Hospitality Industry Essays (Examples)

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Hospitality Industry
Hospitality is about helping people. Excellent service by employees can be one of the most important components of customer satisfaction, but contributions of employees can go even further. Employees who are visionary, creative and strategic thinkers can translate their interactions with customers into innovative choices that meet customer needs. Today, as the hospitality industry expands, challenge of meeting and exceeding customer expectations will only continue to grow.

Good restaurants, spas, and entertainment centers within a hotel play a crucial role in providing customers with the opportunity to fully enjoy their vacation. A successful hotel or resort must provide a wide range of exceptional services that allow the customer to rest and relax, and where their lodging, dining, and recreational expectations are met or exceeded during their stay.

Excellent service is a key component of helping people in the hospitality industry. A seemingly simple factor like the politeness of employees is one….

The author notes that this is one way to improve training for some 18,000 people at 1,800 locations with only 11 trainers, using nteractive web-based training, including instructor-led segments, to teach reservation operations, house-keeping duties, supervision, and even specific skills such as dealing with surly guests. Included in these packages are products to help deliver interactive audio and video to virtual classrooms and also to manage enrollment, self-paced learning, and testing and tracking. Internet training reduces training time by about 50%.
More specialized areas of training are becoming more necessary to provide better service, such as the diversity training program used by one chain. Adam's Mark Hotels & esorts launched a diversity training program for its nearly 11,000 employees chainwide at which all employees are to participate in a daylong seminar to learn sensitivity and to provide quality service to every guest (Tri-State Defender Publishing, 2001).

This is precisely the sort….

For this reason Torres suggests that using LEED information is a good way to mitigate mistakes that can come at a cost. It is also clear that mistakes such as this are much more limited in possibility as systems and products expand daily to meet the growing demand for "greener" options that are also safe and healthy.

The hospitality industry is clearly an area where "going green" can make a big impact. The industry has been historically wasteful in the past, in an attempt to provide quality for guests over quality and sustainable environmental practices. Though "going green" can be costly in its inception it will likely, if done correctly, pay the business back tenfold in savings and if marketed correctly bring people in at greater numbers than businesses that do not market and practice sustainably.


"Build Green: Orchard Garden Hotel," ND, etrieved May 2, 2009

Masses of Glass Wasted; Bars….

Hospitality Industry be Environmentally Friendly?
Studies have proved that companies and industries that have a negative impact on environment always surpass the industries that support and adopt measures for environmental friendliness. However, it doesn't mean at all that investment in environmental efforts be stopped. It is highly required by the industries to endeavor continuously for an enduring environment. Only then the greatest outcomes could be achieved. The industries that use wise strategies are aware of and completely understand the importance of sustainability as a 'designed production catalyst'. Such industries realize that the sustainability and ecological concerns are in fact opportunities that can be fruitful for a competitive future. Winslow's President, Jackson W. obinson, acknowledged that "companies that take advantage of environmental opportunities can gain a competitive advantage over their peers through cost reductions, quality improvements, increased profitability and access to new and growing markets" (McPeak, Devirian & Seaman, 2010). In….

SaaS applications only require an Internet connection and browser to operate, hence their popularity in industries where customers are forcing change, as is evident in the hostility industry today (DiPietro, Wang, 2010). SaaS-based applications are created using Active Service Pages (ASP), AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) or J2EE-based programming technologies, all of which are being continually optimized for performance over the Internet (Mathies, 2010). These programming technologies are also known for their agility, customization, and flexibility as well, making it possible for hospitality IT systems to be tailored to the specific needs of a given company. SaaS-based applications' performance, stability, security and customization all contribute to higher levels of system adoption within a hospitality business (DiPietro, Wang, 2010).

Customers' expectations for an exceptional experience every time they interact with a hospitality provider, in addition to the ubiquity and speed of the Internet, are changing the value chain of the hospitality….

Identification of the Articles

This essay intends to critique and analyze two important articles related to human resources management and this concept's relationship to the hospitality industry. The first article, "Strategic Human Resource Development in Hospitality Crisis Management: A Conceptual Framework for Food and Beverage Departments," is taken from the International Journal of Business Administration written by AbuKhalifeh, Som and AlBattat and was published in January of 2013. The second article that will be discussed is entitled " Linking Human Capital Management with Tourism Development and Management for Economic Survival: The Nigeria Experience." This article was authored by Esu and appeared in the June 2012 edition of the International Journal of Business and Social Science.

