Health Care System Essays (Examples)

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Originally, this included 120 days of hospital benefits and 120 days of nursing-home benefits. General revenue funds from the program would also be applied towards hospital construction equipment purchase and grants to teaching hospitals.
The second part of the law, also known as Part B, concerned physician visits. Initially, Part B was known as Eldercare, the American Medial Association's (AMA) alternative to Medicare. Mills however reformed it to become an optional part of the Medicare program and legislation. This is an option that pensioners could choose upon retirement. To receive benefits under Part B, deductions were made from recipients' ocial ecurity checks.

The third part of the bill was Medicaid. The idea for this scheme originated during the early part of the 1960s. It was created as an alternative for the compulsory heath insurance plan suggested by the Johnson alternative. The scheme would be funded from general tax revenue, and focused….

Health Care System From the International Perspective: PPP Healthcare
Reid (2009) actively seeks an international cure for healthcare that the United States just cannot seem to manifest although other developed nations are able to deliver universal healthcare at a cost that is reasonable and reports that the U.S. pays more healthcare than does any other developed country in the entire world up to as much as 16.5% of the GDP. This work involves a review of literature on PPP Healthcare which has the express objective of investigating the healthcare system from the international perspective and specifically examining countries that are pioneers in the PPP healthcare systems including France, the U.K. And Germany as well as Japan and Singapore. This study intends to determine if PPP healthcare initiatives in these countries is applicable to the U.S. health care system improvement initiatives and if so will attempt to determine the best practices in….

(Worcestershire Diabetes: a New model of care Stakeholder event, 2007)
The continuum of care for the diabetic patient is shown in the following illustration labeled Figure 1.

Diabetes: Continuum of Care

Source: Worcestershire Diabetes: a New model of care Stakeholder event (2007)

The continuum of care for diabetes begins at the moment that the individual is found to have diabetes and continues across the individual's health care providers and across the varying stages of progression of the disease and the age progression of the individual with Diabetes. This continuum of care should be addressed by health care providers, Medicare/Medicaid, as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Changes in the workforce in developing the diabetes continuum of care is stated to have included the following: (1) Increase in number of dieticians; (2) Increase in number of diabetic specialist nurses; (3) Increase in podiatrists; (4) Education for primary care team; (5) Move DSN….

Specialist doctors will normally examine only those patients who have been referred to their clinic by a general practitioner. (U.S. Department of State, n. d.)
The Government of Netherlands is not responsible or the ongoing management of the healthcare system on a daily basis which is offered by private healthcare service providers. However the government is charged with the accessibility and ensuring appropriate standards of the healthcare. A new healthcare insurance system has been launched since January 2006 under which every citizen is required to purchase a basic health insurance package. Under the basic package, one is covered medical treatment, inclusive of services by General Practitioners, hospitals and also specialists, indoor stay, dental care and different medical appliances. People working in the private sector in the Netherlands might decide buying a collective health insurance policy which can be a good alternative since it is cheaper. The fees of the basic….

healthcare system built dominant European-American cultural values, beliefs, practices. These differ
eligion and spirituality have very different meanings, although these terms are essentially both related to a communion with supernatural forces. However, religion specifically denotes the influence of man and manmade laws, interpretations, and applications of principles of spirituality. eligion is, essentially, spirituality tempered through some mandates and laws of man. Spirituality, on the other hand, is simply one's own personal conviction, beliefs, and methods of interacting with a supernatural force or a deity. Health care facilities can provide an environment that is conducive to both religion and spirituality. In terms of both the former and the latter, they can attempt to issue procedures and respect the wishes of patients in a way that is consistent with popular Christian religious beliefs. Personnel employed at such facilities can be tolerant of and respectful of the beliefs of clients and of their families….

The considerations of that which is physical and that which is fiscal in the work of Sajay (2005) are clearly polar opposites therefore in no way are they comprehensibly compatible but are destined to be at odds with one the other.

