King Arthur Essays Examples

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King Arthur Is an Epic

This notion was reinforced during her second marriage. After her son died, again because of the societal expectations, she had to remarry. It would not be good to be a single woman at her age. She however, did not want to be put into a marriage, so instead she decided to choose her husband. The shock was not necessarily in the choosing of a husband, it was in the person chosen. He was poor and from a lower social class. Giovanna however, had the last word, and she married her second husband and was rich because of the money her first husband had left her. The Wife of Bath's marriage was essentially what ended up defining her true person. She was perceived as an old hag and her husband did not want to marry her to begin with. However, because of their agreement, he had an obligation to. Because….

King Arthur's formation of the Knights of the ound Table, his association with the wise Merlin, and the Guinevere-Lancelot are all fairly well-known elements of King Arthur's story that help to exemplify his heroism in the Anglo-Saxon conception of the term, but more than this Arthur was initially remembered and revered for helping to end in fighting between various war lords and factions that existed in the British Isles after the end of the oman Empire (Levin 1994). It was Arthur's battle prowess and his righteous dedication to a cause that enabled him to succeed in what was ultimately a highly militaristic endeavor, but it was his political savvy and wisdom as well as his humility that actually allowed him to unify a country of disparate families that could not see their common interests (Levin 1994). It is because of King Arthur's prowess as a leader both on and….

King Arthur Man and Myth

Many readers, even hundred of years ago, did not take the tale of King Arthur as "pure fiction" (15) and Ashe asserts that these readers were "more right than wrong" (15) in their assumptions. It is likely the story is true in some respects. In many ways, the man was a hero larger than life, which makes many skeptics call into question his existence. Ashe states that many even believed Arthur was a god, "euhemerized as a human warrior" (Ashe Origins). Many scholars believe a king by the name of Arthur actually did exist but they also acknowledge that many of the grandiose stories attached to him are romanticized. However, there seems to be enough factual history to satisfy most scholars that Arthur did exist.
In regard to the mythical Arthur, Ashe notes that because the figure has been romanticized, does not mean the figure cannot exist. He points to….

King Uther married Igraine and they had a son named Arthur. He was born at Tintagel Castle.

This was a very dangerous time and attacks by Saxons happened a lot. So King Uther gave his baby son to his wizard, Merlin, for safety.

Merlin sent Arthur away to be raised in the countryside by Sir Ector. He grew up with his foster brother, Kay. He never knew who his real parents were.

The Sword in the Stone

When King Uther died, no-one knew he had a son. So there was lots of arguing about who should be High-King of ritain.

Suddenly a mysterious stone magically appeared in the churchyard of St. Paul's Cathedral in London. Sticking out of it was a huge sword. There was a message on it. It said that whoever pulled the sword from the stone was the rightful High-King of ritain.

Lots of the local kings (or 'tyrants') tried to pull the….

.. [their] art is distinguished for its extensive curves and intricate knot work which is used to form complex decorations for weapons, jewelry and body tattooing." (Crystalinks) it seems that Guinevere is actually wearing a good deal more than one would expect from a Celtic warrior, and her knotty outfit is fitting. However, critics are fair in complaining that she might perhaps be wearing a bit too little for the weather. Speaking of minor inconsistencies, it seems a bit odd that Guinevere's broken hands heal almost overnight - and subsequently don't interfere with her shooting.
Guinevere's clothing and hands are not the only thing critics point to; they also suggest that she is being presented in a historically inaccurate way as a female warrior. In many movies it may be true that women are ahistorically buffed up - however, this is not necessarily one of those cases. While the historical Gwenhyvar….

Death of King Arthur (La Mort le OI Artu) is not just one of many Medieval tales about the legendary King and his knights, some claim it is the best. It is actually the third part of a much larger work which also includes Lancelot, the Quest for the Holy Grail, and of course, The Death of King Arthur. The first two parts of the story deal with Arthur's establishment of his kingdom, the formation of the ound Table, and the quest for the Holy Grail. The final part of the story deals with the aftermath of the quest, the betrayal of the King by Lancelot and Guinevere, and the final battle on the plains of Salisbury; which results in the death of King Arthur. Throughout the tale the theme of religion plays an important part in the story, from Arthur's insistence that his knights swear to uphold the teachings….

Connecticut Yankee
To most readers of his works in the 21st century, Mark Twain is probably best known as a humorist. He is someone who, by the deft use of language, entertainingly offbeat characters and the more-than-occasional plot twist can keep us reading and laughing to the end. But of course he was in fact far more than simply a humorist. His work - from short stories like "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" to novels like Huckleberry Finn and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - was as much social commentary and an attempt to right the wrongs of the world that he saw around him as it was any attempt to make people laugh. This paper examines the ways in which Twain used wit, repartee and an engaging cast of characters in Connecticut Yankee to make a strong statement against imperialism.

hile some of Twain's work is still….

