Hospital Essays (Examples)

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Another major change was the nature of the staff that ran hospitals. Often, these hospitals were still paid for by subscriptions of the wealthier members of society, yet how the money was being spent began to change. There were less volunteer and religious undertones as more and more specialization became a key evolution in the hospital's history. Thus, hospitals in this period saw the implementation of a highly skilled and trained nursing staff. This more specialized and trained staff could go much further beyond the capabilities of the predominately religious-based volunteer nurses of the past hospitals. There was a specialization of doctors and nurses who worked within very specific fields.

Hospitals became the "main provider of specialized care"

and essentially a precursor to the concept of specialized care. In this new hospital setting, specialized staff could focus on providing expert skill in therapies directed specifically for certain conditions or injuries. This then….

Hospital eadmissions
In any profession today, quality control means the prevention of problems that were the aim of the business to solve in the first places. ecurrence of these problems means that the business has not been functioning optimally and a new strategy or focus is required. In the health care setting, such a challenges is presented by hospital readmissions. When a person is discharged from hospital after receiving treatment for a certain condition, this means that the aim to persuade the patient with a remedy for the condition was reached. eadmission for the condition at some future date means that the remedy was not sufficient and a different strategy needs to be followed. There are several focus points when considering the readmission of patients to hospital and how this can be prevented. Upon final analysis, it is indeed possible to prevent this and the health care professional has an obligation….

Hospital Crisis Management Planning
The study of crisis management is one of the most written about issues of importance. This is true in part because crises can happen to any or all types of organizations (from businesses to community or governmental initiatives), and they can arise on a broad variety of levels. As such, they can be difficult to predict and to plan for at the same time that digital connectivity makes rapid and prepared responses all the more important.

There is much evidence that suggests that digital community building and the speed with which someone can access a wave of interconnected supporters will be most important in the future as crises arise. And this is particularly true for organizations such as hospitals, which carry out public benefit as well as profit obligations, making the potentials of crises even bigger. A hospital, for example, can have an internal crisis of its own….

Hospital Falls
Fall Prevention

Falls are the leading cause of hospital related injuries in the United States. There are many surprising factors that affect patients in regards to hospital falls; they involve patients of all ages and over a range of different scenarios. As a result the fall incident rate has been the target of the academic world and professionals alike as inpatient falls are serious patient safety and quality issues. Fall prevention is an important aspect to patient safety and effective communication among staff, patients, and their families is required to mitigate potential risks. This project will outline an effective strategy for outlining an intervention that implements a proactive fall prevention program. Patients injured in a fall incur increased hospital costs due to additional treatment and longer lengths of stay (Pearson, Coburn, 2011). According to the IOM, (Institute of Medicine) creating safe, effective, patient-centric, timely, efficient, and equitable care has become….

Hospital Management Concepts
Great Lake Memorial Hospital has just entered into a five-year contract with Springville General Hospital to deliver quality care without duplication of services. e now have a new CEO who will be meeting with a current CEO. Dan Smith, the new CEO, has certain management options for dealing with inevitable key problems arising from merger. In addition, the CEO of Springville General Hospital must deal with inevitable issues arising from merger. Both CEOs will also require the cooperation of their hospitals' Board of Trustees and Medical Directors to ensure a smooth transition and consolidation of resources.

The key problems that Mr. Dan Smith will be Facing in his New Role

hile a change in CEOs does not affect hospital performance per se (Li-Ping Tang & Timmer, 2008, p. 11), Dan Smith must deal with the large issues involved in mergers and acquisitions. Fundamentally, he must establish a good working relationship….

Hospitals and Public Health:
Crises Medical Error

Medical errors have caused a crisis in the national health care system. According to the Bureau of Primary Health Care, using studies from Colorado, Utah and New York, estimates that 44,000 -- 98,000 hospitalized people die in the U.S. annually due to medical errors (BPHC Task Force on Patient Safety, 2001, p. 5). In addition, as of March 31, 2010, the ten most frequently reported sentinel events within U.S. healthcare organizations are: "wrong site surgery; suicide; operative/post-operative complication; delay in treatment; medical error; patient fall; unintended retention of a foreign body; assault, rape or homicide; perinatal death or loss of function; patient death or injury in restraints" (HealthLeaders Media, 2012). Clearly, many of these injuries/deaths are avoidable. Furthermore, according to JCAHO's L.D. 5.2, patient safety concerns demand that "an ongoing, proactive program for identifying risks to patient safety and reducing medical/health care errors" be "defined….

