Johnny Cash Essays (Examples)

17+ documents containing “johnny cash”.

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Johnny Cash on a Hot

In making this album, Cash was introduced to a whole new generation of music fans, who clamored for more. For almost a decade, Cash and Rubin would produce a series of albums which brought Cash together with such diverse performers as rocker Tom Petty and Bono of U2 (Turner). Through all of these projects, one common denominator existed- no matter how famous each of the newer artists may have been, they were all in awe of the Man in Black, and he was energized by the new challenges and popularity that he enjoyed.
As the 1990s sped toward the new millennium, Cash faced another set of health problems, including diabetes and Parkinson's disease. The latter would eventually bring Cash's live performance days to an end, but he continued to record with Rubin nonetheless. Sadly, when June passed away in 2003, the physical demise of the Man in Black was swift….

Cooke's Only Sixteen Is a

Only Sixteen" benefits society by communicating valuable lessons not only to young teenagers, but to their parents as well. The narrator in this song is a teenager himself, though, as he points out (no doubt a little tongue-in-cheek), he is a much wiser 17 now. This line can be taken at face value, or perceived as slightly satirical depending on the audience.

If the listener is a teenager, then the message seems to be that even if a love goes sour, there are lessons to be learned from mistakes you make in life. Not only this, but it encourages them to continue on trying for love even if you are disappointed the first time as long as the lessons learned are heeded in the future. The lesson of this love is not that the girl in question was too young by being only sixteen -- how could she be when the….

Dominik's Killing Them Softly
Andrew Dominik's 2012 American film Killing Them Softly is a screen-adaptation of George Higgins' 1974 crime novel Cogan's Trade. Dominik's screenplay sets the action in modern America during the 2008 election campaign, which serves as a backdrop to the action of the film and allows both director/screenwriter Dominik and his cast of characters to ironically and wittily juxtapose their own agendas, ends and pursuits with those of the political world. Indeed, the film's subtext or undertone is really as pronounced as the main drama, paralleling the narrative in the final race to the showdown: the execution of the robbers of the card game and the election of a new ring leader (aka President of the United States). This paper will show how Dominik uses the underground world of organized crime to parallel and criticize the state of American politics and economics.

Storytelling, Editing, Style and Directing

The storytelling….

A high rate of turnover may indicate too strict credit policies or an inability to extend credit. It is the tradeoff between sales and tying up funds in receivables.
Sales to Working Capital - measures the relationship between sales and the working capital of a business. Too high a ratio may indicate an insufficient amount of working capital. Too low a ratio may indicate unproductive assets.

Sales to Total Assets - measures the ability of a business to use assets productively. This ratio may be indicating conditions of excess capacity, inefficient or obsolete equipment, or temporary changes inn demand.

ertelsmann appears to be healthy in terms of short-term liquidity. The Acid Test Ratio is normal for companies of this size and the Current Ratio is higher than normal and indicates that the company should have no trouble meeting short-term financial commitments. The capital structure ratios also appear to indicate that the company….

At times, the language was a little too academic for my liking; I think the same basic points could have been made more persuasively using more common language. But that issue aside, this piece says a lot of interesting things about writing in general, and not just about writing essays. Cynthia Ozick's vies on poetry and novels, and the ways in which these intersect with and diverge from the writing that takes place in essays, are clearly laid out. These descriptions that Ozick gives of other forms of writing really help to make her definition of an essay stand out clearly. In addition, her use of examples from famous essayists of the past and the imagery she manages to incorporate make her meaning quite clear despite the obfuscation created by her dedication to an academic tone and over-use of unnecessarily large words.
A Letter from the Clergy

This letter is written….

