Health Care Industry Essays (Examples)

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Research Methodology

This work will first provide a synopsis of a more detailed review of literature developing the case of transformational leadership model in healthcare, exploring some of the claims of the model as it is observed in practice. (Edmonstone & Western, 2002) the work will then provide a qualitative review of 50 healthcare professionals, from leadership to trade. Ultimately the work will attempt to focus on a single hospital organization setting and review all departments, through a questionnaire regarding the leadership model (based on characteristics of the TrLM) and attempt to determine first if the literature is accurate in its assessment of TrLM being the most common and i.e. popular model in health care and then determine if this leadership model is reflective of better health outcomes for the community served than were provided prior to implementation of the TrLM. Lastly I will determine if some of the claims….

Accountability and the Healthcare Industry
Accountability is absolutely crucial when it comes to the health care industry. The professional health care industry has an obligation to create an atmosphere of responsibility and obligation with strong ethical values and where these values are clearly enforced. One of the reasons why this is so absolutely crucial is because the stakes are so high in health care: clinicians deal with the high stakes of life and death each day. "Accountability encompasses the procedures and processes by which one party justifies and takes responsibility for its activities such as for achieving various organizational goals" (O'Hagan, 2009). Accountability creates a culture which can thus be focused on things like evidence-based practice and on a steady improvement of health and quality services because the atmosphere values and rewards things like these and is structured in such a way that it is demanded by the collective and individual….

com). A certain amount of errors is to be expected, but there should not be so many that it demonstrates a certain level of skewedness about the model in its entirety. Thus, if the NHI model is the one which is selected, then it needs to be tested against a range of different scenarios. The following demonstrate some truly relevant what-ifs: what if the doctors only move half the projected volume; what if medicare slashes rates; what if competitors open a comparable program (
There are a range of factors which can change or adjust once a healthcare facility opens their doors for business. And as much as this facility is attempting to engage in a solid humanitarian effort, at the end of the day, it's still a business and people need to get paid. Thus, before engaging in further developmental activities, one needs to determine in what ways the model….

RFP in Healthcare Industry
Request for proposal in health care industry

Request for Proposal (RFP) in Healthcare Industry

In order to continually provide adequate Medicare to patients, a review of the electronic health record options reveal that the appropriate strategy is to procure Electronic Medical Record software. The primary objective of this RFP is to implore bids from system integrators or commercial off the shelf software merchants to devise, install, construct and implement integrated EMR software solution. The health care system, Future Correctional Center seeks to procure a software solution including licenses, hardware (as recommend by the bidder), execution, and maintenance and support services. In addition, the software configuration should present a core set of EMR attributes that meet particular requirements such as order entry, outcome review, nursing and physician documentation, registration.

Something significant to note; Future Correctional Center will not consider proposals from bidders offering software as a service solution, offer available software….

That sense of security is very important for someone who wants to come out of school and then feel secure about one's employment for the next forty years.
There are a couple of things that do not appeal to me about the health care profession. One of them is that the corporate culture seems very rigid and bureaucratic. There is a lot of paperwork and everything is very exacting. This is something that does not necessarily appeal to my personality, which is oriented towards the problem-solving aspect of the profession. Another thing that does not appeal to me about health care is that many positions require long working hours. This is okay when I am young, but I also envision a time when I will have a family and not want to work so hard so that I can see my children grow up. My uncle said some things that….

Human esource Management's ole Health Care Industry

Human resources represent the most important cost in many organizations. How effectively a company uses its human resources can have a dramatic effect on its ability to compete or survive in an increasingly competitive environment. H policies can affect an organization's competitive position by controlling costs, improving quality, and creating distinctive capabilities. This paper will discuss the functions and roles of human resource management in today's healthcare industry.

Human resource management's role health care industry

In today's healthcare Human esource managers have several different roles. Some of these roles can be difficult. The healthcare industry has made significant changes in the last 10 years and human resource managers have to see the new challenges and come up with ways in dealing with them. Some of these challenges include: job satisfaction, patient care, and cultural conflict (Clark, 2011).

The human resource department works with all employees….

The union thus acts as an advocate for worker's legal rights, including their right not to be subject to drug tests as well (although this issue is far more contentious, given that Xanitos also argues that testing is required from the point-of-view of patient safety.
A more controversial drug testing issue is prohibiting all workers from using tobacco, a controversial practice that has become increasingly common amongst healthcare establishments. "More hospitals and medical businesses in many states are adopting strict policies that make smoking a reason to turn away job applicants, saying they want to increase worker productivity, reduce health care costs and encourage healthier living" (Sulzberger 2011: 1). However, the union argues "such policies are a slippery slope -- that if they prove successful in driving down health care costs, employers might be emboldened to crack down on other behavior by their workers, like drinking alcohol, eating fast food….

