Insight Essays (Examples)

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"Our human bodies have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years through their relationships to the physical environment." (angyal-Rinpoche, 1980)
There is clear evidence that the basic principles of shamanism are pretty much universal phenomenon and studies of shamanic practices over many diverse and disparate cultures show that even with no interaction with one another, the methods and beliefs are the same. In other words, cultures throughout the world access the spirit world and with no physical way of communicating with one another, these indigenous cultures have some how cultivated the shamanistic journeys in surprisingly similar ways. These include:

soul retrieval power animal retrieval extraction spiritual healing psycopomp or the act of escorting dead spirits to other worlds

One would think that non-native cultures would never follow these beliefs. Ironically, many of the beliefs have all ready been incorporated into the modern world including technology, science and medicine. For example, shamanism discovered….

Stereotypes, for instance, are a characteristic -- or bundle (or product) of System One. Stereotypes essentially consist of clumping people who 'belong 'to us in 'in groups and people who are alien to us in 'out' groups. This in turn evokes our response to them. Although it can lead into prejudicial and non-ethical as well as possibly harmful behavior -- and harmful both to self and others -- stereotypes can also be useful. With the rapid, almost unknowing pockmarking of people into groups we are able to quickly formulate decisions and choose our friends as well as avoid our enemies. This comes in useful not only in times of war, but also during other times when we have to be on our guard.

It is not for naught that gurus of pop-psychology frequently recommend that we listen to our intuitions or that 'small, thin' voice', That small thin voice is System….

Ethically, managers have the imperative to maximize shareholder wealth, which in a Milton Friedman view of the firm is the only reason for being. Because this duty is in the long-term, managers need to ensure that assets and revenue streams are protected. The duty implies that strategic actions on the part of the firm, if correctly oriented to the creation of long-term value, will have the objective of minimizing downside risk. There is also an ethical consideration that implies managers should attempt to time actions to position the firm for large gains during upward cycles. However, conservative value management would focus more on minimizing the damage during bust periods. Managers during the Great Moderation were not oriented towards managing for high volatility, but managers today must take volatility into account in their strategic decision-making.
orporations also need to be acutely aware of their macroeconomic environment, in particular the key variables….

Programme Name
An Insight

Segmentation and Targeting


eaching the Customers

Market Implications

Al Ain Poultry was among the pioneers who introduced the concept of supplying fresh poultry and eggs in United Arab Emirates in 1981. In the past 3 decades the company has established its name as a provider of fresh high quality poultry products and has come a long way in satisfying its customers and creating goodwill. The main headquarter is situated in Al-Ain while the associated shops are present all over the country. Other main offices are situated in Abu-Dhabi and Dubai. (Poultry)

The company intends to become the sole and most entrusted choice for poultry and other related products supplier in the whole Middle East and have the quality and service good enough to enhance shareholders value and worth. They have the following mission:

to hire a well trained inspection force to keep a check on quality

public health is the top most priority enhance….

Insight Into the Quandaries of Marriage and Divorce

The American conundrum surrounding the institution of marriage (high marriage rates combined with nearly equally high divorce rates) can be summed up in one pithy proclamation: people get married for the wrong reasons. Love, once considered a prerequisite for a proposed lifelong commitment to another, is so much of a forgone conclusion in modern times that it rarely factors into the equation for today's marriage. A considerable number of other factors (including but not limited to extramarital pregnancy, societal expectation and a lack of viable alternatives) account for the vast majority of contemporary marriages in America; the subsequent high divorce rate and myriad ruptured homes attest to the transience of these reasons and their unions.

To better prepare Americans for the possibility of marriage by the time adulthood is reached would require grave reconsideration of the common reasons for marriage today. A willing bond….

