Historical Figures Essays (Examples)

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John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were the second and third presidents of the United States, and both played major roles in both the American Revolution and both are considered among the Founding Fathers.
John Adams, born in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1735, was a learned and thoughtful man, and is considered more a philosopher than a politician (John pp). He once said that "People and nations are forged in the fires of adversity" (John pp). A Harvard educated lawyer, Adams was a delegate to the First and Second Continental Congresses, and led in the movement for independence from Britain (John pp). riting in his journal of the Boston Massacre in February 1771, shortly after the trial of the British soldiers, he wrote, "Never in more misery my whole life" (Biography pp). During the Revolutionary ar, he served as a diplomat in France and Holland and was instrumental in the negotiating….

10 Historical Figures

history are dotted by many instantly and universally-recognizable names. What is it that makes one an enduring symbol beyond death? From those few great men and women granted the sort of immortality that comes only with the eternal respect of his or her fellows, we may glean many key lessons about what it is to be great. One of the hallmarks of greatness, if the following examples may be taken as representative, is undoubtedly the contribution of enduring knowledge or action to the benefit of one's fellow man.
Albert Einstein lived a live of courage and brilliance, surmounting the odds as a German Jew in the mid twentieth century to thrive and spark a revolution in physics with his theory of relativity. One of the characteristics of greatness is surely acting when others would falter, which is why history will remember Winston Churchill as one of the greatest wartime leaders….

Jesus by E.P. Sanders
The Historical Figure of Jesus is an account of the life of Jesus the man. This is in contrast to the life of Jesus as presented by the bible.

The author looks at what we really know about Jesus's life. The emphasis is not about saying whether he is or is not the son of God, instead it just looks at what historians know about the life of Jesus. The book is in no way an attack on Christianity, it simply accepts that Jesus was a man and attempts to compile his life as a man.

At the same time, the book is not a biography of Jesus, it is more a look at what historical information exists and what it shows us about Jesus.

The author describes when the search for historical information began in the 18th century, showing us how scholars of the time approached the subject….

I conducted interviews with three individuals: osemary, Ann and Tom, and got varying answers. However, all the responses held that the days of creation of Genesis 1 were literally six (24-hour) days. Their proof of this is in Genesis where day is described as the light to differentiate it from the darkness, referred to as night. Tom and Ann are convinced that earth and life is about 6,000 years old. They mention that the genealogies in Genesis 5 and 11 provide us with the years from Adam to Abraham, who nearly all academics agree, lived around 2000 B.C. This places the creation date at about 6,000 years ago. However, osemary does not agree with their standpoint. She points out that the age of earth and life goes into millions of years based on scientific techniques like radioactive dating of materials. osemary and Ann believed that apes and man do….

Shirley Temple is the historical figure I would like to meet. She won the heart of the working man and with her firmly held views, inspired confidence in the values of the 1930's, which helped bring America out of the great depression. She became known as "America's Princess" after a film titled "The Little Princess," and continuing public duty and service (lack Temple Shirley, Child Star: An Autobiography).
There are a million and one questions which come to my mind, which I would ask of Shirley; What was it like to be a child star, Did she ever think she would be one the significant contributors to American history for her work during the depression, What made her grow up faster than her time, What were her experiences with cancer how did she forage ahead so bravely? In some ways this is the sad story of a little Princess who gave….

Dear Casey,

I hope all is well with you and your family. It's been a while since I've written; forgive me as I've been busy with school, work and life in general. Over the past few weeks, I've become quite interested in the life and triumphs of Clara Barton, a 19th century nurse, teacher and pioneer who was by my account, a woman way ahead of her time. Clara Barton is a true hero, this letter is to give you a glimpse of her life and successes and how she contributed to nursing as we know it today. During Ms. Bartons' era women were largely shut out of working in certain professions or if they were allowed to work at all -- they were not allowed to climb the ladder to be promoted to other positions. There also lacked an institution that provided aid to those affected by disaster. It's….

