (Mendelson, Parlakturk, 2008). Instead of just giving the standard four to six weeks I'd also integrate the product configuration systems to supply chain systems to ensure that accurate Available-To-Promise (ATP) dates (Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2009). I'd use this as a competitive differentiator to ensure that customers could be very well informed as to when their sofa or furniture was going to arrive. All of these systems would also be integrated to an analytics system so it would be possible to know what the status of orders and shipments were on a continual basis.

Gunasekaran, A., & Ngai, E.. (2009). Modeling and analysis of build-to-order supply chains. European Journal of Operational esearch, 195(2), 319.

Johansson, Johny K., & Nonaka,….

For example, someone interested in green technology from a cost perspective might value operational excellence in a company -- seeking the lowest price replacement windows in the least amount of time with the least amount of disruption to their family. Someone interested in the greenest home possible may be interested in innovation, and still others might be attracted to the idea of a custom-built home. Just as there is no one housing market, even within the market of green housing consumers, many different segments and demographics exist, along with conceptions of what conveys value.
orks Cited

Treacy, Michael, iersema, Fred. (1993, January). Customer intimacy and other value disciplines. Harvard Business Review, 71(1), 84. Retrieved April 3, 2009, from ABI/INFORM….

Proposed Plan for Improvement

The above assessment of the current personnel management challenges facing the organization indicates that there are a number of pertinent issues that must be addressed if the organization is to effectively optimize its human resource capabilities and help facilitate the development of change in the organization. With this in mind, the proposed plan for organizational development focuses on two specific areas for improvement. First, the proposed plan considers the need for the strategic development of human resource practice in the organization. Strategic human resource management will enable the organization to embed human resource function into the process of facilitating organizational objectives. Second, the proposed plan considers the need for a comprehensive change management program which will facilitate H integration while building the necessary organizational infrastructure to help improve change outcomes.

Strategic Human esource Management

Strategic human resource management or SHM is the process by which human resource activities are….

Harvard Business Review has some of the best in-depth reviews of individual companies and may offer you some of the information that you seek about an individual Fortune 500 company’s culture.  You could start by looking at individual aspects of what is considered part of successful corporate culture and then look for articles or essays about those different facets of corporate culture, which could be a spring-board for an in-depth analysis.

If we were looking at a Fortune 500 company and wanted to find a source of an in-depth look at its corporate culture, we would search for....

A paper that focuses on topics like strategic decision making, strategy, leadership, management control systems, entrepreneurship, or organization changes can take two approaches.  You can thoroughly explain one of the concepts, for example describing that strategic decision making is a method of business planning that looks at long-term goals.  The other approach is to do some sort of case study looking specifically at events to determine how one of those topics either impacted or was impacted by a company’s decision-making process.  So, the first thing you need to do is decide what type of paper....

Here are the requirements for operationalizing a new institution:

1. Establish goals and objectives:
Before launching a new institution, it is important to clearly define the goals and objectives that the institution aims to achieve. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This will provide a clear direction for the institution and help in guiding decision-making processes. (Smith & Rasberry, 2018)

2. Develop a strategic plan:
A strategic plan outlines the actions that need to be taken to achieve the institution's goals and objectives. It includes elements such as a mission statement, a description of the institution’s core values,....

Literature Review

Marketing is a crucial aspect of any business, as it involves identifying and satisfying the needs and wants of customers. The essence of marketing lies in creating value for customers through various strategies and techniques. In this literature review, we will explore different perspectives on the essence of marketing and its importance in today's competitive business environment.

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2016), marketing is a process that involves understanding the marketplace and customer needs, designing customer-driven strategies, and delivering superior value to customers. The authors emphasize the importance of creating value for customers and building....

2 Pages
Case Study


Harvard Business School Case Study Parker's Biscuits

Words: 612
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Harvard Business School Case Study: Parker's Biscuits China is quickly becoming just as much of a consumer as it is a major international manufacturer. This has led many foreign companies…

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10 Pages
Book Report

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Harvard Business Review 2007 Green

Words: 2719
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Book Report

By te same token, an American citizen, say of Iranian decent as very little coice in self-defining teir "etnicity" since tere is not a category for Arab-American --…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Harvard Business Schools Case Caregroup

Words: 602
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

There was no underlying structure for streamlining data transferrable and storage that helped keep control in a situation with little human involvement. The network that was created did…

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5 Pages
Case Study


Harvard Business Case

Words: 1426
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Harvard Case Shouldice Hospital: A Case Study in Expansion The Shouldice Hospital, as it is described in the case analysis serving this discussion, is a highly progressive hernia treatment facility which…

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13 Pages

Business - Management

Harvard Business Review Assessment Task Strategic Planning

Words: 3810
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

Harvard Business eview Assessment task: strategic planning Over the past decades, the strategic plan has become an important human resource management tool. Several researchers have written and published a lot…

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3 Pages


Harvard Business School Case - Zara Fast

Words: 1010
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Harvard Business School case - "Zara: Fast Fashion," due a hard copy submitted Oct. 7. In write-, address question: Q: Assess adding potential arbitrage Zara. Should Zara increase…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Harvard Business School Case Study TRW's Information

Words: 1496
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Harvard Business School Case Study: "TW's Information Services Division: Strategic Human esource Management The Strategic human resource management process initiated by Will Sproule was a very smart initiative for…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Case Study From Harvard Business

Words: 902
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Opportunities . Indian elevator market growth is very promising in the 1995 timeframe, which is when this case study takes place. The low-end of the Indian elevator market is experiencing 27% increases…

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11 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Living Company Harvard Business Review

Words: 2860
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Living Company De Geus, Arie. (2002). The Living Company. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. Instead of being a typical management book on what should and should not be done to perpetuate…

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4 Pages
Article Review


John Hamm in the Harvard Business Review

Words: 1338
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

John Hamm in the Harvard Business Review. This will be followed up by a two page analytical report comparing and contrasting the content of the Hamm article to…

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12 Pages
Case Study


Business the Company's Objective Is to Develop

Words: 3569
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Case Study

Business The company's objective is to develop capabilities in the Reseach and Development aeas as well as ensuing poducts that can be sold and distibuted in the Euopean and Ameican…

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17 Pages
Business Plan

Business - Advertising

Business Plan for Marketing and

Words: 4641
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Business Plan

The existence and specialization of these three competitors materializes in the need for Creativity Sure to excel in the offering of the three types of products and services…

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5 Pages


Business Information Systems Intuit Case

Words: 1509
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

For a product configuration system to be effective it must be able to submit orders directly into production while at the same time being able to determine what…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Business Models Positioning Strategies and

Words: 322
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For example, someone interested in green technology from a cost perspective might value operational excellence in a company -- seeking the lowest price replacement windows in the least…

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10 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Business-Human Resources Introduction Review of

Words: 3210
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Case Study

Proposed Plan for Improvement The above assessment of the current personnel management challenges facing the organization indicates that there are a number of pertinent issues that must be addressed if…

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