Intercultural Communication Essays (Examples)

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Intercultural Communication
Pages: 2 Words: 596

Intercultural Communications -- Definitions -- In its most basic form, multicultural communication is a way of understanding how people from different cultures communicate, behave, and perceive the world. One scholar defines it as the "interpersonal interaction between members of different groups, which differ from each other in respect to the knowledge shared by their members and in respect of their linguistic forms of symbolic behavior" (Knapp in What is Intercultural Communication?, 2011). Culture is a learned set of values that is passed down and communicated through a variety of forms: parents, relatives, peers, school systems or learning environments, and society. Typically, its power focuses on the reinforcement of behaviors through positive responses and discourages inappropriate actions or responses through negative responses. Because of this learning transference, it is possible for a person to communicate, adapt, and even become part of another cultural experience -- multicultural communication. The idea of multicultural…...



Gudykunst, W.B., ed. (2003). Cross-cultural and Intercultural Communication.

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Knapp, K. (2011). What is Intercultural Communication. Retrieved from:

Intercultural Communication Refers to the
Pages: 4 Words: 1120

He must instead keep aware of the accepted verbal and nonverbal communication gestures of other cultures. He should break out of the habit of preferring or revering his own verbal and non-verbal communication over those of others. Cultural relativism views all cultural practices as good. ut unlike cultural relativism, effective intercultural communication does not state that al cultural practices as good. Rather the effective intercultural communicator exerts efforts to develop an intercultural consciousness and understand those of other cultures. This is to improve communication and thus increase understanding among all the members (rown).
Simplifying the situation will also improve intercultural communication, internally and externally (rown 2010). Visualizing culture as a community in general will lead members to discover ways of communicating among themselves and with customers and clients more effectively. Understanding separate communities and communicating with them in acceptable ways or in ways they will appreciate is the right approach.…...



Brown, Mariah. Strategies for Effective Intercultural Communication.,

2010. Retrieved on April 16, 2013 from 

Hahn, Martin. Ten Commandments of Intercultural Communication. Ezine Articles:, 2013. Retrieved on April 16, 2013 from

Intercultural Communication Is an Academic
Pages: 12 Words: 3461

Some cultures are overtly emotional, while there are others which believe in keeping emotions concealed, or only reveal them to a "rational" degree. Naturally such differences often lead to problems. Following are two examples from international diplomacy, cited by the University of Colorado's Conflict esearch Consortium, which illustrate that lack of awareness of a certain culture and its values can result in longstanding misunderstandings, whereas accommodating cultural differences and understanding them, can lead to fruitful results.
The first case pertains to the relations between U.S. And India. In 1954, the U.S. had provided arms assistance to Pakistan, which was India's adversary. India took exception to this assistance provided to Pakistan, and as a form of re-assurance, President Eisenhower dispatched a letter to the Indian Prime Minister, and mentioned that the U.S. would intervene if Pakistan used the assistance against India. Nehru indicated to the ambassador that he did not doubt…...



Tue Freltoft and Jorgen Kay, 1996, "The Platform Philosophy," AMU International

Richard Nisbett, 2003, "The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently... And Why," Free Press Publishing

David Hesselgrave, n.d., "Verbal and nonverbal communication," SNU

Marc J. Riemer & Detlev E. Jansen, "Non-verbal intercultural communication awareness for the modern engineer," Monash University

Intercultural Communication When People From Different Cultural
Pages: 5 Words: 1549

Intercultural Communication
When people from different cultural backgrounds interact with each other, they face various problems in effectively communicating their messages and expressing their thoughts, expectations, and beliefs (Paulston, Kiesling, & Rangel, 2012). These problems lead to serious intercultural communication issues in multicultural societies. Researchers have found that difference in languages is not the sole reason of intercultural communication problems; people fail to effectively communicate due to different cultural dimensions that differentiate them from other cultures and societies (Nelsona, Al-Batalb, & Bakaryc, 2002). This paper presents a comparative analysis of Arab and American culture in the light of two important cultural dimensions, Individualism/collectivism and Masculinity/femininity. The paper focuses on explaining the challenges and issues which people from these cultures face while they interact or communicate with each other in different situations and settings.

