Insomnia Essays (Examples)

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Sleeping and Insomnia

Sleeping and Insomnia
Introduction have been observing my roommate's sleeping patterns. He has insomnia and takes sleeping pills every night, sometimes with alcohol. My hypothesis is that his dependence on sleeping pills and his mixing with alcohol are hindering his condition, rather than helping it. I think that there are many other, more natural things he could do to ease his insomnia.

General understanding of sleeping

We spend about one third of our life sleeping. Sleep is defined as the suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored (ThinkQuest, 2003). The brain is not at rest during sleep as popularly thought, but is extremely active and it is the brain that tells us when it is time to sleep. Sensations of light taken in from the retina are transferred through the nerves to an area of the brain determines the amount of light exposure and adjusts the body accordingly.….

Disorder of Consciousness

Genetics Stress and Trauma as Causes of Insomnia One disorder of consciousness is insomnia and involves the inability to lose consciousness in sleep. The DSM-V defines insomnia as difficulty initiating sleep, maintaining sleep, wakefulness when one wishes to sleep and dissatisfaction with the quality or quantity of one’s sleep (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The etiology of insomnia is that stress is the typical causal factor but trauma may also contribute to it. Cox, Taylor, Strachan and Olatunji (2020) show that insomnia and PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) share similar symptoms, suggesting that trauma and insomnia are linked. Whatever the cause, insomnia involves abnormal neurological control, with neurotransmitter systems failing to connect, and the functional nervous system pathways being blocked. Abnormal brain structures are typically found in the frontal cortex, hippocampus and/or anterior cingulate cortex. Lifestyle and environment have been determined to be the main contributors to insomnia as this is where….

318. However, in this and other studies, it seems that lack of effectiveness may be due to a cessation of the CBT and not due to its lack of effectiveness while in treatment (Belleville, 2011, p. 318). egardless, there are very few, if any, studies that show evidence of negative effects of CBT.
An additional factor that should be taken into account in Isabella's case is that substance use may be involved. Neither the DSM nor the DASS questionnaires address the theory that substance use may exacerbate or may be premorbid to anxiety/depression/stress disorders. Perhaps additional questionnaire(s) regarding substance use should have been presented to her. The Cannabis Expectancy Questionnaire is an example of a questionnaire that directly addresses substance use by assessing use by the patient (Connor, 2010).

An important additional consideration regarding Isabella's case is that in her verbal report she states that her inability to relax and her….

The assumption here is that ounselor burnout may be heightened as a result of the diversity of students who attend post seondary eduational institutions, and the variety of servies the 2-year postseondary ounselors must provide to these students. This assumption is ongruent with the findings of a study by Wilkerson and Bellini (2006) who advise, "Professional shool ounselors are asked to perform multiple duties as part of their daily work. Some of these duties math the desriptions set forth by national standards for shool ounseling programs, whereas others do not" (p. 440).
Consequently, shool ounselors are required to formulate deisions on a daily basis onerning the best way to perform their jobs (Wilkerson & Bellini). Not surprisingly, many shool ounselors are overwhelmed by these onstantly hanging working onditions and requirements, and a number of ounselors experiene high levels of stress as a result. Beause the onnetion between high levels of….

There is a milder form of mania, for instance, known as a hypomanic episode, in which patients display manic symptoms for a period of three or four days. If the manic episode lasts for a week or longer, as is the case with our patient above, then the patient is experiencing full-blown mania.
It is also somewhat common for bipolar patients to experience mixed episodes. These episodes involve "swinging" back and forth from one pole to the next, experiencing symptoms of both mania and depression within the same day.

From international surveys, we have come to learn that around 1.5% of all adults suffer from bipolar disorders. The average bipolar patient experiences around four episodes within a ten-year time span. There are those patients, however, who experience recurring episodes throughout their lives. Thus, it is quite likely that you will have to deal with a bipolar patient as an acupuncturist at….

Though there is not anything that clearly indicates that Cliff has not been through some sort of traumatic event to trigger his anxiety, it is unlikely that he suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder since, again, his anxieties are not focused on any one thing and there is no indication in this vignette that he feels he is reliving any kind of event from his past. Social Phobic Disorder is highly unlikely since, again, Cliff operates out in the world with moderate success, and what is most telling to eliminate this diagnosis is the fact that Cliff does not state that he is concerned about his evaluations at work, but instead simply about arriving on time. And finally, Specific Phobic Disorder is not a consideration since, as stated before, his anxieties are not fixed on any one object, person, or situation.

