Hypertension Essays (Examples)

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Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health
Pages: 10 Words: 3627

Hypertension among African-Americans
Nursing Process and Health Promotion of Groups and Community Theory

Hypertension is very rampant in African-Americans, and health providers link it with three major chronic diseases, which include; stroke, kidney and heart diseases. This paper examines the incidence of hypertension in African-Americans in the five subsystems of the SDS Assessment Categories. African-Americans suffer high risks of organ damage as well as stroke and heart diseases, caused by hypertension. Health providers, especially nurses, ought to be very practical in identifying hypertension in African-Americans and increase their aggressiveness in regulating and treating person(s). In addition, health providers should focus in providing health education in order to reduce and prevent mortality and morbidity rate in the African-Americans suffering from hypertension.


Hypertension is an example of a chronic disease that causes major health problems to numerous Americans and a key issue to almost every racial group residing in the United States. Hypertension is one…...



American Fact Finder, (2013). Retrieved March 2013. From U.S. Census. gov.


Blixen, C.E., Singh, A., & Thacker, H. (2006). Values and beliefs about obesity and weight reduction among African-Americans and Caucasian women. Journal of Transcultural

Nursing, 17(3), 290-297.

Hypertension One of the Major Health Problems
Pages: 5 Words: 1553

One of the major health problems that the American society and the whole world experience is the prevalence of hypertension or high- blood pressure- caused illnesses or deaths in many people today. A special report made by the website Lifeclinic.com stated that almost 50 million Americans have hypertension, "1 in every 4 adults" (2002). This statistic illustrates the increasing number of people who are gradually suffering and eventually dying due to hypertension. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is defined to be the "condition which can result when the arterial diameter is reduced... And increased pressure caused by reduced diameter of the arteries plays a greater role in hypertension" (Varona 1999 46). To comprehend the concept of hypertension, a definition of blood pressure is needed. lood pressure is defined as "the pressure of the blood flowing through the blood vessels against the vessel walls." In effect, if a high blood pressure…...



Basic Facts about High Blood Pressure. Retrieved 28 October 2002, from Lifeclinic.com. Web site:  http://www.lifeclinic.com/focus/blood/whatisit.asp 

Laragh, John H. (1991). Hypertension. In World Book Encyclopedia (Vol. 9,-page 460). USA: World Book Inc.

McCann, Dervilla M. (2001). The History of Hypertension: Not a Modern Day Phenomenon. Retrieved 28 October 2002, from Dr. Donnica.com. Web site:  http://www.drdonnica.com/guests/00002086.htm 

Varona, Blecenda. (1999). Healing Wonders of Diet: Effective Guide to Diet Therapy. Manila: Philippine Publishing House.

Hypertension and the Family Definition
Pages: 5 Words: 1461

M., 2009, p. 1474).

Although hypertension is one of the most prevalent of all disorders in the United States, it does not affect nor impact the family of a person with this disorder as much as other diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's and other disorders associated with the central nervous system. Overall, hypertension does affect a person's family in one important way, being the build-up of stress within the family unit which then impacts the person with hypertension, making him/her more prone to a heart attack, a stroke or higher levels of blood pressure which can lead to an entire host of related life-threatening disorders.

For example, a family member with hypertension might be faced with a number of family-related problems which only increase the symptoms of the disorder, such as constant worry about a son's or daughter's conduct at school or their activities which tend to…...



Appel, L.J. (2009). Another major role for dietary sodium reduction: Improving blood pressure control in patients with resistant hypertension. Hypertension, 54(3), 444-446.

Baggish, a.L., Weiner, R.B., et al. (2009). Impact of family hypertension history on exercise-induced cardiac remodeling. American Journal of Cardiology, 104(1), 101-106.

Chummun, H. (2009). Hypertension: A contemporary approach to nursing care. British Journal of Nursing, 18(13), 784-789.