Abstract of Article #1

AbuKahlife et al. (2013) presented an argument that suggested that crisis management has been ignored in the realm of human resource development. This paper reviewed the literature on the hotel industry's approach to human….

Hospitality Industry: Segments
Segments: Hospitality Industry

Segments in the Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is a multi-billion dollar, complex industry covering a wide range of jobs, economic brackets, activities, and locations. It comprises of five major segments: lodging, food service, tourism, meeting and event planning, and the cruise line industry. These five segments and the employment prospects that they offer hospitality graduates have been discussed in the subsequent subsections. We begin with the largest segment in the industry --food service.

The food service industry, also known as the food and beverage industry, covers the various business segments that prepare food for customers. It is estimated that 50% of all meals eaten in the United States on any given day comes from the foodservice industry (BLS, 2012). The industry can be categorized into three: commercial food service, institutional food service, and food service within a consumer business. Commercial food service businesses are those that compete….

Hospitality Industry: The Lodging Segment
The Lodging Segment of the Hospitality Industry

The lodging segment of the hospitality industry covers organizations that provide bed and rest services for people at night. They could be anything from a fancy hotel to a youth hostel, a campground or a highway side motel. A typical lodging organization has four primary departments: the rooms department, food and beverage, the sales and marketing department, and the human resource department (Stephen F. Austin State University, 2010).

The rooms department is composed of three service areas: front office, unformed services and housekeeping (Stephen F. Austin State University, 2010). The front office function is responsible for receiving guests, assigning rooms and rates, and answering visitors' questions about the organization and its surrounding community. The core responsibilities here include night audit, telephone, reservations, and cashier. The uniformed services function covers the roles of valet, doorpersons, and bell staff. Most properties have eliminated….

Hospitality Industry
In the contemporary, there are several hot topics and issues flooding and influencing the food industry, such as food safety and technology. One of the main issues of interest is the case of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the food industry and their labeling. This issue has come to be a hot button aspect for the food service sector and hospitality industry as a whole with the main point being deliberated as to whether parties in the food service sector ought to be required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to label GMOs. There is also the linked issue of what role the government would play and at the end of the day, the impact on the farmers who are purposing to feed the populaces across the world. In several nations, this mandate for labeling foods is there as well as in the United States, with states such….

Often, an expanded market means that a company will need to undertake a strong marketing strategy based upon thorough research in order to see how the expansion would affect another market. The problem is, not all companies wish to do so because not all are good or successful at this undertaking. Yet again, if a company wishes to stay competitive, make its profits year after year, and enjoy a general lengthy business life, it will have to embrace the risks and rewards of globalizing its enterprises.
Hotels, the stalwarts of globalizing tourism, will be among them first affected by increasing competition. Hotel staff, unlike in the past, must thus undertake learning various concepts through which it can face any circumstance. ith expanding one's business, especially a hotel, comes an awareness towards the working habits of other countries. One must thus tailor rules and regulations to the people of that country.….

Generational Conflict in Hospitality Industry
Generational conflict in the hospitality industry

The history of the workforce today experience different generation employees who work side by side with people who are old as their parents and young as their children. It is coming to the attention of the managers that age likewise has much to do with employees' expectations, learning styles, and hopes just like gender, culture and other characteristics. Through understanding every generation as well as providing these employees with what can make them thrive, leaders may find that they will be in a position to increase employees morale and retention hence increase in productivity. Within the workplace, individuals from diverse generations will always compete for leadership positions. The same way Baby Boomers and generation X employees compete for similar jobs and younger generation always catch up with them. At times due to the post-industrial info-centered world of work, the people in….

Sexuality in the Hospitality Industry
The hospitality industry in the UK is big business, and sexuality is an important part of this business. If we define the hospitality industry as "hotels and a myriad of leisure and catering operations of different kinds" (Mills), then the hospitality industry in the UK brings in around 50 billion pounds each year. This is around 10% of Britain's total consumer expenditure each year. In addition, the hospitality industry employs about 70% of the individuals within the wider tourism industry (Mills).

