Lead Poisoning Essays (Examples)

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e., irritability, dizziness, stomach pains, constipation, vomiting, muscle weakness, and lack of appetite) (Kessel & O'Connor, 1997).
The results of a study by Dolinoy and her colleagues notes that healthcare professionals have long recognized the threats represented by severe lead poisoning; however, since the late 1970s, there has been a growing body of research that indicates that lead also causes asymptomatic effects at levels far below thresholds previously considered safe. According to this authors, "The adverse effects of lead, including learning and behavioral disorders (e.g., attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), hearing impairment, decreased intelligence quotient, and decreased attention span, are particularly harmful in children and often become apparent during puberty -- long after exposure has caused irreversible impacts" (Dolinoy et al., 2002, p. 947). In response, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have incrementally lowered the threshold for lead levels regarded as dangerous in children by fully….

Wal Mart and Target

Abstract Lead is a naturally occurring element that has been used by humankind for millennia, but a growing body of evidence confirms its serious toxicity for virtually all bodily systems. This paper reviews and discusses the relevant peer-reviewed and academic literature concerning lead exposure and poisoning and to determine their effects children’s academic performance. In addition, a discussion concerning the implications of the adverse effect of lead exposure and poisoning on children’s performance at school is followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues in the conclusion.
The Effect of Lead Poisoning on Children's Performance at School
Although it is a preventable disease, lead exposure in general and lead poisoning among children in particular remains a serious problem in the United States today. Lead poisoning is caused by the consumption of lead in some form including dust particles and lead-based paint chips (Lead poisoning still leads in environmental….

Lead Paint Screening egulations in California
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention (105275-105310)

Agency esponsible

The agency responsible for giving guidelines is the United States Center for Disease Control. The Department of Health is further responsible for enforcing this law.

Incentives and Enforcement

This regulation gives several incentives and enforcements that encourage compliance among healthcare givers and parents. The regulation gives a framework of case management to encourage parents to comply with the screening regulation. This involves referrals to health facilities, educational activities and environmental assessments. This encourages parents to consent to the screening of their children. They are aware that any poisoning that may be identified during the screening process will be referred to appropriate health care. The assurance is a greater incentive for parents to take their children for the screening and hence comply with this regulation (Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Act of 1991).

Another significant incentive in the regulation is the state reimbursement of the….

Poisoning Our Planet if it

From the point-of-view of the variation and flexibility of the species such cultivated woody crops rank as no more than cornfields. While the tree farms are conveniently be stretched on the private lands, national forests those are considered priceless reservoirs of most of the biological diversity of the nation cannot expand so easily. The commercial logging is considered as the greatest danger for survival of the national forest system. The timber sales are growingly concealed beneath the post fire recovery and fire prevention missions, forest health initiatives and restoration programs. (Endangered Forests: Endangered Freedoms)
Wetlands disappearing

Declining wetlands and reservoir construction are having spectacular influences on a global scale. (the Importance of Wetlands and the Impacts of eservoir Development) the data of USF & WS reveals that the United States added 2.3 million acres in ponds and inland mudflats during the period of mid 1950s and mid1970s. The country added about….

Abstract Around the World and in the United States, actions have been taken to reduce, control and clean up the volume of Lead so that to prevent Lead-related illnesses among humans. Lead exposure is seen to affect a child’s development process and some behavioral aspects. The study seeks to determine the effect of indoor Lead exposure to children under the age of 12 years. This study undertakes a secondary desk-review research methodology to obtain knowledge from previous researches.
The study establishes that children are exposed to Lead through consumption of water at homestead or/and at the school where the drinking water is distributed through old Lead plumbing components. The reviewed literature also establishes that children under the age of 6 years exhibited a higher Blood Lead Level (BLL) compared to those above six years. Therefore children under 6 years are more susceptible to health effects than those above 6 years.
Health Effects of….

Leaching Lead from Pipes

Lead in Flint WaterIntroductionLead is a heavy metal that can be found in a variety of settings, from old paint to drinking water. Although it is no longer used in products like paint and gasoline, lead exposure is still a major public health concern, as it can lead to serious health problems, including cancer. Studies have shown that lead exposure can increase the risk of several types of cancer, including brain cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer. In addition, lead exposure has been linked to an increased risk of thyroid cancer and leukemia. Exposure to lead can also cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure and kidney damage. Consequently, it is important to take steps to avoid exposure to lead, especially if you are pregnant or have young children. This paper will discuss the carcinogen lead with respect to the Flint water crisis. Flint, Michigan made national headlines….

United States entry into world war.
Taking nations from more than half the globe as partakers and victims, the first war broke out, 1914-1918, and that is known as World War 1 or the First World War. Until the World War II broke out, it was widely known as the war which had broken out which had the capacity to put an end to all wars, and commonly it was known as The Great War. In fact multiple factors produced the First World War. An International anarchy was seen all over Europe. On the eve of the World War I there were 25 sovereign states in Europe, each desiring to act on its own individual conscience. None of them was ready to submit to the interference or will of the other, as each of them held its pride high, thinking if they accepted the advice of any other state, their….

