Labeling Essays (Examples)

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Labeling Gmos the Use of
Pages: 3 Words: 1119

.several aspects of gene insertion may be more hazardous than traditional plant crossbreeding" (oseboro 2011). The memo came to light during the 1990s when a suit was brought against the FDA, arguing that allowing GMOs to be released into the market unlabeled "violated the U.S. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which mandates that new food additives be established safe through testing prior to marketing" (oseboro 2011). The suit was not successful.
However, even some food industry advocates believe that labeling GMOs might not necessarily be a negative step, given the fact that it has proven to be such a barrier between the U.S. And other nations, in terms of exporting American products. The EU is a large potential market, as is Latin America and other continents that do not allow GMOs to be sold. Labeling GMOs, it is hoped might make them more palatable to regulators. At present, current policies are…...



AquaAdvantage Fish. (2011). Aqua Bounty. Retrieved October 18, 2011 at 

Bittman, Mark. (2011). Why aren't genetically modified foods labeled? The New York Times.

Retrieved October 18, 2011 at 

The future of food. (2004). Directed by Deborah Koons.

Labeling Individuals
Pages: 2 Words: 707

labeling of individuals is a method by which behaviour considered outside the norm can be categorized. While this may have some benefit to those categorizing the behaviour there is some question over what benefit it has to those being categorized.
ecker made reference to the nature of labeling in reference to deviant behaviour with his famous quote: "deviance is not a quality of the act the person commits, but rather a consequence of the application by others of rules and sanctions to an offender. The deviant is one to whom that label has successfully been applied; deviant behaviour is behaviour that people so label." While he relates it specifically to deviant behaviour it can be broadened to include anyone who is labeled, the point being that it is the labeler and not the labeled that is the focus.

With these people labeled as deviants of some type, whether it be 'gays',…...



Becker, H.S. Outsiders. New York: Free Press, 1963.

Foucault, Michel. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. trans. Richard Howard. New York: Random House, 1965.

Goldberg, Carl. Speaking With the Devil: A Dialogue With Evil. New York: Viking, 1995.

Labeling People as Deviant
Pages: 2 Words: 742

Social Control and Deviance
How does this TV show present deviance?

'Tabboo' airs on National Geographic which shows stories of different people with deviant behaviors. It presents a complete biography along with the history of that particular behavior. One particular episode of deviant behavior that I witnessed in the program was about the Ethiopian Tribe in which beauty represented the strength of a woman. That strength was measured by the amount of scars that were present on the woman's body which were given through whipping. The program showed that in the Ethiopian tribe, a boy's sisters has to suffer before he can become a man, so the women encourage the whipper to whip them. The whole situation of whipping and suffering for a man in your family seemed very confusing but it was normal for the people in that tribe (ell 2012). Whipping is a negative action, but the program showed…...



Bell, Elise. Sociology. October 14, 2012.   (accessed September 30, 2015 ). 

Bryant, Lee. The Labelling Theory. n.d.   / (accessed September 30, 2015). 

Comparing Labeling and Conflict Theories
Pages: 2 Words: 687

Labeling and Conflict Theory
Conflict theory is largely based upon a Marxist conception of human relations. It suggests that the definition of crime is created by social elites to bolster their social position. For example, for many years within the criminal justice system, the crime of using crack cocaine was penalized significantly more than the use of powder cocaine. Not coincidentally, a Marxist theorist would note, people living in the inner city were more likely to use the cheaper, crack alternative. Both drugs were equally dangerous and deleterious to society yet based upon social class, abusers were punished very differently. Conflict theorists regard crime as a subjective, class-based notion -- hence, an African-American person sitting at a 'whites only' lunch counter was considered a criminal in the south during the 1950s, despite the fact that such a law clearly violated the African-American's constitutional rights. Many actions considered crimes may actually have…...



