History American Essays (Examples)

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American History
American Labor History!!! Please attachment, written !!! Thank !!!

Technological Changes and Its Effects on Aspects of the U.S. Society

Effects of technological changes on urbanization

Settlement patterns in the U.S. society have significantly resulted from the scope and magnitude of transportation technology. Economic activities in the U.S. economy are based where there is a sufficient transport network to meet specified needs. American metropolitan areas have experienced and ever increasing inflow of people in search of jobs and business opportunities. This has led to industrialization in regions where transport technology is profound. The basic postulate of transport technology has eliminated the difficulties in access in turn attracting people to build cities in the regions Brian J.G., 2004()

Transport technology in the automobile industry shapes the configurations of metropolitan areas with a shift in location of residential areas. Streetcars brought about the initial shift from urban cores to suburban regions. People found the need….

American Society
Throughout America's history, American society has been plagued with racial division and civil rights movements. Ethnic groups vie for their rights, protesting imperialistic democracy. The above quote by Woodrow Wilson, is a reiteration of the same struggle for the American identity in the midst of civil rights chaos. What the American public and the political leaders strive to instill on a reluctant society is the concept of Americanism, an ideal that allows all national groups to become one. But in their naive attempts they have not considered that America is the result of these same nations.

Americanism is merely an ideal that presents the notion of liberalization, suppression of racism, equality and the harmonious existence of all nation groups. However, this notion is naive as no two groups can be identical considering their culture, ideals, political consideration of civil rights etc. Hence equality or harmonious existence is impossible. W.E.B. Dubois….

Beginning in the 1890s, America's position toward Latin America began to change, largely based on Secretary of State James G. Blaine's ideas. A historian writes, "Blaine's policy toward Latin America had two main objectives: promotion of peace and increased trade. Both were in a sense anti-European" (DeConde, 1963, p. 295). During this time, negotiations were underway to build what would eventually become the Panama Canal through Central America, so there was an increased awareness of the importance of the area, and how important it would be to open up the area to American trade. In this instance, the policy was certainly based on American self-interest, because eventually America stepped in and built the canal and acquired the Canal Zone as a result. The Secretary also wanted to create liaisons with other Latin American countries to help prevent war in the Americas, which was more ideology based, as well.

As far as….

American National Character
What characteristics are distinctly American, regardless of class, race, background? What is problematic about making these generalizations and inheriting the culture? What have we inherited exactly? What problems arise with our ideals - and are we being honest with ourselves? Discuss individualism and the "American Dream." Are these goals realized and are they realistic? This paper seeks answers to those questions.

The Puritans (The American Puritans: Their Prose and Poetry). When analyzing the possibility of a "national character," one must first discuss the original immigrants who arrived on this continent, why they came, who they were, what they believed. They were Puritans, "resolved to 'purify' the Church of England"; but were they also hoping to "purify" the new continent in North American? Was the execution of the Archbishop of Canterbury and King Charles I in 1649 a true "purification" - or was it murder in the same blood-soaked….

American Civil Liberties Union
(Friend or Foe)

America was founded on the astute principles of democracy and the potential benefits of freedom it derives. America, unlike many of its foreign counterparts has long recognized the benefits of individual rights, freedoms and privileges and has fought to the death to protect them. Currently, America aims to spread these principles of democracy around the globe in an effort to create a better quality of life for all mankind. Even with these lofty and ambitious goals, America, on occasion fails to uphold these principles within its own borders. Too often, America has overlooked the problems prevalent within its own country while criticizing other nations about their own circumstances. Many of these overlooked issues including slavery, discrimination, women's rights and others have left an unfavorable image in American history. In such instances, the American Civil Liberties Union has become the beacon of hope for the American….

American Express

American Express
This report is an analysis of the American Express company.

Company Background

Founder, date incorporated -- "Established in 1850 in New York, American Express Company was among the first and most successful express delivery businesses to arise during the rapid westward expansion of the United States." (American Express)

Initial source of Capital -- "Although in its early years American Express was not itself a financial services company, its largest and most consistent clients were banks. Delivering the banks' typically small parcels -- stock certificates, notes, currency and other financial instruments -- was considerably more profitable than transporting larger freight. Soon the company would scale down its parcel and freight delivery business in favor of creating and selling its own financial products." (American Express)

Key innovations -- "In 1882, American Express launched the money order business, which proved an almost instant success. The company introduced the world's first traveler's cheque in 1891 and within….

Vietnam in the 20th Century
In the year 2012, the country of Vietnam is a united nation which has a Communist government and a people who are predominantly poor. Before this time, Vietnam went through centuries of turmoil up until the war between Vietnam and the United States wherein North and South Vietnam became a single country. hat began the process of dividing Vietnam and isolating its people was the colonization of Vietnam by the French government. According to historian Peter Stearns (2008): "History must serve, however imperfectly, as our laboratory, and data from the past must serve as our most vital evidence in the unavoidable quest to figure out why our complex species behaves as it does in societal settings." In a study of the country of Vietnam, it is important to understand the nation's history and events which may have impacted that country's current psychological and sociological makeup.