The inherent conflict that exists between financial accounting and accounting for performance are separated by a very thin line. That differentiation is because the focus of the business, management, financial end of the hospital-industry and the physician's end of the hospital-factory is toward two very different goals. Interestingly enough those two very different dimensions in healthcare do come together at the crossroads of end results in the fact that for a patient to suffer due to malpractice, neglect, improper or lack of treatment will most necessarily affect the financial sector of the institution or organization in the realization of punitive damages in lawsuits against them. Therefore, in the view….

Health Care System in the United States
There have been three main forces responsible for the downsizing of hospitals in the United States. These are rising health care costs, a struggling economy, and a shrinking population of doctors and nurses (Shi & Singh, 2013). The new health care law will affect this trend by providing a large number of people with health insurance. Since these people previously did not have this insurance, they did not see the doctor as often as they should have. This led them to use the emergency room instead, and only when a problem that could have been more easily treated became a serious and significant issue (Dail, 2012; Shi & Singh, 2013). Because these people were uninsured, they also could not pay their medical bills, which placed a heavy burden on the taxpayers (Dail, 2012). Some of that will be eased by the health care law….

The results were that out of the 17,937 adults surveyed: women were more likely to utilize health care services in comparison to men, whites were more inclined to seek treatment in comparison with blacks and 43% of the population sample was highly educated. The overall levels of satisfaction are: 54.9% of the sample would recommend the health care services that they were receiving to others. However, there were problems reported with underutilizing various health care services, with 46.3% of respondents reporting not receiving the services they require. At the same time, 11.3% of participants would report receiving services that were not recommended or were considered to be excessive. This is important, because this information can be used to highlight how the underlying amounts of care, can different between the various health care systems. As each country will embrace a model that mirrors the economic and political philosophy of the….

hile many insurance companies may have limits in place, those limits are easily raised when requested by doctors (Maschue 2012). Under the current Medicare and Medicaid plans, however, the government sets specific amounts that doctors and hospitals may bill and any amount over that will not be paid. This limit leads to many doctors refusing to accept government patients or reducing the amount of care for those patients (Maschue 2012). So, reimbursement of physicians is directly related to the quality of care for patients.
Starting in 2012, President Obama's national healthcare plan takes effect. hile in 2012 the only effect is increased taxes, the true burden for the medical industry begins in 2014. In 2014 individuals will be required to own insurance through either a private provider or a government funded program. hile private providers will continue the same level of care, the government program has already set specific limits….

Health Care Systems and Administration of Services
Why do you think (1) hospitals and (2) physicians have invested less in information technology than banks have? What can be done to reduce resistance and encourage adoption?

Every industry has benefitted from the advent of affordable and powerful computer technology, but some have used new technologies to greater advantage than others. Computers have been used to speed up many processes that were completely controlled by humans just a very few years ago. This speed has also come with greater overall efficiency, accuracy, and an incredible amount of savings to the companies which utilize technology (Hare, et al., 2006). But, even though there has been growth in the amount of information technology used by healthcare organizations, it still pales in comparison to other organizations. Especially with the cost to customers generated by healthcare products (drugs, treatments, etc.), it would seem that the industry would be….

In Favor of Single Payer Health Care The American health care system is broken. On this much, almost everybody can agree. Costs are spiralling out of control, health outcomes are among the worst of all developed countries, and nobody can agree on what will make it better. One of the reasons for this disagreement is that different stakeholders fail to agree on what the purpose of the health care system should be. If the purpose is to be a for-profit industry, well, then the industry needs to be set up to earn profits. But the view taken in most parts of the world is that health care serves a greater purpose. Whether this is to provide a high standard of living for people in a country for its own sake, or because healthy populace is better for the economy, such finer points can be debated. But what cannot be debated is….

