International Terrorism Essays (Examples)

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Sohail believed that because this incident happened -- and because it reflects negatively on the image of Muslims -- "…all the Muslim people in America will be driven out. This has happened in reality," he asserted. "This is obvious. This happened, and it is happening now" (Rousseau, 167). Some of those interviewed in Karachi expressed "intense pain and anger at the injustice of the aftereffects on Pakistanis and Muslims" following 9/11.
The authors expressed some surprise at the substance of the interviews, not so much that the Muslims blamed the U.S. For the attacks, but that the immigrants in Montreal and the more middle class and well-educated Muslims in Karachi shared the same litany. It says a great deal about the anger against the U.S. that was expressed in 2008, and likely remains even today. Needless to say the death of Osama bin Laden had not happened yet, but it….

S. commercial airliners; a 1995 plan to kill President Bill Clinton on a visit to the Philippines; and a 1994 plot to kill Pope John Paul II during a visit to Manila.
5. As you consider everything you have learned about international terrorism, in your opinion what are the most important facts or elements of the material that can be instructive for American foreign policy or counterterrorism efforts? Is there anything you have learned or have come to believe (about threats, opportunities, etc.) through this course which you sense is not taken seriously enough or even considered by government officials? What would characterize your approach to terrorism if you were in a position to advise the President or other high-ranking government officials?

The main threat is not to let up on Al-Qaeda, so it cannot set up a base and plot more attacks.

While on the run, they are not allowed to set….

The Kurdish Conflict:

Originally, the PKK was established in the relative absence of any other peaceful alternatives to preventing anti-Kurdish brutality perpetrated by the Turkish government

(Evans, 2007). In principle, the Kurds have a legitimate complaint for human rights

abuses and political suppression by the Turkish government, but the tactics resorted to by the PKK have undermined the credibility of their demands notwithstanding their grounding in recognized concepts of human rights and political autonomy.

However, the PKK became recognized, rightfully, as a terrorist group in the 1980s, by virtue of its affiliation and joint military operations, primarily in Lebanon,

with another terrorist group, the infamous PLO (Evans, 2007; Scheuer, 2004). It is widely believed that the ongoing cycle of violence between the PKK and Turkish military forces have cost more than 35,000 lives since 1984, when the PKK initiated its campaign against Turkey.

The collapse of the Soviet Union significantly weakened the PKK because the circumstances….

The 1993 World Trade Center parking lot bomb was attributed to Al Qaeda, although the terrorist organization denied any connection to it. The 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, along with a 2000 bomb attack on a U.S. destroyer in Yemen have also been linked to bin Laden. More recently however, the 2004 Madrid train bombings and the 2005 attacks on London's subway and bus system are considered to be the work of Al Qaeda as well.
There is no precise manner to deal with the situation created by Al Qaeda. Any negotiation process would lack any usefulness because there are no common grounds for discussion. The claims of the group stand in total contradiction to all democratic values the western societies share. As terror groups and their proponents categorically refuse any such value, calling for a complete Islamic revolution, it is impossible to reach an agreement on even….


Governmental officials knew before the September 11 attacks that we were not fully prepared to either deal with a major terrorist attack or to put effective counterterrorism strategies in place (Haynes, 2004). Experts now realize that most standard investigative techniques used by law enforcement are likely to help us infiltrate and neutralize groups such as cells of Al-Qaeda members. The strategies that show the most promise include using informants or undercover agents to infiltrate them; using surveillance and resulting searches and wire-tapping (including interception of email and cell phone calls) to glean information regarding their plans; detaining suspected terrorists before they can launch an attack: and the use of skilled interrogation of those arrested and/or detained (Taylor, 2003).


Much work has gone into improving organization and communication between agencies, but much more needs to be done, and these changes by themselves will not be enough (Haynes, 2004). The country needs….

Terrorist tactics are resorted to because groups think they are effective. eliefs, such as this, are the root cause of terrorism.

The UN must show that these beliefs are wrong. The UN High-Level Panel is also proposing a clear definition of terrorism for the purpose The second main element should make it difficult for terrorist groups to travel, receive financial support or obtain nuclear or radiological materials. In the pursuit of the third main element, the UN has consistently confronted States, which harbor and help terrorists and applied sanctions. The measure has been effective in restraining these States. This hard line should be maintained and made stronger. Under the fourth main element, UN Resolution 1373 requires every member-State to take measures in preventing terrorism in their respective jurisdictions. The Counter-Terrorism Committee oversees the implementation of the Resolution. The new Counter-Terrorism Directorate will provide technical assistance to poor countries without the capacity….