Everything that….

Military ar or Campaign
The world has existed amidst a set of wars and conflicts that have shaped political systems, governments, and humanitarian associations. Gulf ar is one of the universal and all time conflicts that rocked the world. ith equitable measures and categorical procedures, philosophies, missions, and visions of these wars, this piece of study exemplifies Gulf ar as one of America's participatory wars in the world. The article tries to establish the basement of Gulf ar together with its consequences and responses it received from the United States of America and the world as a whole.

and the Middle East have been on good terms for quite some time. Various wars between the U.S. And countries including Iraq have occurred. In such instances, military deployment by the U.S. government is intense supported by its foreign policies. This study focuses on the 1990/91 Gulf ar. The America's paradoxical love-hate relationship….

Johnson also used deceptive public relations tactics in publicizing a supposed attack on the U.S. naval fleet in the Gulf of Tonkin off the Vietnamese coast. Eventually, it would be acknowledged by former members of the Johnson administration that the incident was essentially fabricated as a means to justify the entrance of the U.S. military into the Vietnamese conflict in an operational (i.e. war-fighting) capacity instead of the advisory capacity in which U.S. forces had been involved to that point (McNamara, 1995; oberts, 2000; Vance, 1983).
The public relations industry and mechanisms have also been used effectively by foreign governments in a manner designed to instigate public opposition to the policies of the American administration. One of the best examples is the "No Nukes" political movement during the 1980s in opposition to President onald eagan's increased funding of U.S. defense capabilities against the threat believed to have been represented by….

Reviewing History Websites

History ebsites
The four American history-related web sites used for this paper are: United States History (http://www.u-s-history.com/index.html); American History: The Heritage of the United States (http://www.legendsofamerica.com/americanhistory.html); History (http://www.history.com/); and USHistory.org (http://www.ushistory.org/).

United States History: How much information is provided? hat sort of information is offered? In the United States History site, there is an enormous amount of specific information within each time period. For example, there are fourteen window of time (up to 1630; 1630-1763; 1763-1783; all the way through 2001), and in each window there are eight to ten links that take the reader to specific events, personalities, groups and laws. In the 1815-1860 window of time a reader can get in-depth information on the Monroe Doctrine, Nat Turner Rebellion, The Alamo, Manifest Destiny, The Compromise of 1850, and the California Gold Rush, among several other links.

Is the eb better at transmitting some kinds of information as compared with other genres?….

American and European Literature
Suggesting that there is a fundamental difference between American and European literature means much more than acknowledging that the culture produced by geographically distinct regions is similarly distinct, because it suggests that there are much deeper underlying symbols and tropes which mark these cultural productions as distinctly American or European regardless of the wide variety of genres and themes present in the literature of either region. hile the claim of an identifiable distinction between American and European literature feels accurate due to the clear differences between American and European culture, this claim requires critical examination because of the potential for stereotype and condescension inherent in it. Examining some of the more important factors which might produce a recognizable difference between these two canons, as well as the processes responsible for the formation of literary canons in the first place, reveals that the differences between American and European….

History As Myth
This-based Myth Atreus Thyestes In paper I conversational I supposed a myth teacher a continuing education program geared library patrons aged 50+, a conversation actual essay. Below directions assignment: Briefly describe a historical event, a controversy, a world event, a current event, a military group action, a political event group, a religious group action, a similar phenomenon.

Thyestes and Atreus: The great Civil War of Mycenae

Once upon a time, long, long ago there lived two brothers named Thyestes and Atreus. These two brothers were extremely power hungry and even their own father King Pelops was forced to exile them when they killed their half-brother to better their chances to ascend to the throne. Undeterred, the two brothers found another kingdom to dominate, the land of Mycenae. Proving there is no honor amongst thieves; Atreus was determined to be the sole ruler of this new kingdom. One day, he promised….

American Expansion
American Territorial Expansion: The Louisiana Purchase

American territorial expansion was the top priority of ashington DC for every decade of the 19th century, including the Civil ar years. The new territory all came to Americans through treaties or conquest, and thus promoted the isolationist "Manifest Destiny" prerogative of strengthening the American continent. The earliest and largest territorial expansion of the 19th century was the Louisiana Purchase, doubling the size of the American states. The Louisiana Purchase was made with the short-term bolstering of Thomas Jefferson's government in the near-term, yet with deep concerns for the security of the new land and how and who should settle the land in the long-term.

The Louisiana Purchase was not a decision taken lightly by then President Thomas Jefferson, who felt that it would be difficult for the young America to take full possession of the territory, and thus sign the country into a future….

