Human Trafficking Essays (Examples)

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Human Trafficking
Pages: 5 Words: 1478

Human Trafficking in Ukraine
Even with the fact that law enforcement agencies from around the world have experienced significant progress during recent years, the problem of human trafficking continues to represent a threat. Ukraine is one of the locations concealing men, women, and children traffic with the purpose of commercial gain resulting from their exploitation through sex and through forced labor. hile the Ukrainian authorities go through great efforts in order to reduce and even stop human trafficking within the country's borders, criminals are experienced in this field of work and they have little to no problems escaping the law.

The former Eastern bloc in general represents a location where human traffickers find it easier to recruit individuals. Young women are one of the principal group targeted by these individuals and they are taken advantage of as a result of their poor financial condition, taking into account that most hope to get…...


Works cited:

Bakker, Isabella, and Silvey, Rachel, "Beyond States and Markets: The Challenges of Social Reproduction," (Routledge, 21.08.2012)

Gunderson, Constance, "Human Trafficking: The Trafficking of Women in Northern Germany for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation - Systemic Overview of Community-Based Responses and Challenges," (LIT Verlag Munster, 16.12.2012)

Mahon, Rianne, and Robinson, Fiona, "Feminist Ethics and Social Policy: Towards a New Global Political Economy of Care," (UBC Press, 25.08.2011)

Malarek, Victor, "The Natashas: inside the new global sex trade," (Arcade Publishing, 2003)

Human Trafficking
Pages: 2 Words: 683

Human trafficking is a form of present-day slavery characterized by the use of coercion, fraud and force to exploit people for commercial benefits. Each year, a huge number of women, men and children worldwide, incorporating in the United States, fall victim of human trafficking. Victimized people are frequently attracted with false guarantees of well-paying occupations or controlled by individuals they trust. Instead, they are compelled or coerced into domestic servitude, prostitution, factory labor, or different forms of forced labor (Warner, 2010).
The Department of Homeland Security in the U.S. is answerable for investigating human trafficking, protecting victims and arresting traffickers. DHS conducts a series of investigations and makes various arrests each year, utilizing a victim-focused methodology. DHS additionally processes migration alleviation through Continued Presence (CP), U visas and T. visas, to human trafficking victims and other designated criminal acts (Forest, 2010).

After the passing of the 1949 UN Convention, human-trafficking fell far…...



Forest, J. (2010). Homeland security: Protecting America's targets. Westport, Conn: Praeger Security International.

Morehouse, C. (2009). Combating human trafficking: Policy gaps and hidden political agendas in the U.S.A. And Germany. Wiesbaden: VS, Verlag fu-r Sozialwissenschaften.

Warner, J. (2010). U.S. border security: A reference handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO.

Human Trafficking
Pages: 2 Words: 756

Human trafficking has become a common thing in the world today; I will start by defining what human trafficking is. Human trafficking is basically the trade of human involves trading of human beings for purposes such as sexual slavery, extracting of tissues and organs such as ova or for forced labor. Currently, human trafficking is quite an attractive and lucrative business estimated to close to 32 billion dollars in a year in terms of international trade. Despite the fact that human trafficking occurs at a local level it leads to international implications. There has always been confusion when it comes to human trafficking and smuggling.
Human trafficking is different from the smuggling of people. With the smuggling of people an individual known as a smuggler is requested or voluntarily hired for the purpose of covertly transporting people from on area to another. This involves the transportation of people from one…...



UNODC.( 2013 ). Human Trafficking. Retrieved November 4, 2013 from  

Human Trafficking
Pages: 2 Words: 606

Human Trafficking
The primary thing I liked about Jesper Lund's discussion about Interpol and the way it works was the speaker's candidness. He was extremely forthright, personable, and knowledgeable about this organization and its influence throughout the world. I was able to gain a lot of new insight into the way this organization operates, as well as the way international crime works.

