Health Information Management Essays (Examples)

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Health IMS
Health Information Management Systems (IMS) and its Impact on Organizational Decision-Making

In the journal article entitled, "The Benefits of Health Information Technology: A eview of the ecent Literature," authors Buntin et. al. (2011) examined extant, current literature -- a total of 154 peer-reviewed studies between 2007 and 2010 -- to evaluate the reported benefits of the integration of information management systems (IMS) in medical and healthcare institutions. This evaluation of health IMS-related studies was an attempt to verify if indeed, the new technology integrated within the healthcare operations and systems of institutions globally would result to the desired goal, which is to provide a more efficient, effective, and quality healthcare to the general public.

The integration of IMS in healthcare systems and operations is prompted with the approval and passing of the law called HITECH, or Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health. Passed in 2007, HITECH provided support to….

Healthcare: Heath Information Management
Population health management (PHM) has gained prominence in mainstream healthcare organizations in recent years for the simple reason that healthcare is changing, and physician groups and healthcare systems are being forced to adapt to the new system, where they are rewarded based on how well they are able to meet the quality objectives of the entire patient group and not just individual patients. The 21st century healthcare platform places more emphasis on value as opposed to volume, and organizations that can devise proper mechanisms of delivering quality, patient -- centered healthcare across entire populations are deemed have an edge over their competitors. It is for this reason that public health professionals and physician groups have continually engaged information science and technology in their public health activities - all in an attempt to make full use of their potential and consequently increase their level of effectiveness. Technology has….

Implementation of Patient-centric health information management system 4AbstractPatient-centered care is a philosophy and a level of care that explains how to organize the well-being program around the individual to increase healthcare outcomes. The approach has become increasingly popular in many health care systems. Our company intends to utilize the process while still looking at the patients' health care costs and safety. Patient-centric software can help or hinder personalized treatment. However, the complexity of the concept contributes to difficulties in implementing the practice. The Patient-centered concept, its importance, the challenges, and the benefits it brings to the organization, and how the HIMS improves the patients' experience are reviewed in the report.Implementation of Patient-centric health information management systemThe recent trends in technology have been viewed to provide strategic advantages and significant economic impacts for many organizations. Many organizations recognize that including the consumer in every stage of the process using many information….

Medical Information System Upgrade Proposal
The information system currently relied upon by this practice is extremely outdated; it is incapable of assuring information security, and highly inefficient. Current information management practices in this office are significantly outdated and will eventually have to be upgraded to maintain any capacity to coordinate with other offices and to process ordinary transaction because digital systems are already the standard throughout modern American healthcare and business more generally (Boyce, 2008).

The potential benefits to the practice of upgrading the medical information system include increasing staff efficiency, reducing cost, increasing information security, and a significant improvement in emergency management planning, the capacity of this practice to recover from unanticipated emergencies, and reduced liability in connection with information security and regulatory compliance (Halbert & Ingulli, 2008; Personick & Patterson, 2007). The potential benefits to staff include increased efficiency and the ability to process and store crucial information in the….

Mary have the right to reveal this information to others? Please justify your answer based on what you know about public health and ethics.
Health information management ethics do not allow Mary to reveal the information. Medical records are used to aid decision making in clinical health circles. They are used for a range of other processes including service coordination, efficacy of health care, evaluation, legal security, research, accreditation supplications, policy making, regulation, education and a range of others. It is important to maintain the confidentiality of the information shared by patients with health officers; trust is to be maintained with the patients (Harman, Flite, & ond, 2012). If such practice is not observed, patients will be wary of sharing information. Consequently, the quality of health care would be compromised (ord, urke, & Dudzinski, 2013). Privacy has a range of other benefits apart from the direct health service provision advantages.….

Protection of Digital Health Information
With increase health information technology store access patient information, likelihood security breaches risen. In fact, Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ): In United States, a whopping 97% increase number health records breached 2010-2011

Ensuring that patient information is protected at all times is vital for any health care institution. Patient information records contain sensitive information that can be used for malicious purposes like identity theft, credit card fraud, and leaking of information for malicious intent. The advancement and use of technology has made it easier for patient information to be accessed within the health care facility Shoniregun, Dube, & Mtenzi, 2010.

This increases the speed of service delivery to the patient and improves the care given to the patient. Technology has allowed for the use of portable electronic devices by the healthcare practitioners in entering and accessing patient records and information. Portable electronic devices are small electronic gadgets that….

Healthcare Financial Management
To quote Jonathan Clark at the beginning of his article, "Improving the revenue cycle can be a daunting task due to the scope and complexity of the interdepartmental process." Of the suggestions offered by the authors, which concept(s) give you the greatest insight into creating an improved evenue Cycle process in the organization where you work (or one in which you are familiar)? Be sure to identify which article or author you are referencing.