Today sometimes also referred to as 'urban' music, R&B was originally a euphemistic way of referring to the boogie woogie blues-based music of African-Americans in the 40s and 50s. In some circles, these would be referred to as 'race records.' When white musicians like Elvis Presley began recording these songs, the term Rock and Roll was coined. This transition would not render the R&B genre moot, but would instead apply it to most music made by African-Americans. Over the years, this would come to serve as a Billboard Chart classification for forms such as Soul, Funk, Disco and many modes of Hip Hop.
Quite in fact, today, R&B may be said to be the dominant form in popular music once again, with its permeation of the variant of popular forms impacting the sound of music today in the same way that rock would for decades. Particularly in the type of….

Critics and audiences are fascinated by how an actor interprets a formidable historical figure, bringing her or him to life on the big screen. Television actors have more leeway but the roles that earn actors awards tend to be quirky and unusual, such as Hugh Laurie in House, Alec Baldwin in 30 Rock, and America Ferrera in Ugly Betty.
ill Ferrell and Jack Black may be correct about comedians not earning accolades on the big screen. However, comedians that step beyond their boundaries, who can stretch the meaning of comedy as well as their acting skills, may land award-nominated parts. hile starring in a film about a man with no arms and legs who sues a major corporation would be surefire way to get noticed, less melodramatic parts may also propel a former comic into Oscar stardom. Quirky and dark comedies are the prime contenders for films that are both….

Nan Goldin

Nan Goldin Photography
Nan Goldin -- Empathy and Obsession

Nan Goldin is a famous American photographer who was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1953 (Williams 26). From an early age, she demonstrated a passion for photography, often using it in her teens to document the gay and transsexual communities she frequented with friends. Her earliest works are considered provocative, voyeuristic, and controversial and noted for their depiction of sex, desire, obsession and empathy (O'Brien 151). Although her current work is much more subdued (i.e., landscapes, etc.), she still continues to create powerful motifs involving couples, intimacy, addiction, HIV / AIDS, prostitution, and homosexuality.

Goldin attended the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. There she created The Ballad of Sexual Dependency, arguably her most noteworthy body of work (Danto 33). The 700 image collection set to music presented friends in intimate scenarios in slide show format. It is considered a celebration….

Kate Braverman wrote an award winning story called "Tales of the Mekong Delta" in 1991. Ten years later, Ted Demme directed and released a film called Blow. The paper will explore, analyze, and compare themes of the two texts. Specifically, the paper will focus on issues of identity, self-esteem, respect, alienation, predatory behavior including domination (and submission), addiction, as well as moral & ethical behavior. Both stories center around the consequences of illicit substances in the personal lives of the characters.
The protagonist in the short story is most often referred to as "she." She meets Lenny at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Lenny essentially begins stalking her. Lenny is the figure for dominance and aggression in the story. She is the figure for submission and vulnerability in the story. She tries to deviate from her routine and essentially change her life, but Lenny tracks her down and shows up at….

Ichabod Crane

Ichabod Crane
Tim urton's 1999 film adaptation of Washington Irving's 1819 short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is hardly a faithful or literal adaptation. R.. Palmer, in his introduction to Nineteenth-Century American Literature on Screen, is rather chilly in his dismissal of urton's adaptation; he claims that a simple survey of Hollywood adaptations overall reveals that a number of major figures, most prominently Washington Irving…had never or rarely (and then generally unsatisfactorily) been adapted for the screen. ecause it has been so dedicated to marketing modernity, broadly conceived, Hollywood production offers only a narrow view of nineteenth-century literature. Hollywood's most extensive engagement with nineteenth-century politics and culture is in fact through an essentially twentieth-century form: the western…(Palmer 6).

Of course, Irving's original tale makes a very poor western, despite Irving's own note that the town of Sleepy Hollow was once "infested with…cow-boys" (Irving 288). ut in order to refashion "The Legend….