Products Liability esearch:
Mattel Inc. is a company that was founded in 1944 by Elliot and uth Handler that designs, manufactures, and markets a huge range of toy products. The firm is headquartered in California with its core product lines including Hot Wheels die-cast vehicles, Barbie fashion dolls, Disney toys, Fisher-Price preschool toys, and games like Scrabble. While Mattel also manufactures its toy products based on license agreements with movie makers, most of its toys are produced outside its huge market in the United States i.e. Southeast Asia. Actually, the firm's principal manufacturing facilities are located in several countries in Southeast Asia like Malaysia, China, Thailand, Indonesia, and even Mexico. Since its inception, the company has continued to experience significant growth that enables it to generate huge revenues. By 2007, its revenues had grown to $5.97 billion with its three largest customers accounting for 41% of sales across the globe. However,….

Hillary vs Obama - Which

barrackobama.com) are the links to "Home," "Learn," "Issues," "Get Involved," "Blog," "Newsroom" and "Donate." Across the top of Clinton's eb site (www.hillaryclinton.com) she offers links to "Home," "Hillary," "Take Action," "Newsroom," "Blog," "Video" and "Contribute."
In terms of substance put forward on health care and other national issues, Obama wins hands down on his eb pages. In Obama's "Issues" pull-down, he offers 11 links to issues that he has taken a stand on. One of them is "Healthcare System That orks." In that link Obama addresses AIDS, "Medical Information Technology," hospital "report cards," "Genetic Medicine," and "Protecting Children from Lead Poisoning." There is nothing specific about universal health care in Obama's site, but again, there are several issues represented.

In Clinton's site, there is no specific place to go to see how the senator feels about specific issues; there are several press releases offered, including one that announces a "Better Health Care….

Finally, for the purposes of this research proposal we will refer to a third study that suggests education could be at the heart of reducing juvenile delinquency statistics but the conditions in which the child is raised impacts their ability to choose between right and wrong (Hindelang, 1981).

Method and design

The goal of this study is to add to the literature that demonstrates that there is a correlation between poverty and juvenile delinquency. This researcher will begin by reviewing the available statistics provided by the state judicial system related specifically to the number of juveniles currently incarcerated at state facilities as well as the youths' offenses. Once this information has been compiled the next step will be to chart the level of income brought in by the adults within each home as well as to determine if the families live rely on welfare or government assistance for their daily subsistence.

Finally, a….

" (Seitles, 1996)
Seitles claims that integration has been a success in the fight against racial prejudice and states that: "Social consequences of racial isolation intertwine with grim economic realities for minorities. Due to the lack of interaction between racial groups, African-Americans are unprepared to work and socialize in a white majority society, while conversely, whites are not relating to, working with, or living with blacks. Prospects for African-American children raised in such communities are greatly diminished because of the lack of interaction between blacks and whites. Moreover, minority possibilities for advancement consequently decline from the lower quality of education afforded to them in ghetto schools, precluding them from competing for high-income employment. Although these inequalities are not always directly caused by intentional discrimination, residential racial segregation perpetuates these inequalities. Thus, minorities who live in racially homogeneous communities are faced with disadvantages beyond the present economic and social inequalities associated with….

The National Park Service (NPS, 2008) explains that "Numerous scientific studies have reached a consensus: lead poisoning is the biggest threat facing the successful recovery of the California condor." The NPS asserts that "More than 500 scientific studies published since 1898 have documented that worldwide, 134 species of wildlife are negatively affected by lead," including condors.
Meanwhile, the leadership of the NRA -- an organization that indeed does a lot of good, and has millions of responsible hunters as members -- has attacked the science regarding lead poisoning and has taken the position that the law in California calling for non-lead ammunition in condor habitat areas is really an attempt to "ban firearms." That is ridiculous. This has always been the NRA mantra when gun safety advocates try to pass legislation: they're trying to take NRA members' guns away. This is a patently absurd but powerful piece of propaganda. As….

Nature of Cognition
Ever since Simon and inet developed the first intelligence test in 1905, the field of psychology has maintained a strong interest in the nature of intelligence. How do we think? Why are some people better problem solvers than others? What is cognition, the ability to think about our environment? Why are some people consistently more able to use their brains to think, to remember, and to problem-solve than others?

The first IQ tests were devised to determine which children were mentally retarded. These children were pulled away from mainstream education. However, the tests did an effective job of predicting school success for all students, and their use was broadened (Sternberg, 1999). Multiple tests were developed to measure cognition, which might be defined as the ability to think abstractly. Markman (2001) described it in this way:

Cognition depends on the ability to imagine or represent objects and events that are not….

Flint water crisis

The Flint, Michigan water crisis has become a poster child for environmental injustice, environmental racism, and inequitable resource distribution in the United States. It has also represented a case of bleak mismanagement of precious natural resources and the inability of the United States to adequately respond to the most basic human needs. The water crisis was but a grim manifestation of decades of racist land use policies and political realities, which can be traced back to periods of segregation and the white flight to the suburban sprawl. Moreover, the Flint water crisis showcases the role government plays in colluding with polluters, with issues related to the not in my back yard (NIMBY) phenomenon also relevant in this case. As Bell (2012:28) points out, “environmental justice...concerns patterns of inequality in the distribution of environmental goods.” Flint residents lacked access to environmental “goods,” such as clean drinking water given the long-term contamination….

