Immigrant Experience Essays (Examples)

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Immigrant Experience

Immigrant Experience
Immigration to the United States was not a pleasant experience for many people, at least not initially. I can testify to this since me and my family experienced difficulties when we moved from ussia in 1994. My biggest predicament was the language barrier since I spoke ussian and did not known proper English. It was not easy to make friends in the new country and not knowing the language obviously added to this problem. My parents also found it difficult to get a job since the market wasn't very favorable to fresh immigrants. Americans did not prove to be a very hospitable nation as well. The conditions were not conducive to assimilation or acceptance and thus it looks us few years before we could find some place for ourselves in the United States and become of a part of this multicultural society. In their book on immigration titled 'Natives….

Immigrant Experience
And Its Psychological oll

Information Competency & Library Use

San Francisco, CA

he theoretical framework centers of the immigrant experience and how it changes the individual while navigating his or her new society. he topic statement seeks to explore these phenomena by focusing on the psychological experience and its relationship to violence and economics. he idea that the action of immigrating is profoundly disruptive on ideas of self-worth, identity and economic status are explored.

I address the various experiences of dislocation arising from migration. Distinctions are made between experiences of voluntary immigrants and refugees and asylum seekers and between legal and undocumented immigrants in their risk for trauma exposure and differential impacts of trauma in the context of immigration. Refugee status as inherently founded in trauma is analyzed, with a brief description of torture survivors among refugees. he issue of trafficked migrants is also discussed. What is core to cultural competence in….

Geographies of Home
The immigrant experience: Geographies of Home

The novel Geographies of Home by the Dominican-American writer Loida Maritza both chronicles and debunks what could be called the quintessential 'immigrant' experience. The family in the novel flees the dictatorship in their homeland of the Dominican Republic, and hope to find a respite from their suffering in the promised land of America. However, the family's attitudes about America are highly conflicted. On one hand, America seems to hold great promise to ameliorate the suffering they knew in the Dominican Republic. Even during the darkest hours of the family, the mother, Aurelia, knows that the family left an untenable situation, and does not romanticize the past although "she had been poor even in the Dominican Republic, but something had flourished from within which had enabled her to greet each day rather than cringe from it in dread." The difficulties the family endures in….

Ilka and his journey become symbolic of his self-destruction, but also the education of a lifetime. Ilka's description of his duality is poetic summed up by the following passage, "she did not recognize his hair, and that the size of his mouth and his laughter did not go with the urbane way he bent his wrist and crossed his ankles; that the luxurious tweed of his jacket contradicted his flattened nose with its small outgrowth of wild flesh at the bridge, which intimated to the girl disastrous chances, moving accidents his youth had suffered." As they tumble together towards oblivion, Carter is able to give Ilka the education of a lifetime; they experience New York, the world, and everything in between.
The bulk of this story is an understanding of their relationship, which begins as a clumsy mixture of dinner dates, disastrous parties, emergency rescue calls, and the constant presence….

Hispanic psychology has allowed clinical researchers to study the unique complexities of the Hispanic experience. Among the cornerstones of Hispanic psychology include issues related to biculturalism, acculturation, the immigrant experience, racism, oppression, in-group/out-group relations, and identity construction. Hispanic psychology has both individual, behavioral-cognitive components, as well as social-psychological components.

This article is relevant to both the text and lecture material on ethnicity, identity, and psychology. Issues related to cultural competence, and the biases within the social science are also relevant. This article helps to remove cultural bias in the field of psychology in particular because instead of imposing culturally biased frameworks and paradigms, Hispanic psychology uses a culturally specific and relevant paradigm. Also, this article is relevant to specific lessons and readings on Hispanic culture. Hispanic culture is itself heterogeneous, and within the overall rubric of Hispanic culture there are many subsets of identity from Nicaraguan to Cuban.


In my experience,….

Immigrant Chinese omen in Canada
Immigrant Histories: Chinese omen in Canada

Nothing is as difficult and as painful as uprooting oneself or one's family for a new life in a strange land. However, many have had to do so throughout history, to not only survive, but also to prosper. The New orld, fabled for its freedoms and its promises of riches, has appealed to many people across this vast world. This appeal has reached as far as China, parts of whose population started their voyage to North America almost 150 years ago (Multicultural History Society of Ontario [MHSO], 2001). This research will examine a brief history of the Chinese population in Canada, starting at the turn of the century, and will continue by describing this population's lifestyle, complete with its problems, its disappointments and its successes, in detail.

According to the Multicultural History Society of Ontario (2001), the Guangdong province, located in southern….

With his help the family survived the ordeal of living in a big city.
The racism so common against people of Southern European descent hurt Lorenzo as a child, there was one instance where he was walking down a street to return a pan his mother had borrowed from a friend. A few 'tall white kids', as he called them, kicked the pan out of his hands and beat him down. They called him cruel names, and then left him to cry home.

Lorenzo had to endure this constant torment as he grew up, but it was nothing compared to what his parents suffered. In Spain Sofia Baltasar had been a loving and caring mother of two, educating and raising them from birth. In Boston she had to work five hours a day sewing up uniforms for the men in action. Instead of taking care of Bonita and Lorenzo, she was….

