Italy Essays (Examples)

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With the development of Rome and the Roman empire, Roman or Italian civilization spread throughout the Western world and into the Near East and North Africa. This is the very civilization that has remained today (acken).

acken, ALC. (1996). A Short History of Italy.

C News. (2005). Italy Demands U.S. Punish Killers. C MMV.

Drug Reform Coordination Network.(2002). Government Proposal Would Recriminalize Drug Possession, Including Marijuana.

Ferrarini, GA. (2005). Corporate Governance Changes in the 20th Century. ECGI-Law Working Paper number 29/2005. Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc.

Meglio FD. (2005). The Future: 6 arriers to Italy's Success. Antonio Parente.

Pasquino, G. (1990). Political Science in Italy: Recurrent Problems and Perspectives. Working Paper # 26. ologna: Universita di ologna.

Serjeant, J. (2005). Italy Prepares Riposte to U.S. Report on Iraq Death. The Rocky Hill Democrats.

Wikipedia. (2005). History of Italy as a Monarchy and in the World Wars. Media Wiki.

The student should also develop a checklist and a timeline. This is akin to the process a chef would use to run a kitchen -- planning, prepping, cooking and serving a banquet for example is a similar process.
One program that directly offers an internship is the culinary arts program at Anne Arundel Community College in Maryland (De Sanctis, 2006). This school offers a 10-week internship course on Italian culture and cuisine. There are other programs as well, suitable for students at other culinary institutes. A Minneapolis-based company called orld Endeavors runs a culinary internship in Florence that is suitable not only for Italian-speakers but can be taken by non-speakers as well (orld Endeavors, n.d.). Also in Florence, the APICIUS Culinary Institute offers internships around Italy, which offers a different route. An American studying cuisine in Italy can then take internships to other parts of Italy, for a total Italian….

Italy v. Argentina
Italy's population (July 2011 estimate) is 61 million and the country has a growth rate of 0.42%. The country has a higher death rate than growth rate, but the impact of this is mitigated somewhat by migration. If the current population and growth rate is extrapolated out to 2050, Italy would have 71.85 million people by 2050. Argentina currently has 41.77 million people. The current population growth rate of Argentina is 1.017%. If this growth rate is applied to the current population through 2050, then Argentina will have a population of 63.12 million. The population growth for each country each decade will be as follows:



The current GDP for Italy is $1.782 trillion, which equates to $30,700 per capita. Italy has the world's 11th largest economy. It is difficult to find long-range statistics about Italy's GDP. A chart produced by the IMF shows the GDP growth rate of Italy….

S.A., France and Great Britain). Collapse of empire, revolution, which resulted in creation of Weimar republic and adoption of new Weimar constitution only turned the situation from bad to worse in some few years. Hyperinflation, unemployment and poverty supplemented by the sense of humiliation and frustration of a former strong and proud nation, led to the spread of radical leftist political ideas of ultra-nationalism. This ideology was mainly propagandized by German national socialist party of Adolph Hitler, which received wide support among former soldiers, officers and oligarchy, who were interested in stabilization of economy and state control over prices and protectionism.
Italy participated in WWI on the side of Allies, but outcomes of war were not victorious for the country. It had an outstanding debt to France, the U.S.A. And Great Britain. Militarisation of industry was followed by after war economical stagnation and recession, which turned into high unemployment and crisis.….

Italy enjoys one of the largest economies in the Euro-11, ranking third behind France and Germany. Italy was unified in 1861 following nearly 1400 years of domination by city-states, foreign powers, and the Papal See. During these years, different cultures developed in the north and south, leading to great economic disparities as the north, with its Venetian, Milanese and Florentine heritages, developed a strong industrial economy. By comparison, the south, formerly dominated by Naples and the Kingdom of the wo Sicilies, remains rural and undeveloped.
GDP and GDP Per Capita,

Italy's GDP for 2001 was 1,217 billion Euros, or 1,095 billion dollars at the average exchange rate for 2001. (Economist Intelligence Unit, January 7, 2003.) Estimated GDP for 2002 was $1.438 trillion after adjustments for Purchasing Power Parity, with a 2002 per capita GDP of 25,000 after a similar adjustment. (he World Factbook, 2002) GDP per capita was 18,800 in 2001, while….