Canada Health Act - China's Four InsurancesCanada Health ActCanadian health policy has resulted in one of the global highest health regimes. The provincial and territorial governments administer the Canadian health care system. The Health act ensures that all the citizens and residents of the country have prepaid health insurance and services. The act has various tenets, including public administration, comprehensive coverage, universality, portability, and accessibility to services. The Canada Health Act: Public Administration sets that the health care system is administered publicly and not for a profitable operation. With universal health coverage, the government funds national insurance. All households have access to affordable healthcare with no nonremunerated expenses, with a few exclusions. Citizens are legally forbidden from purchasing private insurance for services fully provided by the public health system. (Shi,2019). However, the United States has primarily relied on private financing and delivery. The United States' health sector is molded by….

Patient Outcomes and Sustainable Change: Identifying Leadership Roles for Doctors of Nursing Practice Today, the United States spends more taxpayer monies on healthcare services than virtually any other industrialized country in the world, yet Americans still pay more out-of-pocket expenses and receive fewer physician visits per year compared to nations that spend less. Moreover, the demand for already scarce healthcare services is expected to increase concomitantly with the rapid growth being experienced in the elderly demographic, and these demands will likely continue to expand as the baby boomer generation retires in greater numbers and lives longer lives compared to past generations. Against this backdrop, determining how and why the United States ranks alone among dozens of other countries – many of them still in their developmental stages – in terms of the lack of universal healthcare. To determine the facts, the purpose of this paper is to provide a review of….

Based upon the fact the baby boomers are all approaching retirement age, it would be a good idea for the organization to pursue programs that are geared towards seniors. Programs that are geared towards seniors are a great way to produce quality comprehensive health care for those in the community that need it. The organization might pursue the idea of opening a PACE program. " The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) is a capitated benefit authorized by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) that features a comprehensive service delivery system and integrated Medicare and Medicaid financing" (Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), 2009). The PACE program features complete medical and social services that rely on an interdisciplinary team approach in an adult day health center that includes in-home and referral services depending on the person's needs (Program of All Inclusive Care for the….

Access and Availability

The biggest problem in terms of access to healthcare is in rural areas. Our investigation found that there are very few if any rural clinics or healthcare facilities.

Access to healthcare is also limited to those that can afford insurance or qualify for Medicare or Medicaid. The unemployed and the poor are at a major disadvantage when it comes to gaining access to healthcare. The location of healthcare facilities is limited to the larger municipalities.


The entity that is responsible for the healthcare system is the United States Government. In addition, Puerto ico has a governor and a cabinet in place to ensure that the appropriate laws are carried out. The entity that makes laws concerning healthcare is outside of the country but the entity that enforces these laws is inside the country. Services are evaluated by state run entities and agencies of the United States government such as that….

1. The impact of deinstitutionalization on mental health care access and quality
2. Examining the role of community-based treatment in reducing stigma around mental illness
3. The challenges of transitioning patients from institutional care to community-based services
4. The financial implications of deinstitutionalization on mental health care systems
5. Exploring the ethical considerations of deinstitutionalization and patient autonomy
6. The effectiveness of deinstitutionalization in promoting recovery and rehabilitation for individuals with mental illness
7. The potential risks and benefits of deinstitutionalization for vulnerable populations, such as the homeless or those with severe mental illness
8. The role of family support and....

1. The Role of Technology in Transforming Health Care Delivery

Discuss the latest technological advancements in health care, such as telemedicine, AI-powered diagnostics, and wearable health trackers.
Explore how technology can improve access to care, reduce costs, and personalize treatments.
Analyze the ethical implications of using technology in health care and the potential for data privacy and algorithmic bias.

2. Addressing Health Disparities through Policy Interventions

Identify the root causes of health disparities based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location.
Evaluate the effectiveness of existing policy interventions aimed at reducing disparities, such as Medicaid expansion and community health centers.

1. The effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for trauma survivors
2. The role of cognitive distortions in trauma and the benefits of addressing them through CBT
3. How CBT can help individuals process and cope with traumatic memories
4. The importance of establishing safety and stability before starting CBT for trauma
5. The role of creating and implementing coping strategies in CBT for trauma
6. Cognitive restructuring and its impact on trauma symptoms in CBT
7. The intersection of CBT and mindfulness techniques for trauma recovery
8. The utilization of exposure therapy in CBT for trauma survivors
9. Challenges and limitations of using CBT for complex trauma....

