Healthcare Essays (Examples)

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Healthcare is a booming industry and predicted to continue growing for the foreseeable future. There are a variety of ways to enter the healthcare profession and many of them require their own specialized degrees. From acu...

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Health Care Law Ethics

Health Care Law Ethics

Health care over the years has become one of the most important debates to take place within the United States of America. This fact holds particularly true for the major part of the Obama Administrations whose New Health Care policies has been criticized extremely (Zhi Qu, 2010). The world, however, is still waiting for the final curtain to rise and to witness the climax which would be a while since the complete form of the plan will be implemented in the year 2014. The full effect of the Bill therefore is still something that will be witnessed in the near future but that doesn't mean that the criticism with regards to the bill is going to subside anytime soon.

The Center that has been presented in this situation, which functions under the heading of "The North Florida Women's Center" has been defined as a not for profit organization….

Healthcare Issues, Systems, And Policies
America, once the global leader in the health of its population and among the nations with the highest quality and most readily available healthcare services, has now fallen behind almost twenty other countries, including some that only became industrialized in the last third of the 20th century, and with substantial assistance from the United States. While most other so-called "First-World" nations have already embraced several fundamental concepts that appear to be the most efficient trends in modern healthcare delivery, the U.S. is still mired in problems associated with the failed model that is responsible for the continuing decline of healthcare quality (on the scale of entire populations), availability, and (especially) affordability. That is not necessarily completely, but largely, a function of a systemic failure in contemporary American politics: private-sector lobbying of elected public officials who actually write legislation.

Population Growth and Demographic Issues

With respect to the relationship….

With that in mind, even more changes will be coming to the planet in the near future. Even within the next 10 years, those changes are going to become more obvious and the health of people who are ingesting these chemicals and modified foods will likely begin to decline. When that gets coupled with the obesity epidemic, there will be a generation that will not live as long as their parents did (Simmons, 2009). This will be the first time that has happened, and obviously is not the way the U.S. population wants to go with longevity numbers and health issues. It is possible to make changes to avoid these kinds of problems, but so far nothing is being done to make those changes and soon it will be past the time to do anything differently.
Technology is highly important in health care, and will continue to play a role….

Health Care Professionals
Healthcare professionals

The paper is based on the healthcare professionals. It starts by analyzing the reasons why there may be physician shortage rather than a surplus in the United States. The paper as well analyses the factors that contribute to the nursing shortage in the U.S. And the roles of health professionals within the health care system. Lastly it covers the roles of a health service administrator within health care system of U.S.

There are various reasons why there may be a shortage of physicians rather than a surplus in the United State: In 1990s the main concepts was that physicians were to be trained in numbers that were much greater than the demand for medical care in the U.S. could support. Mixed reaction came from different corners, as majority recommended cutting down of about 20 to 25% of the physician-generating capacity of the country, a section of researchers warned….

Health Care
As human beings, our health and longevity have never been better. Many people today live to 100 years and beyond, and often in good and active health. One of the major reasons for this is better health care and more access to health care for more people. On the other hand, however, many people do not have access to the same health care services as others. Often, the main barrier is funding. In many cases, people cannot afford a certain level of health care because of its rising costs. Others cannot afford the insurance levels required to cover their health care needs, often with fatal consequences. The major challenge here is that officials need to recognize that human beings all have certain rights. Indeed, surely the right to life should be among the rights to pursue happiness and the like. Health care goes hand in hand with this. Because….

Healthcare Economics
Overall Healthcare And Economics

Healthcare economics: Current challenges from a nursing perspective

Although the subject of healthcare economics has been hotly-debated, on one issue there is widespread agreement: the aging of the population will substantively increase the demand for healthcare in the near and far future. As the population worldwide is aging and living longer, the need for essential services over a longer lifespan will generate more costs for an already-beleaguered healthcare system. "Just under a decade ago, senior citizens accounted for only 12% of the American population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. By 2050, that figure is expected to grow to 21%" (Can the U.S. meet the aging population's healthcare needs, 2013, Wharton). A larger percentage of the population will thus be on Medicare, the federal government insurance program for the elderly -- which tends to compensate physicians at a lower rate of reimbursement than private plans. Demand to….

Healthcare Information Technology
Electronic Medical ecord:

User friendliness is among the significant factors- probably the most essential factor- hampering extensive usage of Electronic Medical ecord EMs in respiratory therapy within my organization. User friendliness features a powerful, usually direct connection with my organization's efficiency, error level, operator exhaustion and operator satisfaction- are all essential elements for EM usage. Moreover, within my organization, it's been observed that efficient coaching and execution techniques impact user adoption of EM rates also, but coaching is both tougher and much pricier, and execution is a lot more complicated and challenging when user friendliness is missing. It has proven challenging for espiratory therapists to gauge EM user friendliness as part involving the purchase procedure for a number of factors. Correct evaluation by buyers has resulted in-depth research inside our organization utilizing new abilities (HIMSS, 2009).