Italy and USA

Italy and USA Analysis

Introduce country


Political Environment

Legal Environment

Economic Environment

Business Environment and Activities

Analysis of Exports and Imports

Balance of Payments and Exchange ates

Social Environment and Demographics

Technological Environment

Cultural Environment

Hofstede's Country Characteristics

Power Distance Index



Uncertainty Avoidance Index

Long-Term Orientation

ealistic Idea

ationale and Support

COUNTY B: United States

Introduce Country


Political Environment

Legal Environment

Economic environment

Business environment and activities

Analysis of exports and imports

Balance of payments and exchange rates

Social environment and demographics

Technological Environment

Cultural Environment

Hofstede's Country Characteristics

Power Distance Index

Individualism/Collectivism score91 13

Masculine/Feminine 13

Uncertainty Avoidance Index 14

Long-Term Orientation 14

ealistic idea 14

ationale and support 15

SECTION 3 -- What type of business do you suggest to develop between COUNTY A and COUNTY B? Support your idea with the research you have gathered to complete this assignment. 15

eferences 16

Italy and USA Analysis

Executive Summary

Italy is located in Southern Europe encompassed of numerous islands like Sardinia and Sicily and boot-structured Italian peninsula. The industrial economy has become varied in Italy which is comprised of a developed industrial north where private companies….

Italy want to see Italy first hand. I do not want an established tour. I do not like being told where to go. No, I do not want the usual show set up for tourists. I have my 'Fodor's: Exploring Italy, second edition' and that should be enough.
No, Italy represents many different worlds and 50 kilometers in any direction can make quite a difference in experiences. Sure, in the northern regions one can travel via tour to the grand canals of Venice or see the Alps leading into Switzerland. In the central regions, the bus can swoop you around to see the romantic city of Rome so every traveler can be exposed to the history of mankind or tour the Vatican. And in the southern regions there are so many tours of the many beautiful Art Museums, lemon tree groves, a smoking active Volcano, or the vast beaches of….

Italy the Reign Ends

The April 12 issue of Newsweek International published an article on the Benetton family, Italians who parlayed one sibling's skill with knitting needles into a world-recognized company. The company has had a recent past full of financial turmoil, and this article tells some of how they have dealt with it.

The company Benetton began when Luciano Benetton received many compliments on a sweater his sister had knitted for him. In a rags-to-riches story worthy of repeating, he sold his accordion to buy his sister a knitting machine so she could produce sweaters faster, and he sold them for her.

Benetton took some steps other small businesses might not have thought necessary. He traveled to Scotland to learn about sweater-making from people who had done it for a very long time.

One of the pertinent things students of international business might notice is that the Benettons seem to not care about market share values.….

Spain & Italy
Spanish politics has long been forced to deal with the reality that the country is comprised of a number of culturally and ethnically distinct regions. As each region struggles to maintain and assert its unique identity with the framework of a larger Spanish state, a greater Spanish identity has been difficult to muster. Many Spaniards view themselves and their loyalties in regional or ethnic terms first and foremost, and as Spaniards second, if at all. In contrast, Italy has forged a strong sense of identity that frequently overrides regional differences. Italians usually view themselves as Italians foremost, and identify with regional labels only in a secondary way. There is a move, however, to divide Italy's regions and create a new sense of identity, especially among those in the north of the country. The ultimate objective of this political movement, spearheaded by the Liga Nord party, is to create….

Post-War Italy a Time of

From the end of the War to the early 1950s, the ank of Italy was credited for attracting and managing international aid, which helped bring the country out of a steep state of emergency and on the path of reconstruction. International aid came from Interim Aid, the Marshall Plan and the World ank (Einaudi).
Italy's Technical Redesign

A substantial part of Italian construction legacy was destroyed during World War II and designers and architects were called to the scene to restore and renew Italian dwelling places (Web Marketing Team, 2009). Companies contributed experimental works. Feal Company created steel fittings. Olivari Company manufactured door handles. ticino Company produced electric power control devices. Furniture companies came up with novelties in the 50s. These products included stackable kitchens and home appliances. One of the producers a few times became the second worldwide exporters of the goods after the United States. The turnout so inspired….

Food History in Italy

Geographical Location of Italy and Its Effect on the Italian Cuisine
Italy is located in the Northern part of Europe and is geographically separated from other European countries by high mountains. Mountains occupy quite a portion of the country that create and provide magnificent valleys, forest, plains, rocks, and foothills. The Mediterranean coastlines similarly add to the beauty of Italy. Moreover, Italy has a variety of weather conditions. These geographical features of Italy influenced the Italians to develop magnificent cuisines.

