Iron Jawed Angels Essays (Examples)

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Iron Jawed Angels Sociology the
Pages: 3 Words: 1104

Inez Milholland who is also referred to as "the woman on the horse," did not want to go to cross country speaking tour because she knew she was ill and feared that she could not make it. She was able to change her mind after encouragement by Paul. She decided to risk her life and not allow her infirmity keep her from protesting how her stance on women's rights. She however dies after collapsing when she was speaking. This is peculiar to the women of Iron Jawed Angels that set them apart from the women of their times.
The women suffragists had a unique method of demonstrating so as to create change. Several methods were introduced by the Iron Jawed Angels of which are similar to those ones of women suffragists in Britain. They involved parades, demonstrations, picketing, hunger strikes and mass meetings of which were used along with high…...



Elizabeth, S. (2004). Review of the iron jawed angels. Retrieved September 11, 2010, from

Garnier, K. (Producer), (2004). Iron Jawed Angels. [Motion picture]. United States: HBO


Rotten Tomatoes. (2004). Iron jawed angels (2004). Retrieved September 11, 2010, from

English-Mlk and Iron-Jawed Angels Three
Pages: 3 Words: 1197

Women stated many reasons for acceptance, from brainwashed Attitudes of their inferiority, that is engendered weakness, to fears that they would become dispossessed and alone. Men often spouted the opinion that they only wished to protect their wives and mothers from the evils of this world, saying that they were innately weak and subject to fall prey to sinful ways if they were exposed to the evils of the world. They often cited the story of Genesis as proof of this. Women were often punished for dissent. Some punishments were extreme, such as hanging in some cases in earlier times by religious sects who did not allow dissention, especially by women, who could be executed as witches. A case in point was the execution of Mary Barrett Dyer by the Quakers for disagreeing with the tenets of the church. (Wikipedia 2005).
In this film, the violence is restriced to that…...



Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. 196?. "Three Types of Resistance to Oppression,"

HBO Films 2006. Iron- Jawed Angels. 

Wikipedia 2005 Article on the Execution of Mary Barrett Dyer,

Oppression MLK Jr Iron Jawed
Pages: 3 Words: 1176

The second way to resist oppression listed by Martin Luther King in his essay is the violent way, a way he disapproves of and a way against which he speaks. "A second way that oppressed people sometimes deal with oppression is to resort to physical violence and corroding hatred. Violence often brings about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. It solves no social problem; it merely creates new and more complicated ones. " This type of resistance is the most striking of all, and the easiest to recognize in real life, and also in this film. It is a type of resistance that both the oppressed and the oppressor sometimes use. A march of protest sometimes turns violent, and by doing so it serves no goal and brings no deliverance to the suffering. In the…...



Author not available, "Martin Luther King Jr.," Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Sept. 26, 2006. Retrieved: Sept 27th, 2006. .

Nobel Lectures, Peace 1951-1970," Editor Frederick W. Haberman, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1972, copyright the Nobel Foundation,, Retrieved: Sept 27th, 2006. 

Author not available, "HBO films Iron Jawed Angels-Synopsis," Copyright © 2006 Home Box Office, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Retrieved: Sept 27th, 2006. synopsis/

Martin Luther King Jr., "Three Types of Resistance to Oppression "- fragment, from Joyce Henna's webpage, Jan. 5th 1998, Retrieved: Sept 27th, 2006.

Makers of Angels for Women
Pages: 5 Words: 1393

If we look at one of the absolutes, such as abortion in cultures in which choice is at least generally available about reproductive options abortion is at least relatively unstigmatized and access to it is legal and there are no significant economic barriers, a woman may still have religious or ethical or emotional reasons why she would perceive abortion negatively.
A woman, for example, who has suffered through a number of miscarriages of wanted pregnancies may find herself for various reasons unable or unwilling to carry a pregnancy to term. In such a case, having an abortion may be the right choice for that woman but may still be very painful.

In general, the ways in which sexuality and fertility shapes a woman's relationship with self -- as well as with family and the larger community -- is largely determined by the degree of choice that she has over having her…...



Hooks, B. (2000). Feminist theory: From margin to center (2nd ed.). Brooklyn, NY: South End Press.

Kesselman, a., McNair, L.D., & Schniedewind, N. (2008). Women images and realities: A multicultural anthology (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

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