Jesus Essays (Examples)

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Jesus in Beijing How Christianity Transforming China
Pages: 4 Words: 1247

Jesus in Beijing: How Christianity Transforming China Changing Global Balance Power
'Jesus in Beijing' is a book authored by Aikman. The book has taken a keen interest on transformation and the changes taking place in the international power balance and a keen eye on the society within China. Aikman has focused on how the religion of Christianity is slowly penetrating deeper into the society under the rule of the government. The book circulates on the most important Christian matter and Christianity itself within the environs of the society. The book illustrates the idea of churches transforming into socialist protestant, Catholics party sponsored and an array of home-based churches. From this book, home churches are not constitutionally allowed in China. Aikman also censors out that these churches are composed of an assortment of persons believed to be part of the middle class in the society. The author percepts that these modern forms…...



Aikman, D. (2006). Jesus in Beijing. Washington, DC: Regnery Pub.

Gran Aikman, D. (2007). Billy Graham: His life and influence. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

Harper, D., & Eimer, D. (2010). Beijing. Footscray, Vic: Lonely Planet.

Old, H.O. (2008). The reading and preaching of the scriptures in the worship of the Christian church. Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans

Jesus & Mohammed Comparison and
Pages: 5 Words: 1649

In truth, much of the negative connotations given to the Islamic religion are inaccurate (Rogers, 2006). Most Muslims are peaceful individuals who want to submit to the will of God and live their lives without being bothered by other individuals. They have tolerance for other religions, and do not set out to kill any individuals who choose not to belong to the Islamic religion (Rogers, 2006). There is very little unbiased information about Islamic individuals and their culture, and this does not help the tolerance level of those who are not Islamic (Rogers, 2006). As the Islamic religion continues to spread into the United States and other countries, perhaps individuals will become more tolerant of the Muslim individuals.
Trying to 'Westernize' Islam does not work, as Muslims believe very strongly in their faith and they want to keep it traditional and holy. There is no need for Christians or others…...



Momigliano, a. (1987). On Pagans, Jews and Christians. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press.

Rogers, J. (2006). What Muslims believe. The Forerunner. Retrieved at .

Jesus God the Son Verse
Pages: 9 Words: 3080

The Jews insisted on their law against blasphemy:
We have a law, and according to our law, He ought to die, because He made

Himself the Son of God (John 19:6-7)"

The apostle and evangelist John concludes his gospel with:

ut these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing, you may have life in His Name (John 20:31)."

The Resurrection of Jesus from the grave and His ascension were events He Himself predicted and were witnessed by His first followers. Jesus is the only person who fulfilled all the prophecies in the Scriptures (1 Cor 15:3-4) about the Messiah who would come to redeem man from sin and restore him to fellowship with God. These followers faithfully attested to these events that prove Jesus' divinity and that He is the Son of God, God the Son Whom the Father has sent (1 Cor…...



Aherene, C. (2003). Son of God. The Catholic Encyclopedia volume XIV, online edition. New Advent. 

Beza, T. (1992). Jesus Christ the Son of God. James Clark, trans. Focus Christian Ministries Trust: East Sussex, 1992. Reformation Ink.

Dolphin, L. (1987). Jesus, Son of God, Son of Man? The Main Mission of Jesus. 

Haugaard, B., trans. (2000). New Testament. Revised King James version.

Jesus Through the Centuries Jaroslav
Pages: 5 Words: 1549

Similarly, the author does not step away from the West. Confining himself to a Western framework prevents Pelikan from delivering any genuinely worthwhile analysis of the role of Jesus through the centuries. Instead, the book Jesus Through the Centuries becomes merely informative. In many ways the book tells readers what they already know but fills in some of the details. A scholastic work that is well-documented, Pelikan's work earns an encyclopedic role. Jesus through the Centuries is a scholastic work with well-documented source material. It will not, however, change a reader's perspective or point-of-view because it is not an effective critique on the meaning behind Jesus' role through the centuries.
The subtitle of Jesus through the Centuries summarizes Pelikan's purpose: to explore Jesus' "place in the history of culture." Organized chronologically from the New Testament to the twentieth century, Jesus through the Centuries can also be read thematically. For example,…...