Forman, J.P., Stampfer, M.J., et al. (2008). Diet and lifestyle risk factors associated with incident hypertension in women. Journal of the American Medical Association, 302(4), 401-411.

Hypertension Is Basically High Blood
Pages: 3 Words: 809

Other factors include a history of alcohol and tobacco use, and dietary assessment including saturated fat and caffeine. Also certain prescribed and over-the-counter medications, herbal remedies, and illicit drugs may be factors, as well as psychosocial and environmental factors such as family situation, employment status, working conditions, and educational levels (Guidelines).
Aside from routine physical examinations, laboratory tests, such as urinalysis, blood cell count and blood chemistry may be used in diagnostic procedure (Guidelines).

Hypertension may be treated with drugs including diuretics, such as thiazide derivatives; vasodilators, such as hydralazine and prazosin; sympathetic nervous system depressants, such as rauwolfia alkaloids; sympathetic nervous system inhibitors such as guanethidine and methyldopa and ganglionic blocking agents, such as clonidine and propranolol (Hypertension). Individuals with high blood pressure should exercise regularly, follow a low-sodium, low-saturated fat diet, avoid stress, get adequate rest, and lower calorie intake to control obesity (Hypertension).

Nutritional management of hypertension has moved…...


Works Cited

Gay, Christopher. "New developments in the management of hypertension."

American Family Physician. September 1, 2003. Retrieved November 16, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Hypertension." The Mosby Medical Encyclopedia.1996. Retrieved November 16, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Selected Guidelines: Featured CME Topic: Hypertension." Southern Medical Journal.

Hypertension in This Text I Concern Myself
Pages: 2 Words: 931

In this text, I concern myself with hypertension. In so doing, I will amongst other things discuss its causes and possible complications. Further, I will also highlight treatment and control options with a particular emphasis on lifestyle changes, exercises, etc.


Hypertension could either be secondary or essential (Toth and Cannon, 2010). Unlike secondary hypertension, essential hypertension has no clear or exact cause. For this reason, this category of hypertension is often associated with a sedentary lifestyle, stress, excessive intake of alcohol, smoking, etc. On the other hand, secondary hypertension according to Toth and Cannon (2010) results from an identifiable mechanism or cause, i.e. A specific disorder.

Underlying Diseases Which Could be Caused by Hypertension

According to the American College of Sports Medicine -- ACSM (2010), underlying diseases which could be caused by hypertension include but they are not limited to chronic kidney disease, heart failure, CVD, etc. Other underlying diseases caused by the…...



American College of Sports Medicine. (2010). ACSM'S Guidelines for Exercises Testing and Prescription (8th ed.). New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Dunford, (Ed.). (2006). Sports Nutrition: A Practice for Professionals (4th ed.). New York: American Dietetic Association.

Harvey, R.A. & Champe, P.C. (2009). Pharmacology (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Toth, P.P. & Cannon, C.P. (Eds.) (2010). Comprehensive Cardiovascular Medicine in the Primary Care Setting. New York: Springer.

Hypertension Crises
Pages: 3 Words: 890

Hypertension Crises
Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not properly use or produce insulin. A hormone, insulin converts sugar, starches, and other food into energy needed for daily life. The exact cause of diabetes remains a mystery. Experts agree that both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise appear to contribute to the disease.

Over 17 million people in the United States, or slightly more than 6% of the population, have diabetes. Although an estimated 11 million Americans have been diagnosed, 6 million people (or the equivalent of one-third with the disease) are unaware that they have diabetes.

There are three major types of diabetes. They are:

Type 1 diabetes - The condition results from the body's inability to produce insulin, the hormone that "unlocks" or "opens" the cells of the body, allowing glucose to enter and fuel them. etween 5-10% of Americans who are diagnosed with…...



National Diabetes Fact Sheet Brochure, issued and published by the American Diabetes Association. Downloaded from www.ada.orgon April 11, 2003.