Italy is a nation in which every place seems to be bordered by a natural environment. Hence in every location, there seems to be a variation of culture. This is one factor why Italy produces a variety of great cuisines. Moreover, the rich sources of food ingredients, which the Italians derive from planting in its rich natural environments, help Italy to invent different tastes in their cuisines.

The geographical features of Italy, however,….

Unification of Italy Was a

From a Piedmontese expansionist Cavour became a politician whose actions were concentrated on the Unification (Davis, 2000).
Unlike Garibaldi and Mazzini, Cavour's actions towards militia were minor and towards ideology there were none, for the ideas of Unification and nationalism were foreign and ridiculous to him. He even had a conflict with Mazzini: they both disliked each other and did not try to understand the other's position. He stood in opposition to the figures of nationalists and their ideas. When it came to military actions, Cavour was not taking part with them, he only planned them and as a Prime Minister did accept some military decisions or did not -- for example the decision of taking part in the Crimean War.

As a long and complicated process, the Unification of Italy needed the devotion of many people, but it was also in need of leaders that would make the right decision….

EU and Italy

EU and Italy
Italy Attempts to Maintain Peace During Its Presidency of the European Union

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is on a mission this week: he is trying to strengthen ties with the European Union, and he is hoping to do this by way of Italy. Israeli relations with the European Union have become increasingly strained lately, noted by a new poll in which most Europeans believe that Israel is the greatest threat to world peace (Schattner 1). Thus, Sharon is trying to negate this image by taking a three-day trip to Rome, where he will hold talks with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Sharon will use this visit to acknowledge the support Berlusconi has shown to Israel ever since Italy took over the rotating role as president of the European Union. Sharon will also use this opportunity to gain Italy's support in taking concentrated international action in the war against terrorism. Sharon….

Allied Campaign in Italy in orld ar II
ith the invasion of North Africa, the United States Army in late 1942 began a ground offensive against the European Axis that was to be sustained almost pause until Italy collapsed and Germany was finally defeated. This was the largest commitment to battle ever made by the U.S. Army, some four million were to fight on the European continent and a million more in lands bordering the Mediterranean Sea.

Alongside the Americans were British, Canadian, French, and other Allied troops in history's greatest demonstration of coalition warfare, while Soviet armies on another front were to contribute enormously to the victory. Highlighted areas were Salerno, Anzio, the Gustav Line and the war north of Rome.

In "From Salerno to the Alps," Chester Carrs reported that in the less than two years between the Allied September 1943 landing south of Naples at Salerno and the final….

Schooling in Renaissance Italy
Grendler, Paul F. Schooling in Renaissance Italy: Literacy and Learning 1300-1600. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991.

Let those men teach boys who can do nothing greater." The first quotation from the Italian author Petrarch in Paul F. Grendler's Schooling in Renaissance Italy: Literacy and Learning 1300-1600, is perhaps most humorous to a modern reader's eyes and ears, because it sounds dangerously like the phrase 'those who can't do, teach,' a very common and often repeated cliche today. However, this quotation also highlights the profound shift in the way that education was viewed, and would be viewed, over the course of the next three hundred years of Italian history. Increasingly, education became valued by members of the Italian elite and by Italian society as a whole. Education came to be prized as a commodity and an example of refinement and taste, when exhibited by one's self and one's….

One of the more shameful moments in American history was the establishment of internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II.  Ostensibly started because the United States was at war with Japan, it is interesting to note that there were no similar internment camps for people of Italian or German descent, despite the fact that Italy and Germany were also part of the Axis powers that fought against the Allies in World War II. 

Prior to World War II, Japanese began immigrating to America for work opportunities.  They initially immigrated to Hawaii, which was annexed by the United....

One recent news story related to drug trafficking in Italy is the arrest of Italian mafia boss Raffaele Imperiale in Dubai in November 2021. Imperiale has been on the run since 2016, when he was convicted in Italy for drug trafficking and sentenced to 30 years in prison. His arrest highlights the global reach of Italian organized crime groups and the challenges law enforcement agencies face in tracking down and apprehending these powerful criminals.

Another potential essay topic related to drug trafficking in Italy is the increasing use of cryptocurrency by drug traffickers to facilitate their illicit activities. In recent years,....