Pelikan, J. (1985). Jesus through the Centuries. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Stratton, R. (2000). Illustrated Jesus through the Centuries. Spiritual Life. Retrieved Mar 10, 2007 at

Jesus Real Historical Figure
Pages: 3 Words: 978

Jesus as a Real Historical Figure
Jesus as a Historical Figure

Whether or not Jesus was a real historical figure is a subject of much debate in scholarly communities. Proponents of the theory that Jesus was an actual historical figure support their theory with evidence that stories related in the New Testament's stories of Jesus coincide with actual historical events. Opponents of the idea of a historical Jesus rely on the fact that there is not one single thing that definitively establishes the existence of the man Jesus Christ. Regardless of whether or not Jesus actually existed, there is substantial historical support for the idea that a man such as Jesus could have existed during that historical time period and performed tasks such as Jesus performed.

To understand Jesus as a historical figure, it is important to understand Jesus' culture. First and foremost, Jesus was a Jew. The influence of Judaism on the…...

Jesus & Mohammed More Than
Pages: 5 Words: 1560

To become a Muslim, one must simply accept that there is only one God and that Mohammed was his messenger. The words "Islam" and "Muslim" are both derived from the Arabic word for "peace." The traditional Muslim greeting is "Peace be unto you" (Wisdom Fund). Christians often use the phrase "Peace be with you" at the close of the worship services.
Both Christians and Muslims worship God in prayer. Both Christians and Muslims believe that there is one God. It is important in both religions that people accept the teachings of their guidebooks and live their lives accordingly. Neither religion advocates violence, and yet terrible violence has been committed in the name of each religion. The violence is not true to the teachings of either Jesus or Mohammed.

There are some great differences between the Christian and Muslim traditions and yet we can also see some commonalities. In a peaceful world,…...



Elwell, W.A., & Yarborough, R.W. (1998). Encountering the new testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

Gabriel, M.A. (2004). Jesus and Muhammad: profound differences and surprising similarities. Kindle edition.

George, T. (2002). Is the father of Jesus the God of Muhammed? Grand Rapids, MI:


Jesus and Mohammad Jesus and
Pages: 3 Words: 1021

Mohammed died around the age of 65 and a power struggle set in relating to who his successor would be which resulted in the development of several sects of Islam with the two primary sects being the Sunni Muslims and the Shi-ite Muslims.

b. Jesus

When Jesus was crucified and died on the cross his body was prepared for burial and placed in a burial cave. On the third day Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and found it empty and then she saw Jesus alive. Jesus appeared to his disciples before ascending to heaven. ecause Jesus died as a substitute sacrifice for the sins of mankind all that believe in him and confess him as their savior are forgiven of their sins and are able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


The major…...



Comparison Between Jesus and Muhammad (1996-2006) Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry. Online available at 

Islam or Christianity: Jesus or Mohammed? Christian Gospel of Muslim Koran? (2000) The Gospel Way. Online available at

Islam in Brief: Worship Practice (nd) Islam for Everyone. Online available at .

The Islamic World to 1600 (1998) Islamic Beliefs and Practices Online available at

Jesus and Mohammed the Two Great Messengers
Pages: 6 Words: 2159

Jesus and Mohammed
The Two Great Messengers of God, Jesus and Mohammed: Comparing the Importance and Differences of Jesus and Mohammed

In my paper I would like to say how two of the most influential people in all of religious history would have to have been either Jesus or Muhammad. From the moment they were born and extending far beyond their deaths they were both solely responsible for the founding and the continuation of their respective religions. The influences and religious experiences of these two people shaped the future of both religions. A look at the lives of these two men and the impacts of their deaths follows. A comparison of how both the men influenced their religions and also how they are both revered and worshiped in today's societies will happen as well. All of these things will try to explain how the preaching and messages these two men tried to…...



Ead, H.A. "Arabic (or Islamic) Influence on the Historical Development of Medicine."

The Alchemy Site. Web. 7 Dec 2011.

Haaren, John. Famous Men of the Middle Ages. NY: American Book Company, 1903.

Josephus. The New Complete Works of Josephus. [trans. William Whiston]. MI: Kregel

Jesus God and Man the Book Jesus
Pages: 3 Words: 1034

Jesus, God and Man
The book, Jesus, God and Man, contributes to the ongoing theological discussion regarding the key issues to Christians and Catholics. If Jesus was God in the flesh, then he is the unique expression of complete divinity, and complete humanity. If Jesus was God, then the core teachings of Christianity are separate, and distinct from all other religions on the planet. If Jesus was God, his request of "take up your cross and follow me" has implication that is different in substance, and content than all other religions of the modern era which were founded by men who said, in essence, that their's was a path of peacefulness which lead toward a closer communion with the divine.