(Capps; Dranove; Lindrooth, 2006) Let us now discuss some of the causes of errors and the barriers to providing safe care which are ccreditation issues, Partnership, Physician-hospital organization issues and Medical errors.
ccreditation issue was an important factor causing errors and barriers to providing safe care thereby finally resulting in closure of hospitals. ccreditation in hospitals could be considered as the method by which the services provided by the hospital is being measured to understand as to whether it is providing high quality services, so that the people could have faith in the services provided by the hospital. s a result of low quality being provided, several hospitals were being faced with the problem of cutting their funds being issued from the Joint Commission on ccreditation of Healthcare Organizations - JCHO. (Munoz, 2005) With regard to ccreditation issues, the Joint Commission on ccreditation of Healthcare Organizations -- JCHO in July….

During this period, market share is normally held fixed as a core planning assumption, with the potential share gains modeled inside specific strategies after sometime in the process. The genesis of strategic business planning is to secure, and if possible enhance, the financial situation of the organization, facilitating it to continue its mission well into the coming years. Midvale must build a macro level financial model connected to its demand forecasts and based on "most likely" supposition for revenue and expense categories. Certain level of capital costs connected to infrastructure and essential equipment replacement shall have to be included in the fundamental model. Including a yardstick component at this stage will assist in the identification of opportunities for improvement and sensitivity analyses for development of assumption.
Since business planning is concentrated on future investments in clinical enterprise, it is important to delve deeper than the income statement to the balance….

Hospital Case Study
In any case study, it is important to gather information concerning the topic, or "case," and then ask three questions. The questions are, "What's going on right now?," "What can we do about it?," and "What can we do about it?"

In the case of Faith Community Hospital, there are several problems going on that can be divided into three categories:

Organizational process issues.

Ethics issues.

Communication system issues.

The first group of problems that we are having at the hospital fall under the heading of Organizational Processes. The current problems in this category include a lack of organization regarding the creation of a central concept of operation. Everyone from the CEO, to the doctors, pharmacists, and general staff seem confused about just what their role is in terms of ethical, belief-based, and "bottom-line" issues. The Mission Statement of the hospital is symbolic of this problem. It reads:

With the foundation and commitment of….

Hospital Management Justification eport
[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]


Maintenance Notice | Patient Satisfaction

Transmittal ii


Major Sections of the eport

VMC Utility Tie Breaker Maintenance

Procedures preparation For Total Power Outage

This report from the Facility Director conveys information about an item related to general hospital maintenance and a description of a plan to improve patient satisfaction. The general maintenance notice provides guidance and instructions for preparing for the annual maintenance shutdown of the VMC Utility Tie Breaker. All department heads are responsible for reading the information in this report that will enable them to seamlessly prepare for the maintenance shutdown. In addition, department heads are responsible for communicating the plans for addressing patient satisfaction scores. It is recommended that department heads convey the patient satisfaction plans in writing so that staff has it for future reference, and also provide time to discuss the plans at an upcoming staff meeting. Any questions about items in….

Background Located in Bronx, New York’s Norwood section, Montefiore Medical is a teaching hospital named after Moses Montefiore and affiliated with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. In the top ten of NYC hospitals, it boasts a large and varied workforce (Montefiore Medical Center, 2017). It was founded in 1884 and houses 1,490 beds. While the main hospital has 200 to 500 employees, the organization hired more than 12,000 employees (Business Wire, 2004).
Montefiore Medical Center follows the traditional organizational structure of most hospitals. The CEO or Chief Executive Officer is Steven M. Safyer and serves also as the President. The organization employees a large staff of physicians, nurses, specialists, along with others that serve as the foundation for the organization regarding billing, administration, human resources, and operations. Alfredo Cabrera serves as both Chief Human Resources Officer and System Senior Vice President. Lynn Richmond serves as both the Chief Strategy Officer and….