There were a lot of white people around, and many of them were angry that the blacks had been freed. Some of them were actually hostile toward the blacks and their newfound freedom, so the blacks learned quickly that they had to be careful. They needed to settle a little bit away from the hostile whites and do their best not to make waves or cause trouble, in the hopes that they might one day be accepted (Reconstruction, 2002).
During the first few years after the Emancipation Proclamation and the subsequent freedom of all blacks in the United States, many blacks began working very hard to educate themselves. In there minds, education meant the ability to negotiate with whites over land, earn a fair wage to pay for it, and take care of their families. lack families were often large, so many of the members could work to help support….

foreign immigrant groups California share similar struggles quest American citizens
Following the development of western countries in the nineteenth century, there emerged a prolonged immigration of Asian communities into the American society. Iran had a shock in their culture. Individual personality such as language proficiency, learning level, and job skill influences their ability to adapt. Immigration is a key life challenge, although well thought-out to be stressful, particularly for women coming from environments with observance to traditional gender roles, through the exposure, organizations of these societies disintegrate.

Shared struggles of Iranian & Mexican immigrants

Economic factors like financial resources, loses and gains in social status intimidates the immigrants. The attitude of the host country with the level of similarity of the two cultures is also an influential factor. Individual factors such as character strength, decision-making skills, declaration of feeling of loss, and the ability to endure uncertainty about gender roles influence the….

Pat Mora -- "Curandera" and "Immigrants" -- are quite different and yet they both express the what it's like to be Latina and they detail experiences that are unique to Latinas in America.
"Curandera": A curandera is a woman of Latina ethnicity who practices folk medicine. In the poem, the curandera has bonded and her life has progressed with and is dependent upon nature -- the desert -- even though she lost her husband. Her craft is about healing, and the relationship to nature is powerfully presented around the theme of healing with folk medicine.

"Her days are slow, days of grinding dried snake into power, of crushing wild bees to mix with white wine." This could be suggesting monotony because she does the same thing every day, grinding and crushing, using the available resources of nature to help people heal. But the coyote and owl, too, do the same thing….

Jurgis is filled with grief and despair when thinks of how "they had put their very souls into their payments on that house, they had paid for it with their sweat and tears -- yes, more, with their very lifeblood. " (Sinclair). Perhaps the most dreadful of all things is Ona's death. Her death marks a brand new low for Jurgis. Personal hardship is the backdrop for Jurgis' dream. He is learning that things do not always turn out the way we expect them to turn out. Jurgis is realizing that hard work and a good heart do not always lead toward wealth and a better life.
Jurgis also sees his American Dream die to the ways of socialism. As he begins to learn more about socialism, he gains a different sense of self. He is not shy about it and, in fact, he is very vocal about his beliefs.….

Mexican Immigrants

Economic Problems Faced by Mexican Immigrants
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free... " (Lazarus) this excerpt from the inscription found on the statue of liberty represents the idealized version of American immigration. The reality of immigration for many foreign nationals, especially those from Mexico, is a completely different story. For most Mexican immigrants the road to the "American Dream" is an uphill climb, paved with economic, social, and linguistic (language) barriers.

Intro II

Luis Rodriguez, the author of Always Running is no stranger to the reality of the American dream. His father, Poncho Rodriguez, immigrated to America from Mexico looking for a better life for his family. In America Poncho thought he could offer his children a life filled with dignity, hope, and promise. Instead, what Poncho found was a country filled with prejudice, economic ceilings (based on ethnicity), and poverty.


Since research to date indicates that….

Race, Class, and the Immigrant Experience Introduction
Jose Angel N.’s “Illegal: Reflections of an Undocumented Immigrant” is a tale of an undocumented migrant whose circumstances typify the influence of the migration policy issue in shaping illegal migrants’ lives. Though the author earns upward economic and social mobility by doggedly pursuing education, his life is characterized by a shaky personal and legal limbo which serves to eclipse his occupational and academic successes. This stance definitely doesn’t convince all audiences of the need for a more empathetic immigration policy. In the end, the book might best function as a fine accompaniment to other undocumented migrant-related researches and literature for scholarly audiences (Emily 470). American migrant experiences are closely associated with individual migrants’ nationalities, socioeconomic standing and race. The writer bravely tackles a few stereotypes specific to Mexican migrants, in a candid and personal manner. Migrant stereotypes have remained a grave issue, whether in the….

hile they may be looking to become citizens, they must watch out for individuals from all sides that might be out to get them.
Basalt's Barrio

Not all immigrant experiences are negative. A story in the Aspen Daily News focuses on a small and growing Mexican community in Basalt, Colorado. A mobile home park, it is what the paper refers to as an "epicenter" (Travers) News of the growing Hispanic community. The article interviews Jose, an immigrant with three children. Jose ended up in Basalt because he heard there were many job opportunities there. hile Jose does not have papers, he does pay taxes. He is proud of being a good citizen and the threat of "being deported by Immigration authorities is worth the benefits my family is reaping here" (Travers). Parts of those benefits include a close-knit community.