Two Organizations:

SAMHSA has worked to improve use of health information technologies (HIT) to ensure….

Health Care Disparities ace elated
Healthcare disparities

Serial number

Socioeconomic status and health

Correlation between socioeconomic status and race

Health insurance and health

Who are the uninsured people?

Causes of health care disparities

Suggestions for better health care system

The latest studies have shown that in spite of the steady developments in the overall health of the United States, racial and ethnic minorities still experience an inferior quality of health services and are less likely to receive routine medical testing which contributes to disease and even death. This research paper will seek to answer the question as to why there is race related disparity in health care and what we can do to improve the health care for those affected due to their race.

Health Care Disparities ace elated

esearch Methodology:

A comprehensive survey was conducted in both public and private sector of the United States health care system in order to examine the public opinion about the racial disparities in the….

Health Care in the U.S. And Spain
What Can the U.S. Learn About Health Care from Spain?

In 2009, Spain's single-payer health care system was ranked the seventh best in the world by the World Health Organization (Socolovsky, 2009). By comparison, the U.S. health care system ranted at 37 (Satiroglou, 2009). The Spanish system offers coverage as a right of citizenship that is constitutionally guaranteed. Spanish residents pay no expenses out-of-pocket, with the exception of a few select services. They do pay for drug costs themselves and many complain about long waits to see specialists to get certain procedures. However, on average the Spanish health care system ranks better than that of the United States in many categories. Almost everyone is an agreement that the U.S. health care system is in need of serious reform. However, deciding exactly what these reform should be as a point of contention among providers, lawmakers, and….

Health Care Information System
The study looks into the importance of health care information system and its latest innovation system. In this paper, I also analyze various innovated health care system which improves the delivery of services to patients. IT further looks at the case study of hospital or clinic which already using the said system. In this case the study looked at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and its pros and cons, then make a recommendation to the community health care management for adoption.

Information Technology (IT) is the best avenue, with a great potential to improve quality, safety and efficiency of Health care in the community. However, Health care information system (HCIS) can be defined as the gathering of programs and procedures, which can enable data entry, storage and the use of health care and administrative data about the patients, health care workers, health institution and other institutions connected with healthcare….

Health Care Systems
Over the last several years, America's health care system has been undergoing a tremendous amount of changes. At the heart of these transformations is the role of the federal government in regulating the delivery of various services. For some this is troubling, as it will lead to a larger form of socialized medicine. This is when consumers will have less choice and the underlying quality will decrease. While others think that the government can protect consumers and negotiate lower prices for everyone. These contrasting views are highlighting how America's health care system is a combination of government and private entities working together. To fully understand what is taking place requires looking at: the definition of the health care system, the impact of beliefs / values, providing examples of models for health care delivery and explaining how these areas are used in the U.S. Together, these different elements will….

Health Care
One of the most contentious social issues in the United States today is the debate over the responsibility of the state to provide basic health care services for its people. Normal Daniels argues that "if social obligations to provide appropriate health care are not met, then individuals are definitely wronged. Injustice is done to them." The essence of Daniels' argument is correct. This paper will extend Daniels' argument using philosophical tradition. I believe that there is a social obligation to provide appropriate health care for people.


In this essay, I will summarize Daniels' argument, lend it support using a range of philosophical traditions and will address the most critical counterargument against the provision of health care by the state. Daniels' argument can be rooted a utilitarianism or deontological ethics with equal strength. His proposition that libertarian philosophy also supports universal health care is weaker, and indeed the libertarian case is….

Healthcare System of Norway
Health Policy of Norway

Analysis of Health Policy

Pressures on Health Care Delivery

High Cost

Ageing Population

Increased Diseases

Waiting-time Prioritization

The healthcare systems are developed to provide necessary healthcare facilities. It is also aimed to maintain health of their citizen in compliance with the state and international regulations. Norway is considered as one of the country, holding prominent place in global economy as well as growth rate and per capita income (Pontusson2011). It is also observed that the country is also similar to other states in Scandinavian region governed on the principles of a welfare state. In such context the importance of healthcare policies and systems is increased. The research is focused to investigate the policies, regulations, and healthcare system of Norway. The impacts of these polices are also reviewed in analysis and discussion sections. Finally the conclusion is formulated on the basis of secondary research.

There are two major healthcare system used in….

Healthcare Spending
The United States Health Care System is probably the worst organized system. It expends double than other developed countries on health care system but face worse outcomes. The Government is running healthcare programs but still lagging behind the rest of industrial world. The healthcare expenditures are rising year by year with no significant outcomes.

Current National Health Expenditures

The national health care expenditures of United States have increased at an alarming rate since the past decade and it is still growing at a rate of 10% every year. According to the recent statistics, U.S. expend more than any industrial country on healthcare systems that is about $2 trillion or $8,000 per person but still unable to provide quality health care. These expenditures accounts 17% share in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and it is expected to reach at 21% by 2020.

According to the report of Organization for Economic Corporation and Development (OECD),….