The hospitality industry encompasses airlines, cruise liners, railways, restaurants, hotels, department stores, pubs, and leisure centers. Given that the hospitality industry encompasses such a wide range of business types and caters to such a large consumer basis, there is a wide opportunity for the appearance of sexuality within the industry.

In order to better understand the role of sexuality in the hospitality industry, it may be helpful….

The fastest growth registered among the top 20 markets came from: (1) China (+19%); (2) India (+18%); and (3) Spain (+10%). (American Hotel & Lodging Association, 2007)
In the work entitled: "Hotels in China, India and Mexico are Capturing the Imagination and Resources of the Hotel Industry" it is stated: "Take a look at the headlines these days and you will realize that overseas expansion for the hotel industry is hot, particularly in developing markets. In the last month alone, Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, UK-based InterContinental Hotel Group, Hong Kong's Shangri-La hotels and Marriott International announced major expansion plans in China. Starwood has plans to grow from 57 hotels in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan to 100 Greater China hotels by 2010.

InterContinental has 51 hotels now in China and intends to develop 74 more by the 2008 Summer Olympics. Shangri-La has 20 hotels and plans for 17 more by….

Globalization of the Hospitality Industry
The operational aspects of expansion are often the easiest for any hospitality provider to plan and execute, regardless of the global location of their latest hotel, resort or expansion property. The cultural and experiential factors however are far more difficult to manage and excel within the context of, and are often what challenges the growth of even the most highly-0regarded brands over time (Pei, Abdolali, Yong, 2005). Within the last decade hospitality providers are increasingly relying on advanced techniques for determining how they can anticipate and respond appropriately to cultural and customer-centric expectations and needs. In the peer-reviewed research presented in Service Quality: A Study of the Luxury Hotels in Malaysia (Pei, Abdolali, Yong, 2005) the researchers use the Service Quality (SERVQUAL) index to measure the variation between customer expectations and experience. Using this framework, the researchers provide a detailed analysis of the contributors and detractors….

Emotional Labor in the Hospitality Industry
Customer service, regardless of venue, albeit clinical, retail, collections, telemarketing, or hospitality, is one on the most difficult employment areas within which to be employed. Servicing people requires the service agent to be respectful, courteous, ethical, and have the ability to resolve problems, enquiries and/or complaints as quickly and expeditiously as possible at all times. Customer service representatives in all fields must be extremely cooperative in the face of adversity, competition, resistance, and sometimes degradation. Those who choose to be employed in a customer service related field are confronted on a daily basis with a myriad of diverse personalities, customs, ethnic profiles, and cultural differences. Service personnel are, therefore, the vanguards and frontline doughboys of the service world battle. Because of the continuous and mounting pressure put on service personnel it is no wonder that employment turnover and burnout is constantly high with attitudes amongst….

1. The Role of Communication in Crisis Management
2. The Importance of Preparing a Crisis Management Plan
3. Case Study: Successfully Managing a Crisis in a Business or Organization
4. Crisis Management in the Digital Age: How Social Media Impacts Response
5. Ethical Considerations in Crisis Management
6. The Psychological Impact of Crisis on Individuals and Organizations
7. Lessons Learned from Failed Crisis Management Strategies
8. Crisis Management in Healthcare: Addressing Pandemics and Natural Disasters
9. Crisis Management in Government: Balancing Transparency and Security
10. Crisis Management in Public Relations: Rebuilding Trust and Reputation after a Crisis.
11. Crisis Management in the....

1. An In-depth Analysis of Apple Inc: A Leading Technology Company

2. Examining the Success Factors of Amazon: A Retail and Technology Giant

3. Company Analysis: The Business Strategy of Coca-Cola

4. A Comprehensive Review of Tesla Motors: Innovation in the Electric Vehicle Industry

5. Analyzing the Growth Strategies of Google: A Dominant Player in the Tech Industry

6. Uncovering the Success Story of Walmart: A Retail Giant's Business Model

7. Company Analysis: Understanding the Marketing Strategies of Nike

8. Exploring the Financial Performance of Microsoft Corporation

9. Case Study on Starbucks Corporation: A Coffee Company's Global Expansion

10. The Evolution of McDonald's Corporation: A Fast Food Empire's Business....

Impact of Employee Turnover on Performance and Satisfaction in Marriott Hotels

Employee turnover, the voluntary or involuntary departure of employees from an organization, has a significant impact on the overall performance and satisfaction within Marriott hotels. High turnover rates can lead to a range of challenges, affecting both the hotel's operations and the well-being of its workforce.