Fuller JH, Stevens LK, Wang SL. Epidemiology of Hypertension in Diabetic Patients. The WHO Multinational Study of Vascular Disease in Diabetic patients. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 1996; 28(Suppl.4): SI-S5.

American Diabetes Association: Standards of medical care for patients with diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care 22(Suppl 1):S32-S41, 1999.

The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group: The Effect of Intensive Treatment of Diabetes on the Development and Progression of Long-Term Complications in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. N Eng J. Med 329:977-986, 1993.

Hypertension In the United States
Pages: 9 Words: 3238

Figure 2 lists a number of risk factors that a person may change to reduce his/her risk of developing hypertension and/or to lower his/her blood pressure.
Figure 2: isk Factors for Hypertension (adapted from izzo, Odle & Costello, 2006, isk Factors section, ¶ 1).

Diagnostic Tests

Sharp (2006), purports that the four goals of evaluation for hypertension include:

1. Identifying lifestyle factors that contribute to elevated blood pressure and increased risk for cardiovascular disease,

2. assessing linking modifiable cardiovascular risk factors,

3. assessing for target organ disease, and

4. determining whether a secondary root exists for the elevation of the person's blood pressure (Sharp, 2006).

The instrument for measuring blood pressure, a sphygmomanometer, consists of a cloth-covered rubber cuff, which is wrapped around the upper arm and inflated. izzo, Odle and Costello (2006) explain the process:

When the cuff is inflated, an artery in the arm is squeezed to momentarily stop the flow of blood. Then, the air…...



Isabela. (2009). Magaly Rivera. Retrieved October 16, 2009 from  http://welcome.topuertorico.org/city/isabela.shtml 

Kassem, N. (2009). Medications for high blood pressure. Suite101.com. Retrieved October 16,

2009 from http://heartdiseasediabetes.suite101.com/article.cfm/medications_that_reduce_high_blo


Hypertension in African Americans
Pages: 3 Words: 1312

HYPETENSION IN African-AmericanS
The questions regarding all aspects of life of African-Americans is a matter of curiosity and resultant scientific interest within the people of America, and there is a resultant interest in their health on that account. This is probably the major reason behind the study of hypertension among them, and the latest reasons that are shown may reflect some of the causes of this hypertension at the door of the other section of Americans.

There has been research conduced recently at Stanford University School of Medicine, Loyola University Medical Center and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis along with others, who conducted a study on hypertension among African-Americans. This was the first in its line application of a new statistical method of analysis and it has identified regions on chromosomes 6 and 21 in their DNA which are likely to contain genes that result in the high blood…...



Bakris, George L; Ferdinand, Keith C; Douglas, Janice G; Sowers, James R. (October, 2002)

'Optimal treatment of hypertension in African-Americans" Postgraduate Medicine. Vol: 112; No: 4. Retrieved from   Accessed 7 November, 2005http://www.postgradmed.com/issues/2002/10_02/bakris3.htm 

Douglas, Janice G; Ferdinand, Keith C; Bakris, George L; Sowers, James R. (October, 2002)

'Barriers to blood pressure control in African-Americans" Postgraduate Medicine. Vol: 112; No: 4. Retrieved from  http://www.postgradmed.com/issues/2002/10_02/douglas2.htm

Hypertension Behavioral Objectives After Reading
Pages: 3 Words: 876

Losing weight not only reduces the likelihood of complications due to high blood pressure; losing weight usually entails dietary changes that will also reduce hypertension. For example, eating fewer processed foods will both help a person lose weight and reduce sodium intake. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and no trans-fats ensures good overall health. Therefore, the first step towards reducing high blood pressure is learning how to identify foods that are healthy. eading product labels is one way to keep track of sodium intake. In general, persons with high blood pressure should avoid all processed and fast foods, which contain exorbitant amounts of salt.
In addition to paying attention to their sodium intake, individuals with high blood pressure or who are prone to it need to pay attention to their calcium intake. Low calcium intake is linked to high blood pressure (Anderson et al. 2008). Therefore, persons with high…...