Intercultural Communication between Arabs and Americans

Intercultural communication is largely effected by the cultural dimensions which shape the way people…...


Samovar, L.A., Porter, R.E., McDaniel, E.R., & Roy, C.S. (2012). Communication between cultures, 8th Edition, Wadsworth series in communication studies; Wadsworth series in speech communication. Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.

Tessler, M. (2008). Transnational Communication among Arab-Americans in Detroit: Dimensions, Determinants, and Attitudinal Consequences. American Studies Journal, Center for United States Studies, Vol. 52. Retrieved on June 1st, 2012, from

Willemyns, M., Hosie, P., & Lehaney, B. (2011). Communication and Social Identity Dynamics in UAE Organizations, International Review of Business Research Papers, 7 (2): 245-256.

Intercultural Communication in the Workplace As the
Pages: 3 Words: 1068

Intercultural Communication in the Workplace:
As the world continues to experience globalization because of the numerous technological advancements, intercultural communication has become an important element in today's working environments. Intercultural communication is critical because workplaces are currently made up of people from diverse backgrounds, races, ethnicity, and cultures. Therefore, understanding intercultural competence and communication is vital since it helps in promoting effective communication in the workplace. Such understanding also helps in dealing with various intercultural issues that may arise in the working environment from time to time. When the intercultural communication issues are dealt with in the workplace, the organization enhances effective communication.

Description of Intercultural Communication Issue:

Intercultural communication is an important aspect for organizations and companies that are involved in international businesses. These companies need to consider the complexities of intercultural communication as part of enhancing effective communication and productivity. Some of the major ways for such firms to consider intercultural…...



Gunn-Graffy, C. (2007, May). When in Rome, Beijing or Brussels: Cultural Considerations of International Business Communication. Retrieved from Boston College website: 

"Intercultural Communication." (2007). Fast Facts 2007. Retrieved June 25, 2012, from

Intercultural Communications Evolution of New
Pages: 3 Words: 898

In addition to vocabulary shaped by environment, different languages also develop arbitrary differences in idiomatic expression. For just one example, modern Hebrew has a word pronounced "dafkuh" that does not translate directly into English. It is used to denote "just at that time," or "exactly that person," or "that very day" in a manner that suggests either irony, coincidence, misfortune, or even sarcasm, in the following manner: "I knew someone who died in the 9/11 terrorist attack; he had a job interview in the World Trade Center dafkuh on that day.."

3. International English in Intercultural Communications:

Native speakers of English routinely use phrases that have evolved in American culture or even in different regions of the country. While doing so is perfectly natural, it may interfere with the ability to communicate clearly with someone who learned English as a second language rather than through using the language in the United States.…...



Samovar, L., Porter, R., McDaniel, E.(2006) Communication

Between Cultures (6th ed.) Wadsworth/Thomson Learning: Belmont

Samovar, L., Porter, R., McDaniel, E.(2006) Intercultural Communication: A Reader, (11th ed.) Wadsworth/Thomson Learning:Belmont

Intercultural Communication Globalization Is Not
Pages: 8 Words: 2806

ithin my team of Americans are several African-Americans and three Latinos. In the book Intercultural Communication: A Reader (Samovar, et al., 2008) the authors point out what scholars, sociologists and alert journalists have known for a long time: "…Although Latinos are generally aware of the Black experience, there is little understanding of Black culture. Equally problematic is the lack of awareness among Blacks about Latino culture" (Samovar, p. 183). Albeit I have Asians in my team, considered a separate culture from Americans, the unspoken tensions between Blacks and Latinos among my American team members must also be dealt with. In my suggestion box an idea was put forward to have a bulletin board with articles in all the languages represented among the employees in my team.

Among the first articles I will pushpin to the bulletin board is the Los Angeles Times' article on May 1, 2020, "South Los Angeles Latinos…...


Works Cited

Acosta, Carlos, Sanchea, Rafael, Rodriguez Adoracion, and Leon, Jorge, 2004, 'The influence of culture in automotive manufacturing -- a Mexican-French comparison', Artificial Intelligence & Society, vol. 18, pp. 242-256.