Cold War and Film
Generally speaking, the Cold War has been depicted as an era of spy games and paranoia in popular films from the 1960s to the present day, but the reality of the era was much more complex. The Cold War was a period of military and political tension from 1947 to 1991, or from the end of WW2 to the collapse of the Soviet Union, in which the "politics of war" masked the business and social agendas of multinationals and ideologues. The era was marked by myriad issues: East-West mistrust, proxy wars, espionage, the threat of nuclear war, domestic and foreign propaganda, the rise of the military-industrial complex and multinational corporations, assassinations, detente, de-colonization, new nationalism, neo-colonialism, the vying for control of resources, alliances (NATO, Warsaw Pact), and an inculcation of the "deep state." [footnoteRef:1] It can be divided into five basic periods: 1947-53, 1953-62, 1962-79, 1979-85,….

First, evil in Sleepy Hollow is more equating with a satirical view that, in this case, evil is a more benign humor, bumbling, caustic in disrupting the town, and, as it was in Ancient Greek and oman drama, simply more of an irritant than planned destruction. Focusing again on the time period, our first introduction to this theme is one of Dutch New York against Urban New England. The Dutch community is sylvan, nostalgically conceived, changeless, and an Eden for its inhabitants. Ichabod arrives as a Yankee whose spoiling of this Eden simply cannot be tolerated -- and even more, by marrying the daughter of a wealthy and high-ranking community member, becoming part of Eden himself. This simply could not happen to a community that is so "European in nature."

Sleepy Hollow, as a town is clearly Dutch, with Dutch values, culture, and mores, or for riving, "population, manners, and customs,….

But you can substitute the myth with the authentic, amazing, wonderful truth. n the end, think the truth would make a far better movie."

Bonanos, C. "Did Pirates Really Say 'Arr'?" Slate Publications. Cited in:

Defoe, D.A General History of the Pyrates. Dover Books, 1999.

McGinnis, R. "The Real Life and Fictional Characters Who inspired J.M. Barre's

Captain Hook." Literary Traveler, 2008. Cited in:

Cordingly, David. Cited in:

____. Under the Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates. Harvest Books, 1997.

Johnson, C. Pirates: A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most

Notorious Pirates. Conway Maritime Press, 2008.

Leeson, P. "An Arrghchy: The Law and Economics of Pirate Organizations."

Journal of Political Economy. 115 no 6 (2007): 1049.

Ossian, R. (n.d.) "Book Review: A General History of the Pyrates." Cited in:

Pennell, C.R. Bandits at Sea: A Pirates Reader. New York University Press, 2001.

Templeton, D. "David Cordingly Skewers the Romantic Myths….

(FAQ: How did Marilyn die?)
Whatever may be reason death occurred at her age of thirty six. Some opined she left a legacy of beauty while to some she left a legacy of sadness. However, even after forty two years of her death she is considered to be the most recognized women in the world. The legend of Marilyn acclaimed several images all of which are divergent and distinguishable. In the words of Andy Warhol, Marilyn was 'star for all ages'. (Marilyn Monroe: The Exhibit)


Classic Movie Star's Marilyn Monroe Tribute" etrieved at Accessed on 18 February, 2005

FAQ: How did Marilyn die?" etrieved at Accessed on 18 February, 2005

Hollywood's Leading Sex Symbol" Court Tv's Crime Library. etrieved at Accessed on 18 February, 2005

Marilyn Monroe biography: A short biography of world famous movie star, Marilyn

Monroe" (2002) Page Wise. etrieved at Accessed on 18 February, 2005

Marilyn Monroe" etrieved at….

The work of Chidester explores different types of death, and symbolizes three patterns describing the transcendence of death: ancestral, experiential, and cultural (12). Types of death, and the way death is imagined, can help human beings die in a meaningful way, give life ultimate meaning, and significance (Chidester: 12). The ancestral transcendence represents a type of biological death, meaning this form of transcendence provides a way for the individual to connect with a continuous biological chain of parents and offspring (Chidester: 12). This is significant as the family line is not broken by death; death provides an ongoing continuity of family. The psychological type of death is considered experiential transcendence, and represents "profound and often intense psychological experiences that embrace death in acceptance or ecstasy" (Chidester: 14). Accepting and embracing death signifies death as a psychologically peaceful experience. A third type of death is social, referred to as cultural transcendence,….