Anderson, J., Young, L. & Long, E. (2008). Diet and hypertension. Colorado State University. Retrieved online:  http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/foodnut/09318.html 

MayoClinic (2010). High blood pressure (hypertension). Retrieved online:  http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/high-blood-pressure/DS00100/DSECTION=lifestyle%2Dand%2Dhome%2Dremedies 

Zieve, D. & Eltz, D.R. (2011). Hypertension. PubMed. Retrieved online:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001502/

Hypertension Is a Condition That
Pages: 3 Words: 1035

This is closely related to atherosclerosis, as mentioned above. A plaque or rupture in a coronary vessel results in a significant reduction of blood supply to a critical portion of the myocardium.

Although not causing the condition directly, essential hypertension could be a significant contributing factor to the condition. Hypertension in such patients is also associated with elevated catecholamine levels, which in turn are caused by anxiety, pain, or other medical factors.

In addition to treatments for essential hypertension, Garas (2010) suggests that the condition can be treated by means of restoring the myocardial perfusion either by medical means or by surgery. Surgery might be administered either by percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass grafting. Other suggested treatments include the restoration of balance between oxygen supply and demand to the myocardium; pain relief, or prevention and treatment measures for complications. Survival rates are reported to increase with Thrombolytic therapy, or with…...



Alexander, R.W. (1995). Hypertension and the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis. Hypertension. Vol. 25. Retrieved from  http://hyper.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/25/2/155#SEC6 

Carretero, O.A. And Oparil, S. (2000). Essential Hypertension. Circulation. Retrieved from  http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/circulationaha;101/3/329 

Fenton, D.E. (2010, May 18). Myocardial Infarction. Emedicine. Retrieved from  http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/759321-overview 

Garas, S. (2010, Jan 22). Myocardial Infarction: Treatment & Medication. Emedicine.  http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/155919-treatment

Hypertension Development and Prevention
Pages: 3 Words: 975

Cardiovascular System Disorder Case Study
System Disorder Case Study

Hypertension is a primary cause of cardiovascular diseases. Causes of hypertension are largely unknown or disputable. The application of other molecular biologic tools is likely to serve through better delineation of the basic mechanisms of primary hypertension. Other secondary causes account for 10% of hypertension. The ingredients include renal disorders like renin-producing tumors, renal renovascular disease, sodium retention, and primary parenchymal disease. Endocrinologic disturbances resulting in hypertension are inclusive of exogenous hormones, carcinoid, adrenal disorders, and thyroid disease (Lilly, 2012). Other causes include aortic coarctation, pregnancy complications (pre-eclampsia), acute stress, neurologic causes, alcohol ingestion, increased intravascular volume, nicotine use, and the drug use such as tacrolimus or cyclosporine.

The lymphatic and cardiovascular systems' diseases affect various systems due to their infectious agents that are easily disseminated by lymph and blood. Although blood remains sterile, moderate numbers of microorganisms are not harmful (Vlodaver, Wilson &…...



Labarthe, D. (2011). Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: A Global Challenge. New York: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Lilly, L.S. (2012). Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. New York: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Montezano, A.C. & Touyz, R.M. (2012). Reactive Oxygen Species and the Cardiovascular System. New York: Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Vlodaver, Z., Wilson, R.F. & Garry, D.J. (2012). Coronary Heart Disease: Clinical, Pathological, Imaging, and Molecular Profiles. New York: Springer Science & Business Media.