In his comprehensive advisory article to improve the medical industry's revenue capturing capabilities, entitled Strengthening the evenue Cycle: A 4-Step Method for Optimizing Payment, Jonathan Clark provides a series of sensible solutions to the ongoing dilemma of payment optimization. David Hammer also provides guidance to healthcare finance professional in his article The Next Generation of evenue Cycle Management, by reminding them that the key performance indicators (KPIs) which dictated policy in previous years have been….

Planned change in the eldercare advocacy organization
In the coming years, many countries will experience a dramatic shift in healthcare infrastructure due to an expanding elderly population size. However, the changes may vary across countries depending on many factors such as the kind of social welfare available in each country, the political environment which determine policies, the level of healthcare available and individual expectations in each country. Due to this wide variance, the innovations within this space will also vary greatly. What this means to the healthcare manager is that managing innovations becomes very hard (Shlutz, Andre & Sjovold, 2015 p 42). This also impacts on performance management which is fast gaining popularity in the public sector as a means to improve on accountability. Unfortunately, it has been cumbered by a series of challenges in its implementation; this is in spite of the frameworks developed over the last couple of years….

Health Organization
The United Health Group is the largest provider of healthcare services to Americans. According to Forbes (Lorenzetti, 2014), the group had revenue of $130.5 billion in 2014. United is the largest health insurer, and has a health services arm as well, Optum, which provides around one-third of the group's total revenue. United has net income of $5.62 billion in 2014 and served an estimated 85 million people. While the company's revenues have been growing quickly, the net income has been more stable, highlighting in particular that the tax burden has increased on the company, as gains in operating income have been slow to translate into gains in net income (MSN Moneycentral, 2015).

Competitive Strategy

Part of United's competitive strategy is that is has diversification of services. The company has two divisions: UnitedHealthcare and Optum. UnitedHealthcare is the company's health care services and insurance provider. This group has a diverse client base….

Health Information esources/Services
Libraries have traditionally been safeguarded the fulfillment of goals of continuing education in their respective fields. It is felt to accord enhanced priority to the health science librarians while the continuing education experts enhance their knowledge of the learning process and the various elements that make the scope of the continuing education effective. eally, the role of health sciences libraries is enormous particularly in the sphere of the lifelong learning and Continuing Education. The concept of Continuing Education has been conveniently been divided by Gruppen as formal CE that concentrates on conventional programs concerning specific topics and aimed at particular audiences; and the informal CE that emphasizes on the learning that involves the anxiety of practitioners anxious of resolving the problems in their routine practice. (Messerle, 1990)

The role of health science libraries has been realized to be significant in both the categories of continuing education and alternatives….

" (MediLexicon International, Ltd., 2006).
The PCIP was formed from the recognition that high costs and low quality inherent in the Healthcare system of the U.S. is largely due to a system that is antiquated and fragmented (DOHMH, 2006a). The inability to properly collect and use health information is one of the primary problems associated with proper health care maintenance. The PCIP. was formed in response to this need. The primary care physician acts as the conduit between the patient and the healthcare system. However, the physician often has no means to effectively transmit the information that they collect to other entities within the system. The PCIP grew out of a need for the primary health care Physician to be able to transmit the needed information to others in the Healthcare system.

There are three essential parts to the PCIP. The first is the Primary Care Health Information Consortium (PCHIC). This entity….

National Institute of Health Care Management Foundation
Founded in 1993 and based in Washington, D.C., the National Institute of Health Care Management Foundation (NIHCM) is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization the works towards "improving the health of Americans by spurring workable and creating solutions to pressing health care problems" (NIHCM, 2017). The Foundation exists between the ideological space occupied by think tanks on the one side and associations on the other side. By providing evidence-based research and reports, the Foundation "sparks insights and collaboration" among health care groups, who then implement solutions to overcome obstacles in the health care industry. The Directors of the Foundation include some of the top CEOs of health insurance companies, while NIHCM's advisory board consists of academics, doctors, and former government workers.

Specific actions taken by NIHCM in the past include the sponsoring of grants for research to the amount of $2 million over the past 5 years.….

Evidence of improved access and cost effectiveness should soon follow. Over the next two decades, e-health could deliver patient, provider, and planner/manager interactions for all aspects of health care (Detmer, 2000, p. 181). Detmer continued on to state that this could be a positive move from seeking out errors and problems to information systems whose processes prevent many adverse outcomes. When the problem becomes one of error and miscommunication, one needs to do all that is necessary in order to correct the problem. McKnight et al. continued to report how physicians and nurses both report how there were problems with having updated information both web based as well as written copy (McKnight et al., 2002).
A question that also comes to mind is the concern of training or lack there of. Not only should all current systems of information and resources be overhauled, there is also a need to train….

In the recent years, trends have emerged in the healthcare management industry, which includes patient protection, social media in healthcare, and drug shortages. Patient protection has largely been influenced by laws and policies in different nations. In the United States, the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has resulted in the lowering of overall healthcare costs, whereby millions of individuals have access to insurance, thereby guaranteeing free preventative care. Social media in healthcare has stemmed from the increased use and adoption of the technology for health-related reasons by patients as well as healthcare practitioners. Moreover, drug shortages have emerged as a challenge that hospital pharmacists encounter and manage in different measures on a daily basis. The paper explores the trends in the three aspects as they relate to the healthcare management industry. Furthermore, it focuses on drug shortages as the topmost priority.
Social Media in Healthcare

Nowadays, patients….