American Psychological Association (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of….

Margaret Fuller was born in Boston and pushed hard at a young age by a father who, when she was just four years old, recognized her high level of intelligence and sought to instill in her a thirst for knowledge. Her father, Timothy Fuller, a Unitarian rationalist, treated her "…not as a plaything, but as a living mind," she explained (Gornick, 2012, p. 2). hile it is true she later wrote at length about how much she appreciated being induced by her intellectual father to study literature, philosophy and to learn languages even before her teens, she reportedly suffered "lifelong migraines, permanent insomnia and impaired eyesight" as a result of the intensity of the pedagogic pressure from her father (Gornick, p. 2). She also had a constant worry that "her intellectual output was insufficient," Gornick writes in The Nation; this was ironic because she was such an intellectual powerhouse and….

Business Plan for a Sleep

Offered under the same roof are "consultative, diagnostic, and treatment services" which are stated to be provided "by board-certified practitioners in the fields of pulmonary medicine, otolarngology, family medicine and more." (2006)
Smith reports that the laboratories experiencing the most dramatic growth are two which are located the "farthest from the Hillsboro flagship" as they are located in two areas that were "formerly underserved." (2006) Smith additionally reports that the demand is stronger in the areas where the two fastest growing centers are located which supplies "plenty of fuel for expansion."

Smith states that the Sleep Health & Wellness NW is attempting to "fill a gap so that patients who previously were overlooked or not being reached or who fell through the cracks no longer are," she says. "We have no plans to open centers in areas where there are already quality sleep services programs. We only want to go into….

Psychopharmacological Approaches to Treat PsychopathologyThe first question is, how many meals do you have in a day and have lost your appetite? Considering that her BMI indicates she is underweight, we need to establish if she is getting enough food and nutrients for her body. The second question will be, how is your current sleep pattern? The question tries to uncover the patients sleep and wake schedule, bedtime routine, and daily functioning. Obtaining the patients sleep routine helps determine the diagnosis and identify the best treatment plan. The third question is, do you consume caffeine? If so, how many cups do you take in a day? Caffeine is a stimulant that has a negative effect on sleep at night. The lack of sleep can be due to caffeine if the patient consumes coffee before bedtime.We can get further information from children and caregivers familiar with the patient. The question to….

e recommended the remedy Natrum muriaticum, as it applies readily to Roy's symptoms, including his responsiveness to massage, his suppressed emotion, and his tendency to keep his feelings concealed from those around him. e asked that Roy not alter anything about his exercise regime during the course of treatment. Six months after Roy started taking the remedy, he returned to us for follow-up. Roy's posture was noticeably improved and he sat upright in spite of having returned from a business trip just that morning. hen asked, Roy stated that he had been increasingly aware of his negative emotions and was making a conscious effort to consciously own up to his feelings by being more assertive at work, and by simply admitting to himself that he was angry. Roy's back problems had waned; although last week he had a sudden relapse, he could readily attribute the setback to a stressful….

Nursing: Therapy for Patients with Sleep-Wake DisordersCase IntroductionA 31-year-old male has insomnia since he mentioned he has been finding it extremely difficult to fall asleep for the past six months. ecently, the problem had aggravated due to the sudden loss of his fianc. His history of inability to sleep fast or not being a great sleeper does exist; the problem has now become unbearable. He cannot fall asleep early and even suffers from a lack of sleep during the night.His sleep patterns affect his work since he started falling asleep the next day. His previous night was deprived of sleep again, which caused problems at his work. He labors as a forklift operator at a local chemical company.The client also cited that he was on diphenhydramine; however, the medication caused obstacles in his wellbeing the next morning. He even experienced unpleasant conditions due to the previous physicians prescription of opiate….

"…people with NES tend to be more depressed than obese people without NES, and the mood of those with NES tends to worsen during the evening, something not seen in other obese people"(Logue, 2004, p. 185).
Among the many studies that provide insight into the background and origins of this syndrome, one of the most enlightening was Obesity by Stunkard, in Fairburn and Brownell (2002). This provides an in-depth analysis of night eating syndrome as well as a concise overview of the background of this condition. Stunkard also refers to a detailed overview of this condition.

