Identity Theft Essays (Examples)

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Identity Theft

Identity Theft: Managing the Risk Management
What's New for the Future of Identity Theft Prevention

In this paper I examine the basics of identity theft in today's age of widespread and accessible information. The fundamental problem is that while information technologies continue to make aspects of our lives as simple as "point and click," they tend to make certain forms of crime equally simple. The internet, in particular, makes information not only instantly available but also available to an untold number of faceless strangers. However, the central methods for preventing identity theft remain what they were before personal computers became as common as the television; social security numbers and credit card information must be guarded.

I begin this discussion with an overview and definition of identity theft, including the most common ways it is committed. I identify the fundamental steps towards prevention, as well as the latest laws enacted to combat this threat….

Identity Theft Corp (ITC) is a new company specializing on the identity theft service. The company assists customers to monitor their credit report in order to identify any suspicious charge. The company will also provide the leg work to clean up the mess left behind because of the identity theft and assist customers to rebuild their credits.
The objective of this proposal is to provide strategic planning and implementation for Identity Theft Corp. The report uses SWOT model to analyze the internal and external environments that ITC will be operating.

SWOT model involves analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the ITC internal factors and using the opportunities and threats to asses the company external factors. The analysis will assist the company to formulate an effective strategy to achieve its mission.

Strength: The strength of the ITC is its technical and professional skills that the company has already possessed for the successful implementation. Typically,….

Identity Theft III
Identity Theft Clean-Up and Credit Monitoring Product Solutions for the United States Market

Product Description

Proactive Solutions

Reactive Solutions

Target Market

Market Analysis

Potential Market Growth

In previous reports various aspects of a new market expansion for a credit monitoring and other related services would be introduction crossed borders from the corporate headquarters in Canada into the United States. The move into the United States marketplace represents a new market expansion that represents an incredible opportunity for the Canadian firm. However, at the same time, it is necessary to understand the differences that are inherent in this market for the expansion to be successful. Any misstep could result in the expansion not creating value for either the consumers or the parent company.

Product Description

The products offered in the organization's product line-up are focused on individual consumers' credit reports. The compositions of the products are centered around protecting, preserving, and repairing a client's credit rating to the….

Once your personal or financial information has been compromised, it may take months and even years to secure them again. This may involve filing fraud case with your bank, information everyone about your stolen SSN and generally avoiding credit cards or debit card transactions. This is indeed a major problem getting one's identity and peace of mind back once it has been compromised. For this reason prevention is the best way of protecting identity online. There are several ways in which this can be done.
1. Anti-Virus software

Internet users must have a genuinely brilliant and secure anti-virus program installed. Instead of copying free versions online, it is better to purchase a copy of licensed software and use it on your computer. This will help protect against hacker attacks and also alert the user when a suspicious web site appears. Anti-virus software also check for security certificates and inform users when….

Identity Theft Is a Crime
Hoar, Sean B. Identity Theft: The Crime of the New illennium (2001). U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved arch 20, 2007 at

Has some clown taken over your good name? (2004). The Police Notebook. University of Oklahoma Police Department. Retrieved arch 20, 2007 at

Thorne, J. And Segal, a. (2006). Identity theft: The new way to rob a bank. CNN online. Retrieved arch 20, 2007 at

New technology may increase identity theft (2005). The Age Company Ltd. Retrieved arch 20, 2007 at

cCarthy, Jack (2000). National Fraud Center: Internet is driving identity theft. CNN online. Retrieved arch 20, 2007 at

Leland, J. And Zeller, T. (ay 30, 2006). Technology and Easy Credit Give Identity Thieves an Edge. The New York Times online. Retrieved arch 20, 2007 at

ore Social Surfing means more Identity Theft (2007). Usability News online. Retrieved arch 20, 2007 at

Sullivan, Bob (2004). 9/11 report light on ID….