However, I was extremely surprised at the lack of authority that Interpol has, especially in terms of its abilities to actually enforce laws. According to Lund, Interpol can only assist the governments and police forces of other countries in actually capturing criminals -- the agency cannot do so itself. In a way this makes sense, since if the way the organization operated were otherwise it would essentially be a global police force, the likes of which have yet to actually exist in our world. Still, this revelation underscored the lack…...

Human Trafficking
Pages: 8 Words: 2227

Human trafficking is a noun and it is defined as the unlawful movement of people, usually for the purposes of involuntary manual labor or marketable sexual utilization. People who are trafficked are usually kidnapped and sent to other countries where they are then forced into working or selling their bodies.
What is Human rafficking?

Human trafficking is the enlistment, conveyance, allocation, hiding or receiving of persons, by means of the danger or use of power or other forms of intimidation, of kidnapping, of deceit, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of disbursements or benefits to attain the agreement of an individual having control over another individual, for the purpose of manipulation. Manipulation shall include, at least, the misuse of the prostitution of others or other practices of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, servitude or practices comparable to servitude,…...


The Texas Attorney General has solved and stopped various instances of human trafficking. One example in particular involves a woman arrested for prostitution. "The Attorney General's Special Investigations Unit and Grapevine police officers arrested a female and charged her with prostitution. After she was released from custody, the woman told the Attorney General's Special Investigations Unit that she was a sex trafficking victim and identified her trafficker" (" Attorney General Abbott Addresses South Texas Coalition Against Human Trafficking's 2011 Conference"). Not only were they able to find and arrest the man responsible for trafficking the woman, he was identified as a 39-year-old by the name of Joshua Andrews, but the victim was also able to receive help.

Europol Trafficking in Human Beings in the European Union

U.S. Department of State

Human Trafficking Exploiting Vulnerable People for Profit
Pages: 5 Words: 1724

Human Trafficking: Exploiting Vulnerable People for Profit in the 21st Century
In the 21st century, many Americans likely believe that in the Land of the Free, slavery is no longer an issue. The harsh reality of the situation, though, is that even in the United States, humans, especially young women and girls, are still bought and sold like so much chattel for work as sex slaves or domestic servants. Indeed, human trafficking is as ancient as humankind and despite efforts at the national and international level, the problem still exists in many parts of the world today. To gain some fresh insights into the problem, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature to develop a background profile on human trafficking and an analysis of the problem from the classical school of criminological theory. A summary of the research and important findings are presented in the conclusion.

eview and Analysis

Background Profile…...



Akers, R.L. & Sellers, C.S. (2004). Criminological theories: Introduction, evaluation and applications. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Company.

Black's law dictionary. (1991). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

Destefano, A.M. (2007). The war on human trafficking: U.S. policy assessed. New Brunswick,

NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Human Trafficking National Security Implications the Objective
Pages: 8 Words: 2516

Human Trafficking National Security Implications
The objective of this study is to conduct an analysis of how policy on human trafficking emerged relating to U.S. national security policy-making processes and politics. Included in this study will be information on America's cultural and political predispositions, organizational culture, bureaucratic politics and decision-making, civil-military relations, the dynamics between Congress, the public and the executive branch, as well as the interaction or influence of international organizations and actors.

It is reported in the Widener Law Review in the work of Rizer and Glaser (nd) that President ush signed National Security Directive 22 "which specifically linked human trafficking to terrorism and public health. In addition, Congress weighed in on the issue with the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, which established the Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center to study the related issues of human trafficking, alien smuggling, and criminal support of underground terrorist travel. Furthermore,…...



Recommendations for Fighting Human Trafficking in the United States and Abroad: Transition Report for the Next Presidential Administration (2008) Action Group to End Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery. Nov. 2008. Retrieved from: 

Ribando, C. (2007) Trafficking in Persons: U.S. Policy and Issues for Congress. Congressional Research Service 20 June 2007. Retrieved from:

Rizer, A. And Glaser, SR (nd) Breach: The National Security Implications of Human Trafficking. Widener Law Review. V. 17 No. 69.

