India Essays (Examples)

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India's economic development & Foreign Policy
Foreign policy and economic development in India

India is currently the third largest economy of the globe, surpassed only by the United States and China (and the European Union, yet this is not an individual country). India has traditionally been a rather enclosed economy, with its economic operations focused mostly at the domestic level and limited interactions within the international market place.

Throughout the past two decades however, more emphasis has been placed on opening the country and liberalizing its economy. Some reforms that were implemented in this stance include the deregulation of industries, the privatization of state owned enterprises or the reduction of controls of international trade. These measures were implemented starting in the early 1990s decade and they have proved highly beneficial in the country's economic growth. Since 1997, India has averaged 7 per cent growth rate in its gross domestic product.

The process of market….

India China
Political System, Environment, Political Structure, Function

The Indian political system, structure, and function is much like that of the UK, although it also resembles the U.S. In some ways. The Indian political structure has a President, typically a ceremonial role however; it much resembles the British monarch. In the role of President, the head of state advises members of the Parliament, and may serve as an advocate for the people. In emergent times the President may also advise and warn the people of upcoming warfare or political concerns. If there is an issue of Public Policy the Parliament is unable to decide on, one that is critical, then it may be cause for the President to declare state of emergency, in which state there is a lower house in the Parliamentary which typically has a term of 5-years (as opposed to the upper house which may have a permanent term….

India's Outsourcing Firms
Select the appropriate answer from the list and briefly discuss your reasons

The strategy behind attempts by Indian software and outsourcing companies to enter the Japanese market could be termed (c) global integration.

The Indian software and outsourcing companies have worked to enter not only the Japanese economic and business market, but to do so with a level of cultural integration in mind. This is a highly important component of global expansion in business (Wager, 2009). Indeed, the business person must be able to communicate at a certain cultural level in order to make a success of the business (Nelson, 2011). This is something that Indian companies have been highly aware of, providing cultural training for their employees. It is only with a high level of cultural sensitivity that foreign companies can successfully enter a new global market. This is particularly true in the case of Japan, which has been….

High tariffs have contributed to the United States $8 billion-plus trade imbalance with India (India, 2004).
There have been numerous diplomatic and business lobbying efforts over the past several years to further open India's markets to American goods. And, to a certain degree, those efforts have achieved success. India has reduced tariffs on a number of product categories and has cut its basic ceiling tariff rate from 25% to 20% (India, 2004). However, there were notable exceptions to that cut and India's average weighted tariff actually increased to 28% in 2004 compared to 21% in 2001 (2006 Index, 2006). In short, tariffs continue to be high in key product categories.

The good news is that India has been receptive to discussions on lowering its tariffs, but India still remains a protectionist economy that is not completely open for business. The government even controls pricing in certain sectors - such as energy….

A lack of any national system subjects individual citizens to the costs of the healthcare system on the whole. As Rao (2006) reports, "public expenditure on health care today is a dismal 0.9% of GDP; the overwhelming majority of health costs are paid by patients out of pocket. For many, even minor illnesses can cause big financial setbacks, and hospitalisation is out of the question." (Rao, 1) the poor indicators for health discussed here throughout are particularly implicated here, with the understanding that the Indian government has willfully failed to positively impact the healthcare system and its severe limitations as an agency for the delivery of public health.
That stated, there is today a most concerted effort at bringing India into line with the ambitions of the world community. Its policies see India moving toward the uptake of a universal healthcare system which seems to be emerging from the environment….

India Is the Second Most

The United States supported Pakistan by sending a naval force to the ay of engal. This resulted in a straining of relations between the two countries. India was expected to be a responsible nonaligned nation by denouncing the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. It chose to play the role of a silent spectator and did not take any action.
India invited the wrath of the United States as they refused to condemn the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. India did make up for its past mistakes eventually by improving relations with the United States, China, Countries in the South Asian loc and other developed nations while maintaining ties with the Soviet Union. There was a big change in India's policy when the 1990s saw the disintegration of the Soviet Union which resulted in the death of the bipolar political system in the world. This forced India, which was already suffering from economic….

Answering one form of the question, "Is there an Indian way of thinking?" amanujan (1989) states, "There is no single Indian way of thinking…Each language, caste, and religion has its special worldview. So, under the apparent diversity, there is really a unity of viewpoint, a single supersystem," (p. 41-42). The pluralism of India is not a colonial construct, and nor is it even a modern one. India's diversity and multiculturalism has been embedded in the fabric of its society for millennia. Most critical analyses that attempt to attach singular monadic identities onto India are not only prejudicial but categorically false. Considering the quantitative dominance of Hinduism throughout the subcontinent, it is miraculous from a sociological standpoint that so many strong minority faiths find expression, support, and celebration. "The diversity, fluidity, and complexity within as well as between cultures precludes a reification of their differences and allows one to avoid the….