Female Mature Age Workers
Insight into the Presence of Female and Mature Aged Laborers in the Contemporary Workforce

Several implications revolve around the increasing numbers of female and mature age workers in the workforce throughout the world, not the least of which involve job-related injuries, insurance coverage, and worker's compensation settlements. Several factors have attributed to this occurrence, such as an overall improvement in health and living conditions as furnished by technological advances, longer life spans, as well as numerous sociological factors which enable and encourage women to become financially independent and support themselves. All of these aspects of the contemporary workforce indicate that the trend of women and mature age laborers entering and maintaining positions in diverse industries and occupations is not likely to change or decline in the years to come. As such, it becomes important to examine just what effects these particular stratifications of laborers will have on the….

Intended to Give an Insight

Conservatism is right leaning and could tend to isolation as seen by the proponents of anti-immigration and anti-international policies. Therefore they view in alarm the neo-conservatives, which is strictly a term relevant to the U.S., who are a subclass of conservatives, but have a very aggressive foreign policy stance. (Conservatism)
The common ground of both the conservatives and the neo-conservatives is the support for a strong U.S. military. The Conservatives, however have strong reservations with regard to military intervention and the so-called nation building of the neo-conservatives. The events subsequent to September 11, taken against the governments in Afghanistan and Iraq are clear indications that the neo-conservatives have no inhibitions to force regime change and reshape states believed hostile into the American image of what a state should be. This is alarming to the conservatives and gives support to the charge that the current administration is strongly under the influence….

Desire 2 Learn
Insights Gained From an Assessment of Desire2Learn (D2L)

Desire2Learn (D2L) is a full-featured suite of applications that can be successfully used for increasing students' learning effectiveness and long-term retention of complex subjects. The suite is comprised of several modules including learning analytics, environment module, and several repository modules. What becomes immediately evident after evaluating this suite of applications is that a framework is necessary to ensure all components are coordinated, synchronized to a common learning objective before being installed. The reliance on a framework will significantly streamline planning, implementation and support of the Desire2Learn application suite as well. Studies have also shown that when visually-based platforms are used that combine multimedia-related content, students attain a higher level of long-term retention of complex concepts (Lee, Tan, Goh, 2004).

Analysis of the Initiating Phase of the Suite

What differentiates this suite of learning applications from many others is the ability to tailor its….

Paul's letters give valuable insight into how he viewed the Gospel, God, and Jesus Christ. He wrote to his followers via the letters, on how to act and live by obeying God's Law. Within his words, he emphasized the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His resurrection, in order to show how the Law of God could overcome the Law of man. Furthermore, he used the cross and the resurrection because that is how he came to know Jesus, not through the history of Jesus mentioned in the Gospel.
Paul emphasized greatly the resurrection of Jesus and the cross in his teachings and letters. Examples of mentioning resurrection and the cross come from Galatians 6:14, NIV: "May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world," and Galatians 5:24, NIV. Paul barely mentions Jesus' work….

theorists from the H100 block of ILE have provided valuable insights on warfare. They range from Clausewitz to Machiavelli to Moltke. Although 200 years have passed since the times of Antoine-Henri Jomini, his theories, principles, and insights are still being used in a twenty-first century warfare. Jomini's principles of war provide linkages to today's doctrine making them still useful today.
In order for a theorist of the past to offer useful insights for a twenty-first century warfare, those theories have to be relevant. It is important to understand the definition of theorist in order to comprehend where the author comes from. Merriam-Webster defines of a theorist as a person who forms theories about something that relates to a subject in an appropriate way.

For theorists to be considered relevant, their theories and insights should be taught in institutions and can be applied to modern situations or circumstances. Jomini's work was not….

In my opinion, Atticus Finch teaches us the latter kind of model of leadership both, in his small family as a widowed father, and his small town community as an attorney. I think it follows from this style of leadership that leaders are very often regarded as people who "act" instead of people who simply "direct." Atticus runs his family like a judge: he's the one in charge, and has a clear set of rules. Neither of the Finch kids ever calls their father "Dad"; he's always "Atticus." While he definitely puts his foot down when necessary, he also treats his kids with respect. He does not expect his children to respect him just because he sees his role in directing them as their father, but because he acts in a way that deserves respect (see Atticus Finch: Character Analysis, 2011, p. 1). For example, when Scout doesn't want….