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is located near the University of Pennsylvania and is the first hospital in the U.S. to be solely dedicated to providing health care specifically for children. Over the years, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has been ranked among the top specialty hospitals in America. It has more than 500 beds, and nearly half of them are reserved for neonatal care, cardiac care and pediatric intensive care. Every year, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia admits nearly 30,000 children as inpatients and sees more than 1 million children in the ER and outpatient wards (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Annual Report, 2016). The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has played an important role in the community of Philadelphia since its inception in 1855. There were almost half a million people in Philadelphia at the time. Diseases like typhoid, small pox and scarlet fever were very dangerous and in one month….

Bellevue Hospital NYC

Introduction Instituted forty years prior to the US’s formation, the Bellevue Hospital of New York City is the first public hospital of the nation, constructed even before medicine became a profession, on the piece of land presently housing the City Hall. Currently situated along a First Avenue stretch, its first building accommodated six beds. The hospital’s history reflects the city’s ongoing transformation, besides recording the nation’s medical education. With regard to illness, the major part of US public health policy may be traced directly back to Bellevue hospital. While its name is ‘infamous’ for mistreatment and mental treatment- related horrors, Bellevue has, at all times, cared for patients presenting with more physically apparent illnesses. Typically the last resort for those at the end of their tether, this hospital has endured outbreaks of tuberculosis, typhus, pneumonia, HIV, polio, yellow fever, and the flu, carried by its poverty- ridden patients. New York City….

Infrastructure in An Inpatient Care System at A Hospital We will focus on data management which is the administrative process that involves acquiring, validating, storing, protecting, and processing of the data received by an organization. This is mainly done to ensure the data is accessible, reliable, and timely. Within the hospital, there is an electronic health record (EHR) system. However, the system has not been fully implemented within the hospital. Departments like laboratory and radiology are still using their own independent system that synchronizes data with the EHR every hour. Therefore, all the laboratory test results and radiology results are not readily available once they are uploaded into the system. In order to overcome this challenge, the hospital staff are forced to use manual results as they await the synchronization of the results in the system. The manual process is not recommended since it causes loss of data (Groves, Kayyali, Knott,….

CASE STUDY ANALYSIS Case Study AnalysisIntroductionThe selected case study details the challenges that rural hospitals faced during the 2020 Covid19 pandemic. The case focuses on two hospitals under the larger Oregon Health Services serving the rural town of Oregon that is located 80 miles from Salem in Oregon State. Upon confirmation of the Covid19 outbreak in Oregon in April 2020, the hospitals initiated an emergency disaster plan in anticipation of surging patient numbers. They, however, experienced several problems managing the effects of the pandemic, including lack of equipment and personal protective equipment (PPEs), staffing limitations, and poor cultural awareness. This analysis proposes the adoption of the all-payer global budget financing model for rural hospitals and implementation of cultural training programs for staff to address these challenges.BackgroundOregon Health Services is a general term for a large healthcare system that serves three counties in Oregon State. Immediately the positive covid19 cases were….

PubMed is a great place to search for sources on healthcare. Other good choices include sites for Universities that have medical programs and sites for state governments. has healthcare articles, as well. Also consider, as they have healthcare articles, too. Journals and textbooks can be excellent choices for information on the continuum of healthcare. If you have access to a large library, you can find information that shows how the continuum has evolved over time, and how that helps providers avoid duplication. Example papers will be more difficult to find than sources, but you can order an example paper....

Many people have suggested reasons that obesity remains prevalent in Salford, UK.  The low level of adult physical activity is believed to be the primary cause, but it is important to recognize that childhood obesity is also a factor in Salford.  In addition, one must compare other health measures in Salford to the rest of the UK to get a full picture.  In general, Salford is simply less healthy than the English average, with higher rates of adult smoking, smoking-related deaths, alcohol-related hospital stays, mental health conditions, dementia, and learning disabilities.  This seems to be directly linked to issues....

