Imprisonment Essays (Examples)

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Imprisonment on Individuals Families and Communities Incarceration
Pages: 8 Words: 2706

Imprisonment on Individuals, Families, and Communities
Incarceration and its Impacts

"Research has shown that the American prison system -- and the "get tough" approach to crime that has helped increase the incarceration rates -- impacts just the entire society, especially poor communities…" (Shelden, 2004, p. 6).

Incarceration certainly has an impact -- mostly negative -- on the individual that is incarcerated. But what about the family of the incarcerated person? And what about the community where the incarcerated person lived and worked prior to his imprisonment? How are families (including wives ad children) and communities impacted by the incarceration of a member of a family in that community? These issues will be reviewed and critiqued in this paper.

The Influence of Local Politics on the Incarceration of Minorities

It is interesting to note that while the incarceration of individuals has a direct effect on the lives and health of prisoners and families and communities,…...


Works Cited

Brookes, Laura, and Baille, Daphne. (2011). Parents in Prison: Justice and Literacy and Public Policy. Reclaiming Children & Youth, 20(3), 31-35.

Chui, Wing Hong. (2010). 'Pains of imprisonment': narratives of the women partners and children of the incarcerated. Child and Family Social Work, Vol. 15, 196-205.

Hendry, Chris. (2008). Incarceration and the tasks of grief: a narrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(2), 270-278.

Miller, Keva M. (2006). The Impact of Parental Incarceration on Children: An Emerging Need

Sonny's Blues Imprisonment in Sonny's
Pages: 2 Words: 621

This passage also, of course, reflects Sonny's particular struggle. He tells his brother at one point that the feeling heroine gave him at many times was a feeling of being in control, and that it was important for him to have that feeling sometimes. The rest of the world, it is made clear, does not actually give either sonny or his brother a great deal of control, and though both brothers join the military during "the war" (presumably World War II), there is no sense of a wider world of possibilities, but only the darkness and bleakness that exists in Harlem. Heroine provided a sense of control, perhaps, but it is obviously a false impression -- it is actually the cause of Sonny's true, physical imprisonment. It can be seen as part of the ceiling that the young men of Harlem bump their heads into as they grow up in…...

Diversion Programs vs Imprisonment
Pages: 8 Words: 2797

Criminal Justice
Does the criminal justice system work? This is a very interesting question indeed? Many proponents of system believe it to be a deterrent to manner would be criminals across the United States. However, many pundits point to high profile cases of Trayvon Martin or Emmett Till to show the inequities inherent within the criminal justice system (Crowe, 2012). Proponents for the criminal justice system believe that it is a deterrent for others who are thinking about committing egregious crimes in the future. They also believe it provides closure for those who have been innocently wronged by the death of a loved one. These individuals usually believe in the principle of, "An eye for an eye," in regards to life. The general principle that is fundamental to the argument for the criminal justice system is retribution. The belief is that all guilty individuals must be punished. The punishment should correspond…...



1) Bedau, H., Cassell, P. (2004). Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment? The Experts on Both Sides Make Their Best Case. Oxford University Press, 2004. p 69. Retrieved February, 19, 2012 from ebrary database.

2) Lauren Glaze. Correctional Populations in the United States, 2009. NCJ 231681. December 21, 2010. United States Bureau of Justice Statistics

3) Crowe, Chris. "The History of Jim Crow." The History of Jim Crow. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. .

4) Gardner, Martin R. "Executions and Indignities -- An Eighth Amendment Assessment of Methods of Inflicting Capital Punishment;." Ohio State Law Journal 96th ser. 39 (1978): 15-23. Print.