Gilgamesh, Beowulf, And Young Goodman Brown
The relationship between male figures in stories such as The Epic of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, both by anonymous writers, and "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne not only highlight the importance of male bonds in literature and across cultures, but also help to provide balance and guidance to titular figures. Each of these stories depicts a journey, enlightenment, and transformation, which help to drive the story forward.

In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the relationship that is formed between Gilgamesh and Enkidu is one of a kind and necessary for the continued existence of Uruk. At the beginning of the epic, Gilgamesh was considered to be a tyrant. The men of Uruk claim,

Gilgamesh sounds the tocsin for his amusement, his arrogance has no bounds by day or night. No son is left with his father, for Gilgamesh takes them all, even the children; yet the king should be….

King Arthur

King Arthur Mordred and the Conflict at Camelot Arthur is at the center of the Arthurian world of legends; he is the king of Camelot and is married to Guinevere. Arthur has numerous difficulties with his Knights of the Round Table, however—including with Lancelot and Mordred. Lancelot has an affair with Arthur’s wife; and Mordred betrays Arthur’s trust in seeking his own ascension. Why should so many people who were close to Arthur betray? That is a question that remains. Arthur is a good and noble king—but things fall apart for him following the affair between his wife and his best and most loyal friend; and then his own son (Mordred) plots to overthrow his father’s seat. They end up attacking one another on the battlefield, and the father slays the son and the son mortally wounds the father. This is perhaps the saddest of all endings to a story that….

Speech Closing with Leadership StoryAnd as you all move forward in your new positions, remember to be more than just managers and supervisors.Be a mentor and role models for those who will be coming up behind you.Before I conclude my speech today, I want to leave you with a story from an unlikely source, but a powerful example of leadership, King Arthur of Camelot. As the story goes, King Arthur didn\\\'t sit at the head of a long table where others were of lesser importance. Instead, he instituted a round table, where every knight, every voice had equal value and importance.This round table was not only a piece of furniture, but a symbol of unity, of equality, and shared responsibility. King Arthur knew that a table without a head, without a distinct beginning or end, allowed for the continuous flow of ideas, for everyone to feel valued and empowered, which….

Arthur's dream of Mordred's treachery, and its implications for the overall King Arthur myth.
Arthur's Dream of Mordred's Treachery

The legend of King Arthur is full of various significant dreams and their interpretations. Celtic history, of which the King Arthur legend is a part, placed a huge emphasis on the meanings of dreams. Dreams were taken very seriously, and often professional dream interpreters were employed in order to divine the true meaning of dreams. In the King Arthur legend, dreams turn out to be very significant and symbolic for Arthur. One of the most important symbolic dreams that Arthur has is his dream of the treachery of his son/nephew, Mordred. Mordred was Arthur's son by his half-sister, Morgaine. Arthur knew nothing of Mordred's existence until Mordred himself was an adult. However, Arthur does have a symbolic dream after inadvertently sleeping with his half-sister, right at the moment that Mordred is conceived.….

American Dream" in Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman" with References to Mark Twain and Henry Thoreau
Arthur Miller's play entitled "Death of a Salesman" is a story about a man who has created a conflict with his family because of his great belief in the American Dream. Willy Loman, the main character in the story, makes a living by being a salesman, and the story revolves around his frustrations in life, particularly the strain in his relationship with his eldest son, iff Loman. Willy's frustrations stems from the fact that iff was not able to have a permanent and stable job, and is often fired from work because of some petty offense or misconduct on his son's part. Willy always insist that his son iff must develop relations with other people, and he must also have charisma and the ability to interact with them in order to achieve prosperity….

Faerie Queen Arthur as a

And the historic facts of those tribes (the amphictyon, twelve clans that rotate the functions of the priest so that each clan has those duties for one month of the year) may have been used by Spenser to build his knight's story around in a sense.
Because meanwhile, the knights in Spenser's tale seem to "...rotate the service of virtue from legend to legend, which the stationless and free-lance Arthur functions once in each of their legends in their stead - like an itinerant Levite" (Nohrnberg, p. 39).

Meanwhile, Arthur is often the right man at the right time: "When the rightful exponent of any virtue in its normal functioning is helpless or elsewhere, it is the moment for Arthur, the helper from heaven" (Parker, 1960). When the Salvage Man has gone past the limits he can deal with, along comes Arthur along that forest path, to help.

And Spenser, in developing….

Le Morte D'arthur the Legend

No other hero is so frequently mentioned. He is the only person so important that triads are enlarged into tetrads to fit him in. (Ashe 45)
The account that did the most to establish Arthur as a prominent historical figure was the History of the Kings of Britain written in 1135 by Geoffrey of Monmouth, a elsh monk, and the book provides a history of the earliest kings of Britain, some 99 in all, including King Coel, known to us today from the nursery rhyme as Old King Cole. About one-fifth of the book is devoted to Arthur, and Geoffrey provides the first organized version of the story. Many of the elements that would be part of the later tradition were missing, however. Arthur's court is not at Camelot but at a place called Caerlon-on-Usk, or City of Legions. Geoffrey contributed at least three new elements to the existing histories….

