Her husband helped her with a bit of the amount required for capital but the she was forced to take loans from a few of her relatives, which she did not want to do at the beginning, so as to get the business on its feet.
Being a sole proprietor is difficult for her as all the decisions rest on her shoulders. There are jobs she has had to turn down due to personal and family responsibilities which she would have considered if she had a partner. Another disadvantage which she finds in running a sole proprietorship is that her medical insurance premiums are not directly deductible from business income. It can only be partially deducted so as to make adjustments to the income.
Felicia believes that it is important to sell what they actually market. That is why she only agrees to take jobs that she will be able to…...
Zahorsky, D. (2003). Sole Proprietorship: the Right Business Structure? Retrieved October
19, 2010, from http://sbinformation.about.com/od/ownership1/a/soleproprietor.htm
APPENDIX A: Interview with a business owner
Glenda finds interactions with others to be one of the most difficult parts of her position, although she mainly communicates with other medical professionals. While she does not use any special communication skills, she has taken medical terminology classes to help her understand medical jargon. Because she is in charge of supply monitoring, she has a duty in her job position to report suspicious drug usage and prescribing by the duty physicians. This is not an ethical or legal duty that subjects her to liability, but is still a job duty. Her employer has set up a reporting system for all unit coordinators who are in charge of supplies. Furthermore, the hospital has set up privacy procedures to ensure HIPPAA compliance. Glenda is not responsible for helping meet clinical or non-clinical guidelines for patient care.
As a long-term hospital employee in a specialized position, Glenda's experience as a unit coordinator may…...
National Association of Health Unit Coordinators. (2012). Standards of practice for health unit coordinators. Retrieved December 15, 2012 from NAHUC website: http://www.nahuc.org/nahuc_s1.htm
MHA Health Careers Center. (2004). Health unit coordinator. Retrieved December 15, 2012
from Health Careers Center website: http://www.mshealthcareers.com/careers/healthunitcoord.htm
Another important component of the Unit's functions is to assist victims in creating Victim Impact Statements. "Victim input is solicited in the form of a written Victim Impact Statement, however witness input is verbal. The needs of the victims and witnesses are relayed to the appropriate persons" (Victim/Witness, 2013, Office of Monmouth County Prosecutor). This data may be used when deciding to prosecute a crime or in sentencing. One of the reasons that victim's rights agencies have become more common and established throughout the United States was the belief that the impact of the crime upon the life of the victim in terms of pain and suffering must be taken into consideration. Often, victims are still extremely traumatized and have difficulty articulating what happened to them. The personnel at the Unit are specially trained to deal with victim reticence and they are oriented in techniques to make talking about the…...
Victim/Witness. (2013). Office of Monmouth County Prosecutor. Retrieved:
Interview with substance abuse counselor: Mr. Smith
For my interview, I selected Mr. Smith (not his real name), a substance abuse counselor who approaches his practice from the point-of-view of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT has become one of the most popular therapies for treating substance abuse. When I asked why, Mr. Smith replied: "because it works." Substance abuse has long been regarded as one of the most intractable problems in the mental health profession. Substance abuse has a biological cause; is often exacerbated by environmental factors such as growing up in a society where drug abuse is normalized and prevalent; and then fundamentally rewires the subject's reward center in the brain, so the pleasures of the drug outweigh all other pleasures. One of the few techniques to 'unwire' this negative perspective has been CBT. Mr. Smith believes very strongly in the CBT format: he has a M.A. In clinical psychology…...
interview entrepreneur owns operates a business conduct a critical analysis company. Include elements report: Housing ehabilitation Property Management type nature business (products/services offered) scope business (local nature, national, international scope) person decided business, proceeded business's form (business operated a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a corporation -- individual form a corporation -- a franchise,
Interview: Housing rehabilitation and property management
X is an entrepreneur, the owner of a construction company that currently engages in the rehabilitation of older properties and the construction of new ones. The business is primarily local in nature, and is focused upon helping future and existing homeowners realize their dreams. Sometimes this entails improving or modernizing an existing structure from the ground up, at other times the improvements are more minor. Some recent projects have included creating additions and garages and modernizing older houses so they are better able to withstand the elements and can support modern conveniences. Mr.…...