Leader's Self-Insight 1.1: Your Learning Style: Using Multiple Intelligences
I scored evenly on all of the types of intelligence measured by this self-assessment: logical-mathematical, verbal-linguistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and musical. This indicates that I am a well-rounded person with the ability to work in multiple environments on different tasks.

Leader's Self-Insight 1.2: Your Leadership Potential

I scored slightly more (7) on the even-numbered indicators than on the odd ones (6), indicating I have leadership capabilities such as "vision and change." However, the scores were about even.

Leader's Self-Insight 1.3: Are You on a Fast Track to Nowhere?

On people skills, I scored 3 out of the 4 qualities. I believe I have solid interpersonal skills. On working with authority, I scored 2. I believe I need to work more on my assertiveness and courage when dealing with persons in positions of authority because I remain afraid to speak up and express my opinion when it differs….

If [these] postulates are correct, there very well could be an economic incentive for public authorities (i.e. states) to create post-tenure review and other methods to avoid such employment rights." (Dilts et al., 335)
This is a new insight on the subject, producing a clearer understanding of the political battle being waged between educators and those administrative and governmental forces that have sought a change in employment policies. And in some regard, teachers face a great deal of opposition not just from educational leadership but from the general public. This returns us to the insight that there is something resembling resentment on the part of other professionals that teachers are afforded this security and, to the perception of some, a freedom from critical oversight. The emergence of post-tenure policies is based on the reality that tenure would function to protect many such teachers whose protected status had allowed for a….

Namaste Solar; Case Insight

Namaste Solar is a successful solar energy company located in Boulder Colorado. Founded in 2005, the firm was set up by three people who all shared a vision; a firm where there was shared risk and reward, corporate social responsible ethics and democratic decision making. The firm has been highly differentiated in the developed culture that is based and extends these ideals, with a commitment to shared equity where and employees bought shares and ownership was vested over five years. 37 employees owned equity and no owner had a majorly share. The democratic decision making was facilitated with big picture meetings (BPM). However, the initial direct democratic process required adaptation to include indirect processes as the firm expanded. By 2008 the firm achieved 20% - 25% of the residential and small commercial solar market in Colorado, and with the growth of U.S. solar energy installations expected to….

Strategic Business Insights website explores information VALS: http://www.strategicbusinessinsights./vals/ustypes.shtml Click types read descriptions define behavioral classifications.
My VALS types:

Consuming as an innovator (primary type) and achiever (secondary type)

According to my survey results, my primary VALS ™ type is that of an innovator and my secondary VALS type is that of an achiever. Innovators are "successful, sophisticated, take-charge people with high self-esteem…They are change leaders and are the most receptive to new ideas and technologies. Innovators are very active consumers, and their purchases reflect cultivated tastes for upscale, niche products and services" such as educational vacations, specialty juices and bottled waters which are promoted upon intangible aspects such as personal fulfillment and health. While innovators do engage in a form of conspicuous consumption, they do so to promote their tastes and values, less so to make an ostentatious show of wealth. "Their possessions and recreation reflect a cultivated taste for the finer….

Choosing a research paper topic doesn't have to be difficult. In many cases, an instructor will choose a topic for you. Some instructors allow you to choose your own topic, but request that you get approval from them before beginning your paper. If you're left completely alone to choose a topic and start writing, consider the following questions as you're thinking about topic ideas: • What is the class about? • What are some of the main points or themes addressed by the instructor? • What about the class specifically interests you? • What ideas or themes from the class naturally lend themselves to research? • Is your topic idea....

You can find information to create this thesis statement by using several different types of sources. In addition to the standard Google search for websites about the topic, there are online and offline books and magazines that deal with religious subjects. Ministry Magazine is a good source to consider, along with Enrichment Journal and Christian Standard. Liberty University's Digital Commons also provides a lot of good insight into growing small churches. Any church can be successful in a small city, as long as it provides the community with what the people need in order to feel their lives are being....