Siskin, A and Wyler, LS (2010) Trafficking in Persons: U.S. Policy and Issues for Congress. 23 Dec 2010. Congressional Research Service. Retrieved from:

Human Trafficking a Global and
Pages: 10 Words: 3248

[NAFI, 2007, pg 8] on the other hand there are many adult women who unfortunately end up as forced laborers. These people happen to be victims of false promises who were lured with the idea of well paid jobs and a higher standard of living. The traffickers often employ psychological tactics in forcing their victims to submission. Routinely the travel and identification documents of the victims are seized and they are threatened with dire consequences for their family members back home if they attempted escape or to inform the local police. Many of these victims end up in brothels, massage parlors, domestic services or forced into factory labor. [ICE, 2010] the victims are often physically abused, injected with drugs and suffer from a high risk for HIV and other sexual infections.
The Problem of Arizona

Arizona, being a border city happens to be the hub of not only illegal immigration operations…...



1) Polaris Project, (2007), 'Human Trafficking Statistics', retrieved Apr 30th 2010,, '

2) Alert, (2009), 'Arizona League to end regional Trafficking', retrieved Apr 30th 2010, from, 

3) ELDR, (2006), 'Fighting against Human Trafficking is a Liberal Democrat Priority', retrieved Apr 30th 2010, from,

4) RFERL, (July 2008), 'Experts say Human Trafficking a major problem in U.S.', retrieved Apr 30th 2010, from,

Human Trafficking the State Department of the
Pages: 20 Words: 6416

Human Trafficking
The State Department of the U.S. Government has for the past ten years issued an annual report on the state of laws governing human trafficking. The latest report shows that most of the world's industrialized countries have enacted laws to protect against human trafficking. This includes recognizing that human trafficking is a problem and having taken steps to address the issue (u & Zifcak, 2010). Most countries in the world have only progressed to what is known as Tier 2, in which the issue is recognized but has yet to be addressed in the nation's body of law (U.S. Department of State, 2010). Yet, despite most of the industrialized world having laws against human trafficking and protections for its victims, human trafficking has increased dramatically in recent years, and much of that increase focuses on bringing people into the developed world.

This places significant emphasis on building a credible legal…...


Works Cited:

BBC. (2011). Tunisia migrants: Italy alerts the EU amid Lampedusa influx. British Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved February 21, 2011 from 

Cicero-Dominguez, S. (2005). Assessing the U.S.-Mexico fight against human trafficking and smuggling: Unintended results of U.S. immigration policy. Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights. Vol. 4 (2). Retrieved February 21, 2011 from 

CNN. (2010). Human trafficking in Mexico targets women and children. CNN. Retrieved February 21, 2011 from

Conant, E.; Campo-Flores, A.; Skipp, C.; Barry, J. & Ephron, D. (2009). The enemy within. Newsweek. Vol. 153 (12) 36-39.

Human Trafficking in October of
Pages: 10 Words: 2990

Moon stated that since the Crawfords entered her life, "I have realized that I have value and worth. And now that I know God, I can always pray for his help whenever I have a problem." The Crawfords are among a growing number of Christians worldwide working to live out the love of Jesus by reaching out to sexually exploited people. The Crawfords decided to move to Thailand after a short-term mission trip to Asia. Christa, a graduate of Harvard Law School, was dissatisfied with corporate law and had been providing legal aid at the Union Gospel Mission in Los Angeles. Mark had been leading an expanding multiethnic church and pursuing a master's degree at Fuller Theological Seminary to prepare to minister to prostituting women. (Jewell, 2007, p. 28).
When Kerry Hilton moved from New Zealand to India with his family in 2000, he was amazed when seeing 6,000 women…...



Alford, D. (2007) How Christians worldwide are sabotaging the modern slave trade.