EMR System Implementation
The healthcare industry is increasingly impacted by advanced in Information Technology (IT). As our abilities to coordinate, interconnect and streamline the transmission of data through IT solutions improve so too do our abilities to provide efficient, safe and effective healthcare decisions for presenting patients. This is the notion that underscores the present discussion regarding Inter-Regional Health Systems, an organization identified specifically for the purposes of this discussion and approaching a proposed IT transformation. Inter-Regional is a multi-site healthcare complex with a wide variety of emergency room, clinic, specialist and outpatient facilities on each site. On the whole, the company has roughly 10,000 employees across its various sites. The private health firm is seeking to improve efficiency as a way of improving its economic performance and considers that it will likely benefit from the implementation of an Electronic Medical Records system. The discussion here evaluates this proposition.

Need for Proposed….

Compliance Manager

Compliance Manager in the Healthcare Industry

Job Description

The Compliance Manager oversees compliance throughout the healthcare company as an objective and independent function (ACHE, 2012). He makes sure that the board of directors, the management and all the employees thoroughly comply with the rules and regulations of regulatory agencies; that the company policies and procedures are completely followed; and the behavior in the organization follows its standards of conduct. His office receives and endorses compliance matters and issues to the appropriate person or office for investigation and implementation or resolution. It is also the final internal resource to deal with when all formal channels and resources have been exhausted. The Compliance Manager or Officer is a member of the staff of the CEO and the oard of Trustee's Corporate Compliance Committee. He monitors and reports the results of the compliance actions and provides guidance and background information to the….

Interest Group in HealthcareIn the article by Boggs (2006) on the role that Big Pharmathe pharmaceutical industryplays in serving as an interest group in healthcare, the author reviews several books on the subject and concludes that this interest group is exploiting modern American medicine, law, and capitalist systems to its advantage. It highlights for instance how the trade association PhMA is one of the largestinterestgroupsin Washington, DC, and how it uses its influence and money to lobby for regulations that would help rather than harm Big Pharma. It is a relationship that does not speak well of either the drug industry or the healthcare industry, as Boggs (2006) exposes a quid pro quo type of relationship in which profits are put before patients.Boggs (2006) explains that in the United States, the health care industry is a for-profit business. One way that profits are put before patients is in the form….

Informatics. InformaticsThe use of electronic computer systems at the workplace in the healthcare industry has many benefits as per my workplace experience. Electronic systems can save time, reduce errors, and speed up work. The workflow analysis reflects these benefits based on how it will impact the workflow process carried out in a hospital setting (Poff, 2017). On the contrary, hospital computer systems may be vulnerable to cyber-attacks as per my experience in the workplace. These hacks can lead to data breaches, theft of intellectual property, and loss of private patient records. This challenge is common in developed and developing countries (Poff, 2017). The legacy electronic system may meet some of the Content Management System Meaningful Use requirements but may not be able to meet all the stages of the meaningful use requirementImplementation of SDLC to improve system weaknesses.The idea of the system development life cycle is to explore every possible….

Leflar's Analysis Of Medical Malpractice eform
Leflar (2013) analyzes how medical malpractice reform is affecting the health care industry in his medical ethics study entitled "Medical Malpractice eform Measures and Their Effects." Leflar describes three types of reform initiatives placed into effect in the recent past: limited-liability reforms which favor the health care providers, procedural reforms said to promote safe harbor laws, and systematic overhaul reforms which "move liability away from physicians to hospitals or administrative no-fault compensation systems" (Leflar, 2013, p. 306). Leflar also assesses the current state of reforms already in place, such as damage caps, and that they ineffective at achieving the aims sought by medical malpractice reformers. Leflar suggests that more attention should be given to reforms which concentrate on no-fault systems, safe harbor laws, patient comp funds, early offers, etc.

Leflar notes how malpractice law stems from the tort law and that the earliest laws tended to….

Product or Service Supplied The product supplied to patients is generic pharmaceuticals. “A generic drug is a pharmaceutical drug which is equivalent to a brand-name product in dosage, route of administration, strength, quality, Kinetics, and its intended use. It may also refer to any drug which is marketed under its chemical name without advertising” (Moin, 2016). The importance to the customer is an issue of affordability: the patient has to incur fewer out of pocket expenses in order to pay for crucial prescriptions in order to fulfill the needs of their chronic diseases or conditions. Generic drugs are essentially the ones that are comparable to their brand-name twins. “They are comparable in terms of the dosage, effectiveness, and intended use. Generics are important because they are essentially a less-expensive alternative to their brand-name counterparts. This, of course, is expected to be important to those who are ultimately picking up the tab, governments, who….

Al-Sawai, A. (2013). Leadership of Healthcare Professionals: Where Do We Stand?.
Oman edical Journal, 28(4), 285-287 3p. doi:10. 5001/omj.2013.79

This study defines leadership as behavior that drives a group towards an identified goal, and it describes a variety of leadership theories (such as transformational leadership, collaborative leadership, conflict management and shared leadership), beginning with the "early Great an theory" (the idea that some people have the quality of leadership and some do not). Its main purpose is to identify and describe several theories of leadership as they would apply to the health care industry. The finding of the study is that effective leadership strategies should highlight "dynamic relationships between leadership values, culture, capabilities and the organizational context." The evolution of leadership development is such that, today, the most important aspect of leadership is now based on making sure that "a ready supply of replacement leaders" is available at all times within the….