Studies using the above criteria estimate that the prevalence of the night eating syndrome in the general population is approximately 1.5% and that prevalence increases with increasing weight, from about 10% of persons enrolling in obesity clinics to as high as 25% of patients undergoing surgical treatment for obesity…it occurs among about 5% of those….

Researchers used standard sleep questionnaires to assess sleep problems and characteristics in ADHD (n = 122) and non-ADHD (n = 105) comparison youths. They concluded that ADHD may be one of the consequence of nightmares but is not an outcome of it.
This study is valuable to my study in that it teaches me to be skeptical regarding differentiating between outcome and cause.


StRanjbaran, Z., Keefer, L., Farhadi, a., Stepanski, E., Sedghi, S. And Keshavarzian, a. (2007), Impact of sleep disturbances in inflammatory bowel disease. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 22: 1748 -- 1753.

Study showed that inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients have significant sleep disturbance even when their disease is not active. This problem might affect quality of life, gastrointestinal symptoms and coping ability, and might potentially increase or decrease disease severity. A self-administered, mail-in questionnaire package was sent to 205 subjects using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), a measure….

NUSING Nursing: Therapy for Patients with Sleep-Wake DisordersDepression and stress disorder are some of the most prominent causes of sleep-wake disorders. Insomnia is one of the most commonly discussed problems, ad n sleep difficulties have caused physical and worsened emotional problems. Seep is studied vastly by medical professionals because seven to nine hours of sleep is recommended by scientists for accurate body functioning. The co-existing complication of health start showing as soon as signs of stress, depression, and anxiety appear, further obscuring neurobiology and leading to heart failure, osteoarthritis, and Parkinsons diseases in severe conditions (American Psychiatric Association, 2020). This paper aims to reflect on psychopharmacological treatments for patients suffering from sleep-wake disorders and other co-existing mental disorders that could degrade the effects of those medications.Major depressive disorder (MDD) and alcohol abuse are usually seen going hand in hand as patients suffering from depression feel they need to find solace,….


Overall, the research suggests that CBT is an effective treatment for PTSD, though there definitely certain caveats that need to be raised. CBT is not entirely effective and is not necessarily more effective than certain other treatments, specifically EMD, while there is also a need for greater knowledge and understanding when it comes to PTSD and its treatment in general. As this more detailed and refined understanding is achieved, the research analyzed above and other related research will become more meaningful and more effectively situated.


Cohen, J., Deblinger, E., Mannarino, a. & Steer, . (2004). A Multi-Site, andomized Controlled Trial for Children With Abuse-elated PTSD Symptoms. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 43(4): 393-402.

Hinton, D., Pham, T., Tran, M., Safren, S., Otto, M. & Pollack, M. (2004). CBT for Vietnamese refugees with treatment-resistant PTSD and panic attacks: A pilot study. Journal of Traumatic Stress 17(5): 429-33.

Seidler, G.….

The mental health implications of COVID-19 on healthcare workers are significant and multifaceted. The pandemic has placed immense pressure and stress on healthcare workers as they face increased workloads, long hours, high levels of uncertainty, and the risk of exposure to the virus.

Some of the key mental health implications include:
1. Increased levels of anxiety, fear, and distress due to the constant exposure to COVID-19 and the feelings of vulnerability.
2. Burnout and exhaustion from working long shifts, dealing with high patient volumes, and witnessing the suffering and death of patients.
3. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms from experiencing traumatic events and....

1. The theme of ambition in Shakespeare's Macbeth
2. The character development of Lady Macbeth throughout the play
3. The role of the supernatural in Macbeth
4. Gender roles and expectations in Macbeth
5. The motif of blood in Macbeth
6. The concept of fate and free will in Macbeth
7. The manipulation and guilt of Macbeth
8. The downfall of a tragic hero in Macbeth
9. The relationship between violence and power in Macbeth
10. The significance of loyalty and betrayal in Macbeth
11. The portrayal of masculinity in Macbeth and how it contributes to the characters' actions and motivations
12. The use of imagery and symbolism in Macbeth to....

Lesser-Known but Intriguing Essay Topics on Type 2 Diabetes

1. The Interplay between Gut Microbiota and Type 2 Diabetes

Explore the role of gut microorganisms in the development and progression of type 2 diabetes.
Discuss the potential for modulating gut microbiota as a therapeutic approach.
Examine the impact of diet, prebiotics, and probiotics on gut health in relation to type 2 diabetes.