In Zambia, there a number of different ways to access healthcare.  However, we are struggling to answer what the five health care providers are in the country.  There are more than five main hospitals or clinics in Zambia that provide healthcare, only two healthcare ministries, and various types of health workers including doctors, nurses, midwives, clinical officers, technicians, medical teaching staff, medical consulates, and medical licentiates.  If we had to choose the five types of healthcare providers in Zambia, we would probably break them down into those five broad categories: health technicians, nurses, midwives, doctors, and clinical....

3 Pages


Hospital Analysis Examining in Changes

Words: 1120
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Another major change was the nature of the staff that ran hospitals. Often, these hospitals were still paid for by subscriptions of the wealthier members of society, yet how…

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6 Pages


Hospital Readmissions in Any Profession Today Quality

Words: 2147
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Hospital eadmissions In any profession today, quality control means the prevention of problems that were the aim of the business to solve in the first places. ecurrence of these problems…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Hospital Crisis Management Planning the Study of

Words: 1186
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Hospital Crisis Management Planning The study of crisis management is one of the most written about issues of importance. This is true in part because crises can happen to any…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Hospital Falls Fall Prevention Falls Are the

Words: 1163
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Hospital Falls Fall Prevention Falls are the leading cause of hospital related injuries in the United States. There are many surprising factors that affect patients in regards to hospital falls; they…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Hospital Management Concepts Great Lake Memorial Hospital

Words: 1132
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Hospital Management Concepts Great Lake Memorial Hospital has just entered into a five-year contract with Springville General Hospital to deliver quality care without duplication of services. e now have a…

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3 Pages
A-Level Coursework


Hospitals and Public Health Crises Medical Error

Words: 1477
Length: 3 Pages
Type: A-Level Coursework

Hospitals and Public Health: Crises Medical Error Medical errors have caused a crisis in the national health care system. According to the Bureau of Primary Health Care, using studies from Colorado,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Hospitals Public Hospitals Have for

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(Capps; Dranove; Lindrooth, 2006) Let us now discuss some of the causes of errors and the barriers to providing safe care which are ccreditation issues, Partnership, Physician-hospital organization…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Hospital the Facts The Community

Words: 3048
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

During this period, market share is normally held fixed as a core planning assumption, with the potential share gains modeled inside specific strategies after sometime in the process.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Hospital Case Study in Any Case Study

Words: 793
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Hospital Case Study In any case study, it is important to gather information concerning the topic, or "case," and then ask three questions. The questions are, "What's going on right…

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4 Pages


Hospital Management Justification Report Type Text Type

Words: 1212
Length: 4 Pages

Hospital Management Justification eport [Type text] [Type text] [Type text] Transmittal Maintenance Notice | Patient Satisfaction Transmittal ii Terminology Major Sections of the eport VMC Utility Tie Breaker Maintenance Procedures preparation For Total Power Outage This report from…

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5 Pages


Hospital Relationships Analysis

Words: 1512
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Background Located in Bronx, New York’s Norwood section, Montefiore Medical is a teaching hospital named after Moses Montefiore and affiliated with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. In the top…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


What Makes Philadelphia's Children's Hospital Unique

Words: 1216
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is located near the University of Pennsylvania and is the first hospital in the U.S. to be solely dedicated to providing health care specifically…

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11 Pages


Bellevue Hospital NYC

Words: 3112
Length: 11 Pages
Type: SWOT

Introduction Instituted forty years prior to the US’s formation, the Bellevue Hospital of New York City is the first public hospital of the nation, constructed even before medicine became a…

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3 Pages


Evaluating the Hospital Infrastructure

Words: 1006
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Infrastructure in An Inpatient Care System at A Hospital We will focus on data management which is the administrative process that involves acquiring, validating, storing, protecting, and processing of the…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Challenges Facing Rural Hospitals Case Study Analysis

Words: 1208
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

CASE STUDY ANALYSIS Case Study AnalysisIntroductionThe selected case study details the challenges that rural hospitals faced during the 2020 Covid19 pandemic. The case focuses on two hospitals under the…

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