Akande, Adebowale W., 2009, 'The self-perception and cultural dimensions: cross-cultural comparison', Educational Studies, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 81-92.

Cai, Deborah, and Fink, Edward, 2002, 'Conflict Style Differences Between Individualists and Collectivists', Communication Monographs, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 67-87.

Coleman, Peter T., 2000, 'Fostering Ripeness in Seemingly Intractable Conflict: An Experimental Study', the International Journal of Conflict Management, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 300-317.

Intercultural Communications Failure The Greek
Pages: 5 Words: 1868

The fact that Greece is resisting greater oversight of its financial dealings is not laziness, or profligacy, but its very different view of long-term values than Germany. Germany places a strong value on long-term planning, persistence, and thrift. It cannot understand why a nation would hide its debt, in hopes that no one would notice and everything would 'be alright' in the long-term, so long as short-term pleasures were satisfied. Nations with a short-term cultural orientation like Greece uphold respect and tradition for individuals (such as older people), reciprocation of greetings, favors, and gifts, and may be more concerned with immediate shows of status than thrift. Hofstede might state that Germany needs to put aside some of its moralistic language regarding money when dealing with the Greek debt crisis, but if Greece wishes to be part of the European Union it must adopt some of the other member nation's longer-term…...



Batista. E. (2008 February 8). Geert Hofstede on the dimensions of cultural difference.

Executive coaching and change management. Retrieved February 27, 2010 at 

Beers, Jennifer. (2003). High and low context. Culture at work.

Retrieved February 27, 2010 at

Intercultural Communication to an Ordinary
Pages: 3 Words: 1097

She said that differences are meant not to invoke culture clash. Instead, differences are meant to educate people of the diversity of the world around us and to be more respectful and considerate of each other. Indeed I have learnt a lot of things from her.
On to nonverbal communication, I have also observed that Durga would look intently in my eye whenever we talk which somehow tells me how much of a sincere person she actually is. During conversations, when we'd talk about American culture, she never fails to give a comforting nod -- one which somehow tells me it is okay to talk about our culture, our liberal views, about areas in our culture which I know is distinctly different from hers. I also observed how she always keeps her tone in a mild, courteous manner regardless of who she talks to -- may it be a professor…...



Ghosh, Anjali. "Transactive Memory, Self-Construal and Subjective Well-Being in a Group of Indian Couples. 2008. Interpersona. 18 January 2010.

Matsumoto, David. "Culture and Nonverbal Behavior." n.d. San Francisco State University. 18 January 2010. <>

Samovar, Larry A. And Porter, Richard E. Basic Principles of Intercultural Communication in Intercultural Communication: A Reader. California: Wadsworth Inc., 1991.

Intercultural Communication Theory
Pages: 3 Words: 1047

Intercultural Communication
ANALYSIS & EPOT FOMAT Use format headings address answer overarching question 'Did working a volunteer contribute detract intercultural exchange communication?': Introduction Outline event, organisation worked, tasks undertaken, occurred, undertook activity worked day - background nationality

Intercultural communication

Overview of intercultural communication theory

Intercultural communication in the simplest form involves sharing information across cultures and social groups. It involves synonymously understanding the actions, language, beliefs and values of individuals from different social groups or cultures. Steinfatt and Millette (2009, p. 41)

, adaptation in intercultural communication is important since it ensures a continuous interplay of the two cultures thus allowing them to share beliefs, values, etc. And appreciate the eminent differences.

Kincaid (1988, p. 98)

argues that for intercultural communication to be effective, there must be cultural convergence which means that the two cultures must converge at a particular point in time and diverge at another. This convergence allows for intercultural adaptation where one communication channel…...



Bohman, J. (1999). Practical Reason and Cultural Constraint. In R. Shusterman (Ed.), Bourdieu: A Critical Reader. Oxford: Blackwell.

Fleming, S. (2002). Dance of Opinions: Mastering written and spoken communication for intercultural business using English as a second language. New York: Sherwood Fleming.

Gudykunst, W., & Kim, Y.Y. (2005). Communicating with strangers: An approach to intercultural communication (4th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.

Hogan, C.F. (2013). Facilitating Cultural Transitions and Change: A Practical Approach: 4 square books.