Healthy People Reduce the Proportion of Adults With Hypertension
Pages: 10 Words: 2583

Hypertension is defined as systolic BP of at least 140 mm HG and diastolic BP of at least 90 mm Hg, self-reported use of antihypertensive medications, or both. (Ostchega, 2005-2006)
Hypertension, according to the joint national committee 6 and 7, is classified into the following stages:

Classification of Blood Pressure for Adults Aged ? 18 Years: JNC 7 versus JNC

JNC 7 Blood

Pressure Category

JNC 6 Blood

Pressure Category

SBP (mm Hg)


DBP (mm Hg)



< 120




< 130














(Linda Brookes, Msc, 2003)

Hypertension is a progressive and multi-factorial disease, increasing in incidence with age, affecting twenty five percent of the population in the United States, with a predisposition amongst the African-American population.

Based on etiology, it is divided into idiopathic (or essential), occurring ninety five percent of the time, and secondary hypertension, in the remaining five percent. It is classified as idiopathic hypertension when no known cause can be found, however, secondary hypertension can be due to multiple causes, for example,…...



Ostchega, Y; Yoon, S.S; Hughes, J; Tatiana, L (2005-2006).Hypertension Awareness, Treatment, and Control -- Continued Disparities in Adults: United States. Retrieved from:  http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db03.pdf 

Linda Brookes, MSc. New Classification of Hypertension -- Introducing Pre-hypertension (2003): retrieved from:  http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/455849_2 

Kumar Abbas, Fausto Mitchel. Robbins Basic Pathology (2007).India: Elsevier.

Healthy people website.Healthy people objective Development (2020).Retrieved from:  http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/about/objectiveDevelopment.aspx .

Patient Education on Hypertension Newly Diagnosed
Pages: 2 Words: 757

Hypertension, or elevated blood pressure, is the excessive amount of pressure generated as a result of blood flowing against the arterial wall. High blood pressure can be created when there is a great volume of blood passing through the arteries, or when there is narrowing of the arterial lumen, or both. A common analogy is that of a garden hose: when there is more water passing through the hose or when the nozzle is tightened, high hose pressure is generated. This is similar to what goes on in our blood vessels. (Wood Stephen, M.D, 1997)
When the systolic blood pressure (pressure with which the heart beats, while pumping) is 140 or greater, and the diastolic blood pressure (pressure when the heart is at rest, between beats) is 90 or greater, the person is said to be hypertensive. (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute)

There are various determinants of hypertension although not all…...



Wood Stephen, M.D, Griffith Bert, P.A. Conquering High Blood Pressure (1997). Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing.

National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. High Blood Pressure: What Is High Blood Presssure (April, 2011). Retrieved from:  http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov /health/dci/Diseases/Hbp/HBP_WhatIs.html.

CDC. High Blood Pressure. Retrieved from:  http://www.cdc.gov/bloodpressure/sodium.htm .

National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. High Blood Pressure: What Are the Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Pressure (April, 2011). Retrieved from:

Medical Interventions for African-American Males With Hypertension
Pages: 2 Words: 620

Hypertension / High Blood Pressure
hat are the symptoms of hypertension and what are the reasons that people get hypertension? hat ethnicities are most prone to hypertension? The answer is that African-Americans are most prone to hypertension -- in particular male African-Americans over the age of 60. hat is the best treatment for hypertension for those older African-American males? This paper discusses these issues using available literature.


Hypertension is a problem with people worldwide and is found in all populations "except some primitive communities that live in cultural isolation" (Nadar, 2015). Hypertension is caused by "abnormally elevated blood pressures" and is often called the "silent killer" because people don't always know they have hypertension, Nadar writes on page 3 of his book. About 6% of adult deaths in the whole world result from hypertension, and the first signs of hypertension often are diagnosed when a person suffers a "myocardial infarction or a…...


Works Cited

Flack, J.M., Nasser, S.A., and Levy, P.D. (2011). Therapy of Hypertension in African

Americans. American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs, 11(2), 83-92.

Gulledge, J., and Beard, S. (1999). Hypertension Management: Clinical Pathways,

Guidelines, and Patient Education. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Case Study of the Introduction to Hypertension
Pages: 3 Words: 809

Based on Mike's history and exam, what tests would you consider and why?