Spyware runs automatically without the user's knowledge and transmits vital information. Spyware can also record your keystrokes and one might end up revealing all usernames, passwords and other details to identity thieves. (Atlantic Publishing, 2008); (Schwabach, 2005)
Identity thieves have also found novel ways to steal and use identities. For instance, cyber criminals recently hacked Facebook, a popular social networking site, and changed a user's page asking people to help him. Even though the matter was resolved with the help of Facebook; the fact remains that identity theft can have far-reaching and diverse consequences. (Caroll, 2009) the damage caused by identity theft can take years to be rectified. The consequences of the fraudulent practices initiated by the identity thief can continue to reach the victim and credit companies long after the thief has been apprehended and the abuse of the victim's identity stopped. Therefore, consumers must take utmost precautions to….

Identity Theft but He That

In one case in 2000, two-20-year-olds hacked into the Lowe's credit card mainframe from a white Pontiac Grand Prix parked outside a store, synching a single laptop to the wireless system that was meant for employees to use to locate products.
The hackers, obviously to blame for the crime, played on the flaws of a computer system that should not have allowed for a security breach. While the same hackers were responsible for the fall of a non-profit online service provider named Arbornet only months before, they were unaware of the increasing watchful eye of the Lowe's corporation on their actions. While Lowe's was not yet able to smooth the seams of its system and the holes allowing access, they were able to keep watch, something that all corporations need to take responsibility and do. From the corporate data center in North Carolina, Lowe's employees were able to trace the….

Pharmers now not only small local servers operated by Internet service providers (ISP) but they also target the 13 servers on which all other DNS servers depend.

Businesses & Large Organizations: Among large scale businesses that get affected includes the financial sector other than individuals. Electronic banking services have been greatly affected by these criminals who are euphemistically called hackers or crackers who conduct phishing or pharming. They not only steal the information and enter into the security system of banks but when they are caught they also retaliate. They retaliate using computer viruses, "worms" and "logic bombs" that can destroy hard drives. While robbers of banks using guns and other such weapons can also steal big amounts but they could end up in prison and the amount looted could be recovered. In case of these hackers, the sleuths have new technological tactics to deal with. These criminals use technology….

Identity Theft
Many people in the United States and around the world have become the victims of identity theft. This is a crime wherein a person pretends to be someone else by assuming their identity in order to obtain money and other benefits that should belong to the person whose identity they are taking (Michael 2012). Often, the person whose identity is stolen can become financially damaged by the theft, particularly if they are held accountable for the other person's actions. Identity theft is a notoriously difficult crime to prove. Victims frequently do not know they have been targeted until days, weeks, or even months after the crime was committed. Because of this, the date of the crime is hard to determine and the person responsible even more difficult to detect.

According to the article "Men Plead Guilty to Identity Theft Crimes that Included Ventura County Victims," (2013) a large crime ring….

Identity theft has always been possible, but the internet and technology have made it something that can often be accomplished far too easily. According to Hoar (2001), identity theft is the "crime of the new millennium." Stealing someone's identity can cause them countless problems, thousands of dollars, and literally years to correct. Problems are not limited to credit reports, either. Some people even file tax returns using the social security numbers of others. They get big refunds from the government, and when the real person files his or her tax return, the federal government rejects it, saying that person already filed (Hoar, 2001; McFadden, 2007). Naturally, that can be a huge issue for anyone who has to find ways to sort that out. Just telling someone they were the victim of identity theft is not enough. A police report should always be filed, and often there are many steps which….

The system that Networks Update critiques is IMAG ("Identity Managed Access Gateway") by Apere, Inc.
The way it works is by an innovative way of permitting or denying access to applications that are critical to a business; the IMAG systems knows who should and who should not have access to those critical files and applications because it has "auto discovery capabilities" that immediately click into place when any attempt is made to enter into privileged files.

But what makes this system unique - in an IT world that already has firewalls and other seemingly effective preventative measures - is that, according to the Mark Rhodes-Ousley, author of the book Network Security, The Complete Reference, IMAG automatically creates and manages "...access policies based on all sources of identity information in the network," and avoids wasteful use of IT resources "for manual network access provisioning and policy management."

hile the future success of innovations….