LLC. (2012). IRS. Retrieved:
Mutikani, Lucia. (2012). Housing market hits pothole in February. Yahoo! Finance.
Interview Supply Chain
Interview with a Supply Chain Manager
The line of business, mission, and goals of the organization he/she works for.
Describe these briefly.
The purchasing manager that I talked to worked for Aerojet Rocketdyne. It is an extremely high tech business that operates in a competitive industry.
The company's mission is as follows (Aerojet Rocketdyne, N.d.):
Aerojet Rocketdyne is a world-recognized aerospace and defense leader providing propulsion and energetics to the space, missile defense, strategic, tactical missile and armaments areas in support of domestic and international markets. GenCorp is a leading technology-based manufacturer of aerospace and defense products and systems with a real estate segment that includes activities related to the entitlement, sale, and leasing of the company's excess real estate assets. Since the company was founded in 1942, it has led the way in the development of crucial technology and products that have kept America strong and furthered human's exploration of space.
2. The…...
mlaWorks Cited
Aerojet Rocketdyne. (N.d.). About Us. Retrieved from Aerojet Rocketdyne: http://www.rocket.com/about
Although Charley says it has been difficult, he is proud of the work ethic his delivery experience has given him. "I'm also much more frugal than anyone else I know my age, because I think, whenever I spend money, how long it's going to take the restaurant to earn that money back."
Liu's father and mother were not in the restaurant business before they came to America. Liu's parents were both engineers, and met when they were going to the same university. However, they were not able to transfer their qualifications to the United States. Charley only vaguely remembers going to school in China, and says he has never gone back to his native country. However, someday he would like to return for a visit, and to see the family members he has only heard about, never met.
For his parents, the hardest transition to America was learning the language. Charley…...
Interview With an Immigrant
Profile of the Interviewee
The immigrant who was interviewed for this paper is John mith (not his real name). He is a twenty-nine-year-old male immigrant of Pakistani origin who lives in New York. Both his parents are from Pakistan but settled in the United Arab Emirates after their marriage. mith has also spent all his childhood in the United Arab Emirates where he was born and has only visited his home country Pakistan twice in his whole life.
mith moved to New York from the United Arab Emirates at the age of eighteen to pursue higher studies in engineering at a well-known university. He lived with one of his uncles who has been living in the United tates for several years and is a citizen. mith is currently pursuing his doctoral degree at the university and is also a researcher as well as an assistant to one of the…...
mlaSmith's experience is typical of a number of South Asian expatriates who prefer moving to the western countries and settling there instead of returning to their home countries. Many of them head to the United States because of the educational and employment opportunities. The immigration from South Asia has increased during the later years of the twentieth century when families that had moved to the oil-rich Persian Gulf states neared their retirement and felt unable to adjust to life in their South Asian homeland. The alternative was to move to the relatively congenial United States or send their children there to study and settle there later on. These immigrants were welcomed as the United States needed a large workforce to support the economic development that came with the technology boom and web revolution of the nineties.
During the New Immigration period of the 19th and early 20th centuries, the immigration was mainly from the Asian and Pacific region. According to some theorists, this trend was discouraged because Chinese workers were seen as a cultural threat to the recently settled society of the United States, dominated by North European norms and Protestant values and work ethics. Immigration from Europe was facilitated and people from that part of the world continued to be welcomed.
Later on, immigration increased from Eastern and Central Europe in search of better economic opportunities compared to their communist home countries. These immigrants were suspected because of the World War II experience and it was also perceived that they did not respect the local laws and norms. There was greater pressure towards assimilation than today because the country was stabilizing after the Civil War and the Second World War. After the terrorist attack of 2001, many Muslim immigrants returned to their home countries but a large number have decided to continue to stay on.