2. Precision Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes Management

Analyze the application of genetic testing and biomarkers to personalize treatment strategies.
Discuss the role of pharmacogenomics in tailoring medication selection and dosage.
Explore the ethical and practical considerations of using precision....

The Need to Abolish Solitary Confinement in Canada

Solitary confinement, a form of isolation where an individual is confined to a small cell for 22-24 hours a day with minimal human contact, is a cruel, inhumane, and ineffective practice that has been condemned by numerous human rights organizations and mental health experts. In Canada, the use of solitary confinement has disproportionately impacted Indigenous Peoples, who make up over 30% of the federal prison population despite representing only 4.9% of the Canadian population.

Psychological and Physical Harm

Solitary confinement has severe detrimental effects on physical and mental health. Prolonged isolation can lead to psychological....

4 Pages
Term Paper


Sleeping and Insomnia

Words: 1101
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sleeping and Insomnia Introduction have been observing my roommate's sleeping patterns. He has insomnia and takes sleeping pills every night, sometimes with alcohol. My hypothesis is that his dependence on…

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1 Pages
Research Paper


Disorder of Consciousness

Words: 386
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Genetics Stress and Trauma as Causes of Insomnia One disorder of consciousness is insomnia and involves the inability to lose consciousness in sleep. The DSM-V defines insomnia as difficulty initiating…

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6 Pages


Isabella's Sleeping Issues Diagnosed

Words: 2281
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

318. However, in this and other studies, it seems that lack of effectiveness may be due to a cessation of the CBT and not due to its lack…

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25 Pages
Research Proposal


Burnout and Technical College Counselors

Words: 7250
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The assumption here is that ounselor burnout may be heightened as a result of the diversity of students who attend post seondary eduational institutions, and the variety of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Bipolar Patient Imagine This Scenario

Words: 955
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There is a milder form of mania, for instance, known as a hypomanic episode, in which patients display manic symptoms for a period of three or four days.…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Diagnosis of Client Generalized Anxiety

Words: 368
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Though there is not anything that clearly indicates that Cliff has not been through some sort of traumatic event to trigger his anxiety, it is unlikely that he…

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3 Pages

Sports - Women

Margaret Fuller Was Born in Boston and

Words: 1024
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Margaret Fuller was born in Boston and pushed hard at a young age by a father who, when she was just four years old, recognized her high level of…

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30 Pages
Business Plan


Business Plan for a Sleep

Words: 8375
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Business Plan

Offered under the same roof are "consultative, diagnostic, and treatment services" which are stated to be provided "by board-certified practitioners in the fields of pulmonary medicine, otolarngology, family…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Differential Diagnosis and Patient Treatment

Words: 871
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Psychopharmacological Approaches to Treat PsychopathologyThe first question is, how many meals do you have in a day and have lost your appetite? Considering that her BMI indicates she is…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Birth Control

Homeopathic Remedies Jenny Is a

Words: 3095
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

e recommended the remedy Natrum muriaticum, as it applies readily to Roy's symptoms, including his responsiveness to massage, his suppressed emotion, and his tendency to keep his feelings…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Therapy for Patients Sleep Wake Disorders

Words: 1619
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nursing: Therapy for Patients with Sleep-Wake DisordersCase IntroductionA 31-year-old male has insomnia since he mentioned he has been finding it extremely difficult to fall asleep for the past six…

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23 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Miscellaneous

Night Eating Explore the Individuals

Words: 7427
Length: 23 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

"…people with NES tend to be more depressed than obese people without NES, and the mood of those with NES tends to worsen during the evening, something not…

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3 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Cukrowicz Kelly C Otamendi Ainhoa

Words: 982
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Researchers used standard sleep questionnaires to assess sleep problems and characteristics in ADHD (n = 122) and non-ADHD (n = 105) comparison youths. They concluded that ADHD may…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Therapy for Patients Sleep Wake Disorders

Words: 1055
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

NUSING Nursing: Therapy for Patients with Sleep-Wake DisordersDepression and stress disorder are some of the most prominent causes of sleep-wake disorders. Insomnia is one of the most commonly discussed…

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5 Pages


CBT for PTSD Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Words: 1516
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Conclusion Overall, the research suggests that CBT is an effective treatment for PTSD, though there definitely certain caveats that need to be raised. CBT is not entirely effective and is…

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