His doctor orders a straightforward metabolic panel. On top of that other things to be utilized are the electrocardiogram (EKG) in order to check the heart, along with a measurement of hemoglobin A1C (A1C). this is important because if a hemoglobin test exposes that your hemoglobin level is lesser than normal, it means that Mike may have a low red blood cell count (anemia). Furthermore, there needs to a urinalysis, urine protein / creatinine ratio, aldosterone, and a lipid panel.

What are the different types of hypertension and its pathophysiology.

The pathogenesis of essential hypertension is multifactorial and highly complex (Tong, 2015). Multiple factors moderate the blood pressure (BP) for suitable tissue perfusion and consist of humoral mediators, vascular reactivity, vascular caliber, mingling blood volume, blood vessel elasticity blood viscosity, cardiac output, and neural inspiration (King, 2015). A likely pathogenesis…...



King, C. (2015). Hypertension. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 13(9), 3-27.

Tong, X. (2015). Hypertension Screening in Children and Adolescents -- National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, and Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, United States, 2007-2010. CDC, 23(12).

Treatment of hypertension and the price to pay; adverse events and discontinuation from randomized treatment in clinical trials. (2016). Journal of Hypertension:, 34, 1489-1491.

Could you suggest some essay topics related to cardiovascular disease on men who exrcise?
Words: 617

1. The Role of Exercise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Men: A Comprehensive Examination

Introduction: Highlight the prevalence and impact of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among men and emphasize the role of exercise as a preventive measure.

Discuss the physiological mechanisms by which exercise improves cardiovascular health, including increased blood flow, improved blood pressure regulation, and enhanced lipid profiles.
Explore the specific types and intensities of exercise that are most effective in reducing CVD risk.
Review evidence from clinical trials and observational studies demonstrating the association between regular exercise and lower incidence of CVD events.

Conclusion: Summarize the key findings supporting the protective....

How has your family\'s health history influenced your own personal health challenges?
Words: 689

Chapter 1: A Legacy of Health

My family's health history has left an indelible mark on my own personal health journey. From the depths of chronic diseases to the resilience that emanates from our shared experiences, my lineage has shaped both the challenges I have faced and the path I have taken towards well-being.

Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the debilitating effects of heart disease on my paternal grandfather. Struggling with hypertension and high cholesterol, he endured multiple cardiac events that ultimately claimed his life at a relatively young age. The image of his weakened body and the suffering he endured left....

How can socio-economic factors impact access to healthcare and contribute to health inequalities?
Words: 471

Socio-economic factors can significantly impact access to healthcare and contribute to health inequalities in several ways:

1. Income and employment status: Individuals with low incomes or unstable employment may struggle to afford health insurance, copayments, and other out-of-pocket costs associated with healthcare services. This can result in delayed or inadequate access to necessary medical care.

2. Education level: People with higher levels of education may have a better understanding of the healthcare system, how to navigate it, and how to advocate for their own health needs. This can lead to better access to preventive care and earlier interventions for health issues.

3. Housing....

What dietary strategies can help optimize the nutrition of individuals undergoing dialysis treatment?
Words: 577

Dietary Strategies for Optimizing Nutrition in Dialysis Patients

Dialysis treatment, a life-sustaining therapy for individuals with advanced kidney disease, necessitates significant dietary modifications to manage fluid and electrolyte imbalances, prevent malnutrition, and support overall well-being. Here are comprehensive dietary strategies to help optimize the nutrition of individuals undergoing dialysis treatment:

1. Calorie Management:

Dialysis patients often experience decreased appetite, nausea, and vomiting, leading to reduced calorie intake. Aim for a daily calorie intake of 30-35 kcal/kg of body weight to maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI). Consult with a registered dietitian to determine individualized calorie needs.

2. Protein Management:

Protein intake is crucial for....

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