Interview of Educator
I interviewed a fourth grade teacher with five years of experience in education, all at the same school. This teacher has been evaluated formally on three separate occasions. On all occasions, the monitor was in the classroom. When asked about her feelings toward evaluation and the evaluation process used in her district, she responded positively. She said that she was happy that the district put effort into teacher evaluations, because they are important in ensuring all the standards are being met. Evaluations give valuable feedback to schools, and help them to improve their programs and policies, she said.
Evaluations are conducted over several core areas pertinent to pedagogical practice. These areas include planning, classroom management, delivery of instruction, monitoring, assessment, family outreach, community outreach, and professional responsibilities. In addition to these factors, the teacher is evaluated according to California teaching standards. These standards relate to all of the above…...
Interview a practicing manager.
Apple is a leading software and hardware company. Its latest innovations like the iPhone series have led to world-wide use of smart phones and mobile applications. Sofia, a sales manager for Apple sat down and answered a few questions on her duties and difficulties with her position. She is a 35-year-old mother of two with four years in the company. She has worked with her store for all those four years and have led them to a strong sales rank within the company.
For question one, she stated she is a sales manager for the company, Apple. She helps in developing the respective territory's Apple business through building a robust, influential, and collective business relationship with the reseller's management and sales team. Another facet of her job at Apple is training the reseller's store team members on how to sell Apple hardware, software, and accessories. Updating her knowledge…...
mlaWorks Cited
L.A. Hill, Becoming a Manager: Mastery of a New Identity (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1992).
Another common misconception is that gay people are more likely to be promiscuous than straight people. Being gay is not "all about sex and partying" it is fundamentally about love. Gay people are no more or less likely than straight people to be into 'partying' and every person should be evaluated on his or her own personal terms, not simply viewed in light of his or her sexuality. People may judge gay people based upon one or two false media images or one or two anecdotes, but they would not take the behavior of one heterosexual person to be representative of all straight people.
One positive aspect of being gay, Mike noted, is the extent to which it has made him more compassionate and tolerant of other people's differences. Mike grew up in a very homogeneous, non-diverse environment, but being gay taught him what it is like to be a member…...
Interview with social worker: Ms. A
My interview was with Ms. A, a substance abuse counselor, who organized group meetings for people in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse. She described the work as challenging but rewarding. Very often people who are recovering from addictions have an ambivalent attitude towards the recovery process. While some are willing, others are compelled into the group because of legal reasons (such as a conviction for DWI) or because of family pressures. Ms. A must be mindful of these different attitudinal perspectives on the process of navigating recovery. It cannot be assumed that everyone 'wants to be there' and that everyone consciously wants to rid him or herself of addiction.
Group therapy can be valuable for individuals in substance abuse recovery because it enmeshes members in a supportive environment of people who understand what they are going through. It can be very difficult for non-users to…...
Interview With an Advanced Practice Nurse/Nurse Practitioner and Mistakes
The objective of this study is to answer the following questions as an interview with an experienced Advanced Practice Nurse in regards to their transition from novice to expert practitioner:
(1) What was your experience like transitioning from novice APN (Advanced Practice Nurse) to expert practitioner?
The transition from novice to Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is a critical time for the nurse and it is a time that is quite unnerving. The experience has moments of feeling powerful and powerless and is a challenging experience but an exciting time in the career progression of the nursing professional.
(2) What helped in your transition?
Having a mentor was of great assistance during the transition in that she acted as a sounding board and a fountain of wisdom.
(3) What did not help in your transition?
My own expectations of myself were the least helpful because I am a perfectionist…...
