Health Care Reform Essays (Examples)

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Health Care Reform

Health Care eform ecommendations
Healthcare eforms and ObamaCare

The healthcare system in the United States is not a healthy system, but one fraught with problems which could cause a catastrophic failure. In order to prevent the collapse of the American healthcare system, for years experts have made recommendations in the hope that government officials would implement them. It was not until President Obama pushed through his healthcare bill, called the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" but generally referred to as "ObamaCare," that the government attempted to implement the many various recommendations put forward by the numerous expert groups. One group of experts on the American healthcare system, the American College of Physicians (ACP), has put forward a number of recommendations that they agree would be beneficial to the overall healthcare system. An examination of Obama Care" can demonstrate to what extent the new law fulfills the recommendations of this prestigious group.


Health Care Reform

Healthcare eform
List and briefly describe 3 of the recommendations for health care reform made by experts

The Annals of Internal Medicine suggests one way to enable more uninsured Americans to afford health insurance is to explore the use of new "revenue sources, including but not limited to savings from capping the tax exclusion of employer-based health insurance, taxing tobacco, and redirecting existing health resources [which] should be mobilized to ensure coverage for all Americans" (Arrow et al. 2009).

To create a larger risk pool and to offset rising healthcare costs, the Annals recommends creating state or regional insurance exchanges to pool risk. "Exchanges in which insurance companies offer a standard benefits package with guaranteed issue, portability, and renewability and no exclusions for preexisting conditions can expand the offerings to small groups and persons at lower rates. Along with mandatory coverage for standard benefits, the exchanges must implement risk-adjusted payments to minimize adverse….

Health Care Reform

Healthcare Reform Initiatives in California
The citizens of California are fortunate to have one of the best healthcare systems in the United States. This paper reviews the laws and initiatives that relate to the healthcare coverage and facilities that are available to Californians. This state has led the way in progressive laws that give consumers the tools to stay as healthy as possible.

The Reform Initiatives in California

First of all, California was the first state to set up its health insurance exchange, which will begin enrolling people in the fall of 2013 for coverage in 2014. The federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that "health insurance exchanges" be established (by federal or state governments) and be ready to help consumers choose the right plan by 2014; these exchanges are "virtual marketplaces" where citizens can buy health insurance at "competitive prices" (Colliver, 2012, p. 2). The exchanges will receive federal subsidies but essentially….

Health Care Reform

Healthcare Debate
he United States Healthcare Debate

Healthcare is necessary for humanity's survival in the best conditions possible. Various countries across the world have different system, with most consisting of an institutionalized or socialist system. However, the United States stands almost unique in its privatized, corporate-oriented and often patient-neglecting healthcare system. Various leaders in our country's history have strived to change this, yet none have been as successful as President Obama, though reform still has a long way to go. However, the mere fact that leaders have fought so hard for healthcare reform proves just how important an issue it is, and how detrimental it will be for generations to come if individuals will have to pay excessive premiums. his paper will present two explanations, namely, the three recommendations of healthcare reform from various groups, as well as how the President has considered and how he will be considering them in the….

Health Care Reform

Health Care eform
Healthcare reform

Current national health care coverage component: Impact on young people (ages 18 to 26)

Historically, young adults have a greater likelihood of being uninsured than their older counterparts. They are just starting out in their careers, and often must take jobs with minimal benefits to secure a position. Because they are young and healthy, they may feel that purchasing health insurance is not worth the cost, or simply cannot afford it because of the expense of their costs of living and the need to pay off their student loans. The rate of uninsured young people was particularly high in the wake of the recent recession, given that many college graduates were forced to take substandard jobs or could not find work after graduation.

In light of this, one of the most popular components of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was allowing young people to remain on their parent's insurance….

Health Care eform
Policies, whatever their nature, constitute very significant aspects to the entities over which they are supposed to act upon. These principles, in their roles of guiding decision making and governing the outcomes of such processes are so vital, especially when properly adopted by the concerned parties. This aspect applies to both the private and the public sector, a case in point being the health care reform policy. Health care provision, all through the globe comprise of very sensitive factors and as such, the need for the adoption of policies which surrounds the activities associated with the field goes without saying. Likewise, proper procedures ought to be put in place with the views of ensuring that such policies are adequately adopted and that they serve the purposes which led to their adoption in the first place. Like all the major policies, most of which associate with the functions of….

The amendments have had practical impacts such as repealing the tax mandate of the employer, health insurance tax of small businesses and decreasing the burdens on individuals and businesses. The compliance cost for small business owners has risen by 36% higher than that of larger corporations. Similarly, the average U.S. citizen has already been overtaxed.
Since the passing of the Affordable Care Act, Americans have not enjoyed the benefits that come with it. While the country is characterized by a highly partisan political climate, the congress is full of voice of reason. These voices claim that the Act should be amended so that the pain can be reduced in the future. More policy makers have been encouraged to pull in their efforts. After years of the groundbreaking changes on the Care Act, one of the advantages associated with this law is that it supports a low rate of uninsured Americans.….