Of course, most people will call their banks, credit card companies, and other institution at the first sign that identity theft has occurred, but what happens to those victims who do not realize it immediately?
People need to be aware of what identity theft is, how it is committed, what can happen when such information is stolen, and what should be done when identity theft has occurred. It is not a bunch of hype and it does cause a lot of harm, not only to the victims, but also to the victim's family. Evidently, Foust is trying to calm the reader by saying that most information that is stolen is never used. Rather it is used or not, the fact that someone has or can be a victim of identity theft is cause for concern.

Dean Foust is correct in saying that most information is not ever turned into financial gain,….

Identity Theft

Consumer Beware: The Growing Problem of Identity Theft
American consumers today are increasingly concerned, with good reason, about how to avoid joining the ranks of unfortunate millions who are already victims of the newest, most widespread national financial crime: identity theft. According to the web article "The Crime of Identity Theft": It can happen to anyone. The phone rings and a collection agency demands that you pay past-due accounts for goods you never ordered. The supermarket refuses your checks because you have a history of bouncing them." Stealing (most often by strangers) of personal information about individual consumers (e.g., full name; birth date; social security number; bank account numbers; credit card numbers, and other confidential data) has in recent years become epidemic. ithin the United States in particular (one reason for the phenomenon of identity theft in America in particular is that the United States is the only nation with social….

4. File your complaint with the FTC. The FTC maintains a database of identity theft cases used by law enforcement agencies for investigations. Filing a complaint also helps us learn more about identity theft and the problems victims are having so that we can better assist you. (FCC, 2006)


The FCC consumer alert entitled: "What To Do If Your Personal Information Has een Compromised" states that signs of identity theft having occurred are inclusive of:

receiving credit cards that you didn't apply for;

being denied credit, or being offered less favorable credit terms, like a high interest rate, for no apparent reason; and getting calls or letters from debt collectors or businesses about merchandise or services you didn't buy." (FCC Consumer Alert, 2005)


The article reviewed has clear and concise steps the individual should take if they believe that identity theft may have occurred.


What To Do If Your….

Identity theft is a kind of theft that involves someone stealing the identity of someone else by assuming that person's identity (Lai, Li, & Hsieh, 2012). This is usually a method of gaining access to the person's resources like credit cards and other things in the person's name. This is considered a white-collar crime and it has gained popularity amongst criminals. Identity theft does not involve any physical theft. Therefore, the victim might not realize the theft until significant damage has occurred. Identity thieves make use of a variety of methods, and not all of them are computer based. Thieves can go through the person's trash or mail searching for bank and credit card information, statements, and tax information. The information stolen can then be used to commit crimes like accessing credit under the person's name and using their details. Another method used to steal information is stealing the person's….

Yes, there are several recent news stories related to investigations on theft that could make for interesting essay subjects. Some potential topics include:

1. The rise of retail theft during the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges faced by law enforcement in addressing this issue.
2. The use of technology, such as surveillance cameras and facial recognition software, in the investigation of theft cases.
3. The impact of organized crime networks on the theft of high-value items, such as jewelry or electronics.
4. The ethical implications of using sting operations and undercover agents in theft investigations.
5. The role of social media and online marketplaces in....

Topic 1: The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Workplace

Key Issues:
The potential for AI to automate jobs and displace human workers, leading to unemployment and economic insecurity.
AI's impact on workplace privacy and surveillance, with AI-powered monitoring systems potentially infringing on workers' rights.
The need for ethical guidelines and regulations governing the development and use of AI in the workplace, to ensure fairness and protect workers' rights.

Topic 2: The Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Human Enhancement

Key Issues:
The potential benefits of genetic engineering, such as curing diseases, improving cognitive abilities, and extending lifespan.
The ethical....

Original Thesis Statement:

Facial recognition technology offers both advantages and disadvantages, impacting privacy concerns and raising questions about the potential for misuse.

Refined Thesis Statement:

The proliferation of facial recognition technology presents a double-edged sword, balancing potential benefits such as enhanced security and convenience with profound ethical implications and privacy concerns.