Greek, C. (2005). Conflict theory. Criminological Theory. Retrieved from:

Greek, C. (2005). Labeling theory. Criminological Theory. Retrieved from:

Impact of Labeling on Juvenile Offenders
Pages: 5 Words: 1258

Labeling Effects of First Juvenile Arrests
Labeling Juvenile First Offenders

Luberman, et al. (2014) studied the labeling effects of first juvenile arrests, which appear to take two primary forms: secondary deviance and secondary sanctioning. Using a robust quasi-experimental research design, the authors utilized a sample and structural aspects of a longitudinal study conducted by the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCH). The PHDCH longitudinal study conducted three waves of data collection at 3-year intervals with seven youth cohorts. The PHDCH selected a sample from 80 neighborhood clusters in the city of Chicago. The neighborhood clusters were stratified by seven categories of racial / ethnic composition and three levels of socio-economic status (high, medium, and low). Within the sampling unit of 80 neighborhood clusters, a sampling frame of 1,517 youth, from the 12-year-old to 15-year-old cohorts, were selected by simple random sampling.

In order to measure the re-arrest outcomes, the researchers selected…...



Liberman, A.M., Kirk, D.S., & Kim, K. (2014). Labeling effects of first juvenile arrests: Secondary deviance and secondary sanctioning. Criminology, 52(3), 345-370.

Pros and Cons of Labeling Children Gifted and Talented
Pages: 3 Words: 728

Labeling Children: Gifted and Talented
New research suggests that complimenting children for their intelligence and academic performance may lead them to believe that good test scores and high grades are more important than learning and mastering something new (Mueller pp). According to research published in the American Psychological Association's Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, praising a child's scholastic aptitude is generally meant to boost the child's academic performance, however it actually leaves the child ill-prepared for coping with setbacks (Mueller pp).

Six studies of 412 fifth graders was conducted by psychologists Dr. Claudia M. Mueller and Dr. Carol S. Dweck of Columbia University (Mueller pp). The researchers compared the goals and achievement behaviors of children who had been praised for their intelligence with children who were praised for their effort and hard work under conditions of failure as well as success (Mueller pp).

The psychologists demonstrated, through their studies, that commending…...


Work Cited

Mueller, Claudia; Dweck, Carol. "The Pitfalls of Labeling Children 'Gifted and Talented.'" Retrieved October 04, 2005 from:

Wine Fundamentals French Generic Wine Labeling vs
Pages: 5 Words: 1526

Wine Fundamentals: French Generic Wine Labeling vs. Australian Wine Labeling and the Impact of Grape Variety Disclosure on estaurant Success
Introduction to Wine

The world of wine is exceedingly complicated, and to a layman, can appear equally overwhelming. egardless of one's own proficiency with wine, a relative fact remains true to anyone who wishes to drink it -- the bottle's label provides a gateway into what the customer is purchasing by providing the relative information necessary for a consumer to make a purchase choice. With so many options between red and white, still and sparkling, vintage and reserve, choosing a wine, especially for a casual buyer, can become a bit daunting. It is essential, then, for as much information as possible to be provided to that buyer.

Generic wine labels in France have no grape varieties printed, while varietal wine labels in Australia include the grape variety printed on the label. In viewing…...



Brown, B. (2011). "What's in a name?" Wine Trail. Web. Retrieved from:

[Accessed on 7 May 2012].

Kohn, C. (1988). "Explaining the difference between generic, varietal." Sun Sentinel.

Web. Retrieved from:   [Accessed on 7 May 2012]. .

Launch of Pdi Labeling in Australia in
Pages: 5 Words: 1964

Launch of PDI Labeling in Australia
In many countries, packaged foods are labeled with the "Percentage Daily Intake" of nutrients available in the food. These thumbnail-like labels are provided to consumers to help them make informed dietary decisions when they shop. This nutritional labeling is not mandatory and is in addition to other nutritional information that is included in the nutrition information panel typically located on the back of packaged foods. The effectiveness of this type of labeling to support healthful food choices and eating habits is the focus of this brief.