Psychological Effects of Imprisonment in Adult Correctional Facilities
Pages: 2 Words: 620

The social distancing and alienation is a defense mechanism against exploitation. The lack of social control in the immediate jail atmosphere makes psychological investments in connections unforeseen and risky.
In addition, because many adult correctional facilities are clearly risky locations without escape or exit, inmates become hyper-vigilant and always alert for signs of personal risk or threat. From the high-level presence of individuals in their immediate atmosphere positioned to maximize on the weak point or exploit inattention or carelessness, suspicion and interpersonal distrust often arises. Some inmates learn to project a challenging convict veneer, which threatens others. Indeed, many inmates "believe that unless offenders can project a picture that provides the possibility of a crime, they might be taken over and exploited throughout the length of their sentence." The development and occurrence of psychological sickness in correctional facilities also arise from the atmosphere generated in the facilities, which creates an…...

Prison Inmates Jail or Imprisonment
Pages: 4 Words: 1424

In the United States alone, sexual attacks in prison are considered rape when penetration occurs. It is estimated that inmates are approached with unwanted sexual advances over 80,000 times per day (Anderson, 2001). Other more shocking statistics are (Anderson, 2001):
There is an estimated 300,000++ instances of prison rape a year.

Among this, 196,000 are estimated to happen to men in prison while 123,000 are estimated to happen to men in county jail.

40,000 are estimated to be committed against boys in either adult prisons or while in juvenile facilities or lock ups.

5000 women are estimated to be raped in prison.

The above statistics were all estimated because it is a common knowledge that most rape, particularly that which happened inside the prison cells, are not reported. The same study (made by Anderson) also revealed that the common attributes of the rape victims are (Anderson, 2001):

Those who are young.

Those who happen to come…...


Works Cited

Anderson, Scott L. (2001). "Rape in Prison.

Harper, Iane. (January, 2005). "Jail rape: The sordid facts.,2-7-12_1669654,00.html .

Maxwell, Sheila Royo. (2000). "Sanction Threats in Court-Ordered Programs: Examining Their Effects on Offenders Mandated Into Drug Treatment." Sage Publications.

Canadian Criminal Justice Association. "Prison Overcrowding and reintegration of Offenders: A Discussion Paper.

Federal Law and Law
Pages: 2 Words: 918

CJA/305 Version
Week Three Worksheet

Match the items in the Case Summary column to the Options in the right column by entering the correct corresponding alphabetical letter next to the numbers in the first column. Not all options will be used.

Case Summary


Shaun is driving home at night from work on a six-lane road, under the speed limit. There are no streetlights. A man is crossing the middle of the street, and Shaun does not see him. Shaun hits the man and kills him.


Voluntary manslaughter

Involuntary manslaughter

Justifiable homicide

Excusable homicide

F. Statutory rape

G. Malice aforethought

H. Necessity

Felony murder

J. Suicide

K. Second-degree murder

L. enunciation

M. Corpus delicti



uth's friend Mary asks her to drive her to a convenience store and wait for her. While uth waits in the car, Mary shoots and kills the clerk, and robs the store. Mary gets in the car and uth drives away.



Lisa comes home early from work and finds her husband in bed with her…...



Cantor, D. M. (n.d.). A.R.S §13-1304 - Arizona Kidnapping Charges Defense Lawyer. Retrieved from 

Rock, J. (n.d.). Kidnapping & Unlawful Imprisonment Laws in Arizona Phoenix Lawyer John Rock. Retrieved from 

Zetter, K. (2015, October 26). The Most Controversial Hacking Cases of the Past Decade | WIRED. Retrieved from 

Zetter, K. (2016, April 13). Matthew Keys Sentenced to Two Years for Aiding Anonymous | WIRED. Retrieved from

Paul's Early Life Birth Upbringing and Early
Pages: 6 Words: 1854

Paul's Early Life (birth, Upbringing, And Early Education)
Paul's early life can be dated back from 1-33 A.D. His upbringing comprised of being born in Tarsus of Cilicia, where he was raised under another name, Saul. He was raised in a Jewish, strict household. Because Paul was Jewish, he received abbinic training in Jerusalem from abbi Gamaliel. As he received his training, he also learned the traditions of the Pharisees. Later on in this period, Paul worked with the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem as well as adopting the Sanhedrin policies. The Sanhedrin were in opposition of the church and so was Paul. Including Jewish culture, Paul received immersion into Hellenistic culture of the era, which meant he went to the gymnasium, attended Greek dramas at the Amphitheatre, and was knowledge on the various schools of Greek Philosophy. Gamaliel taught Paul the Scriptures including the traditional lessons of the Pharisees. This meant Paul…...