Healthcare Reform Revised

Healthcare eform evised
We know that the burden of diseases is increasing all over the world. The percentage of people suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases has considerably increased in the last decade. It is noteworthy here that the importance of preventive care now comes at par with the importance of curative care. Considering the prevalence of diseases and the health status of the American population, President Obama introduced a health care reform that is known as the Affordable Care Act or Obama Care. The role of medical care as a determinant for health has not been established as a fact yet it has been proved that early intervention, preventive care and the required management can go on to reduce the severity and even cure chronic disease. Due to this reason, medical care does have a very crucial role to play in the health status of the population. (Bunker, Frazier….

Healthcare eform
"Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital"

The case of Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital was a case that attempted to end the segregation of African-American and Whites in the U.S. hospitals and medical professions as a whole. The case challenged the use of public funds to maintain and expand the segregated hospital care in the United States. Source of the laws related to the case are:

Title VII of the Civil ights Act of 1964,

The Hill-Burton Act (Hospital Survey and Construction Act) of 1946.

The executive, legislative and judicial branch of government played important roles in the case. The judicial branch of government interpreted the law and declared the case in favor of Simkins. The legislative branch of government passed the Civil ights Act of 1964 to end all form segregation in the United States while the executive branch of government implemented the Acts. The concept of the case….

There are a number of issues involved in health care including taxation, the fear of socialized medicine and the budget. Many Americans are opposed to higher taxes for the wealthy due to the fact that they will be the ones paying for most government spending including the proposed heath care bill. These people also argue that it's the wealthy that create jobs through investing and if their taxes are raised, there will be less investing and job creation.
As stated earlier, though Republicans believe that the American health care system needs reform, they feel that the best solution is not to hand it over to the government. The handing over of the health care system to the government has led to the fear of socialized medicine. The Republicans also believe that the American government is nearly bankrupt although the president has stated the proposed health care bill will reduce government….

In the U.S., administrative costs are 31% of health care costs, compared with 19% in Canada.
The proposed health care reform is also expected to improve health outcomes. By shifting some of the focus of the system away from maximizing shareholder value and towards improving health outcomes, Americans should live longer, have better access to care, see improved quality of life and have lower mortality rates for a number of diseases.

In addition to providing better health care, the reform plan will have several positive economic impacts. The Boston Globe calculation (Bilmes & Day, 2009) determined that life lost due to inadequate insurance cost the U.S. economy $140 billion per year, less than the cost of the Obama health care plan. In addition, the high cost of health care insurance is a competitive disadvantage for American companies. It is one of the reasons why tens of thousands of automobile manufacturing jobs….

Transparency empowers consumers to become better shoppers. Economists assert that transparency stimulates productivity, for example, in exchange for money, one individual obtaining fair value. In every aspect, except healthcare, Davis points out, transparency, is supported. The contemporary dearth of transparency in healthcare has led to many Americans not being able to effectively shop for the best quality of service at acute care hospitals. Davis argues that transparency permits consumers, particularly those uninsured individual, to know actual charges, as well as the quality of services they will received.
The critical issue in Health Care eform, according to some, Davis (2008) notes, is power. When consumers know less about the facts, those who do know possess the greater power. These with more power generally consist of "the hospitals, the insurers, and the healthcare policy makers" (Ibid., ¶ 14). Consumer-driven healthcare aims to switch the power to the consumer and the partnering provider….

As the sole owners of a license to practice medicine on which industries and other business entities build profits, they need to take solid steps to assert their rights. They listed strategies to put their situation and demands across to the current government. These strategies include a letter writing campaign, civil disobedience, a website for physician consensus, petitioning elected officials to take action on their concerns, email campaigns sent to the President and Congress, forming a physicians' union, refusing insurance and political games, and a one-day strike off their patients to draw attention to their objective (2009).
Summary and Viewpoints

A recent interactive survey showed that half of all American adults want the current healthcare system reformed (usiness Wire, 2010). The Institute of Medicine Committee likewise found that the system badly needed repairs (English, 2001). In addition to 13 recommendations and 10 rules, it sought a $1 billion innovation fund, a….

And, secondly, what's the rush? If this is so good for us and everyone understands the program, then what is the answer to those two questions?
The answers are, in order, because most Americans have no clue what the program is due to the fact that the menu changes so often and so quickly and all we get is sound bites. What's the rush? So politicians like Mr. Obama and Ms. Pelosi can get another notch on their belts.