Selection of Launch Approach

A top-down approach to promoting nutritional labeling is preferred because multiple instruments must be employed to increase consumer interest in healthy eating, and the labeling policy must be embedded in a comprehensive and robust promotional campaign. Perhaps more than policymakers, advertising agencies hold the key to successfully changing the minds of the public with regard to healthful…...



Bonsmann, SS, Fernandez Celemin, L, Larranaga, S, Egger, JM, Wills, C, Hodgkins, C and Raats, MM. [Flabel Consortium. Penetration of nutrition information on food labels across the EU-27 plus Turkey]. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010; DOI: 10.1038/ejcn.2010.179

Devine CM. (2005) A life course perspective: Understanding food choices in time, social location, and history. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 37(3):121 -- 128.

EUFIC - European Food Information Council (2010, October 13). Nutrition labels on food and drinks in the UK: Available, understood but not always used to make healthy choices. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 24, 2011, from   / releases/2010/10/101013153838.htm 

European Association for the Study of Obesity (2009, May 7). Consumers More Likely To Identify Healthy Food Using Traffic Light Nutrition Labels. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 24, 2011

Food Labeling Chaos Do an Online Search
Pages: 2 Words: 991

Food Labeling Chaos
Do an online search for references to the Center for Science in the Public Interest. hat can you find out about this organization? here do they get their funding? ho do they answer to? hat is their mission? ho is on their board of directors? Based upon what you find, would you trust the nutrition information published by this organization?

The Center for Science in the Public Interest is a non-profit organization based in ashington, D.C. They were founded in 1971 and since the late 1970s they have been focused on issues of nutrition and the safety of food products. The group is funded both by private donors and through the sale of their newsletter, Nutrition Action Health Letter (Bennett & DiLorenzo 1998). According to their website, the mission of the organization is "to conduct innovative research and advocacy programs in health and nutrition, and to provide consumers with…...


Works Cited

Bennett, J. And DiLorenzo, T. (1998). Food and drink police: center for science in the public interest wants government to control our eating habits.

Center for Science in Public Interest. (2013). Retrieved from 

Silverglade, B. And Heller, I.R. (2010). Food Labeling Chaos: the Case for Reform. Center for Science in the Public Interest: Washington, D.C.

Warner, M. (2005, June 12). Striking back at the food police. New York Times.

Nutritional Labeling Policy Beyond the
Pages: 2 Words: 748

Unfortunately, no consumer can be 'forced' to read calorie labels in a correct fashion. A recent study by the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found "significant numbers of people surveyed indicated that they lacked either the knowledge or inclination to effectively use appears that a large portion of the population isn't interested in having (nutritional information)" (Cox 2007). In a 2004 Food and Agriculture survey, "one-third of all participants were unable to accurately target their daily calorie needs" and this was "based on an expansive definition of 1500-2500 kcals" while "31% of participants looked at calories but only 5% looked at serving size" (Cox 2007). Calorie totals mean little if a person does not understand that a serving of ice cream that is 260 calories is 1/4 of a pint.

There are some policies that could be implemented to address some of the 'head in the sand' factor regarding…...


Works Cited

Cox, Lee Ann. (19 May 2006). "Do Consumers Use Calorie Labels? Fat Chance, Says

New Study." University of Vermont. The View. Retrieved 19 Apr 2007 at 

The Food Label." (May 1999). Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved 19 Apr 2007 at

Label Slp 1 Opm 500 for Session
Pages: 3 Words: 942

label slp 1 OPM 500 for session long project, analyze OM perspectives organization. You choose list: 1. Walmart Costco 2. McDonald's 3. Amazon. 4. Dell 5. United Parcel Services For SLP paper, identify introduction, discussion, conclusion section: 1) The organization's main line business, 2) How inventory managed organization, 3) How inventory management practices improve customer satisfaction / reduce costs.
SLP 1 OPM 500

Wal-Mart is the greatest retailer in the United States and it has managed to gain and consolidate its strong competitive position as a result of a well developed and implemented strategic endeavor. Nevertheless, its business model has not always been successful and the economic agent has been faced with tremendous criticism. The organization has for instance been accused of exploiting its staff members, paying minimum wages and asking them to put in long hours. Also, the company was accused of sacrificing quality and responsibility in the name of the…...