Drug Trafficking in Italy: A Complex and Evolving Problem


Italy, located at the crossroads of the Mediterranean Sea, has long been a strategic transit route for drug trafficking from producing countries to consumer markets in Northern Europe and beyond. In recent years, the country has faced significant challenges in combating drug trafficking, with organized crime groups playing a major role in the illicit trade. This essay will explore the current state of drug trafficking in Italy, examining its impact on society, the efforts of law enforcement to combat it, and the need for comprehensive strategies to address this complex problem.

The Role....

1. The impact of drug trafficking on the Italian economy
2. The role of organized crime in drug trafficking in Italy
3. The effectiveness of Italian law enforcement in combating drug trafficking
4. The influence of drug trafficking on Italian society and culture
5. The rise of synthetic drugs in the Italian drug trafficking market
6. The connection between drug trafficking and violence in Italy
7. The role of international drug cartels in the Italian drug trade
8. The challenges of addressing drug trafficking in Italy's border regions
9. The relationship between drug trafficking and political corruption in Italy
10. The future of drug trafficking in Italy and potential....

5 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Italy-u S Relationship the Relationship Between

Words: 1517
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

With the development of Rome and the Roman empire, Roman or Italian civilization spread throughout the Western world and into the Near East and North Africa. This is…

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6 Pages


Italy Culinary Students Learn Their

Words: 1935
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

The student should also develop a checklist and a timeline. This is akin to the process a chef would use to run a kitchen -- planning, prepping, cooking…

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2 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

Italy v Argentina Italy's Population July 2011

Words: 669
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Italy v. Argentina Italy's population (July 2011 estimate) is 61 million and the country has a growth rate of 0.42%. The country has a higher death rate than growth rate,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Italy and Germany Unification of

Words: 809
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S.A., France and Great Britain). Collapse of empire, revolution, which resulted in creation of Weimar republic and adoption of new Weimar constitution only turned the situation from bad to…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Italy Enjoys One of the Largest Economies

Words: 613
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Italy enjoys one of the largest economies in the Euro-11, ranking third behind France and Germany. Italy was unified in 1861 following nearly 1400 years of domination by city-states,…

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10 Pages


Italy and USA

Words: 3453
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Italy and USA Analysis COUNTY A: Italy Introduce country PEST-C Political Environment Legal Environment Economic Environment Business Environment and Activities Analysis of Exports and Imports Balance of Payments and Exchange ates Social Environment and Demographics Technological Environment Cultural Environment Hofstede's Country Characteristics Power…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Italy Want to See Italy First Hand

Words: 1020
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Italy want to see Italy first hand. I do not want an established tour. I do not like being told where to go. No, I do not want…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Italy the Reign Ends

Words: 315
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Benetton The April 12 issue of Newsweek International published an article on the Benetton family, Italians who parlayed one sibling's skill with knitting needles into a world-recognized company. The company…

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6 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

Spain & Italy Spanish Politics Has Long

Words: 1939
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Spain & Italy Spanish politics has long been forced to deal with the reality that the country is comprised of a number of culturally and ethnically distinct regions. As each…

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11 Pages

Drama - World

Post-War Italy a Time of

Words: 3220
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Thesis

From the end of the War to the early 1950s, the ank of Italy was credited for attracting and managing international aid, which helped bring the country out…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Food History in Italy

Words: 1137
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Geographical Location of Italy and Its Effect on the Italian Cuisine Italy is located in the Northern part of Europe and is geographically separated from other European countries by high…

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4 Pages


Unification of Italy Was a

Words: 1686
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

From a Piedmontese expansionist Cavour became a politician whose actions were concentrated on the Unification (Davis, 2000). Unlike Garibaldi and Mazzini, Cavour's actions towards militia were minor and towards…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

EU and Italy

Words: 405
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

EU and Italy Italy Attempts to Maintain Peace During Its Presidency of the European Union Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is on a mission this week: he is trying to strengthen…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Allied Campaign in Italy in World War II

Words: 1781
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Allied Campaign in Italy in orld ar II ith the invasion of North Africa, the United States Army in late 1942 began a ground offensive against the European Axis…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Schooling in Renaissance Italy

Words: 1526
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Schooling in Renaissance Italy Grendler, Paul F. Schooling in Renaissance Italy: Literacy and Learning 1300-1600. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991. Let those men teach boys who can do nothing greater."…

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