Two thousand pages of health care legislation? Who could possibly understand it all? Or read it all? While Washington pols pile up trillions in debt, the American people are suffering through 10% unemployment which our children will have to pay for.

Yes, health care reform is needed -- modification of our current system to place more deserving people under the umbrella. Universal health care? ased on other countries' experiences, and our own government's….

Healthcare Reforms

Health care reform is a global and constant issue. Most communities are planning, preparing, implementing, legislating and assessing the health care reform as a policy improvement that is a continuous cycle. Globally, the objectives of health care reform are becoming familiar – controlling the growing costs, improving the quality of health care and increasing access to health care services. Universal Health Coverage
Universal health care coverage is a health care system which provides financial protection and health care services to every citizen within a country. It provides a package of benefits to everyone with the end goal being providing improved access to health care, reduced cost and improved outcomes of health. However, universal healthcare does not provide coverage for everyone for everything (Pineault, et al., 1993). It only implies that everyone is able to access healthcare. Some universal coverage systems are funded by the government while others are based on what the….

1. The Role of Technology in Transforming Health Care Delivery

Discuss the latest technological advancements in health care, such as telemedicine, AI-powered diagnostics, and wearable health trackers.
Explore how technology can improve access to care, reduce costs, and personalize treatments.
Analyze the ethical implications of using technology in health care and the potential for data privacy and algorithmic bias.

2. Addressing Health Disparities through Policy Interventions

Identify the root causes of health disparities based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location.
Evaluate the effectiveness of existing policy interventions aimed at reducing disparities, such as Medicaid expansion and community health centers.

2 Pages
Term Paper


Health Care Reform

Words: 801
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Health Care eform ecommendations Healthcare eforms and ObamaCare The healthcare system in the United States is not a healthy system, but one fraught with problems which could cause a catastrophic failure.…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Health Care Reform

Words: 628
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Healthcare eform List and briefly describe 3 of the recommendations for health care reform made by experts The Annals of Internal Medicine suggests one way to enable more uninsured Americans to…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Health Care Reform

Words: 691
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Healthcare Reform Initiatives in California The citizens of California are fortunate to have one of the best healthcare systems in the United States. This paper reviews the laws and initiatives…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Health Care Reform

Words: 600
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Healthcare Debate he United States Healthcare Debate Healthcare is necessary for humanity's survival in the best conditions possible. Various countries across the world have different system, with most consisting of an…

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2 Pages


Health Care Reform

Words: 692
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Care eform Healthcare reform Current national health care coverage component: Impact on young people (ages 18 to 26) Historically, young adults have a greater likelihood of being uninsured than their older…

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6 Pages


Health Care Reform Policies Whatever Their Nature

Words: 1940
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Care eform Policies, whatever their nature, constitute very significant aspects to the entities over which they are supposed to act upon. These principles, in their roles of guiding decision…

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3 Pages


Healthcare Reform Lowering Costs in

Words: 918
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The amendments have had practical impacts such as repealing the tax mandate of the employer, health insurance tax of small businesses and decreasing the burdens on individuals and…

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7 Pages


Healthcare Reform Revised

Words: 2111
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare eform evised We know that the burden of diseases is increasing all over the world. The percentage of people suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases has considerably increased…

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5 Pages


Healthcare Reform Simkins v Moses H Cone

Words: 1897
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare eform "Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital" The case of Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital was a case that attempted to end the segregation of African-American and…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Health Care Reform For Quite

Words: 1922
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There are a number of issues involved in health care including taxation, the fear of socialized medicine and the budget. Many Americans are opposed to higher taxes for…

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4 Pages


Health Care Reforms on November

Words: 1327
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

In the U.S., administrative costs are 31% of health care costs, compared with 19% in Canada. The proposed health care reform is also expected to improve health outcomes. By…

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29 Pages


Healthcare Reform Ways the Healthcare

Words: 7972
Length: 29 Pages
Type: Thesis

Transparency empowers consumers to become better shoppers. Economists assert that transparency stimulates productivity, for example, in exchange for money, one individual obtaining fair value. In every aspect, except…

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7 Pages


Health Care Reform Life and

Words: 2050
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

As the sole owners of a license to practice medicine on which industries and other business entities build profits, they need to take solid steps to assert their…

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6 Pages


Health Care Reform to Place

Words: 1898
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

And, secondly, what's the rush? If this is so good for us and everyone understands the program, then what is the answer to those two questions? The answers are,…

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5 Pages


Healthcare Reforms

Words: 1400
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Health care reform is a global and constant issue. Most communities are planning, preparing, implementing, legislating and assessing the health care reform as a policy improvement that is a…

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