Law Ethics Essays (Examples)

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usiness Law Ethics
Ethics in Action

Common Characteristics of Poor Decision Making

In order to make ethically sound decisions, it is necessary to acquire and secure all the pertinent facts; therefore, one of the most common characteristics of a poorly made decision is the lack of necessary and relevant facts. Entering the decision making process with favor and bias toward a particular outcome is an additional trait of a decision that is poorly made (Mallor et al., 2009, p. 105). Seeking and hearing only facts that support the favored option, and averting the possibility of inconveniencing others to secure relevant and unbiased factual information is the mark of a lazy and unmotivated decision maker. A decision maker that is not thorough and persistent is not a good decision maker.

ecause of the level of diversity in the workplace and the necessity to take into consideration all the stakeholders, evidence of a poor, potentially unethical….

Pharmaceutical drugs are among the most expensive products to produce globally and as a result have a major impact on the profitability of these firms. Without accurate financial reporting of these costs many investors have no idea of whether the companies are doing as well as they report they are.
The second most troubling issue that is impacting the community and the pharmaceutical industry is the lack of credibility of scientific research and its implications on the new drug development and marketing strategies of pharmaceutical firms (Verschoor, 2006). This continues to be a major concern specifically for government regulators who have seen pharmaceutical industry spend up to $5.5B a year to promote drugs to physicians, often citing inaccurate or falsified research (Verschoor, 2006). Not only does this impact the physician's credibility if the drugs do not perform, it also harms the patient.

The third major issue is the lack of audit….

Ethics of Film Production

Ethics of Film Production
It goes without saying that film producers owe a certain level of responsibility to not only those being filmed but also to the audience. During production, a number of key considerations should ideally be taken into account in regard to how the film will impact on those who happen to be part of it i.e. during its production, those who will view it on release as well as any other pre and post production stakeholders. Hence during filmmaking, producers owe all these constituencies a responsibility. In this text, I concern myself with the ethics of film production. In so doing, I will also shine a spotlight on both copyright and legal issues.

Ethics of Film Production

According to Barbash and Taylor, "ethical issues are rarely discussed in film production manuals" (48). This in the authors' opinion is largely as a result of the discomfort ethical issues occasion on most….

Ethics Law

Legal Ethics Surrounding the Love Canal Tragedy
Love Canal Law/Ethics

In 1979, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) filed a lawsuit against Hooker Chemical Company and its parent corporation, Occidental Petroleum (EPA, 1979). The Department of Justice (DOJ), acting on behalf of the EPA, charged these corporations with creating an imminent and substantial danger to health and the environment, by violating the esource Conservation and ecovery Act, Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, efuse Act, and the common law of nuisance. In 1995, 16 years after the suit was filed, Occidental agreed to pay the requested amount for cleanup and resident relocation costs (DOJ, 1995).

Congress reacted to the environmental and health disaster by enacting Superfund legislation, which contained a provision making polluters retroactively liable. However, the concept of retroactive liability has been a source of controversy for legal and ethical reasons. This essay will examine the legal/ethical issues of responsible party….

Government Ethics

Criminal justice is an inherently ethical profession. The judiciary ostensibly crafts laws that reflect the ethical sensibilities and social norms of the society, which are often embedded in the American Constitution. The role of the criminal justice system is to ensure that local, state, and federal laws are applied and enforced in a manner consistent with constitutional and regional codes. Issues like the equal protection clause are also ethical matters. The core objective of the criminal justice system is built on ethical responsibility: the ethical responsibility of the system to its main stakeholders, which is the American people.

However, there are also ancillary ethical issues associated with criminal justice that are not codified. Such issues are often linked with ambiguities and philosophical complexities. Applying criminal justice ethics entails sensitivity and awareness to prevailing political and social climates. Among the most pressing ethical issues in criminal justice include those related to race….

Ethics: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
The main thrust of the readings

The readings focus on the U.S. statutes prohibiting U.S. companies, citizens, and employees from issuing any valuable thing to foreign government executives for securing business benefits. The underlying thrust of the readings is twofold: first, that corruption must be deterred and second that government officials must promote economic relationships between their companies and foreign firms through the promotion of ethical foreign investment.

The rigid enactment of the FCPA has placed these two thrusts in a state of tension. Law enforcers and courts could interpret the readings broadly. For instance, any valuable thing includes not just payments in cash but also meals, gifts, entertainment and drinks. This element is not associated with any de minimis value and makes companies uncertain when they are expected to comply with the FCPA. From the readings, the FCPA has been enforced and institutes criminal fines of about….