Christianity Today. 51(3)

Busch, David. ABC Radio National a Light at the Door. Interview Retrieved April18, 2008 

Glatz, C. Nuns Social Aspects Catholic News Service Retrieved April 18, 2008

Human Trafficking Literature Review Perhaps the Most
Pages: 3 Words: 1160

Human Trafficking: Literature eview
Perhaps the most significant act of legislation passed to deal with the growing global problem of human trafficking was the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. This law established specific federal penalties for trafficking in persons, as well as offered added protections for victims. However, according to Anthony M. Destefano's 2007 The war on human trafficking: U.S. policy assessed, the years subsequent to the passage of this Act have revealed the provisions of this law to be inadequate. First and foremost, Destefano accuses the Bush Administration of having a kind of prurient fascination with prostitution, and says that it ignores other areas of the capitalist system in which there is profiting off of trafficking, such as sweatshops. In the hands of the Bush Administration, the law was used just as often to punish and silence victims as it was to litigate against their abusers.

However, according to Loring's…...



Destefano, Anthony M. (2007). The war on human trafficking: U.S. policy assessed.

New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Dovydaitis, Tiffany. (2011). Human trafficking: The role of the health care provider. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health, 55 (5): 462-467. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmwh.2009.12.017

Loring Jones, David W. Engstrom, Tricia Hilliard, Mariel Diaz. (2007). Globalization and human trafficking. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. Retrieved from

Human Trafficking Is Often Thought of as
Pages: 3 Words: 1158

Human trafficking is often thought of as a problem indigenous only to developing nations. However, the phenomenon is pervasive internationally, including in the United States. Examples of human enslavement in the U.S. that have recently been exposed by the media and law enforcement have been found in the fields of domestic service, prostitution, farm labor, factories, and mining (Bales & Soodalter 2007). "Trafficking supplies human beings for prostitution, sweatshop labor, street begging, domestic work, marriage, adoption, agricultural work, construction, armed conflicts (child soldiers), and other forms of exploitive labor or services" around the world (Loring, Engstrom, Hilliard, & Diaz 2007:1).
These cases represent only a proverbial 'tip of the iceberg' of the phenomenon as it exists today. The phenomenon of globalization has increased the flow of human traffic worldwide, not only in legitimate spheres of labor, but also in the arenas of human trafficking. "Human trafficking represents perhaps the worst form…...



Bales, Kevin & Ron Soodalter. (2007). The slave next door: Human trafficking and slavery in America today. Berkley: University of California Press.

Fact sheet: Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. (2011). U.S. Department of Health

and Human Services (HHS).


Human Trafficking Rampant in Almost All Countries
Pages: 3 Words: 1191

Human trafficking, rampant in almost all countries in the world, still unexpectedly continues in the United States with the forced exploitation of humans into forced labor or sexual exploitation. The United States' Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 defines human trafficking as:
Sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age, O

The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery (Victims of Violence and Protection Act, 2000)

Almost non-existent here as compared to other countries where it is second only to drugs, according to the Washington Post (2008) only 1,362 cases of foreign victims of human trafficking have been identified here since 2000.…...



Brunovskis, A., & Tyldum, G. (2004) .Crossing borders: an empirical study of transnational prostitution and trafficking in human beings, Fafo report 426, Oslo.

Heather J. Clawson; Nicole Dutch; & Megan Cummings. (2006). Law Enforcement Response to Human Trafficking and the Implications for Victims: Current Practices and Lessons Learned National Institute of Justice/NCJRS, USA

Logan, TK, Walker, R., & Hunt, G (2009). Understanding Human Trafficking in the United States. Trauma Violence Abuse, 10, 1 3-30

Markon, J. (May 24, 2008). "Human Trafficking Evokes Outrage, Little Evidence." The Washington Post. .