We would start this essay by looking at the Department of State’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.  Looking at that list is a great way to identify transnational terrorist groups.  Working from those groups, you could the identify a transnational group that is linked to a domestic terrorist group.  The County Reports on Terrorism also reveal how international terrorist groups work and can provide some insight into their ties to domestic organizations.  Working this way may be important for the integrity of your research because the designation of groups as domestic terrorist groups changed....

6 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Personal Insights Into What Extent

Words: 2100
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

"Our human bodies have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years through their relationships to the physical environment." (angyal-Rinpoche, 1980) There is clear evidence that the basic principles of…

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3 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Gaining Insight Into System One

Words: 1001
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Stereotypes, for instance, are a characteristic -- or bundle (or product) of System One. Stereotypes essentially consist of clumping people who 'belong 'to us in 'in groups and people…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Great Moderation Provides Insight Into

Words: 1124
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Ethically, managers have the imperative to maximize shareholder wealth, which in a Milton Friedman view of the firm is the only reason for being. Because this duty is…

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4 Pages


Programme Name an Insight Segmentation and Targeting

Words: 1792
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Programme Name An Insight Segmentation and Targeting Marketing eaching the Customers Market Implications Al Ain Poultry was among the pioneers who introduced the concept of supplying fresh poultry and eggs in United Arab Emirates in…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Divorce Insight Into the Quandaries of Marriage

Words: 872
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Divorce Insight Into the Quandaries of Marriage and Divorce The American conundrum surrounding the institution of marriage (high marriage rates combined with nearly equally high divorce rates) can be summed up…

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7 Pages


Female Mature Age Workers Insight Into the

Words: 2242
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Female Mature Age Workers Insight into the Presence of Female and Mature Aged Laborers in the Contemporary Workforce Several implications revolve around the increasing numbers of female and mature age workers…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

Intended to Give an Insight

Words: 4223
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Conservatism is right leaning and could tend to isolation as seen by the proponents of anti-immigration and anti-international policies. Therefore they view in alarm the neo-conservatives, which is…

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2 Pages


Desire 2 Learn Insights Gained From an

Words: 623
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Desire 2 Learn Insights Gained From an Assessment of Desire2Learn (D2L) Desire2Learn (D2L) is a full-featured suite of applications that can be successfully used for increasing students' learning effectiveness and long-term…

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3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Paul's Letters Give Valuable Insight Into How

Words: 759
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Paul's letters give valuable insight into how he viewed the Gospel, God, and Jesus Christ. He wrote to his followers via the letters, on how to act and live…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Theorist Who Offers the Most Useful Insights for 21st Century Warfare

Words: 1486
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

theorists from the H100 block of ILE have provided valuable insights on warfare. They range from Clausewitz to Machiavelli to Moltke. Although 200 years have passed since the…

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2 Pages


Leadership Insights From Literature of

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

15). In my opinion, Atticus Finch teaches us the latter kind of model of leadership both, in his small family as a widowed father, and his small town community…

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12 Pages


Leader's Self-Insight 1 1 Your Learning Style Using

Words: 3023
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Leader's Self-Insight 1.1: Your Learning Style: Using Multiple Intelligences I scored evenly on all of the types of intelligence measured by this self-assessment: logical-mathematical, verbal-linguistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and musical. This…

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2 Pages


Post Tenure Recent Insights in

Words: 612
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

If [these] postulates are correct, there very well could be an economic incentive for public authorities (i.e. states) to create post-tenure review and other methods to avoid such…

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2 Pages


Business Namaste Solar Case Insight Namaste Solar

Words: 770
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Namaste Solar; Case Insight Namaste Solar is a successful solar energy company located in Boulder Colorado. Founded in 2005, the firm was set up by three people who all shared…

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3 Pages

Business - Advertising

Strategic Business Insights Website Explores Information Vals

Words: 852
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Strategic Business Insights website explores information VALS: http://www.strategicbusinessinsights./vals/ustypes.shtml Click types read descriptions define behavioral classifications. My VALS types: Consuming as an innovator (primary type) and achiever (secondary type) According to my…

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