For instance, Islamic terrorism completely rejects western values and cultures. Terrorist groups from Africa are also fighting if not the troops of the former colonial powers, at least the cultural reminiscences of their presence on the Black continent. Therefore, it can be said that modern terrorism tends to draw from the cultural and civilization differences present at the moment in the world and predicted by Huntington.
There have been numerous attempts to try to promote the idea of freedom, be it from international or colonial occupation, or from mental and ideological strains. In the late 19th century, the anarchist and socialist movements have tried to induce a certain desire for freedom for a certain kind of oppression. For instance, in Plekhanov's "Anarchism and Socialism" the most important issues are taken into account, while addressing the issue of liberty, from constrains of the social order, as in the case of socialism,….

S. Constitutional law.

The problem with evaluating the motives of the detainees at Gitmo is that the justice process at the prison has become so questionable that automatically any allegations about the status of the prisoners as radical extremists determined to wage jihad against western society seems equally doubtful. There is no doubt that some may be disaffected and confused men and some may indeed be hardened terrorists. However, when the justice process itself is under scrutiny, any findings become suspect. "Many of the FBI accounts came from conscience-stricken agents troubled by what they had witnessed. One agent reported seeing a detainee sitting on the floor of an interrogation cell with an Israeli flag draped around him while he was bombarded by loud music and a strobe light -- almost exactly what Al Qosi had alleged. Another reported seeing detainees chained hand and foot in fetal positions, in barren cells with….

However, the fact that there was an ongoing military conflict between the North and South Vietnamese, and America is viewed as having take a side of support in that action, and because it was officially deemed a "conflict" militarily by the United States, many analysts do not consider it on the scale of international terrorism. However, the Vietnam Conflict (war), did give rise to certain groups within the United States who perpetuated criminal acts of violence against government and military targets with the goal of impacting public opinion and changing the direction of the government's position on the presence of and use of U.S. military forces in that country.
Perhaps more effective than the groups that grew out of the public's protest over American involvement in Vietnam, were the Vietnam war protesters. The non-violent, but nonetheless forcefully vocal groups of anti-war activists who almost daily marched on ashington, DC were….

This means that these groups, despite their different goals and agendas, are
often left with no choice but to engage in terrorist activities. The
normal course of action has failed and will fail and as marginalized from
the normal institutions that govern, a more direct and violent approach is
necessary. Lacking the political, technological, and popular support to
engage in a real war, terrorism allows for a few who are on the outside to
become increasingly heard and their goals are, at least in the moment,
furthered. But the results are rarely permanent and the popular backlash
may even hurt the cause which would otherwise have had some popular
This analysis, that those who engage in terrorist activities expect
better and when their expectations are not realized they are forced to use
terrorism as an action is effective and relevant in helping to explain the
causes and understanding of terrorism. If understanding the roots of
terrorism, it can perhaps be reduced, and by….

Homegrown extremism threats both in the European Union (EU) as well as the United States (U.S.) have grown since the last decade. Past and present studies along with past and current political leadership have directed their focus and funds to counter global threats of extremism and terrorism whilst ignoring homegrown extremism threats. This paper focuses on the threats posed by domestic terrorist groups or homegrown extremist groups using research data from reputable sources and compares and contrasts transactional and domestic terrorism. The paper recommends that homegrown terrorism or extremism can be reduced and subsequently eliminated by creating functional political and economic societies where equity and justice are for all to enjoy.
Comparison of homegrown and international terrorism

The concept "homegrown" emerged within not only academic but also policy-centered reports following the train bombings in 2005 Britain. However, the precise and accurate meaning of his term and its application is somewhat confusing. Academic….

Domestic and International Terrorism
The differences between domestic and international terrorism

The Federal Bureau of Investigation in America states that terrorism has been classified into two categories as international terrorism and domestic terrorism. Domestic terrorism is defined as an act planned by a group of individuals of evil intentions against the government or against the citizens of the state without any foreign force. On the other hand, international terrorism is a plan plotted against the government or its citizens by a group of individuals and plans are on a foreign basis, and their motivators are from a foreign country outside the United States or the deeds exceed national boundaries. Examples of domestic terrorism include the Oklahoma city bombing and the Olympic city bombings (Burnett, 2007).

Cases of terrorism in the United States have characterized small rebel groups in its records. These rebel groups use terrorism as their tool to achieve certain objectives: this….

International Terrorism on Domestic Terrorism-
Domestic terrorism has existed within the United State for a long time. It has influenced the United States' political and social structure to varying degrees. Before, the word "terrorist" and "terrorism" it was being used by the French evolution in a positive way referring to the Jacobins' actions. As time has gone by, these words have turned to be used to refer to array of negative and violent actions which are against the societies as well as governments. According to the definition of the United States Department of Justice, domestic terrorism is unlawful use of force or violence by a group against people or property with intentions of intimidating or coercing a government or civilians to the interest of political or social objectives,( James F. Jarboe, 2012).

Sometimes it become difficult to come up with the difference between terrorist group from extremism when studying domestic terrorism….