Impact on Performance

1. Reduced Productivity:
High turnover rates create a knowledge and experience gap within the workforce. New employees require training and time to adjust, reducing overall productivity and efficiency.

2. Increased Costs:
Replacing departing employees involves significant costs for Marriott hotels. Expenses include recruitment, onboarding, and training,....

2 Pages
Term Paper


Hospitality Industry Hospitality Is About Helping People

Words: 589
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Hospitality Industry Hospitality is about helping people. Excellent service by employees can be one of the most important components of customer satisfaction, but contributions of employees can go even further.…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Hospitality Industry Training the Hospitality

Words: 2704
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The author notes that this is one way to improve training for some 18,000 people at 1,800 locations with only 11 trainers, using nteractive web-based training, including instructor-led…

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5 Pages


Hospitality Going Green Hospitality Industry

Words: 1542
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

For this reason Torres suggests that using LEED information is a good way to mitigate mistakes that can come at a cost. It is also clear that mistakes…

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4 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Hospitality Industry Be Environmentally Friendly Studies Have

Words: 1189
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Hospitality Industry be Environmentally Friendly? Studies have proved that companies and industries that have a negative impact on environment always surpass the industries that support and adopt measures for…

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2 Pages


Hospitality Industry Role of Hospitality

Words: 735
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

SaaS applications only require an Internet connection and browser to operate, hence their popularity in industries where customers are forcing change, as is evident in the hostility industry…

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4 Pages


Issues in the Hospitality Industry

Words: 1008
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Hospitality Identification of the Articles This essay intends to critique and analyze two important articles related to human resources management and this concept's relationship to the hospitality industry. The first article,…

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2 Pages

Sports - College

Segments the Hospitality Industry

Words: 970
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Hospitality Industry: Segments Segments: Hospitality Industry Segments in the Hospitality Industry The hospitality industry is a multi-billion dollar, complex industry covering a wide range of jobs, economic brackets, activities, and locations. It…

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2 Pages


The Lodging Segment of the Hospitality Industry

Words: 976
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Hospitality Industry: The Lodging Segment The Lodging Segment of the Hospitality Industry The lodging segment of the hospitality industry covers organizations that provide bed and rest services for people at night.…

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6 Pages


Analyzing the Hospitality Industry

Words: 1850
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Hospitality Industry In the contemporary, there are several hot topics and issues flooding and influencing the food industry, such as food safety and technology. One of the main issues of…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Globalization of the Hospitality Industry

Words: 1004
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Often, an expanded market means that a company will need to undertake a strong marketing strategy based upon thorough research in order to see how the expansion would…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Generational Conflict in the Hospitality Industry

Words: 3094
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Generational Conflict in Hospitality Industry Generational conflict in the hospitality industry The history of the workforce today experience different generation employees who work side by side with people who are old…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Relationship Between Sexuality and the Modern Hospitality Industry

Words: 885
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sexuality in the Hospitality Industry The hospitality industry in the UK is big business, and sexuality is an important part of this business. If we define the hospitality industry as…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Internationalization within the Hospitality Industry

Words: 2153
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The fastest growth registered among the top 20 markets came from: (1) China (+19%); (2) India (+18%); and (3) Spain (+10%). (American Hotel & Lodging Association, 2007) In the…

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4 Pages


Globalization of the Hospitality Industry the Operational

Words: 1147
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Globalization of the Hospitality Industry The operational aspects of expansion are often the easiest for any hospitality provider to plan and execute, regardless of the global location of their latest…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Emotional Labor in the Hospitality Industry Customer

Words: 1772
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Emotional Labor in the Hospitality Industry Customer service, regardless of venue, albeit clinical, retail, collections, telemarketing, or hospitality, is one on the most difficult employment areas within which to be…

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