Greenwald, R., 2005, Wal-Mart: the high cost of low price, Documentary

Kumar, S., 2006, Total Quality Management, Firewall Media

Fisher, A., Fisher, T., 2009, The data asset: how smart companies govern their data for business success, John Wiley and Sons

Toomey, J.W., 2000, Inventory management: principles, concepts and techniques, Springer

Label Slp 3 In Section Session Long
Pages: 2 Words: 659

label slp 3 in section Session Long Project 'll estimate cost equity rate return company's shareholders 'require'. This important piece information top manager estimate important input effort determine action company add shareholders.
SLP 1 OPM 500

Wal-Mart is one of the greatest American companies and it has been received with both praises as well as criticism. The current endeavor nevertheless is more focused on the financial aspect of the organization, namely the cost of its equity. At a general level, the cost of equity is understood as "the return that stockholders require for a company" (Investopedia, 2011). In other words, it is the amount of money that the organization has to pay in order to reward the investments made by the shareowners.

The cost of capital is an important financial tool as it sits at the basis of efficient decision making. In other words, the cost of equity portraits whether a certain…...



Cooper, R.A., 2011, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Reference for Business,   last accessed on February 24, 2011 

2011, Cost of equity, Investopedia,   last accessed on February 24, 2011 

2011, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Investopedia,   last accessed on February 24, 2011 

2011, Yahoo Finance,   / last accessed on February 24, 2011 

Label Drug Use Useless Costly
Pages: 10 Words: 3084

The structure of yetta is similar to that of GLP-1 and performs the same functions. oth promote decreased appetite (Wilson).
Dr. Wysham was an observer at a study conducted on 20 Rockwood diabetic patients who were taking conventional diabetic medication for their uncontrolled blood sugar (Wilson 2005). She was not informed about their glucose levels for several months after the tests began. About two-thirds of the respondents were given different injectible doses of yetta to incorporate into their medication plan, while the rest were given placebos. All of them were instructed and trained to do the injections at certain times twice daily for a month. Then they were subjected to a physical exam. Dr. Wysham closely monitored their liver, kidney, blood counts, and other functions. She observed that the patients consistently lose weight while taking yetta. The average respondent-patient lost 15 pounds in the duration of the study, 5 lost…...



Business Editors (2005). Understand the impact of regulatory reform and raised drug

Safety awareness on off-label drug use. 2 pages. Business Wire: Gale Group

2007). Januvia approved in the European Union for the treatment of type-2 diabetes. 4 pages.

2007). Late breaking data released at ADA showed that the investigational use of Januvia and Metformin as initial combination therapy provided significant glucose lowering efficacy over 54 weeks in patients with type 2 diabetes. 8

Labels a Method of Silencing
Pages: 6 Words: 1907

If the impact was the result of government collusion against Hatfill, then many might believe that actual freedom can only be guaranteed by forcing the press to reveal those sources, so that corruption could be eliminated from the government. However, Martin does not even mention arguments like those found above. Instead, she touts the ideals of the free press, without any mention of who the press is meant to serve, the people, and without any look into the history of journalistic freedom in the United States.

I. Introduction: Martin's fails to adequately support her thesis, which is that the courts are using a new method, financial compulsion, to silence and intimidate journalists.

Martin's describes Toni Locy's predicament.

1. Judge Reggie alton, the judge from the Scooter Libby trial, is presiding over Hatfill's lawsuit.

2. alton has held Locy in contempt for failing to divulge sources.

3. Hatfill's sued the government for linking him to…...


Works Cited

Miller, Judith. "Journalism on Trial." The Wall Street Journal 21 Feb. 2008: A16.