Healthcare Finance
Efficiency and Effectiveness: Three Perspectives

Define and describe efficiency and effectiveness. hat are the differences between efficiency and effectiveness? How can a healthcare organization use this information?

Efficiency refers to the accomplishment of a task or a set of tasks in the most economical fashion, both in terms of time spent and resources utilized. By contrast, effectiveness refers to the ambition of achieving the best possible results from completion of a task or a set of tasks. hat they have in common is that they are both critical dimensions of the provision of healthcare. However, there may be some imbalance in how they are applied.

This is shown in an article by Treven (2012) which indicates that some healthcare practitioners view effectiveness and efficiency as being at odds with one another. According to Treven, "the author of a recent NY Times opinion article, Gilbert elch, argues that we are not putting enough….

PubMed is a great place to search for sources on healthcare. Other good choices include sites for Universities that have medical programs and sites for state governments. has healthcare articles, as well. Also consider, as they have healthcare articles, too. Journals and textbooks can be excellent choices for information on the continuum of healthcare. If you have access to a large library, you can find information that shows how the continuum has evolved over time, and how that helps providers avoid duplication. Example papers will be more difficult to find than sources, but you can order an example paper....

The disparity of wealth can be seen in just about every aspect of life, but is very obvious in healthcare, education, and where a person lives. People tend to get angry when they are the \"have-nots\" and they perceive other people as having much more than them. They often feel that those who have more are not deserving of what they have, or that they have not worked for it. It is easy to tie wealth disparity into the novel Pride and Prejudice because of the disparity between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. During the time the book was set, it....

1 Pages


Health Care Law Ethics

Words: 383
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare Health Care Law Ethics Health care over the years has become one of the most important debates to take place within the United States of America. This fact holds particularly…

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5 Pages


Healthcare Issues Systems and Policies America Once

Words: 1435
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare Issues, Systems, And Policies America, once the global leader in the health of its population and among the nations with the highest quality and most readily available healthcare services,…

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3 Pages


Health Care System There Are

Words: 1117
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

With that in mind, even more changes will be coming to the planet in the near future. Even within the next 10 years, those changes are going to…

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3 Pages


Health Care Professionals Healthcare Professionals the Paper

Words: 1211
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Care Professionals Healthcare professionals The paper is based on the healthcare professionals. It starts by analyzing the reasons why there may be physician shortage rather than a surplus in the…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Healthcare Must Be Provided by the Government to All Citizens Who Cannot Afford the Cost

Words: 2176
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Health Care As human beings, our health and longevity have never been better. Many people today live to 100 years and beyond, and often in good and active health. One…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Healthcare Economics Overall Healthcare and Economics Healthcare

Words: 1497
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Healthcare Economics Overall Healthcare And Economics Healthcare economics: Current challenges from a nursing perspective Although the subject of healthcare economics has been hotly-debated, on one issue there is widespread agreement: the aging…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Healthcare Information Technology Electronic Medical Record User

Words: 1472
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Healthcare Information Technology Electronic Medical ecord: User friendliness is among the significant factors- probably the most essential factor- hampering extensive usage of Electronic Medical ecord EMs in respiratory therapy within my…

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23 Pages
Research Paper


Healthcare Disparities Race Related

Words: 6959
Length: 23 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Health Care Disparities ace elated Healthcare disparities Serial number Socioeconomic status and health Correlation between socioeconomic status and race Health insurance and health Who are the uninsured people? Causes of health care disparities Suggestions for better health…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Health Care in the U S and Spain

Words: 7032
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Health Care in the U.S. And Spain What Can the U.S. Learn About Health Care from Spain? In 2009, Spain's single-payer health care system was ranked the seventh best in the…

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5 Pages


Health Care Information System the Study Looks

Words: 1449
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Care Information System The study looks into the importance of health care information system and its latest innovation system. In this paper, I also analyze various innovated health care…

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5 Pages


Health Care Systems Over the Last Several

Words: 1567
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Care Systems Over the last several years, America's health care system has been undergoing a tremendous amount of changes. At the heart of these transformations is the role of…

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5 Pages


Health Care One of the Most Contentious

Words: 1528
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Care One of the most contentious social issues in the United States today is the debate over the responsibility of the state to provide basic health care services for…

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8 Pages


Healthcare System of Norway Health Policy of

Words: 2750
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare System of Norway Health Policy of Norway Analysis of Health Policy Pressures on Health Care Delivery High Cost Ageing Population Increased Diseases Waiting-time Prioritization The healthcare systems are developed to provide necessary healthcare facilities. It is…

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5 Pages


Healthcare Spending the United States Health Care

Words: 1542
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare Spending The United States Health Care System is probably the worst organized system. It expends double than other developed countries on health care system but face worse outcomes. The…

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3 Pages


Healthcare Finance Efficiency and Effectiveness Three Perspectives

Words: 1068
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare Finance Efficiency and Effectiveness: Three Perspectives Define and describe efficiency and effectiveness. hat are the differences between efficiency and effectiveness? How can a healthcare organization use this information? Efficiency refers to…

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