The thesis of the book is that Jesus indeed is God. The author responds to modern theologians which have diligently tried to change this core doctrine of the church over the years.…...



Brown, Raymond E. Jesus, God and Man. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing co. 1967.

Jesus & Mohammed the Lives
Pages: 5 Words: 1491

" Relgious leaders worried about loss of power and income ("iography of Mohammed," 2005). This is an interesting parallel to Jesus' life, because Jesus also worried the religious leaders of his time for similar reasons (Wikipedia, 2000). Mohammed and Abu Talib fled Mecca, and his uncle hid him in a fortified castle away from the city.
Within ten to fifteen years (accounts vary), Mohammed moved to the city of Medina, where he and his teachings were welcomed ("iography of Mohammed," 2005). He rapidly became the city's leader, becoming the judge, ruler, and law-giver for the city. He aligned himself with the two most powerful tribes, and led a ware against the Meccans in the name of Allah. Mohammed's army was victorious, and he gradually became accepted in Mecca as well. Six years after his victory, he led his first pilgrimage to Mecca, and Islamic missionaries began carrying the new religion to…...


Biography of Mohammed," in Simply Biographies. 2005. Accessed via the Internet 7/3/05. 

Goodacre, Mark, University of Birmingham. No date given. "Brief Biography of Jesus." BBC Radio. Accessed via the Internet 7/3/05.

Wikipedia. 2000. "Jesus." Wikipedia. Accessed via the Internet 7/3/05.

Jesus Shaves David Sedaris Identity Language
Pages: 4 Words: 1417

In “Jesus Shaves,” David Sedaris writes about the comical but complex losses of translation when trying to explain a religious festival in a second language. All the students in the class are learning French as a second language, but come from different backgrounds. The author is American, but classmates are from Poland, Morocco, and Italy. In fact, the Moroccan student is the one that triggers the theme of cultural relativism when she asks the class to explain Easter. Thus forced, most of the first time, to explain a festival that they had so deeply taken for granted, everyone in the class including the teacher struggles to find the words. The students understandably trip over their limited vocabulary and grammar, let alone their lack of historical, theoretical, or religious studies expertise. Yet even the teacher, with her full command of English, cannot provide the Moroccan student with a definitive or satisfactory…...


Works Cited

Kinginger, Celeste. “Language Socialization and Identity.” In Language Learning and Study Abroad. Pp. 154-204. Retrieved online:

Mcknight, Steven C. “The Importance of Brevity.” The Odyssey Online. Retrieved online: 

Sedaris, David. “Jesus Saves.” Retrieved online:

Historical Claims in Support of the Resurrection of Jesus
Pages: 3 Words: 1003

Historical Evidence of the ResurrectionOne of the most compelling stories of all time is the Resurrection of Jesus. But how do we know it really happened? Are we merely supposed to take everyones word for it? Or is there historical evidence that Jesus Christ truly did die and rise up from the dead three days later? The fact of the matter is, yes, historical evidence of Christs resurrection does exist; however, that does not mean one wont need faith to believe in it.Before discussing the Resurrection, it is necessary first to show that Jesus Christ did first of all die. Aside from the evidence from Scripture, Josephus provides one of the earliest recorded historical accounts of Jesus death. Josephus was a Roman-Jewish historian, so he cannot be said to have any Christian bias in reporting on this matter. Josephus recounts that Pilate, upon hearing [Jesus] accused by men of the…...


Works Cited

Geivett, Douglas and Gary Habermans, eds. In Defense of Miracles: A Comprehensive Case for God’s Action in History.Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2018.

Habermas, Gary and Michael Licona.The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2004.

Lucian. “Death of Peregrine.” Sacred Texts. 

Understanding Jesus Concept of Forgiveness
Pages: 2 Words: 695

Mathew’s Gospel on Spirituality of Forgiveness Forgiveness is a virtue that contributes immensely to a believer’s spiritual growth. It is the key to unlocking Gods power. Believers must learn to forgive all those who need forgiveness because in so doing, they cleanse themselves of resentment and bitterness. Many people lack forgiveness not only towards those who hurt them but also towards themselves. Holding grudges and resentment against people who have done terrible things to them hinders many believers from seeing miracles in their lives. Forgiveness plays a great role in the spiritual growth of a believer because the contrary is what most often comes between people and God.
In the first half of the book, Jesus’ response to conflict and aggression sets a standard different from that of the scribes and Pharisees. The system of the scribes and Pharisees holds that if a person encounters a conflict. When someone is offended, he…...