GCU Media,. (2014). Paul Timeline. Retrieved 16 December 2014, from 

Greg, P. (2014). Paul through Mediterranean eyes: cultural studies in 1 Corinthians. International Bulletin of Missionary Research, 38(3), 163-164.

Parable,. (2014). Life Application Study Bible. Retrieved 15 December 2014, from

Polhill, J. (1999). Paul and his letters. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman.

Role of Prisons in the Society I
Pages: 6 Words: 1988

role of prisons in the society. I have included the theories of deterrence, rehabilitation, retribution, incapacitation, non-interventionism and restoration to support my discussion along with their positive and negative aspects. In the conclusion, I have given my preferred theory of imprisonment as the most effective and important ones.
A prison can be defined as a protected and locked institution where juvenile and grown-up offenders are housed with punishments that vary from a year to life. Such facilities hold the objective of accomplishing the verdict that the courts impose on the offenders and also of protecting the community and civil society by taking measures to prevent escapes. These facilities are also liable to provide programs and services that are important for taking care of the convicted population under their custody (Sumter 2007).

The issue of imprisonment has constantly been an intense experience for every individual found guilty of committing offenses. Sometimes the…...



Banks, C. (2004). The Purpose of Criminal Punishment. In: Criminal Justice Ethics: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publicaton, pp 103-126.

Mauer, M. (2004). Thinking About Prison and its Impact in the Twenty-First Century. Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law [online].2, p.607-618. Available from: . [Accessed February 17, 2013].

Macionis, J.J. & Plummer, K. (2008). Control, Crime and Deviance. In Sociology: A Global Introduction (5th edition), New York: Pearson Prentice Hall, pp591-592.

MacKenzie, D.L. (1996). Criminal Justice and Crime Prevention. Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice University of Maryland, Maryland. Available from: . [Accessed February 17, 2013].

Torts Fred and Anna Ivan
Pages: 4 Words: 1273

Claudio did not have to let them in since they lacked the proper warrants State Immigration Department acted without warrants Without obtaining the requisite warrants, they had come into the restaurant, stationed an official at each door, barred exit from exiting and began interrogating Ricardo in the kitchen. Ricardo in the kitchen. In fact, Ricardo was on a valid working holiday visa. Ricardo would likely have a possible recourse for suit against the State Immigration Department for nuisance, especially if he would not lose his job over the incident since special damage to the plaintiff is not required. Rather, in an action for false imprisonment the detention and the "directness" of the cause must be proven. Then, it is for the defendant to demonstrate the lawfulness in justification. There is no onus on the plaintiff in establishing unlawfulness as one of the elements of the tort as the liberty…...



Brisbane Authority v Taylor (1996) 70 ALJR 866 at 871-2.

Wright, Brian. Limitation of Actions Act, 

New South Wales v Lepore; Samin v Queensland; Rich v Queensland, Melbourne University Law Review, [2003] MULR 22

Robinson, Mark A. Damages in False Imprisonment Matters. 22 February 2008.

Exegesis of Pauls Letter to Philemon
Pages: 4 Words: 1752

Socio-Historical Background: Book Of Philemon
The epistle of Paul to Philemon has often been called a captivity epistle because it was written when Paul was imprisoned because of his Christian faith. The frequent references to the Church and to Philemon's house underline the fact that Paul likely intended this to be a public, instructive letter, not simply a private document conveying information (Witherington 54). Philemon is usually studied in conjunction with Philippians, Colossians, and Ephesians (Witherington 1). Although the authorship of Ephesians is in doubt, the majority of Biblical scholars believe that Paul is likely the author of Philemon.