India's Population Challenges
The United Nations (UN) reports that the world's population stood at about 6.5 billion in 2005, and is growing at about 1.2% each year. The UN projects that by 2050 there will be 9.1 billion people populating the planet, which as a stand-alone statistic is somewhat frightening, given that rapid growth is expected "in a group of 50 countries classified as the lease developed" (UN, 2005, p. 1). Between the years 2000 and 2005, about 76 million persons were added to the world's population each year, and India was responsible for 22% of that population growth (China added 11%). Indeed India is expected to overtake China "as the most populous country in the world by 2030" (UN). India added about 16.5 million people per year in the 2000-2005 period, while China adds only about 8.4 million people per year in that same window of time, the UN reports.….

India is a culturally rich and vibrant land. Its traditions stretch back to one of the oldest civilizations in human history, the Indus Valley civilization, which blossomed during the 3rd and 2nd millennia B.C. ("India") and reached northwestern India. The Indian culture as we know it today emerged when Aryan tribes from the northwest invaded the subcontinent about 1500 B.C. ("India") and mixed with the original Dravidian culture. South Asia was united during the Maurya Empire during the 4th and 3rd centuries B.C., peaking during the rule of Ashoka ("India"). India experienced a Golden Age experiencing a blooming of science, art, and culture during the Gupta dynasty. Islam was introduced to India via a series of invasions that spanned 700 years. The Delhi Sultanate was established in the 10th and 11th centuries through the invasions of the Turks and Afghans. Emperor Babur established the Mughal Dynasty in the early 16th….

This brought about significant change in ndia. As a result of the First Opium War, China had ceded Hong Kong and opened five more ports to the British. This allowed the British better access to the Chinese market, and it was opium, at first from ndia, that they sent to trade, in particular for in-demand products such as Chinese tea. n turn, profits from opium sales in China were funneled back into strengthening the British presence in ndia (Biswas, 2008).
As this trade with China expanded, ndia became more strategically important. When ndia was administered by the British East ndia Company, the primary objectives of the British on the subcontinent were to send goods from ndia back to Britain. t was the opening of the Chinese market that demanded change for the British in the way that they administered ndia. ndia was no longer a property strictly with economic value,….

Communication is sharing of information and meaning (Hassan, 2007) and that meaning dictates the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Students -- and other people, in general -- often interpret the oral information or message according to the non-verbal expression that accompanies it. A verbal approval said in an ironic tone can send an opposite impression of censure. Non-verbal communication should, therefore, be given serious consideration, especially in a second-language school setting (Hassan).

Findings of the study categorized non-verbal communication into 8 (Hassan, 2007). Kinesics consists of boy language and gestures, such as a happy mood, negative body expressions, kind and friendly look, nodding to encourage, exhaustion, and raised fingers, which embarrassed. Proxemics refers to the space between the teacher and the students. The closer they were, the greater the students' understanding of the lecture. Students disliked distance. Vocalics covers the pitch, tone, rhythm and volume of the teacher's voice. Students learn….

India and Commodity Sample
Commodity production, in many countries, provides both economic and financial stability for its constitutions. In many instances, commodity production can determine overall prosperity of a particular nation, heavily dependent on its production. Many emerging countries, for example, depend heavily on exporting commodities to other more developed nations. Examples include oil from South America, oranges from Brazil, sugar from Costa ica, and manufacturing from China. As the articles indicate, India is dependent on the textile industry with respect to the production of clothing. As such, government policies and societal norms designed to help this industry flourish are very important to the overall prosperity of the nation. In addition, globalization provides added financial incentive in which to specialize in a particular trade. Being a low-cost producer in the textile industry for instance, provides India with a competitive advantage relative to its rival Asian countries. As such, it can better….

Over a period of time, the Ayurveda medicine lost its importance and today, its benefits are lost to the entire world. The power of herbs was not passed on to subsequent generations and so, the Indian society continues to use the form of medicine introduced by the British instead of relying on its indigenous herbs. This is another example of the decentering of culture due to British influence. Besides, they influenced the agricultural practices, work ethics and industrial manufacturing processes to a large extent. This extensive rule by the British left no aspect of the society untouched and this led to the loss of many indigenous methods of agriculture and manufacturing that were producing superior results.
Another aspect of decentering was the introduction of English into the society. Prior to British arrival, the country was fragmented by different castes and regions and each region had their own language. A significant….

India, a primarily Hindu country, is emerging as a player in the software industry. With over 1 billion people within her borders, India's culture is one of the oldest and largest in the world. Such a vast pool of talent intertwined with cultural identity makes for an interesting breed of workers, and, at the top of that chain, a fascinating approach to managing these workers.
Sunil Jalihalm, CIO of eVector Mobile, a wireless software provider in angalore, India, was born in raised in India and has worked in various executive positions in India and America. Thirty-six years old and he has already worked at several large and start-up companies - several here in America. The toughest part of management has, and always will be, surprisingly enough, the actually managing that must be done. Not the management of decisions and the direction of the company, but leading the people underneath you. Understanding….

India Investment
Situation Overview

Dan Ramirez and Susan Perdorna are interested in starting up a new company in Banglore, India and wish to locate some R&D Staff there and a small sales force to tap into the Indian market. Their families are also interested in the opportunity to invest. The type of corporate governance that they will select to manage the venture is a critical success factor in the new business division's success. The both the managers and investors will undoubtedly have to deal with the principal-agent problem given that the venture is oversees. Since the investors will be foreign based they will want to ensure that they are given rights and treated equitably as shareholders. They will also want to ensure that their agents act with integrity and maintain ethical business behaviors at all times. Furthermore, the investors will want to ensure that there is full disclosure and transparency.