Healthcare Management Issues: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

The objective of this work is to provide a written summary on information related to Complementary and Alternative Medicine (DAM) and to answer the question that asks how CAM products and providers are regulated. This work will additionally answer the question of what impact the proliferation of CAM has had on consumer spending for health-related care and products and the question of whether there should be more widespread third-party coverage of CAM.

The National Cancer Institute reports that Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is "the term for medical products and practices that are not part of the standard medical care. Complementary medicine refers to the treatments that are used with standard treatment." (National Cancer Institute, 2011) Alternative medicine is treatments that are utilized rather than using standard type treatments. Standard treatments are such that are "based on scientific evidence from research studies." (National Cancer….

Challenges in Transitioning from Admin Support to Medical Billing
Transitioning from administrative support to medical billing poses several challenges due to the specialized knowledge and skills required in the medical field. Key challenges include:
1. Medical Terminology and Knowledge:
Admin support typically involves general office tasks, while medical billing requires a comprehensive understanding of medical terminology, anatomy, and physiology.
Coders must accurately translate medical diagnoses and procedures into medical codes for reimbursement purposes.
2. Compliance Regulations:
The healthcare industry is heavily regulated, and medical billers must adhere to a complex set of rules and regulations.
Non-compliance can result in penalties, fines, or even....

2 Pages
Article Review


Health Ims Health Information Management Systems Ims

Words: 527
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Health IMS Health Information Management Systems (IMS) and its Impact on Organizational Decision-Making In the journal article entitled, "The Benefits of Health Information Technology: A eview of the ecent Literature," authors…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Health Information Management Healthcare

Words: 1720
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Healthcare: Heath Information Management Population health management (PHM) has gained prominence in mainstream healthcare organizations in recent years for the simple reason that healthcare is changing, and physician groups and…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Information Technology

Implementation of Patient Centric Systems Health Information Management System

Words: 1653
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Implementation of Patient-centric health information management system 4AbstractPatient-centered care is a philosophy and a level of care that explains how to organize the well-being program around the individual to…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Education - Computers

Primary Care Practice Upgrading to a Current Cutting Edge Health Information Management System

Words: 606
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Medical Information System Upgrade Proposal The information system currently relied upon by this practice is extremely outdated; it is incapable of assuring information security, and highly inefficient. Current information management…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Health Information and Confidentiality

Words: 1092
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Mary have the right to reveal this information to others? Please justify your answer based on what you know about public health and ethics. Health information management ethics do…

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4 Pages


Protection of Digital Health Information With Increase

Words: 1333
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Protection of Digital Health Information With increase health information technology store access patient information, likelihood security breaches risen. In fact, Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ): In United States, a whopping…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Healthcare Financial Management to Quote Jonathan Clark

Words: 1064
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Healthcare Financial Management To quote Jonathan Clark at the beginning of his article, "Improving the revenue cycle can be a daunting task due to the scope and complexity of the…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Healthcare Management for Eldercare Advocacy Organization

Words: 2580
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Planned change in the eldercare advocacy organization In the coming years, many countries will experience a dramatic shift in healthcare infrastructure due to an expanding elderly population size. However, the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


United Health Strategic Management

Words: 1027
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Health Organization The United Health Group is the largest provider of healthcare services to Americans. According to Forbes (Lorenzetti, 2014), the group had revenue of $130.5 billion in 2014. United…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Trends Issues in Provision of Health Information Resources Services

Words: 1930
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Health Information esources/Services Libraries have traditionally been safeguarded the fulfillment of goals of continuing education in their respective fields. It is felt to accord enhanced priority to the health…

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25 Pages
Term Paper


Technology and Health Information Usage

Words: 6821
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" (MediLexicon International, Ltd., 2006). The PCIP was formed from the recognition that high costs and low quality inherent in the Healthcare system of the U.S. is largely due to…

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5 Pages


National Institute of Health Care Management

Words: 1508
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

National Institute of Health Care Management Foundation Founded in 1993 and based in Washington, D.C., the National Institute of Health Care Management Foundation (NIHCM) is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Nature of Health Information the

Words: 955
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Evidence of improved access and cost effectiveness should soon follow. Over the next two decades, e-health could deliver patient, provider, and planner/manager interactions for all aspects of health…

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4 Pages


Trends in Healthcare Management Industry

Words: 1389
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

In the recent years, trends have emerged in the healthcare management industry, which includes patient protection, social media in healthcare, and drug shortages. Patient protection has largely been influenced…

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3 Pages


Cam Healthcare Management Issues Complementary and Alternative

Words: 884
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

CAM Healthcare Management Issues: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) The objective of this work is to provide a written summary on information related to Complementary and Alternative Medicine (DAM) and to…

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