Ethics and the Law

Ethics and the Law
It is morally acceptable for the law to require people to do things for their own self-development?

"Political theory is a branch of moral philosophy, which starts from the discovery, or application, of moral notions in the sphere of political relations." This statement, indicated in the literary work, "Two concepts of Liberty," summarizes my personal views on law and self-development. I believe it is morally acceptable to require people to do things for their own self development. Aspects such as making children attend school, requiring high schools to offer basic curriculum courses, or requiring systemically viable institutions to be certified, I believe, all are morally acceptable laws. Although society overall benefits from the self-development of its own constituents, the world benefits as a more educated population continues to drive economic prosperity (Berlin, 2000).

Few would argue over the merits of self-development and its obvious advantages. However many believe that….

These automakers must adhere to the regulations and hiring practices of the U.S., and pay the prevailing wage to attract qualified workers (Freeman). If foreign automakers must adhere to the nation's regulations regarding employment, it seems fair that U.S. companies doing business in other countries should adhere to their hiring practices, as well, but only if they are close to the prevailing wages and regulations in the U.S. United States companies hold themselves in high regard around the world, and because of this, they should make the ethical decision and treat their foreign workers just as they treat any other workers in the U.S. We set high standards for our employees and our products, and to retain good will and our good reputation, it is the right and ethical choice to make.

Freeman, Sholnn. "Foreign Automakers in the U.S." 21 Aug. 2006. 23 Jan 2007.

Poznak, J.L. "Approaches to….

Deontological theory might criticize Guido's choice if the initial assumptions included the rule prohibiting lying. However, deontological analysis is only as useful as the underlying rules with respect to which it is applied. Therefore, the solution to the deontological issues raised by the issue presented by the movie is simply to reformulate a less restrictive rule that is incapable of being applied to every situation. Instead of proposing the rule that prohibits lying, the better rule might be to prohibit only lying for immoral purposes.

In fact, the blind adherence to rules under deontological principles often produces distinctly immoral results: it is difficult to imagine the moral purpose of informing a dying patient that a loved one was also killed in the same accident; nor is there a moral purpose for informing a child who is to young to understand the concept that he was adopted. In Guido's case, the sole….

Ethics Leadership Analysis
One of the biggest advantages of globalization is that many different companies are able to receive cheap labor to produce a wide variety of products that are sold at numerous retail stores in the United States. However, an ugly facet to what has been happening, is that there are a number of different sweat shops in a host of regions around the world and in some cases within the U.S. itself. Evidence of this can be seen with an investigation that was conducted by the Department of Labor. They found that over half of the companies they were looking at, were breaking numerous labor laws by operating 10,000 of these kinds of facilities illegally inside the nation. At the same time, they discovered that a variety of governments around the world were encouraging these kinds of factories. (Elliot, 2009)

In the case of Kathie Lee Gifford, her clothing line….

Ethics are often stronger than the laws of the land. Laws are cobbled together by special interests and have little to do with right and wrong, or personal ethical codes. For most people, their own personal codes of ethics will be stronger than the laws. People are much less likely to violate their own personal ethical codes than the laws.
Morals are codes of conduct put forward by a society, often within the context of a cultural or social group. Ethics are, following the Aristotelian tradition, a general guide to behavior that an individual adopts as his own guide to life (Gert, 2011). The relationship between the two is self-evident: while ethics are individual they are often strongly influenced by society's moral context.

Kohlberg (1971) outlined morals are being pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional. Pre-conventional morals are in the obedience and punishment orientation and the self-interest orientation. Like when you learn that killing….

The utilitarian perspective focuses on the broad impacts of the actions, rather than just how the actions affect specific individuals (Andre & Velasquez, 2010). From the utilitarian perspective, genetic testing has the potential to do great harm to many, and to benefit many. The utilitarian arithmetic points out that the benefits to the companies in utilizing genetic testing is that profits increase. The argument can also be made that wealthier companies provide more jobs and wealthier insurance companies are better able to pay out to those who do receive payments. The counter to the former point is that this employment is theoretical -- not only may it not occur, but it may not occur in the United States. The counter to the latter is that insurance is largely price inelastic, so there is no improvement in coverage likely from handing more profits to insurance companies.
On the harm side, many….

107) could also apply here. The confidentiality clause in such a case then only applies insofar as it is estimated that there is no need to disclose confidential information to others. In the case of Mrs. Z, her family deserves to know about her situation, because it affects their lives pertinently.
Because of the increasing cultural diversity throughout the world, cultural values also play an important part in making ethical decisions in the nursing profession. In the case of Mrs. Z, for example, she appears to have no powers of decision making either in her home or in society in general. Inside the home, her mother-in-law runs the household, while her husband is in charge of important decisions. This could have a significant influence upon her decision not to disclose her condition to her family.