In conclusion, Johnny Cash's rendition of "Hurt" beautifully captures the struggle with inner turmoil, loss, and mistakes that many of us face in our lives. The song reflects on the artist's own battles with emotional and physical pain, serving as a reminder of the destructive paths we may take in attempts to escape our reality. Through lyrics that touch on self-destruction and redemption, Cash's version of "Hurt" resonates deeply with listeners, prompting personal reflection on the consequences of our actions in times of distress. The song serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of facing our pain head-on, rather....

5 Pages
Term Paper


Johnny Cash on a Hot

Words: 1684
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In making this album, Cash was introduced to a whole new generation of music fans, who clamored for more. For almost a decade, Cash and Rubin would produce…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Cooke's Only Sixteen Is a

Words: 1018
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Only Sixteen" benefits society by communicating valuable lessons not only to young teenagers, but to their parents as well. The narrator in this song is a teenager himself, though,…

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8 Pages


Dominik's Killing Them Softly Andrew Dominik's 2012

Words: 3618
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

Dominik's Killing Them Softly Andrew Dominik's 2012 American film Killing Them Softly is a screen-adaptation of George Higgins' 1974 crime novel Cogan's Trade. Dominik's screenplay sets the action in…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Bertelsmann AG Financial Analysis Report

Words: 2449
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A high rate of turnover may indicate too strict credit policies or an inability to extend credit. It is the tradeoff between sales and tying up funds in…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Black Studies - Philosophy

Entertaining Style While at the

Words: 618
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

At times, the language was a little too academic for my liking; I think the same basic points could have been made more persuasively using more common language.…

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3 Pages


Pop Subdivisions of Popular Music

Words: 936
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Today sometimes also referred to as 'urban' music, R&B was originally a euphemistic way of referring to the boogie woogie blues-based music of African-Americans in the 40s and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Representation of Talent Looking at

Words: 1512
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Critics and audiences are fascinated by how an actor interprets a formidable historical figure, bringing her or him to life on the big screen. Television actors have more…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Nan Goldin

Words: 4021
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nan Goldin Photography Nan Goldin -- Empathy and Obsession Nan Goldin is a famous American photographer who was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1953 (Williams 26). From an early age, she…

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2 Pages


Kate Braverman Wrote an Award Winning Story

Words: 579
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Kate Braverman wrote an award winning story called "Tales of the Mekong Delta" in 1991. Ten years later, Ted Demme directed and released a film called Blow. The…

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5 Pages


Ichabod Crane

Words: 1822
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Ichabod Crane Tim urton's 1999 film adaptation of Washington Irving's 1819 short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is hardly a faithful or literal adaptation. R.. Palmer, in his introduction…

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17 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

How Was the Cold War Represented in Cinema

Words: 5793
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cold War and Film Generally speaking, the Cold War has been depicted as an era of spy games and paranoia in popular films from the 1960s to the present…

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7 Pages
Book Report


Sleepy Hollow as Popular Culture

Words: 3045
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Book Report

First, evil in Sleepy Hollow is more equating with a satirical view that, in this case, evil is a more benign humor, bumbling, caustic in disrupting the town, and,…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Defoe's Pyrates Images From History

Words: 2162
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

But you can substitute the myth with the authentic, amazing, wonderful truth. n the end, think the truth would make a far better movie." REFERENCES Bonanos, C. "Did Pirates…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Marilyn Monroe the Life Story

Words: 1770
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(FAQ: How did Marilyn die?) Whatever may be reason death occurred at her age of thirty six. Some opined she left a legacy of beauty while to some she…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Religion -- Concepts of Death

Words: 1471
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

The work of Chidester explores different types of death, and symbolizes three patterns describing the transcendence of death: ancestral, experiential, and cultural (12). Types of death, and the way…

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