Globalization is melting the territorial differences and boundaries between the countries. There is a need to develop new working relationships, locally and abroad. The evolutionary process of terrorism requires that DHS should incorporate the international dimensions of security, as the economies and are globally interconnected together. To fulfill this purpose, DHS has established an Office of International Affairs (OIA) for its international activities. Despite of bureaucratic layers and turf problems with other intelligence agencies, DHS is still striving to achieve its primary goal that is security provision. Terrorist Screening Center and Terrorist Threat Integration Center established by the former President are providing a platform for FBI, CIA and DHS to share the intelligence and act together, without any distinction regarding the origin of the terrorist threat. (Carafano, Heyman 2004)

DHS has taken a lot of other initiatives against terrorist threats throughout the country. At domestic level, it is training the law….

War on terrorism took an important place in the foreign policy of eagan's administration, in administration of Bush (father) and in administration of democrat Clinton. First, the war on terrorism was directed against the spread of communism and pro-Soviet tendencies in the developing countries as the U.S.S.. supported and aided Marxist insurgents who fought in Latin America and Arabs in the Middle East (Lebanon and Palestine).
Chomsky gives a clear image of the approach used by the U.S.A. And its NATO allies in description of their militarism: "Intelligent bombs" in Iraq, "humanitarian intervention" in Kosovo. The U.S.A. never used the word "war" to describe that. Now they are talking about war against a nameless enemy. Why? At first the U.S. used the word "crusade," but it was quickly pointed out that if they hope to enlist their allies in the Islamic world, it would be a serious mistake, for obvious….

We would start this essay by looking at the Department of State’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.  Looking at that list is a great way to identify transnational terrorist groups.  Working from those groups, you could the identify a transnational group that is linked to a domestic terrorist group.  The County Reports on Terrorism also reveal how international terrorist groups work and can provide some insight into their ties to domestic organizations.  Working this way may be important for the integrity of your research because the designation of groups as domestic terrorist groups changed....

8 Pages


International Terrorism Has Brought With

Words: 2646
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Sohail believed that because this incident happened -- and because it reflects negatively on the image of Muslims -- "…all the Muslim people in America will be driven…

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5 Pages


International Terrorism the Text Offers

Words: 1634
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

S. commercial airliners; a 1995 plan to kill President Bill Clinton on a visit to the Philippines; and a 1994 plot to kill Pope John Paul II during a…

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5 Pages


International Terrorism Violence in the

Words: 1571
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The Kurdish Conflict: Originally, the PKK was established in the relative absence of any other peaceful alternatives to preventing anti-Kurdish brutality perpetrated by the Turkish government (Evans, 2007). In principle, the…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


International Terrorism Is Now Considered

Words: 2305
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The 1993 World Trade Center parking lot bomb was attributed to Al Qaeda, although the terrorist organization denied any connection to it. The 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


International Terrorism and Homeland Security

Words: 1883
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

CURRENT PROLEMS Governmental officials knew before the September 11 attacks that we were not fully prepared to either deal with a major terrorist attack or to put effective counterterrorism strategies…

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7 Pages


International Terrorism State Department Defines

Words: 2174
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

Terrorist tactics are resorted to because groups think they are effective. eliefs, such as this, are the root cause of terrorism. The UN must show that these beliefs are wrong.…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


International Terrorism Is Widely Considered

Words: 2125
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For instance, Islamic terrorism completely rejects western values and cultures. Terrorist groups from Africa are also fighting if not the troops of the former colonial powers, at least…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


International Terrorism it Is Difficult

Words: 465
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S. Constitutional law. Question The problem with evaluating the motives of the detainees at Gitmo is that the justice process at the prison has become so questionable that automatically any allegations…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


International Terrorism Acts of International

Words: 3637
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, the fact that there was an ongoing military conflict between the North and South Vietnamese, and America is viewed as having take a side of support in…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


International Terrorism Is the Notion

Words: 2130
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This means that these groups, despite their different goals and agendas, are often left with no choice but to engage in terrorist activities. The normal course of action has failed and…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


International Terrorism and Homegrown Terrorism

Words: 2510
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Homegrown extremism threats both in the European Union (EU) as well as the United States (U.S.) have grown since the last decade. Past and present studies along with past…

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6 Pages


Domestic and International Terrorism the Differences Between

Words: 1835
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Domestic and International Terrorism The differences between domestic and international terrorism The Federal Bureau of Investigation in America states that terrorism has been classified into two categories as international terrorism and…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Influence of International Terrorism on Domestic Terrorism

Words: 2199
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

International Terrorism on Domestic Terrorism- Domestic terrorism has existed within the United State for a long time. It has influenced the United States' political and social structure to varying…

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2 Pages
A-Level Coursework


Domestic and International Terrorism Domestic

Words: 654
Length: 2 Pages
Type: A-Level Coursework

Globalization is melting the territorial differences and boundaries between the countries. There is a need to develop new working relationships, locally and abroad. The evolutionary process of terrorism requires…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


War on International Terrorism and

Words: 2784
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

War on terrorism took an important place in the foreign policy of eagan's administration, in administration of Bush (father) and in administration of democrat Clinton. First, the war…

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