Health Care
In the wake on new and very contentious health care reform, many firms have undergone extensive transformations. These transformations have been predicated on both cost control and quality management. In particular quality management has had a profound impact on the underlying business operations of many health care firms. For one, firms are now finding methods in which to enhance the overall patient experience while also mitigating potential loses due to negligent means. The focus on quality management has also made firms more efficient in regards to the overall delivery of service. In particular, my firm has done extensive work with reducing elderly accidents within the facility. This quality management initiative has not only reduced costs associated with accidents, but it also has enhanced the trust and patient experience of all stakeholders within the firm (Kelly, 2011).

Identify the milestone you chose in the history of quality improvement in the first….

As health care’s share of gross domestic product (GDP) grows, people are struggling with how to estimate the value of the health care industry in the economy.  While it might seem like a straightforward answer, simply looking at the total amount paid for healthcare in proportion to the total GDP, that valuation would be a gross oversimplification. Generally, GDP is viewed as a proxy for standard of living, but in the United States standard of living might actually drop for many people as the percentage of GDP attributable to healthcare grows.  It is important to keep in....

5 Pages
Research Proposal


Healthcare Industry Is Clearly in

Words: 1486
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

26) Research Methodology This work will first provide a synopsis of a more detailed review of literature developing the case of transformational leadership model in healthcare, exploring some of the…

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4 Pages


Accountability and the Healthcare Industry Accountability Is

Words: 1284
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Accountability and the Healthcare Industry Accountability is absolutely crucial when it comes to the health care industry. The professional health care industry has an obligation to create an atmosphere of…

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15 Pages
Research Paper


Consultant Evaluation and Healthcare Industry

Words: 4888
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

com). A certain amount of errors is to be expected, but there should not be so many that it demonstrates a certain level of skewedness about the model in…

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10 Pages
Business Proposal


RFP in Healthcare Industry Request for Proposal

Words: 2822
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Business Proposal

RFP in Healthcare Industry Request for proposal in health care industry Request for Proposal (RFP) in Healthcare Industry In order to continually provide adequate Medicare to patients, a review of the electronic…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Interviewing the Healthcare Industry Has

Words: 1090
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

That sense of security is very important for someone who wants to come out of school and then feel secure about one's employment for the next forty years. There…

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2 Pages


Human Resource Management's Role Health Care Industry

Words: 757
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Human esource Management's ole Health Care Industry HUMAN ESOUCE Management Human resources represent the most important cost in many organizations. How effectively a company uses its human resources can have a…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Unions in the Healthcare Industry

Words: 856
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The union thus acts as an advocate for worker's legal rights, including their right not to be subject to drug tests as well (although this issue is far…

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5 Pages


EMR System Implementation the Healthcare Industry Is

Words: 1455
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

EMR System Implementation The healthcare industry is increasingly impacted by advanced in Information Technology (IT). As our abilities to coordinate, interconnect and streamline the transmission of data through IT solutions…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Compliance Manager in the Healthcare Industry

Words: 1981
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Compliance Manager THE COMPANY OVERSEER Compliance Manager in the Healthcare Industry Job Description The Compliance Manager oversees compliance throughout the healthcare company as an objective and independent function (ACHE, 2012). He makes sure…

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2 Pages
Article Review


How Pharmaceutical Companies Control the Health Care Industry

Words: 659
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Interest Group in HealthcareIn the article by Boggs (2006) on the role that Big Pharmathe pharmaceutical industryplays in serving as an interest group in healthcare, the author reviews several…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Information Technology

Informatics The Healthcare Industry

Words: 379
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Informatics. InformaticsThe use of electronic computer systems at the workplace in the healthcare industry has many benefits as per my workplace experience. Electronic systems can save time, reduce errors,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Does Tort Reform Have a Positive Effect in the Health Care Industry

Words: 650
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leflar's Analysis Of Medical Malpractice eform Leflar (2013) analyzes how medical malpractice reform is affecting the health care industry in his medical ethics study entitled "Medical Malpractice eform Measures and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Economic Analysis of Supply and Market Structure of Healthcare Industry

Words: 1578
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Product or Service Supplied The product supplied to patients is generic pharmaceuticals. “A generic drug is a pharmaceutical drug which is equivalent to a brand-name product in dosage, route of administration, strength,…

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8 Pages

Health - Nursing

The Role of Leadership in Health Care Industries

Words: 2187
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Al-Sawai, A. (2013). Leadership of Healthcare Professionals: Where Do We Stand?. Oman edical Journal, 28(4), 285-287 3p. doi:10. 5001/omj.2013.79 This study defines leadership as behavior that drives a group towards an…

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3 Pages


Health Care in the Wake on New

Words: 1147
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Care In the wake on new and very contentious health care reform, many firms have undergone extensive transformations. These transformations have been predicated on both cost control and quality…

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