Unlike the so-called Pastoral Epistles, Philemon can thus be viewed as relatively likely to be an account of Paul's own views. What we know of Paul is that he was originally a Pharisee, allegedly once persecuted Jesus (according to Acts, a less reliable account not by Paul himself) and that "Paul and his…...

Race Discrimination Justice Discrimination Race Discimination Criminal
Pages: 6 Words: 1518

ace Discrimination Justice


ace and Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System

acial inequality has long been an issue in the American society. Despite making substantial progress in creating a more racially equal society, there are still many issues involving race and discrimination that can be found today. The criminal justice system was designed to treat all individuals equally under the law. However, covert racism and discrimination still plague the system and many minorities are adversely impacted and are not treated equally under the law. While most judges and public officials profess a strong dedication to remaining racially impartial, the evidence suggests otherwise. This literature review will focus on various points that indicate that there is a substantial amount of inequality to found within the criminal justice system in our modern society.


acial differences in the criminal justice system have been important topics since the inception of the modern criminal justice…...



Crutchfield, R., Fernandes, A., & Martinez, J. (2010). Racil and Ethnic Disparity and Criminal Justice: How Much is Too Much? The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 903-932.

Green, E. (1991). Judicial Attitudes in Sentencing - A Study of the Factors Underlying the Sentencing Practice of the Criminal Court of Philidelphia. National Criminal Justice Reference Service, 157.

Gross, S. (1997). Crime, Politics, and Race. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 405-416.

Staples, R. (2009). White Power, Black Crime, and Racial Politics. The Black Scholar, 31-41.

Legal Definitions Miranda Rule -- Prohibits the
Pages: 9 Words: 2396

Legal Definitions
Miranda Rule -- Prohibits the introduction of any testimonial evidence elicited from criminal suspects while under arrest or in police custody unless police first advise them of their constitutional rights to remain silent, refuse to answer questions, and to be represented by an attorney before beginning any custodial interrogation. I have heard this term used frequently in television crime programs.

Prosecutor -- Is an attorney employed by the state whose responsibility it is to file criminal charges against individuals arrested by police and charge with crimes; typically, prosecutors represent the state at the criminal trial. The context in which I am most familiar with prosecutors is in their portrayal in television programs about criminal justice and news reports about criminal trials.

Pretrial Release Program -- Is a system of releasing criminal defendants from custody until their trials to reduce jail overcrowding; in principle, bond is one form of pretrial release. I…...

Jail Time and Death Penalty Finding New
Pages: 10 Words: 2882

Jail Time and Death Penalty: Finding New Ways to Deter Criminal Behavior
Jail Time and Death Penalty: A Deterrent?

For years many law enforcement agencies have relied on the assumption that jail time or the death penalty serve as adequate deterrents to crime or criminal activity. However multiple studies confirm that jail time and the death penalty are not effective methods alone for deterring criminals. Because of this it is important that law enforcement agents, government officials and community members work together to uncover effective tools for deterring crime and discouraging criminals from repeating crimes after release.

Jail time and the death penalty do not deter crime. Early Gallup Polls conducted in the 1980s and 1990s show that while roughly two thirds of Americans and law enforcement agents support the death penalty, there is inadequate evidence supporting its use as an effective deterrent to crime (Akers & adelet, 1996). Many assume that…...



Abraham, E., Boyle, J., Mullen, R. & ratelle, J. (1996). "California program reduces recidivism and saves tax dollars." Corrections Today, 58(5): 118.

Akers, R.L. & Radelet, M.L. (1996). "Deterrence and the death penalty: The views of the experts." Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 87(1): 15.

Clayton, S.L. (2005 -- Apri). "Jail inmates bake their way to successful reentry."

Corrections Today, 67(2):78.