Intercultural Communications -- 2 Questions
Pages: 3 Words: 701

Mixed working groups naturally promote better mutual understanding and can often reduce biases and negative expectations such as those attributable to ethnocentrism and prejudices (Blair, 2003).
More active methods of reducing discrimination and stereotyping include practical group demonstrations led by experienced counselors and organized discussion groups (Myers & pencer, 2004). pecifically, organized discussion groups provide an opportunity for members of different social groups to raise their concerns and to express their personal experiences in relation to prejudice and discrimination.

Typically, the opportunity of sharing real-life experiences of others has a natural tendency to increase intercultural sensitivity through several different mechanisms: by personalizing general perceptions, by allowing individuals from different groups to consider things from the perspectives of other groups, by appreciating some of the specific experiences of others in relation to discrimination and prejudices, and by demonstrating the commonalities between members of different social groups (Aronson, Wilson, & Akert, 2003; Blair,…...


Sources Cited

Aronson E, Wilson T, and Akert R. (2003). Social Psychology. New York: Longman.

Blair G. (2003). Groups that Work. Washington, DC: IEEE Press.

Martin J. And Nakyma (2007). Experiencing Intercultural Communication: An

Introduction (3rd Edition).

Intercultural Communication in the Workplace
Pages: 4 Words: 1119

3. Diagnosis

The previously presented situation can be analyzed from two different standpoints, also perceived as communication norms. On the one hand, there is the language barrier which can easily come between representatives of different nationalities. In this order of ideas, Anrai Brogan was an Irish of Gaelic descent, born and brought up in the old tradition. Even the native language he spoke bore little resemblance to the Irish language, as it was highly influenced by the Gaelic traits. The relevance of this feature to the miscommunication situation at Tetonica Plc. is given by the fact that the Gaelic Irish language does not have any equivalents for the words yes and no. "Irish Gaelic does not possess equivalents of "yes" or "no," which seems unhandy to persons accustomed to this conciseness. Consequently, when speaking Gaelic, people must construct circumlocutions such as "I think not" and "this is so" in place of…...



Geddie, T., April / May1999, Moving Communication across Cultures, Communication World, Vol. 16, No. 5, ABI/INFORM Global, p.37

Novinger, T., 2001, Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide, University of Texas Press, ISBN 0292755716

Introduction to Nonverbal Communication, Fort Hays State University,   last accessed on September 16, 2009 

Chapter Fifteen: Speech

Intercultural Communication Explain How Differences
Pages: 3 Words: 954

In cultures were being or relationality has a greater emphasis, human relations are at the forefront of most individual's concerns. It might even be considered rude to ask what someone does for a living in a social setting, at least before taking in some of the hospitality of the host in the form of food and drink. Social and emotional perceptions of value are of great importance. One example of how this might affect commerce is that in the United States, how much something costs may have great significance in determining people's purchasing decisions. However, in France, where there may be a greater stress upon relationality, buying from a local market owned by someone who lives near a consumer's home may have equal impact upon a consumer's choice of store as the store's price or time-saving and convenient location.

How can an understanding of the difference between "high-context" and "low-context" cultures…...

Intercultural Communications How Do Business
Pages: 3 Words: 1074

In terms of their body language towards their teachers, Japanese students are more likely to sit in their seats, raise their hands, and even outside of the classroom are more likely to accept advice from teachers about personal matters, such as how to speak politely and even matter of hygiene. The greater deference and focus on passing exams, rather than engaging in contentious or individualistic debate is also evident in European education systems. In many European nations, in contrast to Japan, the family rather than the teachers are seen as have the ultimate authority in dictating their children's private lives; however, students are far more inclined when in school to observe a respectful distance between themselves and their teachers, and to defer to their teacher's authority.

Give examples of problems that may arise in a health care setting if a physician does not understand the cultural norms of his or her…...


Works Cited

Beer, Jennifer E. (2003). "Apologizing to your customer -- a Japanese perspective."

Culture at Work. Retrieved 4 Oct 2007 at 

Education in Japan." (2007). Last updated Oct 2007. Retrieved 4 Oct 2007 at 

Samovar, Larry a., Porter, Richard, E. And McDaniel, Edward R. (2006).