Pissarro took a special interest in his attempts at painting, emphasizing that he should 'look for the nature that suits your temperament', and in 1876 Gauguin had a landscape in the style of Pissarro accepted at the Salon. In the meantime Pissarro had introduced him to Cezanne, for whose works he conceived a great respect-so much so that the older man began to fear that he would steal his 'sensations'. All three worked together for some time at Pontoise, where Pissarro and Gauguin drew pencil sketches of each other (Cabinet des Dessins, Louvre).
Gauguin settled for a while in ouen, painting every day after the bank he worked at closed.

Ultimately, he returned to Paris, painting in Pont-Aven, a well-known resort for artists.

X...for pic

Le Christ Jaune (the Yellow Christ) (Pioch, 2002) Still Life with Three Puppies 1888 (Pioch, 2002)

In "Sunny side down; Van Gogh and Gauguin," Martin Gayford (2006) asserts differences….

Impact of Social Determinants on the Health of Indigenous Peoples in Canada
Social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age. These determinants have a profound impact on the health and well-being of all Canadians, but they disproportionately affect Indigenous peoples.
Income and Poverty
Indigenous peoples in Canada have significantly lower incomes than non-Indigenous Canadians. This economic inequality is a major contributor to poor health outcomes. Poverty can lead to food insecurity, inadequate housing, and lack of access to healthcare. It can also increase the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

10 Pages
Term Paper


Lead Poisoning the History and

Words: 3366
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

e., irritability, dizziness, stomach pains, constipation, vomiting, muscle weakness, and lack of appetite) (Kessel & O'Connor, 1997). The results of a study by Dolinoy and her colleagues notes that healthcare…

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11 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Special Education

Wal Mart and Target

Words: 2789
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Abstract Lead is a naturally occurring element that has been used by humankind for millennia, but a growing body of evidence confirms its serious toxicity for virtually all bodily systems.…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Environmental Science

Lead Poisoning and Children

Words: 797
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Lead Paint Screening egulations in California Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention (105275-105310) Agency esponsible The agency responsible for giving guidelines is the United States Center for Disease Control. The Department of Health is…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Poisoning Our Planet if it

Words: 8834
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

From the point-of-view of the variation and flexibility of the species such cultivated woody crops rank as no more than cornfields. While the tree farms are conveniently be…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Safety

Effects of Lead Exposures among Children under 12 Years of age

Words: 2312
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Abstract Around the World and in the United States, actions have been taken to reduce, control and clean up the volume of Lead so that to prevent Lead-related illnesses among…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Leaching Lead from Pipes

Words: 942
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Lead in Flint WaterIntroductionLead is a heavy metal that can be found in a variety of settings, from old paint to drinking water. Although it is no longer used…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

What Led to the US Entry to World War 1

Words: 1876
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

United States entry into world war. Taking nations from more than half the globe as partakers and victims, the first war broke out, 1914-1918, and that is known as…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

Products Liability Research Mattel Inc Is a

Words: 2004
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Products Liability esearch: Mattel Inc. is a company that was founded in 1944 by Elliot and uth Handler that designs, manufactures, and markets a huge range of toy products. The…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Hillary vs Obama - Which

Words: 1462
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

barrackobama.com) are the links to "Home," "Learn," "Issues," "Get Involved," "Blog," "Newsroom" and "Donate." Across the top of Clinton's eb site (www.hillaryclinton.com) she offers links to "Home," "Hillary," "Take…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Juvenile Delinquency the Phenomenon of

Words: 538
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Finally, for the purposes of this research proposal we will refer to a third study that suggests education could be at the heart of reducing juvenile delinquency statistics but…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

African-American Housing Chicago Study Chicago

Words: 2715
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" (Seitles, 1996) Seitles claims that integration has been a success in the fight against racial prejudice and states that: "Social consequences of racial isolation intertwine with grim economic realities…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


NRA Uses Propaganda to Promote

Words: 851
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The National Park Service (NPS, 2008) explains that "Numerous scientific studies have reached a consensus: lead poisoning is the biggest threat facing the successful recovery of the California…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Individual Differences in Mental Abilities Cognition

Words: 2720
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nature of Cognition Ever since Simon and inet developed the first intelligence test in 1905, the field of psychology has maintained a strong interest in the nature of intelligence. How…

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6 Pages


Flint water crisis

Words: 1701
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

The Flint, Michigan water crisis has become a poster child for environmental injustice, environmental racism, and inequitable resource distribution in the United States. It has also represented a case…

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50 Pages
Research Proposal

Art  (general)

Paintings Colors and Self-Portrait Introduction

Words: 14235
Length: 50 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Pissarro took a special interest in his attempts at painting, emphasizing that he should 'look for the nature that suits your temperament', and in 1876 Gauguin had a…

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