Briefing the Legal Cases
Pages: 3 Words: 1125

hotel sent the security guard on duty to check on Gonzalez in his hotel room. The defendant rebuffed to open the door. The security guard heard the sound of breaking glasses and the high television volume. This prompted the hotel to summon Laredo Police Department to assist in carrying out investigations. The hotel staff did not appeal the police to take Gonzalez into custody. In the other case, Michael Evans arrived at the club with his companions; he unknowingly groped Ms. Niland who later instructed the security officer to arrest him.
Nonetheless, in the second case, Michael Evans had number of associates including, Chad Sorrell, Bernard Lynch, and Dan Lechner. They witnessed the event at the club as opposed to the first case where Gonzalez was alone studying in his hotel room in preparation for the forth-coming Texas Import/Export examination.

In the first case, due to lack of sufficient evidence supporting…...

History Balance Inalienable Right and Freedom
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Civil Liberties and Temporary Security: Billy Budd and Guardians
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin's statement is often invoked in times of warfare, when civil liberties tend to be most at risk of curtailment, yet it crucially fails to describe the one sector of the American population that is most involved in warfare: the military. Historically military service has not exactly been the voluntary affair it currently is. During the U.S. Civil War cities like New York and Philadelphia would have riots over Lincoln's imposition of a military draft; the First and Second World wars would see the invention of "conscientious objector" status, and Vietnam made "dodging the draft" a generational meme among baby boomers. But leaving aside the question of whether or not military conscription is a gross violation of civil liberties -- to some extent, this depends upon the culture, as mass…...

what are the penalties for people driving drunk?
Words: 121

- Arrest and imprisonment
- Heavy fines
- Suspension or revocation of driver's license
- Mandatory alcohol education or treatment programs
- Community service
- Ignition interlock device installation
- Increased insurance rates
- Civil lawsuits for damages caused by drunk driving
- Criminal record
- Permanent loss of driving privileges
- Vehicle impoundment
- Mandatory attendance at victim impact panels
- Probation
- Court-ordered substance abuse treatment
- Mandatory attendance at DUI school
- Potential job loss or difficulty obtaining employment
- Negative impact on relationships with family and friends
- Emotional trauma for both the person driving drunk and any victims involved

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on death penalty. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 236

1. The impact of the death penalty on racial minorities and whether it creates a disproportionate number of executions for individuals of color.
2. Investigating the psychological effects of being on death row and the toll it takes on the mental health of inmates.
3. Analyzing the cost effectiveness of the death penalty compared to life imprisonment and whether it is a reasonable use of taxpayer dollars.
4. Examining the role of public opinion in shaping the use of the death penalty and how attitudes towards capital punishment have evolved over time.
5. Exploring the role of international law in shaping the use of....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on death penalty. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 592

The Death Penalty as a Societal Rorschach: Reflections on Capital Punishment and the Subconscious Values of Society

In the labyrinth of human justice, the death penalty stands as a contentious issue, evoking impassioned debates and stirring profound introspection. This essay seeks to explore the death penalty as a societal Rorschach, a window into the subconscious values and beliefs that shape our collective perception of crime and punishment.

The Death Penalty as a Reflection of Social Attitudes:
The death penalty offers a potent lens through which to examine societal attitudes towards crime, justice, and retribution. Societies that embrace capital punishment often do so under....

Could you support me in crafting a thesis statement about the death penalty?
Words: 515

Crafting a Thesis Statement on the Death Penalty


The death penalty, a highly controversial and polarizing topic, has sparked intense debate for centuries. Its proponents argue its efficacy as a deterrent against heinous crimes and as a form of retribution, while opponents contest its inherent immorality, potential for wrongful convictions, and failure to effectively deter crime. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the death penalty, examining its implications for society, the justice system, and the ethical concerns surrounding its use.

Thesis Statement:

The death penalty is a flawed and ineffective punishment that fails to deter crime, exacerbates racial and economic....

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