Croke, EM (2003) Nurses, Negligence, and Malpractice. American Journal of Nursing September 2003. Volume 103 Number 9. Retrieved from: http://www.nursingcenter.com/lnc/
Tingle, J (nd) Legal aspects of expanded role, clinical guidelines, and protocols, and nurse prescribing. Retrieved from: http://www.mea.elsevierhealth.com/media/us/samplechapters/9780750688680/9780750688680.pdf
Matthews M. The nurse and the legal system. In: O'Keefe ME, editor. Nursing practice and the law: avoiding malpractice and other legal risks. Philadelphia F.A. Davis Co.; 2001. p. 42-57
There is no other source for many patients who come through the private system to receive follow-up care other than the public health system. Where there was once virtually very little coordination between private and public systems, today we see extensive coordination because it is necessary. The cuts in Medicaid, and the loss of group health benefits has necessitated a more coordinated effort.
Is there a health care delivery preparedness plan for a public health event, such as an infectious epidemic or bioterrorist attack?
Private hospitals have plans, and go over and test those plans on a periodic basis as is required by oversight. However, after Hurricane Katrina it is difficult to imagine how those plans would unfold. Those hospitals that were forced to abandon patients and staff were required by law to have those kinds of plans, and, in my opinion, they failed. So we have plans, but let's hope…...
Birenbaum, a. (1997). Managed Care: Made in America. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Questia database: http://www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5023776607http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=27467039
Bolen, R.M., & Hall, J.C. (2007). Managed Care and Evidence-Based Practice: The Untold Story. Journal of Social Work Education, 43(3), 463+. Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Questia database: http://www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=99221670http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5023776607
Zelman, W.A., & Berenson, R.A. (1998). The Managed Care Blues and How to Cure Them. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=99221672
Interview With Business Person
Interviewed person: Tirad Al-Mahmoud, EO of Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB)
Can you provide me with a description of your business?
Our business deals, obviously, with banking and this is done both for Muslim and non-Muslim communities. We provide loans and financing for housing, cars or education, but also for the small and medium enterprise sector. We provide different deposit products and consulting services for wealth management, insurance services and products for retirement. We don't do any operations on the stock exchange.
How long have you been in business?
We have been established in 1997, so we have been in the business for almost 17 years.
What type of business form do you have?
From our very beginning, we were created as a Public Joint Stock Company.
How do the socioeconomic, environmental, technological, legal and political environment impact your business?
I will say a truism and emphasize that the world is obviously changing. As I…...
A book report is a paper written to discuss a specific book. Exactly what needs to be in that report will vary depending on what an instructor asks for. Some instructors want to see only a summary of the book and the main points the author made. Other instructors will want you to talk about how the book made you feel, or what you think about a particular aspect of the book. A thesis is a piece of original research. It generally uses a lot of different books and articles as references. It's also possible to use movies, websites, videos,....
There are a number of fantastic slave narratives that really describe the experiences of people in slavery. However, there is a problem with most of these narratives. Written by former slaves, these narratives are going to represent a rarity among slaves because their authors could read and write, while teaching a slave to read or write was punishable under many slave codes. Therefore, we strongly suggest looking at a more comprehensive collection of slave narratives. Fortunately, the Works Progress Administration compiled slave narratives under a few different programs, most notably the Federal Writer’s Project. ....
When I think about what I have learned in my professional skills course, I think of those things that my parents would have called “soft skills.” To me, they are the factors that make the difference between someone looking good on a resume and someone doing well in an interview and on the job. They include several factors that relate to how well a person can work in a team, as well as factors that demonstrate someone’s ability to manage time.
Time management is probably the most important skill I have learned from this course. I never had....
How to approach a future plans essay depends on the exact prompt used in the essay. So, the first thing that you want to do is to make sure that you understand the question. The first thing to do is to consider your audience? Are you writing a future plans essay for college admissions, for a scholarship, or as part of the interview process for an internship or job? You want to make sure and write your essay with your audience in mind; your future plans need to align with the plans that the audience may have....
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