The community is not without tensions, however. Not long ago, an attempted….

AMERICA: Frederick Turner vs. Oscar Handlin
America through the lens of Turner was essentially a world that grew out of the frontier. Its ideals, hopes, dreams, and government were fashioned by the frontier -- by the "Wild West" so to speak. Turner's vision of America was one in which the country's character grew up organically out of the pioneer spirit. It had nothing to do with England or Puritanism or the Magna Carta or the Enlightenment. It had everything to do with the rough and ready adventurism of men like Daniel Boone and Lewis and Clark. This lens has shaped the way Americans think of themselves, too. They view themselves as expansionists, always pushing the borders to acquire new territory. True, the anti-Imperialists have voiced their objections throughout the years, by Manifest Destiny and New Expansionism are purely Tunerian ideas just taken beyond the frontier. The whole world becomes open….

We would really love to know which country you are writing about, because the immigrant experience varies tremendously depending on both the country of origin and the destination country.  There are other factors that can impact the psychological impact of the immigrant experience as well.  Is a person immigrating with their family or on their own?  Will they be able to have continued contact with their family?  What are the reasons for immigrating?  Is the immigrant escaping trauma, such as in many refugee scenarios, moving for better economic opportunities, or moving for another reason?  All....

Understanding the Concept of Narrative

A narrative is a form of storytelling that unfolds a sequence of events or experiences over time. It typically involves characters, a setting, a conflict, and a resolution. Narratives can be fictional or nonfictional, and they can be expressed through various mediums such as literature, film, music, and visual arts.

Approaching Narrative Essay Topics

When developing essay topics centered around narratives, consider the following aspects:

Personal Narratives: Explore personal experiences, anecdotes, or stories that have shaped your life or perspectives.
Literary Narratives: Analyze narratives in literary works, examining character development, plot structure, and themes.
Historical Narratives: Examine historical....

4 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Immigrant Experience

Words: 1134
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Immigrant Experience Immigration to the United States was not a pleasant experience for many people, at least not initially. I can testify to this since me and my family experienced…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Immigrant Experience and Its Psychological Toll Information

Words: 3416
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Immigrant Experience And Its Psychological oll Information Competency & Library Use San Francisco, CA he theoretical framework centers of the immigrant experience and how it changes the individual while navigating his or…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Geographies of Home the Immigrant Experience Geographies

Words: 1350
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Geographies of Home The immigrant experience: Geographies of Home The novel Geographies of Home by the Dominican-American writer Loida Maritza both chronicles and debunks what could be called the quintessential 'immigrant'…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


United States Immigrant Experience Has

Words: 612
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ilka and his journey become symbolic of his self-destruction, but also the education of a lifetime. Ilka's description of his duality is poetic summed up by the following…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Immigrant Experience and Psychology

Words: 569
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Hispanic psychology has allowed clinical researchers to study the unique complexities of the Hispanic experience. Among the cornerstones of Hispanic psychology include issues related to biculturalism, acculturation, the…

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5 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete

Sports - Women

Immigrant Chinese Women in Canada

Words: 1534
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Immigrant Chinese omen in Canada Immigrant Histories: Chinese omen in Canada Nothing is as difficult and as painful as uprooting oneself or one's family for a new life in a strange…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Immigrant as a Child Lorenzo

Words: 380
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

With his help the family survived the ordeal of living in a big city. The racism so common against people of Southern European descent hurt Lorenzo as a child,…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Immigrant and Ethnic History Compare

Words: 4040
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There were a lot of white people around, and many of them were angry that the blacks had been freed. Some of them were actually hostile toward the…

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4 Pages

Sports - Women

Foreign Immigrant Groups California Share Similar Struggles

Words: 1749
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

foreign immigrant groups California share similar struggles quest American citizens Following the development of western countries in the nineteenth century, there emerged a prolonged immigration of Asian communities into…

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3 Pages


Pat Mora -- Curandera and Immigrants --

Words: 1255
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Pat Mora -- "Curandera" and "Immigrants" -- are quite different and yet they both express the what it's like to be Latina and they detail experiences that are…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Life of an Immigrant Explored

Words: 1126
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Jurgis is filled with grief and despair when thinks of how "they had put their very souls into their payments on that house, they had paid for it…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Mexican Immigrants

Words: 1720
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economic Problems Faced by Mexican Immigrants Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free... " (Lazarus) this excerpt from the inscription found on the statue…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Race / Racism

How immigrants deal with discrimination

Words: 3397
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Race, Class, and the Immigrant Experience Introduction Jose Angel N.’s “Illegal: Reflections of an Undocumented Immigrant” is a tale of an undocumented migrant whose circumstances typify the influence of the migration…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

New Class of Criminals Prey on Illegal Immigrants

Words: 622
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

hile they may be looking to become citizens, they must watch out for individuals from all sides that might be out to get them. Basalt's Barrio Not all immigrant…

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2 Pages

American History

America the Frontier or America the Nation of Immigrants

Words: 473
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

AMERICA: Frederick Turner vs. Oscar Handlin America through the lens of Turner was essentially a world that grew out of the frontier. Its ideals, hopes, dreams, and government were…

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