Intercultural Interactions in the Workplace
Pages: 2 Words: 547

Cultural Sensitivity
Intercultural sensitivity has emerged as one of the most important aspects of the modern working environment because of increased diversity in today’s workforce. In essence, today’s workforce is characterized by people from different ethnicities, nationalities and race. The increased diversity of the workforce is attributable to increased globalization, which has significantly transformed the modern society. For instance, this company comprises of employees from different races and ethnic backgrounds, which is a reflection of the increased diversity of the workforce as shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1: Composition of the Company’s Workforce
Given the increased diversity in the organization’s workforce, intercultural sensitivity is a crucial component towards enhancing interactions between the workforce and enhancing their productivity (Kegeyan, 2016). Intercultural sensitivity is essential towards promoting positive interactions and intercultural communication in the company’s workforce. In this regard, the company will significantly benefit from establishing a corporate culture that is characterized by intercultural…...



Estrada, M.F. (2017, August 18). Cultural Sensitivity in the Workplace. Retrieved from The Pennsylvania State University website:

Kegeyan, S.E. (2016, February 9). Intercultural Communication in the Workplace and the Role of Communication in an Organization. International Journal of Professional Science, 2. Retrieved from 

Miladinovic, M. (2014, August 26). How Are Intercultural Skills Valued in the Workplace? Retrieved October 12, 2017, from

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Cross-Cultural Communication. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 251

Certainly! Here are some essay topics related to Cross-Cultural Communication:

1. The importance of understanding and respecting cultural differences in effective communication.
2. Exploring the challenges and benefits of multicultural teams.
3. Cultural stereotypes and their impact on cross-cultural communication.
4. The role of language barriers in intercultural communication.
5. Cross-cultural communication in a global business context.
6. The influence of technology on cross-cultural communication.
7. Strategies for improving cross-cultural communication in the workplace.
8. The impact of globalization on cross-cultural communication.
9. Cross-cultural communication in diplomatic relations and international conflicts.
10. The role of cultural sensitivity and empathy in successful cross-cultural communication.

Feel free to choose one of these....

Can you outline the key elements that define the culture of a particular society or community?
Words: 691

Key Elements Defining the Culture of a Society or Community

The culture of a society or community refers to the shared beliefs, values, norms, and practices that shape the lives of its members. It encompasses all aspects of human experience, from language and communication to rituals and celebrations. Understanding the key elements that define culture is crucial for fostering cultural diversity, promoting intercultural communication, and addressing global challenges.

1. Beliefs and Values:

Beliefs are fundamental convictions about the nature of reality, often rooted in religious, philosophical, or ideological perspectives. Values are the principles that guide behavior and determine what is considered good or....

\"How can incorporating history and culture enhance EFL learner\'s experiences?\"
Words: 228

1. The Role of History, Culture, and Civilization in EFL Learning
2. The Benefits of Integrating History and Culture into Language Lessons
3. Understanding the Importance of Cultural Awareness in EFL Education
4. Enhancing Language Skills through the Study of History and Civilization
5. Inspiring EFL Learners Through Cultural Immersion
6. Embracing Diversity: Promoting Tolerance and Understanding in EFL Education
7. The Evolution of Societies: Lessons from History for EFL Learners
8. Strategies for Engaging EFL Learners in the Study of History and Culture
9. The Impact of Multicultural Education on EFL Learners
10. Fostering Empathy and Open-mindedness Through the Exploration of History, Culture, and Civilization
11. The Role of....

What trends in literature review show how culture influences social media usage for support?
Words: 522

How Culture Affects Social Media Usage: Emotional Support (Collectivistic) vs. Informational Support (Individualistic)

Culture profoundly influences how individuals interact with the world, including their use of social media. This essay explores how cultural values shape social media usage for support, examining whether cultures prioritize emotional (collectivistic) or informational (individualistic) support.

Literature Review:

Collectivistic Cultures:
Collectivistic cultures emphasize group harmony, interdependence, and social networks. In these cultures, social media is often used as a tool for emotional support. Individuals share personal experiences, seek advice, and offer consolation to others. Studies have shown that social media platforms like Facebook and WeChat play a significant role in....

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