Facial recognition technology has emerged as a ubiquitous tool in modern society, transforming various aspects of our lives. While it offers undeniable advantages, the concerns surrounding its potential for misuse and ethical implications cannot be overlooked. This paper aims to critically examine the pros and cons of facial recognition technology, exploring both its....

## Essay Topic Ideas Related to Online Dating / Apps

Social and Cultural Impacts

The impact of online dating on traditional courtship rituals and social norms
The role of online dating in shaping modern relationships and family structures
The impact of online dating on societal attitudes towards marriage, divorce, and singlehood
The ethical considerations surrounding the use of online dating platforms

Psychological and Emotional Effects

The psychological effects of online dating, such as anxiety, depression, and body image issues
The impact of online dating on self-esteem and self-perception
The role of online dating in promoting unhealthy relationship dynamics, such as ghosting and....

10 Pages
Term Paper


Identity Theft

Words: 2926
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Identity Theft: Managing the Risk Management What's New for the Future of Identity Theft Prevention In this paper I examine the basics of identity theft in today's age of widespread and…

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10 Pages


Identity Theft Corp Itc Is a New

Words: 2972
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Identity Theft Corp (ITC) is a new company specializing on the identity theft service. The company assists customers to monitor their credit report in order to identify any suspicious…

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5 Pages

Business - Advertising

Identity Theft III Identity Theft Clean-Up and

Words: 1375
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Identity Theft III Identity Theft Clean-Up and Credit Monitoring Product Solutions for the United States Market Product Description Proactive Solutions Reactive Solutions Target Market Market Analysis Potential Market Growth In previous reports various aspects of a new…

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4 Pages

Education - Computers

Identity Theft Raises Serious Concerns

Words: 1071
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Once your personal or financial information has been compromised, it may take months and even years to secure them again. This may involve filing fraud case with your…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Identity Theft Is a Crime

Words: 2068
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper Hoar, Sean B. Identity Theft: The Crime of the New illennium (2001). U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved arch 20, 2007 at Has some clown taken over your good name?…

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8 Pages

Education - Computers

Identity Theft Using the Knowledge

Words: 2712
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

Spyware runs automatically without the user's knowledge and transmits vital information. Spyware can also record your keystrokes and one might end up revealing all usernames, passwords and other…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Identity Theft but He That

Words: 2933
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In one case in 2000, two-20-year-olds hacked into the Lowe's credit card mainframe from a white Pontiac Grand Prix parked outside a store, synching a single laptop to…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Identity Theft in America and

Words: 2851
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Pharmers now not only small local servers operated by Internet service providers (ISP) but they also target the 13 servers on which all other DNS servers depend. Implications Businesses &…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Identity Theft Many People in the United

Words: 670
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Identity Theft Many people in the United States and around the world have become the victims of identity theft. This is a crime wherein a person pretends to be someone…

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2 Pages


Identity Theft Has Always Been Possible but

Words: 730
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Identity theft has always been possible, but the internet and technology have made it something that can often be accomplished far too easily. According to Hoar (2001), identity theft…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Identity Theft First of All

Words: 1334
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The system that Networks Update critiques is IMAG ("Identity Managed Access Gateway") by Apere, Inc. The way it works is by an innovative way of permitting or denying access…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Identity Theft Is Something That

Words: 1500
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Of course, most people will call their banks, credit card companies, and other institution at the first sign that identity theft has occurred, but what happens to those…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Identity Theft

Words: 1782
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Consumer Beware: The Growing Problem of Identity Theft American consumers today are increasingly concerned, with good reason, about how to avoid joining the ranks of unfortunate millions who are already…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Identity Theft and Identity

Words: 416
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

4. File your complaint with the FTC. The FTC maintains a database of identity theft cases used by law enforcement agencies for investigations. Filing a complaint also helps us…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Methods Identity Theft Takes Place

Words: 696
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Identity theft is a kind of theft that involves someone stealing the identity of someone else by assuming that person's identity (Lai, Li, & Hsieh, 2012). This is usually…

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