Labeling Theory and the Problem of Defining Hate Crime
Pages: 5 Words: 1370

My Views on Hate Crimes Although hate crime is often associated with some sort of violent crime motivated by a desire to hurt a group or person based on that group or person’s identity, Green, McFalls and Smith (2001) admit that hate crime is actually difficult “to define, measure and explain” (p. 479). The reason for the difficulty is that hate, in the obvious sense of a person persecuting another because the other person is different, is not always so explicitly manifested or expressed in the crime. In fact, it could be said that at some level hate is the motive behind all crime—hate for the state, hate for society, hate for the law, hate for one’s neighbor, hate for God, or even hate for one’s self. To make it even more complicated, Chakraborti and Garland (2009) argue that “hate crimes are not crimes in which the offender simply hates the victim, and in reality crimes do…...



Chakraborti, N., & Garland, J. (2009). Hate crime: Impact, causes and responses. Sage Publications.

Green, D. P., McFalls, L. H., & Smith, J. K. (2001). Hate crime: An emergent research agenda. Annual review of sociology, 27(1), 479-504.

Spruill, L. (2020). Warren family returns home few months after hate crime incident. Retrieved from 

How can I start my essay on Deviance?
Words: 340

Choosing how to start your essay on deviance depends on the type of essay you are writing and the type of coursework you are trying to complete.  Deviance is a broad topic that is covered in many of the soft sciences, including (but not limited to) sociology, psychology, and criminology.  It is also discussed in the humanities, particularly philosophy and history.  Therefore, we would probably begin the essay with two things: a definition of deviance and an explanation of how that definition fits into the context of the essay we are writing. 

Generally, deviance is a sociological concept....

I am doing MS in Clinical Psychology. I am searching for a good topic for my thesis. Can you suggest a good one?
Words: 469

While psychology refers to the study of the mind, clinical psychology specifically refers to that branch of the discipline that focuses on using psychology to create positive change, whether in individual lives or in the community as a whole.  There is a wide variety of topics you could approach in your thesis, depending on what topic interests you the most.  

Topic Ideas

  1. The diagnosis of mental disorders in children: how young is too young to diagnose and does a diagnosis turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy for young children?
  2. Diagnosing the non-patient: with many in the mental health fields....

I am struggling with an essay title on Scarlet Letter, can you assist?
Words: 161

Here are some good suggestions:

Scarlet Letter Essay Titles

  1. Puritanical Standards Undermine the Christian Principle of Charity in Hawthorne’s Scarlett Letter
  2. The Love-Child of Hester Prynne:  Writing Straight with Crooked Lines
  3. Hawthorne’s Scarlett Letter is a 19th Century Takedown of Cancel Culture
  4. Modern Day Cancel Culture Rejected by Hawthorne in The Scarlett Letter
  5. Labeling Theory as an Explanation for the Use of the “A” in The Scarlett Letter
  6. How the Two-Faced Puritanical Ideology of American Society is Reflected in Hawthorne’s Scarlett Letter
  7. Redemption through Repentance, Confession and Penance:  Salvation in The Scarlett Letter
  8. A Catholic Approach to Christianity Illuminates The Scarlett Letter
  9. Why The Scarlett Letter is the Great American....

Seeking guidance on crafting a debatable the stigma of mental health thesis statement. Tips?
Words: 423

## Crafting a Debatable Thesis Statement on Mental Health Stigma

1. Define Mental Health Stigma:

Establish a clear understanding of mental health stigma as a social phenomenon that involves societal attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that negatively impact individuals with mental health conditions.

2. Identify the Key Aspects:

Consider various dimensions of stigma, such as:

Public Stigma: Negative attitudes and perceptions held by the general public.
Self-Stigma: Internalized negative beliefs by individuals with mental health conditions.
Structural Stigma: Institutional barriers and discrimination faced by individuals with mental health conditions.

3. Establish a Debatable Claim:

Formulate a thesis statement that presents a debatable position on mental health stigma.....

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