Historical Art Periods

Impressionism vs. Post-Impressionism
Impressionism vs. Post

This paper will explore impressionism vs. post-impressionism including the influences of each on each other and society, and the effects of each other on the 19th century. The paper will ascertain how one period revived or continued the style and characteristics of the other, or how one period originated in reaction to the other. Impressionist paintings tended to focus less on detail and more on making impressions of form and figure, as the name implies. The brush strokes were less inclined to add detail and structure or order. Post-impressionists considered this trivial, and created artistic work that was decidedly more expressive according to some; more organized and structured, the Post-Impressionist movement could be best described as a response to the Impressionist movement. Some focused on methods including Pointillism, or the use of dots of color, whereas others used bright fresh colors used by Impressionists but reduced….

Figures of Legend in History

Conventional literature would come to see Cleopatra as an exploitive whore, responsible for the downfall
of virtuous men like the Ptolemies, Julius Caesar and, inevitably, Marc
Antony as well. So is this reported by historical accounts such as that by
Cassius Dio who reflected that "Indeed she so enchanted and enthralled not
only Antony but all others who counted for anything with him that she came
to entertain the hope that she would rule the Romans as well, and whenever
she took an oath, the most potent phrase she used were the words, 'So
surely as I shall one day give judgement [sic] on the Capitol.'" (Cassius
Dio, 39) The argument given here in defining her persona would be the
clear understanding of her imperialist intent, so to say that it had been
always an ambition for this ruler to extend the Egyptian influence to new
heights. The Roman perspective turns our attention to some correlation
between the two distinct personas which….

Historiography in Jesus' era, or the ethics of writing good history, was also different from our own -- objective, historical accounts were rare, rather each historian wished to present his or her version of the facts.
History and belief invariably 'butt heads,' and when confronted with arguments about the life of Jesus that challenge all notions of science and history, such as the resurrection of dead: Charlesworth admits "Historians cannot answer this question" as "this question extends beyond the methodology and focus of historians" (Charlesworth 118; 121). For believers, aspects of Jesus will always exist outside of historical time, but it is the duty of those who seek the historical Jesus to put their own personal biases and agendas aside when reviewing the evidence. A singular Jesus may never emerge, but scrupulous historical and literary analysis can reveal a clearer picture of the many versions of Jesus that existed during….

A work of non-fiction does not have to be about a person, however. Non-fiction work can include theories of social studies, presented in interesting and new ways. Non-fiction is tremendously helpful in lesson planning because the prose elucidates issues in subjects like science and social studies.
Question 6: Although she is not remembered as a major figure in the Civil Rights Movement, Marian Anderson's life contributed to some of the reforms that African-American citizens demanded. Discuss how her voice "challenged" a nation.

Marian Anderson was an accomplished African-American singer. Anderson broke the color barrier in the arts, just as Jackie Robinson did in sports. Anderson's success challenged prevailing social norms, as she became a visible figure in America's most elite concert halls. Anderson began indirectly using her voice as a political tool, channeling her success into achieving broader civil rights goals.

Question 7: Describe how the city of Philadelphia, its residents and….

Melchizedek is a mysterious Biblical figure about whom very little is known. He is alluded to in the Old Testament only in the Book of Genesis, and is referred to a few times in the New Testament in the Pauline text Hebrews. No actual historical data exists to support the existence of Melchizedek the man, although the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls did lead to some scholars believing that Melchidekek was indeed an historical figure ("Melchizedek"). Universally, Melchizedek is thought to be a priest of the highest order, as well as the king of Salem (usually considered to be another name for Jerusalem). When his character first appears in Genesis, Melchizedek appears to Abraham, offering him bread and wine in honor of Abraham's victories. Therefore, Melchizedek was a high priest and kingly figure. He is sometimes equated with Shem, son of Noah ("Melchizedek"). Biblical references would place his life….