Bergant, D. & Fragomeni, R. (1999). Preaching the New Lectionary: Year A. (24th Sunday of Ordinary Time. pp. 345-348)

Boring M. E. (2012). “V. Summary Thoughts on Matthew’s Gospel.” The Conflict of Kingdoms Initiated and Defined (1:1 – 12:21),” An Introduction to the New Testament: History, Literature, Theology. Westminster John Knox Press pp. 548 to 552.

Donahue, J. R. S.J. (1988). The Gospel in Parable, “Justice, Mercy and the Unmerciful Servant (Matt. 18:23-35), pp. 72-79

Meaning of Christ's Life and Mission
Pages: 5 Words: 1366

Jesus in the Book of John: Creation, Life, Death, Resurrection, and AscensionIntroductionThe Gospel of John provides an in-depth account of Jesus's journey, touching on everything from creation (John 1:1) to life, death, resurrection, and ascension (John 3:13, 6:62, 14:2-3, 16:5). Johns Gospel shows Jesus as both divine and human, describing the duality of His nature and His important role as the Savior of mankind. This paper examines Jesus as the Beginning and the End, by exploring the elements of His journey as presented in the Gospel of John, so as to see more clearly His identity and mission. The thesis of this paper is that through Jesus's creation, life, death, resurrection, and ascension, John illustrates the divinity and humanity of Jesus and His ultimate role as the Saviorin short, Jesus as the Beginning and the End of life for us.What Does It Mean?What does it mean to be both the…...



The Bible. (1984). New International Version. International Bible Society.

Köstenberger, A. J. (2004). John. Baker Academic.

Morris, L. (1995). The Gospel according to John. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.

The Wedding Feast at Cana
Pages: 1 Words: 362

The story of the wedding feast at Cana is one of the most poignant tales in the Bible. Yet it is not because Jesus turned water into wine; his miracle often overshadows the true message of the role Mary plays in the ministry of Christ. In this story, a mother’s love becomes a pivotal turning point for Jesus. It is as if Jesus needed to hear his mother’s faith in him in order to properly commence his ministry. Jesus for the first time assumes a position of spiritual leadership. Although he already had with him his disciples, never before the wedding feast at Cana did Jesus demonstrate the magnitude of his presence. Even before he knew it himself, Mary as his mother recognized the time had come. In many ways, the incident represents a rite of passage for Jesus. This is also one of the few stories in the Bible that…...

Need help coming up with a good thesis statement for an informative essay on army leadership styles?
Words: 343

There are several different types of army leadership styles that can produce the desired results among the armed forces.  Leadership in the army differs a little from leadership in other scenarios because some type of followership is built into the armed forces. The main leadership styles that you are likely to encounter in the army are transactional, transformational, servant, and autocratic. 

Transactional leadership is the type of leadership one most often encounters in the military.  It is based in structure and relies strongly on both rewards and penalties.  Rather than collaborating with subordinates, the transactional leader....

Writing an essay and looking for weakness in a servant leadership and recommendations?
Words: 354

Servant leadership is one of the most highly touted theories of leadership in the last several decades.  It advocates that true leaders serve first.  While it is a secular leadership idea, it is often used in the context of religious leadership and religious leaders, with Jesus being sighted as the best example of a servant leader.  However, while this leadership paradigm is popular, servant leadership has some significant weaknesses that need to be acknowledged and addressed.  When they are, it becomes clear that servant leadership is not an appropriate model in all scenarios. 

One of the....

who is the holy spirit?
Words: 84


Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global Imago Dei, The Fall, Christ, New Creation?
Words: 274

1. The Imago Dei: Exploring the Image of God in Humanity

2. The Fall from Grace: Understanding Original Sin and its Consequences

3. Christ as the Redeemer: Examining the Role of Jesus in Salvation History

4. New Creation in Christ: Embracing the Hope of Renewal and Restoration

5. The Image of God in a Fallen World: Navigating the Tension Between Goodness and Sin

6. Redemption through Christ: Unpacking the Theological Significance of Jesus' Sacrifice

7. Imago Dei and the Fall: Reflecting on the Human Experience of Brokenness and Redemption

8. Christ as the Image of God: Revealing the Divine in the Person of Jesus

9. The New Creation....

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