American Indian Movement

American Indian Movement
The poorest people in America are the American Indians and it is also a fact that Indian reservations have unique laws that has made it a nation by itself within the United States. The modern movements focus on the American Indian reservations being empowered by self-determination. This is important for the economic, social and cultural improvement of the American Indians. It was with the Nixon administration that the welfare of the tribes became the focus of the government. The subsequent administrations encouraged the Indians to adapt to a policy of political and economic self-determination. Today many reservations have become economic hubs with tax and regulation havens for investment. Thus as of now the Mescalero and White Mountain Apaches "have become premier private managers of multiple-use forest resource economies." (Legters; Lyden, 1994)

However it must be stated that only during the eagan administration that there were major reports on Indian….

American Independence, National Unity
rief thematic history of the U.S. from 1760 to 1815

In describing U.S. history from 1760 to 1815, I would have to title it as "The United States: The Formative Years." From the ritish indifference to her New World colonies, and the War for Independence; to the events before the Civil War, the United States formative years were ones of triumph, struggle and unity.

During 1763, up until 1775, the United States and ritain feuded over 'taxation without representation'. Like a child, the colonies had to break free from the mother country and find themselves and their independence, which they did in 1776 (U.S. History Timeline).

Thomas Payne said in his political pamphlet 'Common Sense' that "There is something exceedingly ridiculous in the composition of monarchy; it first excludes a man from the means of information, yet empowers him to act in cases where the highest judgment is required." Such….

8 Pages


American History American Labor History Please Attachment

Words: 2439
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

American History American Labor History!!! Please attachment, written !!! Thank !!! Technological Changes and Its Effects on Aspects of the U.S. Society Effects of technological changes on urbanization Settlement patterns in the U.S.…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


American Society Throughout America's History American Society

Words: 489
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

American Society Throughout America's history, American society has been plagued with racial division and civil rights movements. Ethnic groups vie for their rights, protesting imperialistic democracy. The above quote by…

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2 Pages

American History

American History American Foreign Policy

Words: 670
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Beginning in the 1890s, America's position toward Latin America began to change, largely based on Secretary of State James G. Blaine's ideas. A historian writes, "Blaine's policy toward Latin…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

History American National Character

Words: 3057
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

American National Character What characteristics are distinctly American, regardless of class, race, background? What is problematic about making these generalizations and inheriting the culture? What have we inherited exactly?…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

American History

American Civil Liberties Union

Words: 2200
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

American Civil Liberties Union (Friend or Foe) America was founded on the astute principles of democracy and the potential benefits of freedom it derives. America, unlike many of its foreign counterparts…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


American Express

Words: 1958
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

American Express This report is an analysis of the American Express company. Company Background Founder, date incorporated -- "Established in 1850 in New York, American Express Company was among the first and…

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2 Pages

History - Asian

History Vietnam and 20th Century

Words: 650
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Vietnam in the 20th Century In the year 2012, the country of Vietnam is a united nation which has a Communist government and a people who are predominantly poor. Before…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Drama - World

History a Military War or Campaign

Words: 2600
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Military ar or Campaign The world has existed amidst a set of wars and conflicts that have shaped political systems, governments, and humanitarian associations. Gulf ar is one of…

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10 Pages

Communication - Journalism

History of the American Public

Words: 3034
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

Johnson also used deceptive public relations tactics in publicizing a supposed attack on the U.S. naval fleet in the Gulf of Tonkin off the Vietnamese coast. Eventually, it…

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5 Pages

American History

Reviewing History Websites

Words: 1846
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

History ebsites The four American history-related web sites used for this paper are: United States History (http://www.u-s-history.com/index.html); American History: The Heritage of the United States (http://www.legendsofamerica.com/americanhistory.html); History (http://www.history.com/); and USHistory.org…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


What Is the Difference Between American Literature and European Literature

Words: 1898
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

American and European Literature Suggesting that there is a fundamental difference between American and European literature means much more than acknowledging that the culture produced by geographically distinct regions is…

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3 Pages

American History

History as Myth This-Based Myth Atreus Thyestes

Words: 1157
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

History As Myth This-based Myth Atreus Thyestes In paper I conversational I supposed a myth teacher a continuing education program geared library patrons aged 50+, a conversation actual essay. Below…

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3 Pages

American History

American Expansion American Territorial Expansion The Louisiana

Words: 950
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

American Expansion American Territorial Expansion: The Louisiana Purchase American territorial expansion was the top priority of ashington DC for every decade of the 19th century, including the Civil ar years. The…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Native Americans

American Indian Movement

Words: 2030
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

American Indian Movement The poorest people in America are the American Indians and it is also a fact that Indian reservations have unique laws that has made it a nation…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

American History

American Independence and National Unity

Words: 359
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

American Independence, National Unity rief thematic history of the U.S. from 1760 to 1815 In describing U.S. history from 1760 to 1815, I would have to title it as "The United…

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