Understanding Health Policy and Health System

Health Policy

Health policy refers to the decisions, laws, regulations, and plans that guide the organization, financing, and delivery of health care in a society. It encompasses a wide range of issues, including:

Access to care: Ensuring that all individuals have the ability to receive necessary medical services.
Quality of care: Establishing and maintaining standards for the delivery of safe and effective health care.
Financing: Determining how health care is funded, whether through public or private mechanisms.
Health equity: Promoting fair and just distribution of health resources and outcomes across different populations.
Public health interventions: Addressing....

4 Pages


Health Care System Evolution the

Words: 1257
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Originally, this included 120 days of hospital benefits and 120 days of nursing-home benefits. General revenue funds from the program would also be applied towards hospital construction equipment…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Health Care System From International Perspectives

Words: 2204
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Health Care System From the International Perspective: PPP Healthcare Reid (2009) actively seeks an international cure for healthcare that the United States just cannot seem to manifest although other developed…

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14 Pages


Health Care System Evolution Organizational

Words: 3702
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Essay

(Worcestershire Diabetes: a New model of care Stakeholder event, 2007) The continuum of care for the diabetic patient is shown in the following illustration labeled Figure 1. Diabetes: Continuum of…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Healthcare System in the Netherlands

Words: 4143
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Specialist doctors will normally examine only those patients who have been referred to their clinic by a general practitioner. (U.S. Department of State, n. d.) The Government of Netherlands…

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2 Pages


Healthcare System Built Dominant European-American Cultural Values

Words: 753
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

healthcare system built dominant European-American cultural values, beliefs, practices. These differ eligion and spirituality have very different meanings, although these terms are essentially both related to a communion with supernatural…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Health Economics Prepayment Healthcare System

Words: 1681
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The considerations of that which is physical and that which is fiscal in the work of Sajay (2005) are clearly polar opposites therefore in no way are they…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Health Care System in the United States

Words: 753
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Health Care System in the United States There have been three main forces responsible for the downsizing of hospitals in the United States. These are rising health care costs, a…

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3 Pages
Article Review


Health Care Systems Over the

Words: 1019
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

The results were that out of the 17,937 adults surveyed: women were more likely to utilize health care services in comparison to men, whites were more inclined to…

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2 Pages


Healthcare System the American Healthcare

Words: 765
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

hile many insurance companies may have limits in place, those limits are easily raised when requested by doctors (Maschue 2012). Under the current Medicare and Medicaid plans, however,…

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6 Pages


Health Care Systems and Administration of Services

Words: 1950
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Care Systems and Administration of Services Why do you think (1) hospitals and (2) physicians have invested less in information technology than banks have? What can be done to…

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4 Pages


Single Payer or Universal Health Care

Words: 1129
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

In Favor of Single Payer Health Care The American health care system is broken. On this much, almost everybody can agree. Costs are spiralling out of control, health outcomes are…

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1 Pages


Canada Health Act China's Four Insurances

Words: 397
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Canada Health Act - China's Four InsurancesCanada Health ActCanadian health policy has resulted in one of the global highest health regimes. The provincial and territorial governments administer the Canadian…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Public Health Issues

Patient Outcomes and Sustainable Change

Words: 2985
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Patient Outcomes and Sustainable Change: Identifying Leadership Roles for Doctors of Nursing Practice Today, the United States spends more taxpayer monies on healthcare services than virtually any other industrialized country…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Healthcare System Management Is the

Words: 1016
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Based upon the fact the baby boomers are all approaching retirement age, it would be a good idea for the organization to pursue programs that are geared towards seniors.…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Healthcare Systems Across the World

Words: 2794
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Access and Availability The biggest problem in terms of access to healthcare is in rural areas. Our investigation found that there are very few if any rural clinics or healthcare…

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