Euclid -- 323-285 B.C was a historical figure who taught at Alexandria in Egypt. There are three hypotheses revolving around Euclid's life. The first is that he wrote his magnum opus the Elements as also contributed a lot of other works. Another interesting hypothesis is that Euclid was a member of a group of mathematicians working at Alexandria with each one contributing to writing the 'complete works of Euclid', with the group engaged in writing books under the name of Euclid also after his demise. The third hypothesis is that Euclid of Megara lived roughly 100 years prior to Euclid of Alexandria. A team of mathematicians wrote the complete works of Euclid and took Euclid's name from Euclid of Megara. The proof surrounding the first hypothesis is significant that he wrote his magnum opus the Elements as also contributed a lot of other works. Scanty evidence is there that deny….

Electronic Music
The creation and enjoyment of music has been a part of our collective human culture since long before the beginnings of recorded history. It is believed that once upon a time even cavemen and Neanderthals were able to create music using their prehistoric instruments and technologies. Archaeologists and historians have discovered remnants of musical instruments in dig sites from all across the globe. The various instruments or what may or may not have at one time been instruments, that have been found at each of these locations have been a reflection of the culture in which it was used. As modern culture is reflected in current musical interests, so too the cultures of past civilizations have been reflected in the instruments and music that those cultures had left behind. Part of the culture invariably involves the tools and available materials that the population would utilize in order to create….

Man's Fate" by Andre Malraux [...] use of opium in the novel and research and critique this aspect of the novel and how it relates to the literary accuracy of the novel. Opium use is well documented in Asia, and the use of opium figures heavily in this novel. Baron de Clappique smuggles opium, and several characters use opium throughout the book. Opium and China seem to go together in history. esearch into opium, and how opium in portrayed in this novel will show that opium use was widespread in Chinese culture, and it was accepted, even if it did eventually become illegal.
Opium has a long and varied history, and it always seemed threaded through the Chinese people. There are records of opium poppies being cultivated as far back as 3400 B.C. By the Sumerians, and it had spread to China by the eighth century. By the sixteenth century,….

Historical Person

One weekend, not so long ago, Steve went with his family to visit his grandmother, who lived far out in the countryside in a huge two story house with more windows than he could count. The roof scaled up to a peak that resembled a tower that one might see on a castle.

When Steve got bored, as he always did when he was around grown-ups, he climbed the stairs to the top floor of the house, to the attic in the tower. There, he always found interesting things to look at, play with and explore. There were several old trunks filled with tons of family memorabilia. His grandfather had been an anthropologist and at one time had even worked in some tombs in Egypt. His grandfather's things were packed away in several boxes in the far left corner of the attic, and although Steve knew he was never supposed….

1. Analyze a persuasive speech given by a political leader and evaluate the effectiveness of their rhetoric.
2. Examine an advertisement or commercial and analyze the rhetorical strategies used to sell a product or service.
3. Compare and contrast the rhetorical techniques used in two different speeches on a similar topic.
4. Analyze a controversial public figure's use of rhetoric and how it influences public perception.
5. Investigate how social media influencers use rhetoric to persuade their audience.
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of rhetorical techniques used in a famous courtroom speech or closing argument.
7. Analyze the use of rhetorical devices in a piece of literature....

1. Explore the theme of power and corruption in Animal Farm.
2. Discuss the significance of the characters Napoleon and Snowball in the novel Animal Farm.
3. Analyze the role of propaganda in Animal Farm and how it is used to manipulate the animals.
4. Investigate the theme of loyalty and betrayal in Animal Farm.
5. Compare and contrast the leaders in Animal Farm with historical figures or political leaders.
6. Examine the role of technology and innovation in Animal Farm and how it contributes to the animals' rebellion.
7. Discuss the role of language and communication in Animal Farm and how it influences the animals'....

The Role of Dental Profiling in Historical Mysteries

Dental profiling is a specialized forensic technique that analyzes dental characteristics to identify individuals. It has proven invaluable in solving historical mysteries, contributing to the resolution of cold cases and shedding light on historical figures.