Human Trafficking the Problem of
Pages: 6 Words: 2034

Presently, many jurisdictions incarcerate the victims and then export them as illegal aliens to the same conditions that made them candidates for trafficking in the first purpose. In the process these poor individuals are victimized again at the hands of the law enforcement officials. It is an unbroken circle. Efforts are on the way such as in the European Union to adopt a more enlightened approach but there is far more work to do in this regard. The United States has also initiated legislation aimed at the same goal but its full enforcement has been limited by the public sensitivity toward immigrants (U.S. Department of State, 2000). Perhaps the most important provision of the 2000 Victims Protection Act was the creation of T-visas which allowed victims to remain in the U.S. If they qualified under the requirements of the Act. This was a major step forward in recognizing the…...



Bales, K. (2004). Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Hepburn, S. (2010). Hidden in Plain Sight: Human Trafficking in the United States. Gender Issues, 1-26.

Polaris Project. (2007). Human Trafficking Statistics. Retrieved June 10, 2011, from Polaris Project: 

The Associated Press. (2011, April 21). Farms Charged with Human Trafficking. New York Times, p. 15.

Human Trafficking of Women and
Pages: 9 Words: 4329

143). In this regard, Yen cites the case of one-4-year-old child who was sold to a child sex-trafficking ring operating in the United States. According to Yen, "She was enslaved for twelve years, servicing mostly American men. To keep the children obedient, her traffickers frequently abused them psychologically and physically" (p. 653). Although truly alarming, this case is certainly not unique and Yen stresses that children ranging in age of "toddlers to teens" are being offered for sale by international human traffickers (Yen, 2008, p. 653).
In response to this growing problem, the United States together with 117 other countries adopted the anti-trafficking protocol from the United Nations in 2000 that defined "trafficking in persons" as being the "recruitment, transportation and harboring of another person for the purpose of exploitation" (United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, G.A. Res. 55/25, U.N. GAOR,…...

How can I start my essay on Deviance?
Words: 340

Choosing how to start your essay on deviance depends on the type of essay you are writing and the type of coursework you are trying to complete.  Deviance is a broad topic that is covered in many of the soft sciences, including (but not limited to) sociology, psychology, and criminology.  It is also discussed in the humanities, particularly philosophy and history.  Therefore, we would probably begin the essay with two things: a definition of deviance and an explanation of how that definition fits into the context of the essay we are writing. 

Generally, deviance is a sociological concept....

How a slave narrative has helped as a tool for the ongoing movement of equality for the people of colour?
Words: 382

There are a number of fantastic slave narratives that really describe the experiences of people in slavery.  However, there is a problem with most of these narratives.  Written by former slaves, these narratives are going to represent a rarity among slaves because their authors could read and write, while teaching a slave to read or write was punishable under many slave codes.  Therefore, we strongly suggest looking at a more comprehensive collection of slave narratives.  Fortunately, the Works Progress Administration compiled slave narratives under a few different programs, most notably the Federal Writer’s Project. ....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on instruction you are expected to write a term paper about any social problem covered in the topics included on chapters include some programs benefits assistance from the government or private organizations which will be helpful to address the problem you may add your perspective and recommendations about the issue?
Words: 669

1. The impact of poverty on education: exploring government assistance programs and private initiatives aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty through education.

2. The prevalence of mental health issues in society: analyzing the benefits of government-funded mental health programs and the role of private organizations in providing support and resources to individuals in need.

3. The challenges faced by homeless individuals: examining the assistance offered by government agencies and non-profit organizations in providing shelter, food, and healthcare to homeless populations.

4. The issue of food insecurity: investigating government assistance programs such as SNAP and WIC, as well as the role of food....

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover gangs?
Words: 315

Certainly! Here are some potential essay topics related to gangs:

1. The impact of gangs on communities and neighborhoods
2. The role of social media in gang recruitment and communication
3. The relationship between poverty and gang involvement
4. The effectiveness of gang prevention programs and initiatives
5. The connection between drugs and gang activity
6. The influence of music and pop culture on gang behavior
7. The evolution of gang culture and symbols
8. The portrayal of gangs in the media and pop culture
9. The experiences of former gang members and their efforts to leave the gang lifestyle
10. The intersectionality of race, class, and gender in gang....

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