According to Karahanne, Evaristo and Srite (2006, p. 34), for example, also note that cultures seldom….


The ethics of the design research demands that 'the research is valid and that threats to validity have been taken into account', and reporting has been accurate and sufficient details have been listed and supplemented for the clarity and appropriate interpretation of the research content, furthermore 'in qualitative research, it is important to be particularly careful about how to choose direct quotations from the data in the research, and ensure that they are representative' (Ian, 2003).

Many professional associations, government agencies, and universities have developed, adopted and practiced specific codes, rules, and policies relating to research ethics i.e. East Carolina University, National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have developed their own ethical rules related to the design research. Some of the influential ethical policies on design research includes, 'the Uniform equirements (International Committee of….


According to the dictionary definition, ethics refer to the "set of principles of right conduct, or more specifically, "the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession." Ethics and morals are closely related, but ethics is the term more commonly used in the professional realm, whereas morals generally refer to guidelines for personal behavior. Both ethics and morals are reflections of beliefs and values, which are held by individuals and collectively, by whole societies. The development of ethics therefore stems from social and cultural factors as well as from personal ones. However, a few ethical codes are nearly universal. Ethics are complex; in the business realm they may vary widely from sector to sector. No organization is completely immune to ethics, even if the organization has no formal ethical code. Professional decisions are made with regard to personal ethics or to the formal….

2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Business Law Ethics in Action Common Characteristics

Words: 727
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

usiness Law Ethics Ethics in Action Common Characteristics of Poor Decision Making In order to make ethically sound decisions, it is necessary to acquire and secure all the pertinent facts; therefore, one…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethics Business Ethics the Foundation

Words: 535
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Pharmaceutical drugs are among the most expensive products to produce globally and as a result have a major impact on the profitability of these firms. Without accurate financial…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Ethics of Film Production

Words: 1008
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ethics of Film Production It goes without saying that film producers owe a certain level of responsibility to not only those being filmed but also to the audience. During production,…

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2 Pages

Business - Law

Ethics Law

Words: 685
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Legal Ethics Surrounding the Love Canal Tragedy Love Canal Law/Ethics In 1979, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) filed a lawsuit against Hooker Chemical Company and its parent corporation, Occidental Petroleum…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Government Ethics

Words: 1944
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ethics Criminal justice is an inherently ethical profession. The judiciary ostensibly crafts laws that reflect the ethical sensibilities and social norms of the society, which are often embedded in the…

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3 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethics Foreign Corrupt Practices Act the Main

Words: 948
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act The main thrust of the readings The readings focus on the U.S. statutes prohibiting U.S. companies, citizens, and employees from issuing any valuable thing to foreign…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Ethics and the Law

Words: 1433
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ethics and the Law It is morally acceptable for the law to require people to do things for their own self-development? "Political theory is a branch of moral philosophy, which starts…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethics and Foreign Workers Ethics

Words: 373
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These automakers must adhere to the regulations and hiring practices of the U.S., and pay the prevailing wage to attract qualified workers (Freeman). If foreign automakers must adhere…

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4 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethics - Moral Theory Ethics

Words: 1154
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Deontological theory might criticize Guido's choice if the initial assumptions included the rule prohibiting lying. However, deontological analysis is only as useful as the underlying rules with respect to…

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10 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethics Leadership Analysis One of the Biggest

Words: 3281
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics Leadership Analysis One of the biggest advantages of globalization is that many different companies are able to receive cheap labor to produce a wide variety of products that are…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethics Are Often Stronger Than the Laws

Words: 889
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics are often stronger than the laws of the land. Laws are cobbled together by special interests and have little to do with right and wrong, or personal ethical…

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4 Pages
Article Review

Business - Ethics

Ethics as With Darwin's Theory

Words: 1281
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

The utilitarian perspective focuses on the broad impacts of the actions, rather than just how the actions affect specific individuals (Andre & Velasquez, 2010). From the utilitarian perspective,…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethics the Nursing Profession Perhaps

Words: 3034
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

107) could also apply here. The confidentiality clause in such a case then only applies insofar as it is estimated that there is no need to disclose confidential…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics


Words: 1440
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The ethics of the design research demands that 'the research is valid and that threats to validity have been taken into account', and reporting has been accurate and sufficient…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics


Words: 1300
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ethics According to the dictionary definition, ethics refer to the "set of principles of right conduct, or more specifically, "the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or…

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