Identification of Unknown Remains

Dental profiling has played a pivotal role in identifying unknown remains, particularly in cases where traditional identification methods such as DNA analysis are inconclusive or unavailable. In 1994, the remains of Tsar Nicholas II and his family were identified using dental analysis, as the dental records of the family were meticulously maintained.

Linking Crimes to Suspects

Dental profiling....

Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)
Akira Kurosawa, a renowned Japanese filmmaker, has profoundly shaped the global perception of Asian culture through his groundbreaking cinematic masterpieces. His films have transcended linguistic and cultural barriers, captivating audiences worldwide and leaving an indelible mark on the international cinematic landscape.
Subtle Elegance and Cultural Authenticity
Kurosawa's films showcase the subtle elegance and depth of traditional Japanese culture. In films like "Rashomon" and "Seven Samurai," he portrays samurai values of honor, loyalty, and sacrifice with remarkable authenticity. His characters are not mere historical figures but complex and relatable individuals who grapple with universal themes of good and evil, fate, and....

2 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Compare 2 Historical Figures

Words: 678
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were the second and third presidents of the United States, and both played major roles in both the American Revolution and both are considered…

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2 Pages

Drama - World

10 Historical Figures

Words: 719
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

history are dotted by many instantly and universally-recognizable names. What is it that makes one an enduring symbol beyond death? From those few great men and women granted…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Historical Figure of Jesus

Words: 670
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Jesus by E.P. Sanders The Historical Figure of Jesus is an account of the life of Jesus the man. This is in contrast to the life of Jesus as…

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4 Pages


Historical Figures and Earth

Words: 1287
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Origins I conducted interviews with three individuals: osemary, Ann and Tom, and got varying answers. However, all the responses held that the days of creation of Genesis 1 were…

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1 Pages


Shirley Temple Is the Historical Figure I

Words: 331
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Shirley Temple is the historical figure I would like to meet. She won the heart of the working man and with her firmly held views, inspired confidence in the…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Historical Figure in Nursing

Words: 1143
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Dear Casey, I hope all is well with you and your family. It's been a while since I've written; forgive me as I've been busy with school, work and…

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3 Pages

Art  (general)

Historical Art Periods

Words: 865
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Impressionism vs. Post-Impressionism Impressionism vs. Post This paper will explore impressionism vs. post-impressionism including the influences of each on each other and society, and the effects of each other on the…

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10 Pages


Figures of Legend in History

Words: 3464
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

Conventional literature would come to see Cleopatra as an exploitive whore, responsible for the downfall of virtuous men like the Ptolemies, Julius Caesar and, inevitably, Marc Antony as well. So is…

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5 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Search for the Historical Jesus

Words: 1713
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

Historiography in Jesus' era, or the ethics of writing good history, was also different from our own -- objective, historical accounts were rare, rather each historian wished to…

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4 Pages


Young Adult Is Advantageous Historical

Words: 984
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

A work of non-fiction does not have to be about a person, however. Non-fiction work can include theories of social studies, presented in interesting and new ways. Non-fiction…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Melchizedek Is a Mysterious Biblical Figure About

Words: 965
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Melchizedek is a mysterious Biblical figure about whom very little is known. He is alluded to in the Old Testament only in the Book of Genesis, and is referred…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Mathematics

Euclid -- 323-285 B C Was a Historical

Words: 1585
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Euclid -- 323-285 B.C was a historical figure who taught at Alexandria in Egypt. There are three hypotheses revolving around Euclid's life. The first is that he wrote his…

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12 Pages


Historical Overview of Electronic Music

Words: 3470
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Electronic Music The creation and enjoyment of music has been a part of our collective human culture since long before the beginnings of recorded history. It is believed that once…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Historical Criticism of Man's Fate by Andre Malraux

Words: 1176
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Man's Fate" by Andre Malraux [...] use of opium in the novel and research and critique this aspect of the novel and how it relates to the literary…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Historical Person

Words: 736
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Person One weekend, not so long ago, Steve went with his family to visit his grandmother, who lived far out in the countryside in a huge two story house…

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