To achieve all….

To write a journal about Wampanoag, you need to know about the people and the area. You can find information on that here: If you're supposed to write personal experience and immerse yourself in the culture, as if you were one of them, you'll want to think carefully about what it would feel like to be a part of that community and the time period. Consider what types of activities you would do, and the kinds of things that might matter to you. That will help make your journal well thought out, realistic, and believable.....

One of the most interesting issues in international relations is the role that nuclear weapons play in the effort to obtain peace.  Many people suggest that nuclear weapons can preserve peace.  The United States was the first country to actively deploy nuclear weapons in an effort to shorten a war by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. The widespread destruction, which was unlike anything ever experienced in a war up to that point, is often credited with ushering in the end of World War II, at least in the Pacific....

In the book Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese, the author describes a Native American child and his family who retreat into the woods in order to avoid the child being taken from them and raised away from the family, which was happening not just to members of their Ojibway nation, but to Native Americans across the country.  The book is a fictional novel, but is based in the historical fact that not only were Native Americans forcibly removed from their ancestral lands throughout North America, but were also subjected to having their children stolen from....

Gandhi is one of the most fascinating people in all of recent history.  An advocate of passive resistance, he not only helped free India from British oppression, but also inspired the 1960s Civil Rights Movement leader Martin Luther King, Jr.  Gandhi’s work is so well-known that his name has become synonymous with both peace and leadership.  However, his personal life was marred by some controversies, suggesting that even great men can have terrible flaws.  We cannot possibly tell you all about Gandhi in a few paragraphs; his life and his life’s work....

8 Pages
Research Paper

History - Asian

India's Economic Development and Foreign Policy

Words: 2436
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

India's economic development & Foreign Policy Foreign policy and economic development in India India is currently the third largest economy of the globe, surpassed only by the United States and China…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


India China Political System Environment Political Structure

Words: 1970
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

India China Political System, Environment, Political Structure, Function The Indian political system, structure, and function is much like that of the UK, although it also resembles the U.S. In some ways.…

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2 Pages


India's Outsourcing Firms Select the Appropriate Answer

Words: 440
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

India's Outsourcing Firms Select the appropriate answer from the list and briefly discuss your reasons The strategy behind attempts by Indian software and outsourcing companies to enter the Japanese market could…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

India-u S Relations A Look Back

Words: 3329
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

High tariffs have contributed to the United States $8 billion-plus trade imbalance with India (India, 2004). There have been numerous diplomatic and business lobbying efforts over the past several…

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8 Pages


India Healthcare a Change Toward

Words: 2503
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

A lack of any national system subjects individual citizens to the costs of the healthcare system on the whole. As Rao (2006) reports, "public expenditure on health care…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

India Is the Second Most

Words: 1562
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The United States supported Pakistan by sending a naval force to the ay of engal. This resulted in a straining of relations between the two countries. India was…

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6 Pages

History - Asian

India Answering One Form of the Question

Words: 2074
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

India Answering one form of the question, "Is there an Indian way of thinking?" amanujan (1989) states, "There is no single Indian way of thinking…Each language, caste, and religion has…

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3 Pages

History - Asian

India's Population Challenges the United Nations UN

Words: 1159
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

India's Population Challenges The United Nations (UN) reports that the world's population stood at about 6.5 billion in 2005, and is growing at about 1.2% each year. The UN projects…

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2 Pages

History - Asian

India Is a Culturally Rich and Vibrant

Words: 609
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

India is a culturally rich and vibrant land. Its traditions stretch back to one of the oldest civilizations in human history, the Indus Valley civilization, which blossomed during the…

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3 Pages

History - Asian

India Burma and China During

Words: 989
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This brought about significant change in ndia. As a result of the First Opium War, China had ceded Hong Kong and opened five more ports to the British.…

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8 Pages

History - Asian

India-Pakistan Conflict a Globally Catastrophic

Words: 2332
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

Communication is sharing of information and meaning (Hassan, 2007) and that meaning dictates the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Students -- and other people, in general -- often interpret…

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6 Pages


India and Commodity Sample Commodity Production in

Words: 1770
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

India and Commodity Sample Commodity production, in many countries, provides both economic and financial stability for its constitutions. In many instances, commodity production can determine overall prosperity of a particular…

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4 Pages

History - Asian

India Cultural Identity Challenges Many

Words: 1263
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Over a period of time, the Ayurveda medicine lost its importance and today, its benefits are lost to the entire world. The power of herbs was not passed…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

India a Primarily Hindu Country Is Emerging

Words: 757
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

India, a primarily Hindu country, is emerging as a player in the software industry. With over 1 billion people within her borders, India's culture is one of the oldest…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


India Investment Situation Overview Dan Ramirez and

Words: 513
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

India Investment Situation Overview Dan Ramirez and Susan Perdorna are interested in starting up a new company in Banglore, India and wish to locate some R&D Staff there and a small…

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