Love Triangle Story Lines of Lancelot, Arthur and Guenivere to Tristram, King Mark and Isolde from Malory's Morte Darthur
hen Melanie McGarrahan Gibson says of the "Tale of Sir Gareth" in Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur that "in the happiest ending of all of Morlay's tales, love and marriage triumph" (Gibson 220), she is touching on more than just the wholesome and happy nature of the tale. Though unique in its existence as the "happiest of all of Malory's tales," it is reprehensive of a larger problem within Malory's narrative scheme. The tale itself is one of the steady progresses. After overcoming all obstacles, love and marriage win in the end. This is a romantic sentiment and perhaps it is true to some extent.

The purpose of current research paper is to analysis the two dominant love triangle storylines in Morte Darthur i.e. between Lancelot-Queen Guinevere- Arthur and love triangle tale….

King Arthur has been a steady feature in pop culture since the original stories of him were told hundreds of years ago.  In fact, he retains a mythical status because of the quasi-historical nature of the stories told about him, leading to many people wondering if King Arthur is actually a real person.  The consensus appears to be that he was not an actual person, but that there were real people whose stories contributed to the stories of King Arthur.  It is no surprise, then, that he continues to be a compelling character in books,....

Chivalry refers to a code of conduct that was developed in the latter part of the Middle Ages in various parts of western Europe, most notably in what are parts of modern day France and Britain.  Though it may be referred to a system or the chivalric code, it is not actually a codified system of norms or behaviors, but instead an informal code of moral behavior.  Its origins can be traced back to around 1170, though it draws upon moral codes from earlier times, especially the Carolingian Empire, which featured a similar idolization of the soldier/warrior.

Chivalry is a very....

5 Pages

Family and Marriage

King Arthur Is an Epic

Words: 1560
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

This notion was reinforced during her second marriage. After her son died, again because of the societal expectations, she had to remarry. It would not be good to…

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2 Pages

Drama - World

King Arthur The Prototypical Anglo-Saxon

Words: 603
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

King Arthur's formation of the Knights of the ound Table, his association with the wise Merlin, and the Guinevere-Lancelot are all fairly well-known elements of King Arthur's story…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


King Arthur Man and Myth

Words: 1239
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Many readers, even hundred of years ago, did not take the tale of King Arthur as "pure fiction" (15) and Ashe asserts that these readers were "more right…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

King Arthur's Birth King Arthur

Words: 2634
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

King Uther married Igraine and they had a son named Arthur. He was born at Tintagel Castle. This was a very dangerous time and attacks by Saxons happened a lot.…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Guinevere Depicted Etc King Arthur

Words: 2729
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

.. [their] art is distinguished for its extensive curves and intricate knot work which is used to form complex decorations for weapons, jewelry and body tattooing." (Crystalinks) it seems…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Death of King Arthur La Mort Le

Words: 1191
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Death of King Arthur (La Mort le OI Artu) is not just one of many Medieval tales about the legendary King and his knights, some claim it is the…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Mark Twain and a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Words: 3090
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Connecticut Yankee To most readers of his works in the 21st century, Mark Twain is probably best known as a humorist. He is someone who, by the deft use of…

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4 Pages


Young Goodman Brown Gilgamesh Beowulf Bless Me Ultima the Legend of King Arthur

Words: 1368
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Gilgamesh, Beowulf, And Young Goodman Brown The relationship between male figures in stories such as The Epic of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, both by anonymous writers, and "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel…

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3 Pages


King Arthur

Words: 1003
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

King Arthur Mordred and the Conflict at Camelot Arthur is at the center of the Arthurian world of legends; he is the king of Camelot and is married to Guinevere.…

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3 Pages


King Arthur's Round Table and the Giant of Mont Saint Michel

Words: 822
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Speech Closing with Leadership StoryAnd as you all move forward in your new positions, remember to be more than just managers and supervisors.Be a mentor and role models for…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Arthur's Dream of Mordred's Treachery

Words: 1142
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Arthur's dream of Mordred's treachery, and its implications for the overall King Arthur myth. Arthur's Dream of Mordred's Treachery The legend of King Arthur is full of various significant dreams…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

American Dream in Arthur Miller's Death of

Words: 1635
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

American Dream" in Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman" with References to Mark Twain and Henry Thoreau Arthur Miller's play entitled "Death of a Salesman" is a story about…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Faerie Queen Arthur as a

Words: 1321
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

And the historic facts of those tribes (the amphictyon, twelve clans that rotate the functions of the priest so that each clan has those duties for one month…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Le Morte D'arthur the Legend

Words: 3262
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

No other hero is so frequently mentioned. He is the only person so important that triads are enlarged into tetrads to fit him in. (Ashe 45) The account that…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Love Triangle Story Lines of Lancelot Arthur

Words: 2110
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Love Triangle Story Lines of Lancelot, Arthur and Guenivere to Tristram, King Mark and Isolde from Malory's Morte Darthur hen Melanie McGarrahan Gibson says of the "Tale of Sir…

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